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Best Of “Mole Play”

Perry had his broken neck operated on and has to take a couple of weeks off, so we’ve taped a couple “Best Of …” shows to tide everyone over, this show has nothing but clips from past episode’s of “Mole Play”.

Show Summary

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Join the interaction on the social networks with the Big 3 by following them on Facebook and on twitter … Oh, if you haven’t seen it as of yet get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

Want More Big3 Check Out


Podcast Promo Clip


Show Credits

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Carmello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Eric Marino
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Richard Heene

    Thank you Maryjane Green!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

    Also thank you Don, Mole, Eric Marino, Jordan Miller and Perry Carmello for your contributions to the podcast.

  2. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Lateness understandable, probably due to Don’s being busy w/ Amoeba Music Auction. I hope it went well.
    This episode is much more than “Best of Mole Play”, the preshow chat & interstitials are always appreciated, a real inside look -but without a colonoscope!
    Wonder if there will be more ‘in hospital’ clips. Maybe they’ll catch him in flagrante delicto this time…
    Of course, any historic Simply Don: The Public Access Program audio clips would be great.

    1. Demetri

      Don’t expect any new material from the hospital. Don said on Facebook that Perry had two guards posted outside his hospital room with instructions not to allow Don or Mole to enter, most likely because of the threat of Nucka Nation.

  3. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    Please do a “Best of the $10 Shout Outs” show next time Big 3!

  4. Alex

    With the way things are going I hope the podcast isn’t just going to end. I understand Don’s frustration but we need some sort of closure to all of this. Something epic (sorry for using that overused word but it’s true).

  5. RC

    I think that the podcast will keep going for a long time. I think that each member of the Big 3 want to keep this going and that they will be able to get some sponsors.

    Keep up the good work, Don!

    We all genuinely appreciate it.

  6. tunarallys

    I wanted to address the last episode, I am worried like Alex ^, I wake up pissed, that Mr. Karamelo didn’t want to burry the hatchet with RUKA instead he acted unprofessional like always .. I know Mr. Guido Italiano is probably worried for his Aid treatment, but camman man, THE TIME IS NOW For Ferry to get his act together.. I’m pissed writing this.. fuck it.
    Timpurpedic come back

  7. BroadShoulders

    Perry F. Karamello is certainly the most unprofessional broken-necked podcaster on the airwaves today. I heard a story that Ruka Ruka Ali had a broken neck back in ’02, and did he go in for like 50,000 surgeries? HELL NO! He walked it off: like a man. Perry should take some cues from this mature, brilliant MC. Next time I need some rhymes I’m paying Ruka $500 instead of Salvador.

  8. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    So Perry told his folks about Randy?
    30 year old Perry: “Dad, I was molested.”
    “Oh God! When?”
    “Last week.”

    That is fantastic.

  9. Harry Benson

    Best best of show yet Don, Mole and Maryjane.

    Did i hear Perre say he was going to ‘come out’ after the hospital?
    Looking forward to the next episode as always.

    Harold Benson

  10. mr fister

    @Tom i feel sorry for perry it’s not hes fault hes born italian

  11. Jim Givitis

    SO fuckin’ funny. Best “Best Of” show I’ve ever heard, of any show. Thanks for the new content too. You guys are the best. Why no Terrifying Tim episode while Perry’s laid up?

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