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Perry Be Good

Perry was offered sex by a female fan if he could possibly keep his temper under control for the entire podcast, Don & Mole bet he can’t achieve his goal. The fellows pay tribute to Jimmy Kimmel talking about his appearance at the White House Correspondence Dinner.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out

Show Trailer

Show Credits

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Willie Bingo
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 84 Comments

  1. Red.mac

    Yes! Made the first comment again, two weeks in a row. im really on top of things.

    1. Red.mac

      Biiiiiig thrrrrrrrrrrrrree!!!!!!!!!

  2. merry kavavello

    I have a great line perry can use in his stand up. ” hi you guys doing i just blew in from chi-town and boy are my hands tired”

  3. damien

    thanks dan.

    Love the big3

  4. OklaHOMO

    Thank you, Don! Despite the low income coming in – just realize how much joy you give to so many of us.
    We appreciate you!

  5. Gunbu

    Wow, punctual! Great way to start a Friday morning.

  6. Imbecile

    Perry can’t stay quiet for an hour? It can’t be hard, he already has a monk’s haircut.

  7. Alarming Andrew


  8. OC Maniac

    Great show today gentlemen! Thank you very much for being one of the only shows that focuses on entertainment, pop culture, and most importantly, your lives. You’ll soon receive a package in the mail for several shout-outs. One will be for the raining, defending, pound for pound, world class skateboarder, Bin Laden killing, American Hero Terrifying Tim; the second will be for Mr. Caramello, in celebration of his upcoming holiday; and the third will be for the best comedic genious to ever walk the streets of LA – “DAN.” And, one for Mole!

  9. Newly hired 'What The Huck' delivery guy

    I am pleased to announce that tomorrow (5/5-2:30pm) that we here at ‘What The Huck’ are going to have the inaugural “Hunger Games”. Since Cinco and the Kentucky Derby are on the same day, we’ve decided to have an eating contest honoring both festivities. Quite simply, for a very modest entry fee ($35) you will have the opportunity to be the first person to eat a pound of stir fried horse meat (marinated in our signature red curry sauce) and five jars of MAYOnaise. If you are this talented enough to win, the grand prize will be…are you sitting down…A $15 GIFT CARD!-not valid on Fridays and Saturdays. Due to fire marshall regulations, we can unfortunately only accept the first 30 entries, so please get here early to sign up.
    BIG THREE !!!

  10. Stone Fury has all of your Stone Fury memorabilia as well as the latest in anal beads and buttplugs.
    Use code GAYPAREE for 10% off!

  11. Richard Heene

    I can’t believe Perry blew $1,000,000!

    Well on the other hand, he IS rather adept at blowing things……

    1. eddie torres

      I’m still in shock too.

      This guy has been bitching and moaning about money on The Big 3 for 20 years now, and just when the big payday finally arrives? Parry totally fumbles. Not to mention the damage Parry has inflicted on our proud national banking history and financial heritage.

      I think the bank authorities should order a full frontal lobotomy.

  12. jpmoneypants

    These promo videos are getting better and better each week.

    1. Neil Leeds

      I agree.Great Job..

  13. merry kavavello

    When they pulled the plug on cookie will perry get the butt plug in his will?

  14. Sam Stewart

    That’s a ton of money!

  15. eddie torres

    I totally agree with Mary Jane in this episode: “It has to go in a hole, Parry… unless it went in your mouth or ass, he did not rape you. Mouth or ass. Thank you.”

    Enough said.

  16. Frank Kranck

    hey thats my letter in the pic! Perry i specifically wrote that randy filled your mouth with man caramel. Not your hand!

  17. merry kavavello

    Penny says on his twitter account about the holiday “That is my 20th Anniversary of being a Paid Entertainer” is he admitting to being a male prostitute?

    P.S. his recent advances to Mole are becoming a little uncomfortable

  18. Rick Santorum

    Question: When Perry was suing everyone related to WCH, did Don have no access to Perry and couldn’t convince him that this would ruin the idea of a sequel where Perry could conceivably make more money. Or was it Perry’s manager (I think Salvador) who was behind the lawsuits? I’m under the impression that Don or perhaps Sol Steinbergowitz-Greenbaum could’ve talked Perry out of it but some 3rd party was involved and fucked everything up for everyone.

    1. Demetri

      It was something that was hatched by Perry and his disbarred lawyer buddy, Daniel Dydzak. He knew that he could get some type of settlement for Perry (which he would then take a cut from) because a guy like Jimmy Kimmel doesn’t have time to fuck around in court. You know how Perry is; once he smelled money he was all in. Daniel probably advised him not to speak to Don or anyone else involved in the lawsuit once they filed it.

      1. Stone Fury

        This Dydzack guy is a real bottom feeder. Just google him and look for yourselves. He commonly steals his clients money and now has Perry involved in his crazy lawsuits against judges.

        1. Milky White

          The guy doesn’t even have a car. He hangs around Perry so he has someone to drive him.

  19. Dr. Crawford

    I’m still confused about what is real. Please respond if you know:

    1. Is ‘What the Huck’ a real place?
    2. Does Perry really have his own skateboard company? (He seems to stupid and poor to own his own business.)
    3. Is Don Barris “real” (or a character actor)?
    4. Did Perry really blow Randy Callahan, or did he make it up for comedy material?

    1. I'd hate to have this thumbed down

      Then Perry can’t read it…

      Don’t know if you’re serious or not but I’ll answer:

      1: No.

      2: Yes. I think he just places an order and the company creates a board for him, either that or he has a small stockpile.

      3: Yes. Very much. He’s the audience warm up for Jimmy Kimmel Live.

      4: Yes, this really happened. Perry claims Randy blew him and he only jerked him off to get his SAG card. But we all know what happened and it’s sad that Perry denies his having a boyfriend and being bisexual.

      1. simplydon

        Even though Dr. Crawford is becoming an enemy to the podcast and the Bosses Upstairs are contemplating deleting/blocking him from all project functions, I will answer these questions to give the correct answers to these questions.

        1. Yes, “What The Huck” IS areal place, the owner is a bartender at the Comedy Store in West Hollywood, CA. Even though his place has a different name right now, he has ordered an awning with the “What The Huck” name on it and when his license comes up for renewal he will legally change the name. The owner’s REAL NAME is “Huck” and I told him that he should change his Thai restaurant to this and he agreed, if you don’t believe this call him at 323-654-7952.

        2. Yes, Perry does have a skateboard company that he runs out of his apartment on Reseda Blvd. He originally got the investment money from when he was paid from Windy City Heat and he still hasn’t sold the boards from that original investment.

        3. Am I real? Yes I am, but I’d like to think I’m more than the audience warm-up at Jimmy Kimmel Live which tapes usually four days a week since January of 2003 but I’m usually there for about two hours a day, forty-four weeks a year. I’m also the closing act every night at the World Famous Comedy Store and I’ve done that for years & years. Because I close out the show I will perform any where from 20 minutes to two hours every night making me the comic that has been on the stage longer & more than any comic in the clubs 40 year history. The Ding-Dong Show that is every Monday night @ 10:00 pm is the longest running show in the clubs history and was started almost 20 years ago with a couple of characters by the name of Scary Perry Caramello and Mole.

        4. No that is NOT true. Randy blew Perry and Perry JUST jerked him off, I don’t know where who started the confusion.

        Hopefully this answers your questions and Dr. Crawford please stop being an asshole, have fun but please stop being a pain in the ass.

        1. Stone Fury

          I think that Dr Crawford might be Salvador or Perry’s ex-attorney. He is not a friend of the Big Three. I say ban him.

        2. Susan

          Don is THE BEST 🙂

        3. Dr. Crawford

          Thank you, Don, for your kindness. Please, do not let them delete me! I am your biggest supporter.

    2. Alarming Andrew

      5. Who dat lady go in dat movie?

      1. merry kavavello

        the lady did

    3. mr fister

      ur pretty dumb fer a doctor

  20. Dr. Crawford

    You don’t have to be rude. I’m just asking some questions. If you don’t know, please refrain yourself.

  21. Musgrave322

    I don’t hear the full podcast and I’m wondering if we send any Ten Dollar Shoutouts, will we get any tickets to the Comedy Store for the Karamellow/Callahan Holiday Special. I was just a thought, please don’t dislike please.

    1. Milky White

      No, ten dollar shout-outs are different than buying tickets.

  22. Milky White

    Don, Please do not have Perry read $10 shout-outs. Any chance of them being funny is destroyed by his lack of delivery. Mole does the best job reading the shout-outs and also does it the fastest. Thanks! Love the podcast.

    1. Back in 1992

      I love it when Perry reads. Also, is it just me or has there been no guy talk lately? I need to hear about Perry and Terri Ann Flusso and Dan and all the supermodels who blow him.

      1. Alarming Andrew

        What about Mole’s prom date, Sue Snell?

  23. Stone Fury

    Hey Don,
    Any chance at making the podcast a vidcast?
    I feel that we are missing so many classic moments by not seeing what goes on at the secret location in west Hollywood.

  24. merry kavavello

    Don i hope you come out with BIG THREE t-shirts and hats. Its not so much about immediate revenue that you would generate, its all about guerrilla marketing. Every time i walk through a mall, store or place of transit i will be advertising the BIIIIIG THREEEEEEEE.
    I know you have a lot on your plate right now but you cant afford not to make BIG THREE paraphernalia.

  25. eddie torres

    I listened to this episode again, and now I think it’s one of my favorites. Don’s idea for a Podcast Fight Club sounded fantastic, until this happened…

    Parry: “I can’t fight anybody to the death because of my neck.”

    Mary Jane: “I don’t feel safe being on the same team as Parry because he just showed everybody he’s a big pussy.”

    Something disturbed me about Parry’s seemingly lame attitude; it almost seemed like a trick. I e-mailed the world-famous Doctor Lecter about it, and here is his shocking answer:

    “Look for severe childhood disturbances associated with violence. Our Parry wasn’t born a criminal, Eddie. He was made one through years of systematic abuse. Parry hates his own identity, you see, and he thinks that makes him a Javaho. But his pathology is a thousand times more savage… and more terrifying.”

    Stay tuned.

  26. Cookie Caramello

    Son I am disappoint.

  27. matt

    whats between 3 and 5 again?

    1. Susan


  28. Dr. Jagoff

    Perre obviously lost his temper on purpose so he wouldn’t have to have relations with that lady. Drop the act and come out of the closet Perre.
    Between Randy,Sandy,Sheeba,your manager at Luckys and that dude at the gym, i think you’ve gone past the point of no return for gay acts, contracting AIDS sealing the deal. I dont think that anyone could think any less of you anyway, so step on out Perre, the suns shining and its a beautiful day.

    1. Callahanjob Randell

      Don’t forgot about the guy on the roof

  29. OklaHOMO

    Is ASM Plumbing real?

    1. Lisa C. Jablonsky

      ASM Plumbing worked on The Pinnacle (701 West Lakeside Avenue
      Cleveland, OH 44113), owned by a friend of mine in Cleveland. He just happens to be gay, so they give him a bundle-type deal on services and porn.

  30. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    I am the woman who offered Perry sex if he could be a gentleman. I’m a respectable woman. I don’t do that kind of thing, but my heart went out to Perry from getting picked on so much. Perry told me this was the only way he could be calm, so I made the offer in the name of science. I am gulliable, I guess. Needless to say, he failed at keeping his temper under control. Still, when I was in the LA area to see my friend Ty, I gave him a chance at being nice and visited him in Reseda for lunch. He gave me his address, even though it was already out there from Rucka fans. My friend Ty was supposed to meet me at Perry’s as a sort of bodyguard.

    The first thing Perry did was grab my ass with his greasy Italian hands, despite my protests. He then tried to kiss me on his couch despite my discomfort. If that wasn’t enough, he later called me up and called me a “HATEFUL TWO FACED BITCH” among other things after I posted a picture of Villa La Paloma apartments and tagged him on Facebook. The only reason I did this was because I did not know Perry and I wanted proof that I was there in case something happened.

    Well something did happen and I’m so glad he didnt see my feet, since I know he’s a toe raper.

    I’m in the process of writing a strongly worded leter to John Quincy Adams, to Nathanial’s attorney, and to Harriet Tubman from N.O.W. This disrespect from Perry has gone on long enough! Don is absolutely right that he acts as if he was raised by goats.

    1. eddie torres

      I hope you didn’t go into his bathroom. Andy Dick’s assistant almost died in there. Very Scary indeed.

      1. Lisa C. Jablonsky

        I did go in the bathroom. I took a picture of Dairy Relief medicine to prove it! I remember Andy Dick in there. It’s a disgusting bathroom. Honestly, I liked Perry and didnt believe the hype. I was wrong.

      2. Susan

        Don vomits like every time he go to Perry’s apartment. I’d be careful about any food or drinks offered.

      3. eddie torres

        It would be sooooo great to get someone at the Villa La Paloma apartments to agree to host a barbecue (if they have a “community BBQ” site) on the June 25/26 holiday. Then Parry could offer tours of his apartment to all the Big 3 fans, and they could “oooooo” and “ahhhhhh” at all the sights in there.

        Sure, fans could pay Parry like $2 each or something. Maybe Andy Dick could even come out of hiding and give a lecture near the bathroom about “razor safety.”

    2. Demetri

      He’s a “Guinea Animal” as Don would say, but I can’t help but be attracted to him, even though he deleted me from his Facebook and told me “You are SELFISH, self centered and about as GAY as a Bumerang that keeps cumming back.”.

  31. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Well how about that; Perry has not only seen the ‘million-dollar’ bill before, he has even seen the ‘hundred-million dollar’ bill!
    He’s cooler than I thought… why, even Lyndon Johnson never saw the ‘hundred-million dollar’ bill. (nor did Alan Greenspan, Howard Hughes, Jack Carter….)
    Perry must be a very important man to have seen such valuable currency!
    (He ought to visit present-day Rhodesia)

    I wonder if he’s seen the 1,329,063 bill? -perhaps Walter has one.

  32. Dustin Hedberg

    i would LOVE to see the Big 3 make an appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience…… if parry can be professional for that long

    1. Red.mac

      Not got happen rogan is not a big fan of don.

      1. eddie torres

        As soon as Rogan gets framed for pot, shroom, and steroid trafficking by his MMA friends, he’ll be reaching out to all the “fans” he can get. Especially lawyer “fans”.

        Hang in there, Don.

      2. Alex

        What’s the story with Rogan and Don?

        1. Red.mac

          Well if you’re listener of the Joe Rogan experience there’s been a couple of times i noticed when Redband has mentioned don and his projects and how funny he is, then Joe Rogan would abruptly disrupted Redband and change subject. Thats just the vibe i got. Thatsbwhy these fightsnhave to happen so the big 3 can prevail all over the podcast world

  33. Alarming Andrew

    This is starting to sound like “Guy Talk”.

  34. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    The secretary for JQ Adams is going to call me back. She said I have his deepest sympathies and things will be discussed further to avoid litigation.

    1. Demetri

      Sounds like a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen. It reminds me of when Scaremaster sexually harassed that girl on the freeway, but Randy isn’t around to make the problem go away this time.

  35. Alarming Andrew

    I just heard on the news that Mole infiltrated Al Qaeda and successfully foiled a bombing plot!

  36. eddie torres

    Does Parry’s lawyer know the guy in Pasadena who’s filing all the lawsuits against John Travolta?

    His name, allegedly, is Okorie Okorocha.

    Just sounds very Scary Parry to me, that’s all.

  37. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    This is my letter to John Quincy Adams.

    Dear Mr. Adams,I am writing this letter to you to complain about harassment. I befriended a former employee of yours, Perry F. Caravello, around the end of April 2012 through the networking site Facebook. I was a fan of Windy City Heat and a listener of the Big Three Podcast. I often felt sorry for Perry. I even emailed Don Barris, who can be kind of a bully, with my concerns over the treatment of Mr. Caravello. One day, feeling particularly bad after a podcast, I called Perry. His number is listed on his Facebook page as are his addresses. He’s too stupid to realize this, but it’s true. Anyway, we proceded to talk over the phone. In the beginning, there was nothing to indicate that Perry was a threat.

    I told Perry that I had listened to the podcast and that his anger was getting in his way of success. I suggested he go on some sort of anti-psychotic medication so that he could calm down; that this would help him not blow any more chances. He informed me that he was already on medication and that it did nothing for him.

    “Well what would work for you?” I asked Perry naively. He said “Sex with a hot babe like you.” Now, I’m not the sort of woman to offer sex to anyone. I’m a schoolteacher and a single mother; but my heart went out to Perry. I took a chance. Besides, I really felt like he was a good person underneath his scream.So I bet him if he could be a gentleman to Don, Mole and MaryJane for one podcast, that I would have sex with him.

    On Friday May 4, I drove to Perry’s apartment at 7722 Reseda Blvd, apt 102. As I exited the car, I had second thoughts. Did Perry really like getting blow jobs by blue haired old ladies? Is it true he likes to rub his genitals on toes and masturbate with pigs blood? I took a deep breath and reassured myself that these were rumors only. Then, just in case, I took a picture of “Villa La Paloma Apartments” and tagged Perry on Facebook, along with the words: “If I don’t come home, call the cops.”

    When Perry opened the door, he was wearing only underwear. He then gave me a hug and grabbed my butt with his greasy Italian hands. I said “Please don’t grab my ass Perry,” and he just laughed and offered me a cup of coffee. I walked into his apartment, careful not to bump into his bowling trophy from WCH. The coffee he gave me smelled funny, but I drank it anyway. I said “It’s nice to meet you Perry. I spent $50 on gas just to come here.” Perry looked at me and replied, “Well, if you need more money, I can give it to you if you treat me nice.” He then moved towards me on the couch, put his hands on my face and tried to kiss me. I smelled day old spaghetti on his breath. I was terrified. I broke free of his Dago hands and bolted for the door.

    On the way home, I pulled over and vomited several times. I know Don always throws up when he eats at Perry’s and although I can’t say for sure, I think there may have been something in that coffee.

    When I got home, there was a message from Perry. Before I could listen, he called again. I answered and he proceded to call me a “HATEFUL TWO-FACED BITCH” and a “CUNT” because of the picture I put on Facebook. I was in tears as he I was in tears as he screamed:

    “How dare you?! I’M A CELEBRITY! !I could sue you for putting me in danger! Did you hear about Madonna when she sued her stalker for millions of dollars and won?”

    I was so upset I called Perry’s manager Nick. Nick told me not to take it personally and that’s just Perry.

    Well, I can’t do that. First off, I want it known that I did not stalk Perry. If anything he stalked me, which I can prove with several hundred texts and phone messages. Second, I was not aware that Perry was a celebrity. I thought he was a mentally challenged monkey who needed some encouragement from a woman with a brain. Third, Perry has nothing in common with Madonna except that they are both getting up in years and are favorites among gay men like Randy Callahan.I am submitting my ER reports from having my stomach pumped, as well as a CD of Perry’s verbal abuse. Please do the right thing. All I want is a sincere apology from Perry or I will be forced to take this matter further.
    Sincerely,Lisa C. Jablonsky.

    1. Demetri

      Just more evidence that Perry doesn’t know how to treat a woman. He needs to embrace his true gayness; he’s an out-of-control animal that only a strong homosexual man like myself can tame.

    2. eddie torres

      Lisa, maybe you need to contact Okorie Okorocha in Pasadena.

      He seems to have extensive experience with lawsuits and “allegedly” gay celebrities.

      It helps that you took photos, but it still may be difficult to proove that the “allegedly” gay celebrity Parry was not in a different city giving somebody else a reverse massage at the time of your vomiting.

      1. Lisa C. Jablonsky

        This is the first time I’ve been sexually harassed by a gay guy.

        1. eddie torres

          I’m not even sure anymore if the word “guy” applies to Parry. There are world-famous experts like Doctor Lecter who think Parry hates his own identity, and that it probably makes him a Javaho. But his pathology may be a thousand times more savage — and more terrifying.

          In the immortal words of Government Agent Clarice Starling:

          “They don’t have a name for what he is.”

        2. merry kavavello

          penny’s not gay, hes bi. And he is Italian not a guy

    3. Richard Heene

      Lisa, I strongly suggest that you enlist the aid of Harriet Tubman at N.O.W. (National Organization For Women) and ask them to update their ongoing file that they have on Perry to reflect this incident.

    4. Lisa C. Jablonsky

      I just realized I accidently left a paragraph out of my letter to JQA. It’s right after I made the bet with Perry and before I visited him in Reseda…

      “He did not remain calm. He got angry at both Don and Mole and lost the bet. Regardless, he kept contacting me asking when I was going to visit him. Finally, I told him I was willing to meet in person, but I made it clear our meeting would be strictly platonic. I also arranged for my friend Ty to meet us at Perry’s apartment and join us for lunch.”

      1. eddie torres

        The key words in that paragraph are “strictly platonic.” I really think Parry defines “platonic” as a “bromantic mancation.”

        The world-famous Doctor Lecter says a “bromantic mancation” is: “A heterosexual weekend getaway which could be misconstrued as a romantic getaway.” (

        Basically, Lisa, deep inside Parry’s damaged psyche and/or soul he thinks you’re a dude.

  38. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    I’ve already contacted Harriet Tubman. Her assistant, Frederick Douglass, is calling me back Friday.

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