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Shrink Rap

Perry gives Don’s phone number to two kids and Don finds out so he brings in a specialist to try and find out why he keeps doing things like this. At one point during the podcast Perry threatens to NOT do the Big 3 Holiday show, but that has been straightened out and he WILL be doing the show.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out

Show Trailer

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

Show Gallery

This Post Has 93 Comments

  1. chuckie

    early! awesome!

  2. Musgrave322

    BIG THREE!!!


  3. Imbecile

    This podcast keeps coming like an orgasm is coming. Thank you, Don! Good luck with the B3HS!

  4. Just blow me

    Always makes my Friday when I check and the Big 3 Podcast is up.Thanks Dan and Kerry.

  5. Just blow me

    And the rest of the hard workin Podcast contributors.

  6. Red.mac

    Wheres mole….dude

  7. Red.mac

    Has everyone donated???? Im about to loose my job and i just mailed off my contribution.

  8. tiles

    “Summery” is spelled wrong on all the episode pages.

    1. SteveP

      Maybe they mean the show has a summer-time feel.

  9. Stone Fury


    The NAMBLA group has proudly donated enough money to finance the purchase of 5 disadvantaged African babies. Congratulations Perry you will soon be a busy father of five.

    We plan on purchasing the children next week and have already identified the children Perry will adopt:

    Ku is a 6 month old female
    Vinwanu is a 12 month old male
    P’Kadwana is a 9 month old female
    Yinsha is a 16 month old hermaphrodite
    Darnell is a 17 year old male

    Three of the babies are special needs. Darnell is mentally retarded and addicted to crack cocaine. One of the babies has chronic diarrhea, and another is totally blind.

    The babies will be delivered to Perry’s apartment within the next few weeks.

    1. Red.mac

      He’s not gonna make them jahovas is he?

    2. eddie torres

      I’m pretty sure Parry will have no interest in the females.

      1. Musgrave322

        I’m pretty sure Perry will get married to Randy Callahan by the end of the decade. (LOL)

  10. Red.mac

    I thought perry hates nigs?

    1. crab

      haha hilarious


    hahaha GREAT cover pic.

    don’t tell me Mole got mixed up with those Brazilian children again?

    1. eddie torres

      I heard General Bubblicious staged a coup and then called in all narcotics debts from foreign lands.

      This better not turn into another kidnap plot. I don’t think Mole can stomach it.

  12. Nicole

    I miss Mole!

  13. Oklahomo

    I have yet to listen — but I HATE when there is no Mole. Oh, well… it will just make me appreciate him more.

    1. Alarming Andrew

      If Mole’s out they should at least bring in Quincy.

  14. Gene Novak

    Perry’s cum guzzlin gay huh? Never thought I’d ever hear that as a scientific diagnosis.

    1. eddie torres

      The world-famous Dr Lecter concurs.

      However, Dr Lecter also suggests that Dr Morris look for severe childhood disturbances associated with violence. Our Parry wasn’t born a criminal. He was made one through years of systematic abuse. Parry hates his own identity, and he thinks that makes him a Javaho. But his pathology is a thousand times more savage — and more terrifying.

  15. Gene Novak

    I’m hoping the classic episodes will be available online soon. I’d get the VIP but I’m in PA so I can’t go.

  16. big 4

    Biiiiiiiiiiiig fffffff 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Just blow me

    The Dr. really pushed Kerry’s buttons.

  18. Jack Mehoff

    I am really looking forward in the next couple of weeks to show up at Perry Caramello’s apartment for a spaghetti meal and a nap in honor of the 20th Anniversary of Perry’s entrance into show business. Where I am having a problem is that after I eat a hearty meal, I am often too full to rest my eyes. If anyone knows the Don Barris method of eating spaghetti, please let me know. I would much rather eat the spaghetti meal that Perry prepared for me, throw up the spaghetti in Perry’s bathroom, and then start my nap. Otherwise, I am just going to be awake for hours inside Perry’s place burping and farting. I want to thank the Big 3 for the wonderful idea of having Perry host a meet-and-greet pre-party at his apartment and supplying the food, blankets, and pillows. Also, I will be sure to tell all of the homeless people while I am in California that if their homeless shelter is full, there is a bi-sexual Italian man who has opened up his home, cooked lots of spaghetti, and provided plenty of blankets and pillows for the everyone. Thanks again and God Bless the Big 3.

    1. eddie torres

      Also, let’s make sure those Javaho blankets are *not* infected with small pox.

      Thank you for your support, and buona fortuna.

    2. Soggy Vegetable

      One problem is that Don said the spaghetti would be served to you at the pool area of 7722 Reseda Blvd., not in the actual apartment. Perry is wise to the barf his spaghetti meals typically induce.

  19. Demetri

    I like this Dr. Tommy Morris, and I agree 100% with his diagnosis. Anyone who knows about psychology can tell you that all of Perry’s problems are stemming from repressed gayness. The sooner he comes out and stands tall alongside his fellow gay brothers the sooner the healing can start.

  20. eddie torres

    Typical Parry.

    Mole is outta town, then Parry starts hitting on Don with all that, “I’ve got beautiful hazel eyes, and you’ve got mezmerizing blue eyes” gay stuff.

    He’s such a flirt.

  21. Imbecile

    The picture looks like Don jacking into Perry’s mouth.

    Everyone, use Photoshop accordingly.

  22. Whoopi Silverstein

    How can Perry claim to be straight by telling us he’s attracted to playboys like Lyndon Johnson and Victor E Givens?

  23. Musgrave322

    Has anyone woke up in Don’s Crack lately???

  24. eddie torres

    By the way, comedian Jeff Richards ( will be at the Comedy Club in Rochester, NY with Chris Kattan from August 9 to August 11. He said Louie Anderson might make an appearance too. If anyone gets a recording, maybe Parry will trade some spaghetti for it?

  25. Dr. Jagoff

    As many times as Ive gotten in trouble at work, its never ended with a dick in my mouth. Then again, I am a doctor.


    Wow, that schoolyard shit works like gangbusters.

    “Where’s the capastonapolus?”

    I almost died. I almost died. Poor Perry can’t tell he’s being fucked with.

    Perry: “You reach in, it’s right there.”

    How does Mary Jane hold her laughter? Amazing.

    “Dr. Morris, you know what that is, correct?”

    “Of course. Of course I know what that is.”

    You guys are too much.


    I can’t wait ’till payday. I’m definitely sending in a $10 shotout.

    Maybe I should send in three so you all get paid equally. No wait, you all get $2.50 on a single shotout, right?

  28. Dr. Crawford

    Bring back Dr. Morris! His Louie Anderson is incredible. He has a real rapport with Perry and his characters. I loved their “yes, and…” bit with Louie.

  29. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Perry is a remarkably powerful tool for influencing attitudes & opinions.

    When Perry wishes to discredit a person or idea, he often uses this structure: “Is it X? -no-no-no-no. It’s Y.”
    As he mutters the ‘no-no-no-no’ he shakes his head and maybe performs a small sweeping motion with his hand.
    Sometimes, he just sneers or guffaws at an idea, but the ‘no-no-no-no’s are best.
    Whenever he does this, I am instantly & totally convinced the opposite view is correct.
    For example: While watching Perry ooze malice, didn’t we all think Carson Daly would make an excellent hard-boiled Chicago P.I.? IF such a Chandleresque/Carroll Daly-ish film were actually intended.
    Also, that line could’ve read, “Another day in Hell.” It would’ve been just as good as, “Another day in Paradise.” Perhaps better, since the obvious sarcasm of ‘Paradise’ is a little tired. In this context, they mean the exact same thing.

    The point of all this? Well, if Perry’s dismissive attitude toward
    something makes that thing seem important, reliable, and valid…

    Don could arrange for Perry to express disdain for, or even heap
    scorn upon, a [crypto-advertising] company’s goods or services. Listener interest would be piqued, we’d want to find out what else the product has going for it. Don’t we all want a TT China-board, despite having no desire to
    skateboard? I sure do. If Perry hates it – it must be good!

    An even more cunning plan might involve Perry praising a competing
    product: “I just love _____ brand soda!” or(gasp!)even, “____ made me the man I am today!” -watch them stay away in droves -and rush into The Big 3 client’s waiting arms!

    Using Perry in advertising at all is risky, his gluttonous grunts of
    approval while eating Thai food nearly put me off my nam tok! If Don
    manages things carefully, an unique un-ad revenue stream may be

    This power must not be used for evil! In the wrong hands(lol), Perry
    could be used to sway elections, even presidential ones!
    Perry may, unwittingly, help put Dajjal in office. Probably
    wouldn’t be the worst Potus ever, but not good.

    tl;dr -Perry sux, Don & Wally are genii.

    1. Dr. Crawford

      Keen insight. Reverse Psychology Perry?

    2. Judo n Slade

      Give it a rest Einstein.

  30. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    Get Frankie Machine back on the show

  31. thomas jefferson

    In honer of gay rights perry should make italian wedding soup. The union between the highest bidder and perry will be a magical thing

    1. thomas jefferson

      or even better perry can make fagioli soup.

  32. Dr. Crawford

    Dr. Morris’ Louis Anderson with Scaremaster’s Mr. T. It was a fucking fantastic Mole Play, Mr. Barris. I meant no slight against you–nay, I have but the highest regard for the show creator and producer. Thank you.


    One of the best mole plays to date.

  34. Collin

    This episode was awesome. Dr. Morris was an incredible guest.

  35. Scared of Perry

    I liked the Doc he was great guest. But I didn’t approve him bringing up 9-11 in the way he did it was disrespectful and lame

  36. dr.crawford

    To be fair, we should never forget about 9/11, and I think that was an important reminder.

    1. Scared of Perry

      Ya know ya could have used another example to piss Perry off, other than that I couldn’t stop laughing at Perry screaming like a siren on a firetruck. The Moleplay was classic Randy Callahan, Randy Callahan

  37. Perry's Manager Nick .

    I have been working hard with Perry on the phone doing meditation with him to help calm him down and mellow him out some and as you can hear in this episode it seems to be working out Fantastic !! Can’t wait to see and meet all the BIG 3 Fans that will be at the World Famous Comedy Store for Perry’s Party and 2 BIG 3 LIVE PODCASTS on June 25th !! I wonder who will make the biggest donation to get the BIG 3 VIP Ticket Bonanza Package ?

    1. Dr. Crawford

      If this is really Nick, what mental disability does Perry have?

      1. Alarming Andrew


  38. The Pear Master

    I always SUPER HATE when Mole isn’t on but this Dr. Morris guest this week is now my new all-time favorite guest. I don’t even like impressionists but this guy doing his Louie Anderson and verbally sparring with Perry was crazy stupid funny.

    Please have this guy on again.

  39. Quincy John Adams (no relation to you-know-who)

    Helllloooo my really rambunctious rebellious rapscallions,
    Here’s a little jokesky that I made-up that you can wrap your cerebral cortexs around. Q: What do you get when you cross a gynecologist with a podiatrist?

    A: A doctor that likes to pussy-foot around.
    Oh don’t worry. The moment that this is submitted, I’ll mark it a “thumbs down” so that you won’t have to. toodles
    BIG THREE ! ! !

  40. 'What The Huck' delivery driver

    I don’t understand why people are giving Quincy a “thumbs up” because he is very UNfunny. I’m just glad that I’m not anything like that loser. Anyway, I’ve noticed that some of you are giving yourselves nose bleeds from all of the worrying on what to get the old man for Father’s Day. Well, jam some kleenex up your nostrils and bring Daddyeo on over to W T H! Aside from the outstanding food and atmosphere that we always provide, this year we’re having our first ever Father’s Day lunch and dinner buffet! And not just your ordinary run-of-the-mill buffet, but all of the un-refrigerated, day-old sushi you can keep down for just $14.95! I don’t see how the W T H bosses upstairs can make a profit with prices this low. For Father’s Day, this will be one (Thai) your old man will actually appreciate! On an unrelated note concerning Mary Jane:
    DAMN YOU, WOMAN! If you keep looking this extremely gorgeous, that obviously means that we’ll have to get married!
    BIG THREE ! ! !

  41. thomas jefferson

    perry treated this doctor very disrespectfully. He was just trying to peal back the the layers of grease to get to the core of perrys issue with denying his gayness.I thought the doctor acted professionally and of course penny did not

  42. thomas jefferson

    Don i was wondering if there will be at least a twitter feed so all the fans that cant make it can communicate with each other. I will be celebrating the holiday with horderves and of course champagne:)

    1. Imbecile

      I’m working on a replica donuts-and-candy table in my room, like the one Perry destroyed in the movie. So far it’s cost me $135 to decorate it with treats.

      When Perry comes out as a gay man in front of a live crowd on the 25th, I’m going to body slam the table from my bed in celebration.

  43. Collin

    I love you scarry parry. I’m bisexual/gay too!

  44. Triton2Toro

    I love it how during Mole Play, Don gives Perry two characters to do- Wolfman Jack and Jim Ignatowski- and what does Perry do immediately? He fucking does Bugs Bunny and follows it up with Foghorn Leghorn. Perry takes directions like a true pro.

    1. Collin

      In all fairness, his foghorn leghorn impression was flawless.

  45. eddie torres

    The June 25 trailer is fargin awesome!!!

    Spaghetti At Parry’s!!! One Lucky Winner! Never Land Ranch!!

    Great job, Don.

  46. Alarming Andrew

    Any of you down-voters in this forum planning on attending the Holiday Party?

  47. Dr. Crawford

    Question: Why are DVD’s with exclusive Big 3 content being sold to a handful of VIP’s for some hundreds of dollars when they could be sold to the multitudes for thousands of dollars?

    The first option is a good way to make quick money, but the second could fund the podcast indefinitely.

    1. simplydon

      They are NOT for sale … They are a special thing for anyone that donates $100 so if you CAN’T make it to the show you could still donate $100 and get all of the FREE stuff.

      1. Imbecile

        Yeah, you should consider selling them to everyone, Don. I have a feeling someone who donated will upload the DVD stuff online, which you may not want. We’re willing to pay for the content as fans, it’s to your benefit.

        1. thomas jefferson

          even if its on youtube or another site i will support the biiiiiiiiiiiiigggggg threeeeeee and buy it any way.

    2. Demetri

      You can buy the VIP prize pack and have Don mail it to you if you want the DVD content right away. From what I understand, they plan on selling DVDs and t-shirts individually at some point, they just don’t have the infrastructure to do it yet.

  48. Edward Winslow

    How much would it cost to hire the big three to do my wedding?

    1. simplydon

      Well, where is your wedding and when is it? You know that I was a DJ for weddings so hire me for that and you can cut the costs.

      1. Radomir Luza

        I am available to read my one of a kind poetry at the event as well. People will love it, and if they don’t, they’re IDIOTS!

          1. Radomir Luza

            Stop pretending you don’t know who I am. You’re an IDIOT. Always have been and always will be. IDIOT!

    2. Imbecile

      For a seminal fee, Perry will jump out of your wedding cake and burst into “Back in Black” after the bride and groom kiss.

      But if it’s a cheesecake, Perry will shit all inside it.

      1. cotton mather

        a giant chocolate cannoli would be right up pennys ally.

  49. john winthrop

    Im getting married june 25th to a very special person:) He has long flowing greasy knotty hair, a gravely voice and he will steal your hart (among other things )

    1. eddie torres

      For your sake, I hope he isn’t Italian.

      1. cotton mather

        lets just say his hair will provide a lot of lubricant

  50. R.A. Dickey

    I just just broke the mets consecutive scoreless innings streak, and i didn’t even have to blow some dude to do it

  51. Dr. Crawford

    Fuck the $100 VIP’s. It’s giving favor to the millionaires, the billionaires, and all the fat cat Wall Street bankers who fucked us all over back in ’08. Hey, Barris, the podcast economy is in the shitter, and it’s all because of the wealthy elite which you so clearly favor with your sky-high Hollywood prices. Where’s our bailout?

    1. simplydon

      Why do you constantly have to start shit with us on this page, facebook & twitter, why? Are you trying to be funny? Well, I’ll explain a couple of things to you so maybe you wake the fuck up and leave us alone with your stupid comments. #1. Since WCH came out I’ve tried to put additional money in his pockets because he has very little and after the film came out I tried to put a tour together. At our first gig at a frat house at UCLA, Perry lost it and with his NEW buddy (That turned out to be the famous BALLOON BOY’s Father) they tried to put a restraining order on me, end of the possibility for a tour. #2. Then Johnny Knoxville wanted to make a sequel movie with us and had interest in doing this for about two and a half years. The combination of Perry and his lawyer kept that from happening through a very interesting way of negotiating. So I left Perry’s life until he called me telling that his mother was dying and his cousin’s print shop went out of business and he begged me for help. #3. Perry refused to work at any jobbed that I suggested to him and then the opportunity came up to do a podcast at Adam Carolla’s, Ace Broadcasting. Well, the money that pays for everything to keep the podcast up and going comes Mainly from my pockets. So I decided to try and make money with this project instead of just losing money from my bank account by putting this big Holiday show together. We had a sponsor that backed off from putting money up not once but twice after promising to help us out and I can’t afford to pay the money it would take to put this show together. So my option was to either cancel the show or come up another way to get some money and that has become the V.I.P. Sponsorship Ticket where people that help us out get something a little special. So for you to complain about this is a real asshole move, what have you done to help us in any way. I appreciate any one that enjoys our movie & our podcast but I’m asking you to PLEASE stop your thorn in the side bullshit that you feel you need to put up on our wall. Please be cool and just enjoy the show, PLEASE!

      1. Dr. Crawford

        I like satire, and I like being silly. Just above, I was being really silly, talking like an Occupier, but applying it in a ridiculous context. I thought as a fellow lover of satire, you would enjoy seeing your fans participating in–and even creating–the satire of the show. I never meant any disrespect.

        1. Nicole

          Dr. Crawford maybe you should realize that no one has ever found ANY of comments funny.

        2. Dick Burns

          Is your PHD in being an asshole? It certainly isn’t in comedy. Your attempt at “satire” and being “silly” just made you look silly. Take a few plays off, doc.

      2. Collin

        @Dr. Crawford
        You’re mad that you can’t have a VIP Ticket for cheaper?

        Standard tickets are 10 bucks.

        Come on, man. Thats dirt cheap.

        1. Collin


        2. Dr. Crawford

          Gentlemen, we are on the same team. Just think of me as a silly goose that’s prone to flap its wings.


    “9-11 Was one event,That didn’t make everyone gay, But you are!”
    Louie Anderson

  53. Glad I'm Not Any Of You

    I’m putting in my vote for the “silly goose” to fly the coop, because he has bird shit between his ears.

  54. Martin Balsam

    that louie anderson was one of the funniest goddamned things i’ve ever heard.

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