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The Big 3 Podcast Premeire

Welcome to the premiere of “The Big 3 Podcast”! Don Barris, Walter “Mole” Molinski and “Scary” Perry Caravello make up “The Big 3”! Best known for their 2003 cult classic film “Windy City Heat”, and the number one rated public access show in America are back together again.

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This Post Has 66 Comments

  1. Nelson Mayer

    Fantastic to hear the big 3 back together again, hopefully future episodes will reveal what exactly it is Perry is hiding about this Sandy Gallager fellow.

    1. DJ

      wow annoying! sounds exactly like jimmy kimmel. prob wont listen anymore. sorry i dont get it. . .

  2. Harry Ceword

    Genius idea giving the BIG-3 a podcast!
    Windy City Heat is one of the funniest movies ever made!
    See if you can get Yurgi or Tom Kenny as a guest.

    PS- Perry knocked over the table!

  3. Harry Ceword

    PSS- Perry claims to have no money? Maybe he can steal more from Don’s wallet…again. Please bring this subject up sometime with Perry. We never got to see his reaction to finding out he was filmed being a thief!

  4. Lucious Enward

    I hope they keep making these – the best podcast on the Network. The Big Three are truly the Three Stooges of the new millenium…

  5. Sandy Gallagher

    keep them coming PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Jordan

    holy christ! ive met all 3 big 3 guys. i cant wait to listen to this. windy city heat was the funniest movie ever.

  7. Johnny Bigtyme

    axe parry aboot steeling frum don berrass! and aboot bootlegging WCH pornoz.

  8. cheflarz

    Don is John Kimmel, rite?

    1. jordan

      no don is don. thats his actual name, hes not a character. the lawyer sol steinbergowitzgreenbaum is cousin sal though.

  9. Stone Fury's stunt man

    I really hope the next podcast discusses the sequel, Windy City Incident, available only in Japan. It stars the Scare Master himself, of course, in seriously sexy love scenes (with men).

  10. Horsepower

    Great work Big Three! Perry you really need to be prepared next time.

  11. Peter Prince

    Hey Sandy Gallagher, Perry had gay sex with me too!

  12. Griff Murray

    Perry is sexy and I want to do naughty things with his man unit.



  13. Nick Isley

    Other than Perry’s blatant lack of preparation and professionalism this was one of the best podcasts I’ve heard in awhile!

  14. captain ham

    a podcast about things you don’t want to talk about? WTF! are you guys morons, or what? LOL.

  15. captain ham

    “That’s why you’re funny, Jimmy.”

    Aces, all aces.

  16. daniel

    is don related to jimmy kimmel? they always sound the same.

    1. Mumbles Slam

      Agree, there HAS to be some relation. I’m betting cousins.

  17. Si

    Great Podcast, It actually made me laugh out loud a few times and i am now listening to it again…

    Mole: “I am a chocoholic except it is with mostly pot…”

  18. jimmy

    this is so funny! ace network is alive and kicking on its feet now

  19. Sandy Gallagher

    I’m suing Perry for claiming he just gave me a handy… That fucker gobbed my cone like they were old friends!

  20. Jorgie

    Love it. Absolutely hilarious.

  21. PercyJangles

    Keep these coming! These guys are the best!

  22. Ian

    Please take this off the ace network immediately. Its offensively terrible.

  23. Mumbles Slam

    Excellent podcast except for, of course, Perry’s complete unprofessionalism. And are Perry’s material possessions so important to him that he won’t sacrifice his hat to someone in dire need, someone Perry, in fact, injured? I also didn’t know Perry was a pedophiliac.

  24. BickleNack

    Great stuff

  25. jimmy

    “Ian” your an idiot. This is one of the best podcast out there. If you don’t like, move on you fag

  26. Doug


  27. BlahBlahBlog

    So its “The Big 3” show, but I count 4 morons in the picture.

    1. Jack


  28. AJ

    One guy sounds just like Jimmy Kimmel, the other guy barely ever talks and when he does is uninteresting, and the third guy switches back and forth between saying very very stupid things or simply yelling unintelligibly. (Really odd to have Jimmy Kimmel on, I get the feeling this is just an outlet for Kimmel’s weird collection of extended family that make up most of his staff and crew.)


  29. John

    Not for me. Hacky Schtick. Fictional characters, bogus calls, I’ve got “morning zoo” on my FM radio. Glad the network is adding more content. Keep it up.

    1. WindyCity Pete

      The hell you say

  30. WindyCity Pete

    One more thing Mr. Barris is back.

  31. robx46

    I like it! The network needed a podcast like this, something a little different than the usual.
    Great to see the network really branching out! I’ll need to hear a couple more shows of this to really get a feel for this show, but so far so good.


    Why did Perry flip out and break Sol Steinbergowitz-Greenbaum’s leg???? It ruined an otherwise AWESOME podcast.

    Mole and Don were great (as usual). Is there anyway they can replace Perry? His violence and lack of professionalism was uncalled for.

  33. SumChick

    I just time traveled… and “they” said it wasn’t possible.

  34. Max

    Mornign Zoo garbage… not my thing. Love LowBudgetFM though… Almost as annoying as Dave’s of Thunder.

  35. Drexl

    i watched “windy city heat” and liked it. i thought, this might be good…
    i made it 2 minutes.
    one long unfunny bit.
    if i wanted to be bored by guys doing characters for half an hour, i’d watch prime time network TV.
    guys screaming isn’t funny.
    “i smoke pot.” that’s not funny.
    fake jewish lawyers with stereotypical names, not funny.

  36. randall

    LOVE the Big Three!

  37. Get Real!

    I’m sorry, these guys were just plain ” Retarded “. I read the other comments and I really wanted to like these guys. I’ll check back in a few episodes and see if i feel differenly, but for now…Pure Crap!

    1. marty

      I agree this was very hard to listen to. I Gave Larry Miller a try and he is such a professional to do his show on his own and be able to just tell story’s and not bore the shit out of me like these creepy clowns.

  38. Andy90

    This is a Jimmy Kimmel side-project. Why else would he be so closely associated with this group, and spend thirty minutes ‘on the phone’ with them? And why is Barris wearing a wig and fake moustache? And for all you fools who think that having Kimmel and Barris in the same shot disproves this, well then I guess bad Superman was played be someone other than Christopher Reeves.

  39. Name

    I don’t get it.

  40. otto

    I love these guys, but they need to work on the sound. Very rough. But I’m happy the Big Three are back.
    Tell Perry to stop screwing shit up. Jeez!

  41. Dan

    If you want to hear a podcast that is funny check out These guys should be added to Carollas Roster of shows. I have been listening to this show a lot lately.

  42. Harry Sachs

    great show except for Perry throwing a tantrum and injuring Sol’s leg. I don’t even think Perry apologized. Very low class scary fairy. i think Perry is ruining what could be the best podcast around. The fact he was unwilling to sing for the chilean miners….i mean whats one encore for guys who had been through so much. I’m going to keep listening despite Perry because Mole and Don are great. Perry your an asshole for attacking sol and I hope he sues your ass.

  43. Detroit's Own

    1 minute in…uncontrollable laughter!


  44. Griff Murray

    If you are looking for man-love Perry, I’m here for you.



  45. Bob Peters

    I am so in love with you Perry!!!!! Please call me if you are ever lonely and want to cuddle!! (818) 779-0956

  46. Henry Hankypanky

    Dear Perry Caravello,

    I work for a magazine that gay men buy. I’d love to have you model for us. It could be great publicity for you. Your gay fans would love seeing you naked.



  47. David E (MIAMI)

    I LOOOOOVE THE BIG 3!!! Why hasnt Comedy Central given them a weekly show or something? Its a guaranteed hit! I dont know anyone who Ive showed Windy City Heat or Simply Don Episodes to that doesnt absolutely love them!.. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING I LOVE YOU DON PERRY AND MOLE! GOOD LUCK WITH EVERYTHING!!! hey comedy central… GIVE THESE GUYS A SHOW OR ANOTHER MOVIE….ANYTHING!!! THIS COMEDY NEEDS TO BE GIVEN TO THE MASSES!!!

  48. Alex

    lol this is amazing, ace you are the man for bringing us these 3 geniuses again!

  49. rambling man

    what is this ? wtf? like a bunch of housesfraus

  50. kevin

    The big 3 is back!!!! Oh I have been waiting so long for something like this. Scary Perry you are my hero and soon to be lover. Keep up the podcast guys. I hope to see more and more of the big 3!!!! Windy city heat my favorite movie of all time hands down!

  51. Mike

    Can you idiots get this on the zune marketplace so I don’t have to walk around listening to it on my phone like an asshole? GET IT THE FUCK ON!!!!

  52. Bml

    You have to use the RSS feed for Zune, add it in Zune under Collection > Marketplace > Add a Podcast (button under the left side of podcast images)

  53. timbo

    thanks guys for all of the real and true fun both of you provide me with every time i listen to the podcast. i found it just about the day it came out and i was honestly so so pleased that such a podcast could exist.
    i remember seeing windy city heat when it came out on the comedy channel, i recorded it on to a rickety old tape because i saw the genius in it and knew i needed to record it. i was equally thrilled to find that windy city heat had finally been put onto dvd (i believe in 2006?). thanks again for making that movie/documentary. it was truly life changing for me. and thank you so much for having a podcast now! i enjoy it every time, in the shower, thinking of perry and 1992.

    thanks again mole and dan.
    and thanks for hanging in there, pery, one day you will have been recognized as contributing something.

    (for any idea as to what’s going on and what is the big three? check out windy city heat, it will put everything into perspective and you will enjoy and be glad you found this, it’s like the difference between knowing about the original hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy and not the horrible horrible hollywood movie, or only knowing about the horrible horrible hollywood movie based on the wildly popular “hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy” they’re not very much alike but imagine not knowing about something really very fun.)

  54. Rufus Manier

    Wow,I adore Miami! They are the most talented team in basketball! We will never ever see another 3 headed monsterteam like this again! Go James!

  55. Nash

    I keep refreshing my feed. When is the next podcast coming out?

    1. Maryjane

      its not but lots of videos on

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