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The Big 3 is not the Big 3

The Big 3 will once again be taking the week off because Mole is back in Wisconsin seeing a family doctor and Perry has a lady friend in town …

See you next week!

Be sure to check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood. Mention Don’s name at the door and get in for FREE!

Want More Big3 Check Out

Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Big 3 Production Manager: Mary Jane Green
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

This Post Has 53 Comments

  1. Linda Kasabian

    “I am number four”… number for all the paint thinner I drink! Yeah, I get it though: I’m Sparticus! “No, I’m Spraticsus!” All for one, and three for a dollar. Not going to the Comedy Store, though. Sorry about that. Anything live seems antiquated now, like Bank Tellers or Bathroom attendants. I Hope Mole gets out of his hole he’s in without killing his mom. Wisconsin is a tough place to live.

  2. Jon

    Is Steven Brody Stevens filling in again?

  3. Perence

    I guess you guys just don’t want those sponsorship dollars badly enough. You don’t see the Aceman taking a week off, he pounds out the podcasts and tours on his weekends too. Careers don’t just happen.

    1. timboree

      one hour a week?! you guys cant find one hour in your week to record a podcast? the ace man is consistent. you guys fail to provide a product to people who want to hear it!

  4. Dave Dameshek


    1. Joey McReal Name

      Fuck you Dave!

    2. Linda Kasabian

      Hummer. Do you have one for the rest of the class?

  5. Harry

    I wish I was in California….I’d go to the Comedy Club every night.

    Chapelle should replace Perry and The Big 3 Podcast would skyrocket.

  6. Nelson

    the Ding Dong show really is the best kept secret in hollywood. When Im in LA I spend every single night down at the comedy store until the show is over. It doesnt matter if theres 200 people in the room or 2 Don Barris puts 100% effort into making sure the crowd is entertained. People really have to get into the club and see Don, his band the BKO and now on Monday nights the Ding Dong Show. I’m going to do my best to promote all those shows and this podcast and fuck it….even Dean Cuisine.

    The Ding Dong show is like nothing you’ve ever seen before, it really is a great time. I can’t wait for my next visit.

  7. Trevor Corey

    For crying out loud, what kind of comedians are you three?!! You can’t put an hour per week podcast together? And you want to get paid for this crap? Go get a real job and leave entertainment to those with talent!!

    1. Don Barris

      I’m sorry Trevor, Mole was in Wisconsin for medical help and Perry is getting his neck operated in a month and had a girl that was visiting that he had to pick up at the airport when the show was scheduled so I let him pick her up … Instead of pulling a “Daves Of Thunder” move and not care about our fans and give them NO SHOW at all, I gave an update of the Big 3, introduced the the audience to another group of people that I have a show with and I brought a great moment of getting confirmation of that show starting back at the Comedy Store again … I thought that people would like something rather than nothing on our normal day of having a podcast … Again Trevor, I’M SORRY!!!

      1. Jake

        Don, I’m a huge fan of the show. But I can’t recommend this show to others with episodes like this. Have mole call in, have Perry bring his girl in, reschedule! Two weeks without an episode is a career killer.

      2. Linda Kasabian

        Don, the show is fascinating. I wouldn’t worry about revenue.

        Thanks for the abbreviated show.

        FYI, I would buy a Big 3 polo shirt with a discreet logo (so as still business/casual) for around $22.50, with shipping no more than $4.95.

      3. Good Gravy

        Thanks Don, TB and Perry for your creative work. This show is always funny and impressive in a oddly dysfunctional and broken “Eastern Europe” type of way. Like the jazz blues in song, it makes you feel great.

  8. Cal

    Uhg! I listen to each podcast atleast 3 times a week, and now I have to wait another week?! ARGg! I demand more show!

  9. Z

    Absence makes the heart grow fonder. BIIIIIIIG 3!
    I will simply have to find something else to do to pass the time. I think I shall make all of you giant popcorn necklaces.

  10. Unleashed Fury

    Hey Don – I live in Seattle, not Hollywood. Why don’t you bring the Big 3 on tour to Seattle? If you announced that I would get so excited, I would jack-off 6 times in a row.

  11. Me

    How do i get a $10 shout out? Where do I mail the $10? Check or cash?Thanks! 🙂

    1. Johnny AIDSenstein


      Don Barris
      7510 Sunset Blvd. #153
      Hollywood, CA 90046

      1. Jim Lahey

        I looked up that address.
        Don lives with some guy called Mr Mail.

      2. Me

        sweet. thanks!

  12. Mustard Tiger

    That’s fine that you guy’s took a week off — but you could at least give us true fans a warning. The show is pre-recorded a week ahead of time, (which I don’t understand why you do) no reason not to give us a heads up.

    I say leave a comment if the show being delayed a week on your Facebook page — let the people know what’s up who anticipate the podcast. I was very pissed to find out no BIG 3 this week… I too want this show to be a success – I am spreading the word. Hard to get people returning on a consistant basis when even your hardcore fans don’t even know what the hell is going on.
    Please consider giving a warning is all I ask.



      Sam here, how can I turn people onto the show WHEN THERE IS NO FUCKIN SHOW??? Get to work you lazy bastards

  13. Nick (Seattle)

    Donna had better not become the yoko ono of the big 3! Thanks for the mini podcast, at least it’s something.. I’m gonna do my part to bring 3000 new listeners and get me that autographed photo! And I concur with unleashed, bring a show to seattle!

  14. Gaylord Focker

    As a loyal listener of the Big 3 podcast I am a bit put off by Don Barris making me feel like it is “my” responsibility to find advertisers for the podcast. Don, I truly appreciate what you and Mole and the rest of the team are doing. It is obvious how much hard work and effort you put into each show. It is creative and VERY funny. Even when it isn’t funny, it is still highly entertaining, which is why so many people look forward to it every week and replay it during the week to tide themselves over until the next new show comes out. But come on — why guilt trip your most loyal fans like this? Why is it “our” job to find sponsors? Isn’t that part of the job of the network? After all, they are your partners in this endeeever (as Mole would say) and would be splitting the money with you guys. Why not ask Jimmy Kimmel Live, the Comedy Store, Comedy Central, or any of the other individuals or entities that could make money if another movie is made to support the podcast? You obviously have a much closer connection to these groups than we do. And again, the podcast is on the ACE BROADCASTING NETWORK so why don’t they put out feelers for sponsors on THEIR OWN NETWORK? Also — you obviously know that many if not most of your podcast listeners are tuning in from around the country. If I don’t live in California how am I supposed to come see you at the Comedy Store? And, if I do live in California and come see you on a daily basis at the Comedy Store, how is THAT supporting the Big Three Podcast? The way I see it, I am doing my job by being a loyal listener. If you need money to continue, why don’t you answer all the people who have been looking to buy DVDs or CDs of the show or other things related to the Big 3, going all the way back to The Simply Don public access show? I know I have personally asked if DVDs of the Simply Don show would ever be available and never received any reply. That’s fine, if you don’t want to go there, but then don’t complain if you don’t think your audience is doing enough. The way I see it is, we are willing to give you our money in exchange for a product. I imagine most of your listeners are not in the financial position to “sponsor” a podcast but I have already named three business entities that you have close ties to that can. I would pay you for Simply Don recordings or other Big 3 stuff if “you” chose to put some stuff together and tell me how to order it. Beyond that, if you were to make another movie I would buy it. If the Big 3 came to do a show that was convenient for me to attend, I would attend it. In the meantime, I am appreciative of your efforts and will continue to listen with gratitude to the podcast, and I hope that in spite of Perry’s very real medical issues that you will find a way to keep on trucking, and hopefully give us a podcast on a weekly basis. Thank you for fulfilling our hopes that the Big 3 would reunite and do something like this, and even though you may not think the audience is doing enough for you, I hope that as an artist you can appreciate having a grateful audience that appreciates your efforts.

    Gaylord Focker, RN

    1. Don Barris

      Gaylord… How can I respond to you besides on this page … could you get in touch with me on facebook or some other way?

  15. Z

    that was fucking brutal man.
    when WETA and PBS need money to continue their programming i don’t get pissed off when they ask for donations.

  16. Bronson

    I get that Mole is back in Wisconsin with his doctor, but wasn’t Tony B available?

    1. Tony B

      It’s me! I’m Tony B, man. Hai, hellooo!

  17. mewmewmint

    I ordered one of scary Perry’s skateboards… he sent me a Popsicle stick with some 4×4 wheels taped to the bottom. He’s a good skateboarder though but he only does 2 tricks: 1. riding around with his hands in his pockets wearing a trenchcoat made of garbage bags and a beret and 2. doing what he calls a “frontflip” which is when you step on the front of the board really hard and making it flip. Most of the time it lands on it’s side or upside down but that’s okay cuz it’s still pretty cool.

  18. Oklahomo

    How come you don’t point out to ACE Broadcasting that on iTunes Podcasts (FEATURED PROVIDERS) when you click on ACE Broadcasting every show on their network comes up BUT The Big Three.
    If you have pointed that out — then, why is your show not on their list of shows on iTunes? This would attract many, many, more listeners. Without a doubt your numbers would sky rocket!

    I myself am a HUGE fan, but I only found out about this Podcast on accident while I was on
    Is there is a hidden plan as to why you guys are hard to find on iTunes?… maybe you have to get established first – but that’s a catch 22, because can’t really get established without the proper promotion.

    I just don’t get it.
    Please if anyone with knowledge (Don, or ACE Broadcasting) can explain this, it would reduce my major confusion over a simple solution to a major problem.

  19. Big Fan

    Don was just on JKL trying to get the crowd to cheer Tom Hanks.

  20. Robbie Dick

    I totally thought that Perry’s lady friend, Donna, was secretly you, Don Barris! The texts he read from her were hilarious.

  21. Donna (Don's six week old daughter)

    I don’t blame any of you for being pissed at my Daddy and those two other Mensa members. I mean, NOT listening to the Big Three is a form of child abuse. Don’t worry, the next time my Daddy leaves me by myself (which is all the time) I’ll flush down his cigars and erase all of his porn. Uh,oh. Here comes the old man. I better dumb it down so he doesn’t realize that I’m already 5x smarter than he could ever fathom to be. goo goo ga ga goo goo dumbass ga ga

  22. BmoreBrian

    Love the show, let’s keep it going.

  23. Markus J

    HEY DON,

    I own the domain names & and I would like to know where you want them forwarded to. I only bought the names because I love the show and wanted to make sure no one took the domains. If there is a way I can give you guys the domains I will or I can just forward it to whatever websites you want.MARKUS J is the biggest BIGTHREE FAN>


  24. Don Barris

    You name is like the phrase, “Hey, would you blow me?” … That doesn’t suck, that’s REALLY funny.

    1. Haywood Jablowmi


      1. Sam Lasco

        whoa Time paradox!

  25. Football Pillow

    Let’s just say I’ve been getting a lot of, “attention” lately now that the Daves are gone. Please help me.


  26. Tairy Hesticles

    YO!!! The BIG THR33 took out that asshole, microphone sabotaging bastard, Dave Dameshek and his pillow bitting buddy. Congrats BIG THR33 your now #1 on ACE Network.

    1. Tairy Hesticles

      Actually I just got word your in a close 2nd behind some guy named Adrew Carollo.

  27. Kröd Mändoon

    Serious,how can we expect Perry AND the Mole to show up every week?
    Just not gonna happen,even with Don”Boom Boom”Barris is God,it just ain’t gonna happen.
    p.s did Sol Steinbergowitzgreenbaum die? Maybe Perry is running from the law.

  28. Haywood Jablowmi

    Boo moderation!

  29. Haywood Jablowmi

    My favorite podcast was canceled so I need something new to listen to. Does this podcast ever discuss mustard or condiments?

  30. Jack Payback

    I don’t know how many non US citizens are fans but believe me the Big 3 caters to non US peoples.
    I’m an Aussie and Windy City Heat was never released here in Australia, I only became aware of it due to Perry’s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live with the Balloon boy or whatever it was, but it was hilarious, and I explored these peoples on Google and now I am a total Big 3 fan and have listened to every podcast.

    I seriously want to buy a Big 3 T-shirt to be the first in Australia to have one. So why can I not buy one???????

  31. a

    This show functions at 100% right now, with ads you would knock it down to like 67%. Who wants to hear shit like, “adam&eve” “gotomypc” or “gotomeeting”? These sponsors that fuck up the integrity and motion of previously high functioning shows. Most sponsors are opportunist realizing that podcasting is a new way to get their flunky product some recognition for little or even no cost, exploiting hopeful people and leaving egg on the shows face.(copy read, product plugged, audience has heard it 10x before, little or no audience response, time wasted etc.) some sponsors don’t get you your owed money ’till months and months down the line. This podcast is different from and other, blending pop culture and your personal lives! stay original and dont take bush league sponsors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. koko

      ads are a kind of a bummer, especially when the ad is for a skateboard made of 100% pure Canadian pine. call me crazy, but in this tough economic climate i think its important to buy American.

  32. Haywood Jablowmi

    Will you talk about mustard on the next podcast?

  33. Mick E. Maus

    I’m disappointed that there wasn’t a new episode this week, and that last week’s episode was more of a lecture. As a fan, can I really be expected to call up some companies and ask them to offer you guys money to advertise on your podcast – they’d want to talk to someone affiliated with the real show (except Perry.) Given that the show is not consistently airing, how could they justify giving you ad money?

    Additionally, I think Don said at one point that each show has $11,000 of expenses per year, and that after that the ad revenue goes 50/50 to the show’s makers and ACE Broadcasting. Even getting $11,000 a year in ads is going to be very tough, so it seems to me that growing the audience is the most important thing for now – the ads will come once there is a big enough audience to make it worth advertising to, from the perspective of a large company.

    Here are some things you need to do to grow the Big Three Podcast.
    1) Have Donny make it so that the Big Three Podcast shows up when you type “Ace Broadcasting” into the iTunes search bar. Several percent of Adam’s listeners will start listening to the Big Three, translating into thousands of new listeners with almost zero effort.
    2) See if every Thursday, or whenever the day is that The Big Three comes out, Adam will run those 10 second or so ads for The Big Three. This helped get Larry Miller’s podcast off the ground, and he now has Gamefly as a sponsor.
    3) Put your hat into the ring. If Adam needs a guest, or if they might have some extra time to have two guests in one day, make it known that Don will jump in and bring his A game, even though it’s short notice and you don’t get paid anything to do it. Damesheck used to do this, and it was great, and Adam always let him plug his upcoming comedy appearances. Getting the audience familiar with you will quickly build your brand, it doesn’t matter that Mole and Perry won’t be there – you’re the “straight man” of the group, the Moe, if you will.
    4) Ideally, try to get a weekly or semi-weekly segment on Adam’s show, to do this, come up with some sort of game analogous to Larry Miller’s Road Trip.
    5) Continue to encourage your listeners to spread the news about The Big Three. That’s what gets you to the point of critical mass, when people are talking about it, and it builds on itself. In order for this to happen, though, there needs to be consistency in terms of delivering the product every week – even if Perry can’t make it.
    6) Terrifying Tim; I like this kid, he has what is known in the business as “it”, and it’s obviously going to take him to the top. I’m sure he and Perry will easily get along working side by side, because Perry is such a professional.

  34. Larry Bird

    Jesus what a fucking joke. Me bring in fans? How bout you have shows 3 weeks in a row, dickfaces. Quit your crying.

  35. Silly Willy

    It’s crazy that this drivel makes it and Daves of Thunder gets cancelled. Some unfunny morons who sound like the airheaded radio douchebags Carolla complains about somehow get a show on his network. The irony.

  36. Janet

    Perry needs to calm the fuck down. His screaming comes out of my speakers and invades my living room. I live in a scream-free, angry-free home. Perry has ruined that for me today.
    p.s. you pissed off my Indian neighbors who could hear your childish shrills 2 floors down.

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