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The Trouble with Mole

At the top of the show, the guys squash some of the internet rumors going around. They also have a deep conversation about child pornography, and do a bit of Oscar Trivia. Don and Perry then try to scam Mole to get their money back, through the incredible powers of hypnosis.

Later in the show, Perry reads a letter from Donna about her recent visit, and the guys yell at each other about Girl Scout cookies. There’s also a very regal version of Mole Play, and a very graphic segment of Guy Talk. The show wraps up with Perry’s Corner, as he updates the guys on his business and Terrifying Tim.

Be sure to check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood. Mention Don’s name at the door and get in for FREE!

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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Big 3 Production Manager: Mary Jane Green
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

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This Post Has 57 Comments

  1. timboree


  2. Scary Fairy Karavello

    I rolled my pennies

  3. Tony B

    Tonyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Beeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  4. Bronson

    Has Mole met Barbara Walters? He’s definitely this year’s most fascinating person.

    Look at that Rolling Rock in picture 13, that’s what I call product placement. A potential sponsor? I’ll take 10 cases.

  5. Gavin Holmes

    Don looks like he lost weight but it still ugly

    1. Me

      You were so close to making a sentence. You’ll get it next time.

  6. Me

    Mole was misdiagnosed. That’s a Mulitple Personality Disorder, not Schizophrenia.
    Perry’s voice often reminds of the voice of the serial killer in Silence of the Lambs. Can u have him say “It puts the lotion in the basket?”

  7. Lindsey

    I love Mole. He is the most genius pothead ever. 🙂
    Perry got straight up played out by Donna. Not even a handjob? Because she’s on her period? Playa got played. No booty…and now no alcohol. His pain feeds my soul.

  8. Trevor Corey

    Don B. is nothing but a big bully. Not only does he constantly abuse the sweet little halfwit Scary Fairy, but he wears a communist shirt!!! That insults me the same way as if you wore a Nazi uniform!! Why can’t you dress normal like Perry and Mole.

    Anyways, it would be great if you guys could reminisce about the good old times on Windy City. Like when Perry performed in the musical Oklahomos.

  9. Meh

    Shtick was funnier when Perry wasn’t in on it. He doesn’t pretend not to be in on it very well.

    1. Brent

      I totally agree.

    2. Oklahomo

      I noticed that, too. You could tell Perry was in on Mole’s “hypnotism”. As Don has pointed out numerous times: Perry can’t act and isn’t funny when he tries to be. The bread and butter of The Big Three is when the jokes on Perry. I was dissapointed in this weeks podcast.
      Come on, BIG 3! You can do better than this.

      1. Vatican Warlock Kasabian Prefect

        They joke about how the show is different because unlike other podcasts, they talk about current events and their personal lives…

        Obviously that’s sarcasm, but the show *is* very different. It’s 90 minutes of improv and bits, while never breaking character; that’s hard to do and even harder to sustain.

        Let’s see how it evolves. Personally, I liked it when they broke character for a moment (Don questioning how a guy in a neck brace can be ticklish).

  10. Oklahomo

    I sure hope this show has not “Jumped the Shark” — hate to say: This one was a stinker!

  11. Alex


  12. Haywood Jablowmi

    This show is horrible. Bring back the Dave’s!

    1. Vatican Warlock

      You DnD’ers (DnD = “Dave and Dave”, not “Dungeons and Dragons”) are like a bunch of droopy-eyed, armless children. Stop whining and start winning!

  13. slutty_AC_Green

    This podcast blows. Ace kept this garbage on instead of our beloved Daves. Feeney’s farts are funnier than these hacks.

  14. Smeghed

    this was really disturbing, bring back the Daves

    1. Oklahomo

      That is apples and oranges.
      Don’t blame this GREAT podcast on the ending of the SHITTY Daves of Thunder.

  15. Rasputin Horny Holy Man

    Sorry to hear Donna turned out to be such a BITCH perry, shagging some random Aussie in her bloody vag and not even having the decency to deliver a blowjob in exchange for staying at your place and drinking your Baileys. Maybe after your neck surgery you can get back into cunnilingus form and impress the ladies again. You may still get your red wings.

    BIG 3

  16. Mumbles Slam

    Seeing Perravello in that neckbrace really makes me miss Jim Varney. R.I.P., know what I mean?

  17. Intimidating Ian, of Intimidating Ian's Skateboard Company

    Where can I purchase Mole Play: The Official Board Game of the Big Three Podcast?

  18. mewmewmint

    uhm Dave Dameshek fags… nobody gives a fuck. You got a problem with dameshek’s show being cancelled? Take it up with him. It’s got nothing to do with Big 3 and Big 3’s fans don’t give a fuck if you don’t like them. Ever think that the reason you don’t like Big 3 is that maybe you’re nerds? I’ve never heard Dumbashek’s show, but he looks like a douche and he was never funny when he was on Carolla’s show.

    1. Haywood Jablowmi

      mewmewmint constant yelling + not funny = shitty podcast. It’s simple math. Bring back the Dave’s please.

      1. Sugurh we're goin down

        Sounds like you really get it

  19. koko

    this show was great. Mole and Don in particular. Perry was too hopped on valium and energy drinks to be his usual angry entertaining self. i really don’t like happy energetic Perry. he bothers me. lose the pills and bring back the fury!!!!

  20. Brandon

    They cancelled DOT for this pile of shit, i didnt listen but I took one look at these freaks and didnt need to. Ace Broadcast is clearly #Losing

    1. Oklahomo

      This show is WINNING!
      Daves of Thunder SUCKED! Blame the other shitty shows on Ace – not the only good one they have.

    2. mewmewmint

      Are you retarded? They didn’t cancel DOT for Big 3… Big 3’s been on for months. DOT had higher rating than Big 3 so why would they cancel it for that? Where are you retarded Dumbashrek fans getting your info??

    3. Mumbles Slam

      Why the fuck are you using hashtags? This isn’t twitter, d-bag.

  21. Mike

    Feeney>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any of these fags

    1. Haywood Jablowmi

      This statement is 100% fact!

  22. koko

    Haywood, i love DOT too, but what does that show have to do with the Big 3??

    Also, your name is hilarious!!! you have a terrific sense of humor!!!

  23. Yabels

    I think the show is working on a long-form meta-narrative. Terrifying Tim will re-enter shortly and the rage of Perry will recommence.

    Also, Mole (Tony) does some amazing voices. “Big Tex” sounds nothing like Mole or what is ostensibly Tony’s normal voice from two weeks ago. Pretty smart guy.

    And finally, *gasp* Daves of Thunder is gone? GOOD RIDDANCE! BIG THREE 4 LIFE!!!

  24. Big Fan

    I enjoyed this show but I can’t support anything on Ace broadcasting when they shit can a far superior podcast, Daves of Thunder, and keep mediocre podcast like this one.

    More Jacuzzi Thoughts.

  25. Dick Trickle

    The Daves of Thunder wipe their asses with the Big Three.

  26. Diamond

    Where’s the funny? and these mouth breathers couldnt even park feeney’s car

  27. (:-D)

    I wish I had a different personality when I listened to this, but I’m sure you guys will regroup next week. When I look at the picture I think to myself,”Any one of these guys could be in the FBI’s top 10 most wanted.” BIG THREE!!!

  28. Haywood Jablowmi

    I can’t listen to this podcast but was wondering if they ever do any lists or talk about mustard?

  29. Chris

    Thank you BIG 3 for finally getting rid of Dameshek! That’s what he gets for messing with your far superior podcast.

  30. Having been awoken from my post-Academy slumber to hear The Big Three take advantage of the mentally ill is truly disturbing! The hypnosis and attempted scam on Mr. Moleninski can not be condoned. But, worse than this is the child pornography! I am afraid Mr. Karamel has gone too far this time. Even though we were not forced to see this disgusting image, just hearing about it is enough to bring the FCC crashing down upon this new medium. I am afraid that we must be ready for a visit from Mr Langley.

    Mr. Skramelo, I must ask for your SAG card back.

    The President of Hollywood

  31. Haywood Jablowmi

    Why do you people like this podcast?

    1. Unleashed Fury

      Because you hate it and we like to laugh at people like you who get irritated and angry with things they don’t get.

      All hail the Big 3!!!
      Biiiiiiiig Threeeeeeee!!!

      1. Me


    2. Randy Callahan

      Because we get it and you don’t.
      Why do you continue to leave comments on a board from a Podcast you hate is the better question.

  32. Mick E. Maus

    Greetings, fellow Big Three enthusiasts. It is I, Mick E. Maus here for another stirring missive.

    The latest installment of the Podcast known as “The Big Three” was interesting. Mr. Caravello was once again bringing things down with his unprofessionalism and greed; if only he could be replaced by Timothy Perpedic, who is clearly going to be the next big Hollywood star.

    Maybe you could get Mr. Randy Callahan to call in to the show? He’d make an excellent guest.

    Due to the totality of the circumstances, I am prepared to order a copy of the Digital Video Disc entitled “Windy City Heat.” I will not order a Scary Perry Skateboard, though, since my excellent Chinese-made Terrifying Tim Skateboard is absolutely fantastic. I just love the original design on it, it’s totally unique!


    Mick E. Maus

  33. Jeffrey

    Feh and double Feh.

  34. Jeffrey

    Feh and double Feh to this low-brow podcrap.

    D0nny M!zrahi… for canceling DOT and censoring message board posts that include your name, some call you friend, some call you boss…I call you, CREEP OF THE WEEK!!

    I’m sick in my gut over this. Bring back the Daves!

    1. Yabels

      No. Long live the Big Three!!!!!

  35. Heywood Yablowmee

    duh.. hwats a big three/ i ccan only cuont two 2.

    why dosnt moal tak about pikkels and keshup?

  36. Harry Ceword

    Tell Perry to stop sending me child pornography!

  37. ocean spray

    what is this?
    bring back the daves.
    drop these tards

  38. Webby

    This is one of the best scripted podcast online today. Very inside and probably confusing to new listeners. Don and Mole are amazing and Perry is scary. More Terrifying Tim with Perry Please. Thumbs up!

  39. Demetri

    Nicoleta: “Ohhh, you know the way to this French girl’s heart!”

    Perry: “Sí!”

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