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Back In The Stu-Stu-Studio

The Big 3 comes back to the Simply Don – The Podcasts Network Studios after Perry took some time to goof around getting a neck operation. The guys get caught up with all the $10 Shout-Outs while Perry steals money from a dead child by eating an entire pie.

Show Summary

The guys start out the podcast by wrapping up everything about Perry’s “Broken Neck Ordeal”, that leads to everyone talking about who their favorite band is.  Then after not having a podcast where the Big 3 replied to the people that wrote us asked for a $10 Shout-Out

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here.

Want More Big 3 Check Out

Podcast Promo Clip

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Katie Manzella
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    Biiiig 3 4-LIFE!!

  2. barry


  3. Dean cherry

    So glad to see things getting back on track. Bigggg Threrr!

  4. Musgrave322

    Ruckas Nuckas are still gonna beat Perry Karamellow’s ass!!! We all know Perry’s favorite TV Show is MLP FIM and watches it with Randy Callahan!!!

  5. al jolson

    as president of american car manufacturers, i am sad to say it has come to my attention that mr. karamello will only drive toyotas. we had planned to sponsor your show and provide each cast member with a new chevy tahoe to drive. if you would mr barris, please provide me contact iformation for perpedic industries as we would like to recognize his courage and generosity with sponsorship of his endeavors, also what color tahoe would he like? thanks mole for driving a vintage amercian product and thank you don for the many used american vehicles you have driven and promoted. as far as mr karamello is concerned, the fact that he will only drive japanese vehicles and manufactures his skateboards in china, we cannot sponsor or endorse in any way the big 3 podcast if he is involved.


    al jolson
    president american car mmanufacturers
    1313 mockingbird lane
    detroit mi. usa

  6. mr. fister

    that ten dollar shout out about the recurring dream was the funny shit. whoever wrote that, kudos.

    1. mr. fister

      Demitri Morlan (sic?), you’re a genius.
      perry has creamy breasts

      1. Demetri

        Thank you. I liked it when Perry stopped half-way through and said “What, is this some GAY guy?!”

        1. mr. fister

          cheers demetri. and stop being gay.

  7. JoeWeed

    Nice to hear of Mole’s good samaratinship with the radiator ordeal. Also congrats to Perry for his show probation being over and his daughter lifting the restraining order. Looks like easy street for Caramello. Hopefully JQA can “pull a few strings” and get this reality show going.

  8. JoeWeed

    Exposure!…write a review of the show on itunes and rate it. We owe it to those who don’t have the Big 3 in their life. This show has so much hard work and effort put in to it. Of course, none of which by Perry.

  9. Sam Stewart

    That Karen Carpenter really was a fat little piglet. I hope Perry can follow her example and become anorexic, however he may not have to because of his HIV.

  10. Nick (Seattle)

    Glad you guys are finally back in the studios! So since the audio of this was ripped from a video camera, any chance of videos being available in the future?

    Thanks for the show!

  11. James "Big Boss" Cumberbatch, Able seaman, USS Florence Nightingale

    I was incredibly happy to hear that Bowers, Coast, and Fischer had read the same article about Cookie’s cookies as I did. They truly are phenomenal.

  12. Alex

    Why is Pierre giving head to that cookie?

  13. Simply Dan

    Neil Leeds is a good dude, you should give him a Pie-Extension.

    PS-I think Perry’s the guy that put the head by the Hollywood sign!

  14. OklaHOMO

    Where are the pictures from this episode? I heard about 500 clicks from Mary Jane’s camera — where those lost, too?

  15. Dr. Jagoff

    Don and Mole, you guys got Perre boogers on your hands! Check the promo video at about the :33 second mark right before the Biiiig 3. Hope you guys dont catch anything.

  16. Pepe Sanchez

    Ever since I started listening to you and yours and your pack of lunacy and fringe-element “types,” I’ve had a had a bad, bad rash all over myself and in my left eyeball and I fear it… is… crrreeeeeppppping up into my cranium and branium.
    In other words, Perry’s neck is giving me a head-, stomach-, and soul-ache.
    And like a perfect circle… ever since I bought that lumpy, piss-stained mattress from one Mr. Neil Leeds, things have gone the way of a film noir hero on crack and a bad bestiality addiction! F YOU, PERRY! You self-centered prick!

    Your pal,
    Rev. Pepe Sanchez
    The Church of the Everyday Man.

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