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The Hanukkah Show

Perry’s old assistant Burt Ward swings by to help the guys celebrate Hanukkah.

At the top of the show, Mole and Perry are laughing at Don after he accidentally walked into a sliding glass door. Don talks about the continuing Dameshek crisis and explains the need for advertising on the program. Mole comes up with a couple clever advertising ideas, and Don tells Perry to watch his language.

Since the show is being recorded on the third night of Hanukkah, Don and Mole announce the official Hanukkah Toy Drive. Perry, however, doesn’t believe in the holiday, and insists his debt is too high for him to buy any gifts for anybody. John Quincy Adams comes on the line, and the guys tell Jewish jokes and light a menorah. Also in studio is Perry’s old assistant Burt Ward, and the group plays dreidel with Saul Steinbergowitz Greenbaum.

Perry keeps complaining that he doesn’t feel good, and wants to leave early. Mole tries to figure out his symptoms, which escalates to Perry getting hysterical while Burt tries to calm him down with a massage. The guys then attempt do a special Hanukkah edition of Mole Play, and Perry struggles to get through Perry’s Corner.

Keep tuning in, and be sure to check out Don Barris at the Comedy Store, now performing every night.

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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

This Post Has 31 Comments

  1. Jack


  2. Harry Linklater

    Almost every picture features Perry holding a package of sausages. He must really like sausages, as well as packages.

    1. Harry Linklater

      Why does my avatar look like a gay blue devil heart with a rat’s tail?

  3. Cock

    I had sex with all your mothers!

  4. Hiroshima Nagisaki

    Please come to Seattle on tour. I’m a HUGE fan of the Biiiiiiiiiig Three! Can you bring Terrifying Tim instead of the other guy?

  5. Sandy Gallagher

    That’s a lot of booze…

  6. Bronson

    Can Don make some of his famous balloon art in the next show?

  7. Joel

    So for the 10 bucks, is that a shout out for a friend or maybe for like 25 bucks we can get a shout out for a website or something ?
    What do you say ?

  8. Joel

    Or maybe 50 or something, c’mon guys, lets make a deal !

  9. Potential Sponsor

    How much money would I have to pay to give/get a Randy Callahan from Terrifying Tim?

  10. Rolo Tomassi

    Are the next episodes going to be recorded at Perry’s apartment?

  11. Important Sponsor

    I’m willing to sponsor the show with $50,000 per episode, but only if you replace Scary Perry with Terrifying Tim. If not, I’ll take my important business to the Dave Dameshek show. We here at Tampon Land cannot and will not contribute money to any show involving the extremely unprofessional Scary Perry.

  12. Sam

    Best one yet. Hilarious!

  13. GT-Zero

    Perhaps the Big Three should invite some guests – perhaps Andy Dick again, or Jimmy Kimmel, the Shekster, etc. Lately, too much of the shows have been focused on getting Perry to behave (not walk off the podcast, not sue people, not be derogatory). Perry’s been a bit of a drag for the show. A guest would be nice so that less focus is spent on Perry’s unprofessionalism.

    However, I find Perry’s homophobia to be the funniest part of the shows – ironic considering Perry’s erotic gay history. It’s funny to hear how uptight he gets around men. For example when men (Andy Dick, Burt Ward) touch Perry, he starts freaking out and screaming like a girl. He pretends that he’s a devote Witness, and that homosexuality is against his beliefs but he needs free himself and come out of the closet. It’s okay for him to admit that he gets a raging hard-on around men.

    Were the Polish sausages supposed to help Perry come out of the closet? Did he suck on them or did he just stroke them?

    1. Dr. Crawford

      Agreed! Andy Dick was the best episode. I loved the first few episodes, but it’s been getting stale.

  14. Raul Ibanez Rodriguez Hernadez Alvarez

    No mention of Randy Callahan this week? That is very unprofessional, Perry. I’m gonna need you to mention it at least 7 times next week to make up for it.

  15. slutty AC Green

    I’ll pay you guys to keep this shitty show of the network and to make more Daves of Thunder.

  16. cheflarz

    Barris is lame. Tony/Mole should have his own show. Perry needs to… He’s lucky to get sausages.

  17. As the President of Hollywood, I deem this podcast worthy of advertising by all Hollywood movies. Hollywood movies, you should invest between $100,000 and $10 million in this notable podcast. Please do so immediately.

    As always, please remember that my office must approve all advertising messages. Thank you.

  18. koko

    another brilliant Mole Play!

    interesting that Perry allowed Burt to give him a massage and then protected him when Don tried to burn his hand. i think Perry might have a thing for Burt.

    “are we starting? is the show starting?…”

  19. Kyle

    They need to keep this show around.

  20. theFFSC


  21. Daniel

    How the hell did you pole smokers get a show on the ACE network – I hope they boot you back to the soup kitchen you crawled out of.

  22. Yabels

    Long live the Big Three!!! OH OH OHHHHH!

  23. Jerry Schlezinger

    I always knew Perry was a closet Jew.

  24. Mumbles Slam

    I like the way Perry handles those sausages. Decades of sausage-handling experience right there…

  25. Right now I’m really sick and don’t know how I’m gonna do this Friday…

  26. koko



  27. Jocko Johnson

    F Terrifying TIm – Perry will kick his ass or blow him…. or both

    1. Perry is Unprofessional

      F Terrifying Tim? F you, buddy! Terrifying Tim is God’s gift to entertainment. He has more talent in his pinky than Perry has in his whole fat, greasy, hairy, smelly, disgusting body.

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