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Big 3 Holiday Show Pt. 2

The second podcast recorded live in front of a packed Main Room at The World Famous Comedy Store was even wilder than the first with special appearances from Detroit rapper and an enemy of Perry’s, Rucka Rucka Ali who joined Burt Ward in this classic podcast. The audience was heavily involved in this show as Rucka introduced his NEW video, “Give Me a Hand” and sang the classic “Yo! Perry” while Perry was unprepared for his rendition of “Back In Black”

Show Summery

The pre show had special guest and Ding-Dong Show cast member, Tennessee Ernie Tuxedo entertain the crowd with his rendition of the classic, “Wicked Games”.

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out

Rucka Rucka Ali’s “Give Me A Hand” Video

Show Trailer

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

Show Gallery

This Post Has 58 Comments

  1. Dustin Hedberg

    THANKS DON!!! MARY JAYNE!!! MOLE!!! ……. and perry

  2. Rucka's Nucka

    Best podcast to date. Thanks, Don, Mole, and that other guy, for bringing your fans the best part of our weeks!

  3. OklaHOMO

    Thank you, Don! No matter what, my life will always be somewhat miserable – but at least this Podcast to look forward to.
    I (and many others) appreciate all the hard work you do.

    While you may not make much $ from this project — please realize how cherished this Podcast is to all of your fans — and that is priceless!


  4. Red.mac

    Biiiiig 3

  5. Andrew p

    Thanks don! Another amazing show. Everyone realizes how hard you, mj, and the team are working. It was nice to see the Scare Master make some cash from the live show. Hopefully he can realize that hard work, professionalism, and giving an occasional hand job does pay off if you remain dedicated and wait long enough. Keep up the good work!

    1. Spooky Sammy

      He has probably already “blown” all the money away on whores and $5 energy drinks.

      1. Bowers, Coast, Fischer

        Sammy, we love your website “STONEFURY.COM”, we would like to mention it during a future shout out, please

  6. Ed

    thx Don

    I hope the pt2 will be as good as pt1

  7. Jack Mehoff

    I wonder if Perry knows this? In order to book his first big male modeling gig, Perry’s uncle, Al Corsi, had to give Italian fashion designer Roberto Cavalli a handjob while Cavalli sucked Al Corsi’s dick. History does repeat itself and it is no coincidence that the initials for both Uncle Al and Perry Caramello’s male lovers are RC.

  8. Heather "The Niece"

    First of all, That Was One of The Best Shows I’ve Ever Seen at The Store since I’ve been going there but it came out just as well if not better via podcast. Don and Mol, You guys Were Amazing as Usual. The Show Was Hysttterical, and listening to it this morning brought back a lot of good memories from that night. Rucka’s New Song and Performance were perfection, while Perry’s “Rendition” of Back in Black Sounded like Drunken Geriatric Karaoke at Best. It was A Complete Slap in the Face to AC/DC! Nevertheless, the Show Went Off seemlessly! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK BOYS <3

  9. Bizarro

    Nice David Lynchian opening to this padcast. Whose vocal stylings were we privileged to?

    1. simplydon

      The guy singing the song was The Ding-Dong Show’s, Tennessee Ernie Tuxedo. Come see him every Monday night at 10:00 pm at The Ding-Dong Show & very soon The Ding-Dong Show Podcast right here on Simply Don – The Podcast Network.

  10. Nick (Seattle)

    Today I officially call myself one of Rucka’s Nuckas. That video was f-ing amazing! Great work

  11. Spooky Sammy

    I have some exciting news to share which will help clear up certain rumors swirling around the blogosphere:

    1. Perry is NOT Italian: DNA testing confirms what many have suspected all along; Perry is actually a Romanian Gypsy from Transylvania. His family most likely simply squatted on Italian land while fleeing Transylvania on pedophilia related charges. That’s one!

    B. Al Corsi involved in gay mafia priest scandals and counterfeit man purses: well known member of the San Francisco Militia and Greasy Panthers Party, also trafficked in child pornography during his active years. Current investigative results still pending.

    Third. Perry scamming government caused the economic crisis: Perry has engaged in numerous operations to fleece various government programs. His disability scam has been ongoing for over 20 years, he has even billed taxpayers for self-inflicted injuries such as his “watch this” series of skateboarding tricks. Howver, the real cause for his recent neck injuries were due to him trying to deepthroat the world’s biggest dong. He lives rent free in his government subsidized palatial villa, and evens scams taxpayers for food stamps. Perry also prides himself for avoiding all income taxes on the millions of $$$ he has made from the $10 shoutouts, his line of Chinese skateboards and T-shirts.

    Please help bring back Carson Daly as the original Stone Fury!

    1. Patricia

      – Amazing! that looks like the most fun to have at a wedding I silmpy love those blue bridesmaids dresses against the sand and beach, and the bride is stunning. You did such an awesome job of capturing the relaxed atmosphere!

  12. petri

    everybody lets do the callahan

    1. Hugh Blue-Hoo

      Would The Callahan be miming somebody slurping cock like an Italian or jerking one off like a Javaho?

  13. Jared

    Will we get pictures? 😮

    1. Simply Don

      Yes, by tonight, the last two shows will have photos put up … Sorry that it has taken so long to everyone.

      1. Gene Novak

        Tremendous show Don! Things are really starting to come together for you guys. I hope you can do more road shows and I hope to be able to buy some of your merchandise soon. Would like to get the DVD, some shirts, and such.

        1. i feel so pretty witty and perry

          i dont think is don

          1. simplydon

            You don’t think “WHAT” is Don?

          2. Dr. Crawford

            You can identify the real Don by his deep well of compassion and his hunger for constructive criticism.

        2. Howard

          Dr. Crawford fuck off already! Nobody finds you funny. You’re acting like a damn child.

      2. simplydon

        Pictures for both parts, 1 & 2 are now on the page … Sorry for the delay!

  14. Gunbu

    A night I will never forget! Hope you guys do more live shows soon.

  15. Demetri

    What a wild second half. I wasn’t even at the show and I feel like I need to decompress. Rucka knocked the new single out of the park. That part where Perry is leaving a message on Randy’s answering machine is surreal, and it sounds like Perry was shitting a brick while watching it.

    The live show was even more successful than I hoped for. The only thing that would have made it better is if Terrifying Tim was there. It seems like this show has grown so much just in the past 6 months. It wasn’t that long ago (October) we were still having episodes with zero shout-outs. And in April we were all worried that the show might end. Now I don’t know if anything can stop it.

    1. eddie torres

      Terrifying Tim… RIP POW|MIA! Never Forget!

      If they ever get the rescue mission assembled, I fear it may be too late. Even Colonel Blake might be lost by now.

    2. Alarming Andrew

      You were at Perry’s apartment the entire time?

      Also, did Perry finally block you “from all of [his] pages!?!?!”

    3. i feel so pretty witty and perry

      where u the one that was going to make love to perry?

  16. eddie torres

    Rucka Rucka’s video… so much passion… so much talent… with plot twists and turns… with DON! and MOLE! and others… a professional masterpiece… it better win the Tonys next year, that’s all I’m sayin!

  17. Dustin Hedberg

    part 2 totally brought the sock throwing into context.. and under the correct context its funny! i misjudged and i apologize

    1. Harley Davidson

      Oh thank God you think it’s funny now. Everything is right with the world again.

  18. Dustin Hedberg

    hey i was sayin sorry for gettin it wrong ….fuck off harley

    1. Harley Davidson

      And I was just saying gather all the information and pertinent facts before you go agreeing with Dr. Crawfuck. Apology accepted.

  19. eddie torres

    Mole did such a masterful re-telling of the “Watch This!” legend… it’s like I was standing right there next to dat lady when Parry broke his neck!

    So many memories.

  20. Dustin Hedberg

    hey man just lookin out… i would never want anything to happen that would destroy the biiiiig three that is all, i dont want perry to get fed up and quit for good.. and when youve been a fan for as long as i have and as attentively as i have you start to care about the guys and you hate to see anything bad happen to them…. i am a real fan… again go fuck yourself harley who made you dickhead of the msg board?

    1. Alarming Andrew

      Great shout out Dustin! Ignore the haters.


    wow great to hear SBS and Ari, would have been good to hear from Bobcat and Kimmel! maybe in the future. sounds like it was a fun show, wish I could have attended. now sell us some damn t-shirts and DVDs already!!

    1. Judo n Slade

      Great to hear Steven Brody Stevens/positive energy is alive and well. Would have been great to hear him do the countdown .

  22. Imbecile

    Next time Perry is attacked with socks, it should be like what happened to Pyle in Full Metal Jacket.

    Plus it’ll be refreshing for him to have contact with soap.

  23. 'What The Huck' delivery guy

    I appreciate the many phone calls that we have been inundated with over at W T H, concerning the mishap that transpired on July 4th. For those few of you that still don’t know, the homemade fireworks made a huge explosion on top of the building, where we were launching them. I’m surprised that it was such a big explosion considering that we only used two gallons of nitroglycerin. But anyway, the good news is is that ONLY 5 co-workers recieved 3rd and 4th degree burns. When I’m not busy delivering excellent-tasting food all through-out southern Cali, I stop by at the hospital to offer encouragement to my compadres. I said encouraging things like: “Don’t worry Juan, I’m sure you can still chop-up that chop suey with just one arm.” or “Well, if they ever remake ‘The Elephant Man’, I think it’s safe to say that you’ll get the part.” Miraculously, nothing happened to me. All I remember is being engulfed in this light-blue forcefield and hearing “ew ew ew ew ew”. That’s when I realized that Terrifying Tim has become my guardian angel!
    BIG THREE ! ! !

  24. Nigel

    Perry on Facebook: “They don’t allow China Boards in Heaven… That is why Tim Perpedic wen’t straight to Hell!!!”

    That is the most offensive thing I’ve heard someone say… ever.

  25. Cluettt

    Great show, loved both. wish I was there.

  26. Dr. Crawford

    I’d like to thank all the fans who showed their support at the 20th Anniversary Show. It’s because of you we have a show. Expect some big developments to come in the next few months.

    John 3:16

  27. jack

    Tennessee’s cover of Wicked Games at the beginning is just… the perfect opening to this.

    I can’t explain it… it just is.

    1. MR FISTER

      was waiting for shizo to come out for another battle duet


    where the fuck does that footage of perry saying that stuff straight to the camera come from? he can’t remember saying it?!

    1. eddie torres

      It’s all Chinese computer graph techmology. I bet Parry practiced the “I AM THE DISASTER!” speech to his laptop but forgot about it.

      Maybe Parry’s Chinese hacker boyfriend stole it from Parry’s free laptop while Parry was napping with the Spaghetti Lunch guys.

      1. eddie torres

        Parry is always bragging in those videos about having other people’s balls in his grasp, and demanding that they suck his sausage. Once a tug-n-blow, always a tug-n-blow.

  29. Spooky Sammy

    Is it me or is that JJ Abrams in the audience wearing the white “Gay!” shirt?

    1. Alarming Andrew

      Good spot. Very possible Dom M. invited him.

      What a shame, Perry could have been a body/stunt double for Hugo.

  30. Don Cruise

    I find perry very attractive, i you agree please feel free to thumbs up

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