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Mary Jane Defamed

Perry arrived at the podcast late because he had to use the restaurant to relieve himself then took some questions about his Javahoe religion including responding to the question about the name of the lower level Javahoes. Hugh A. Craig III sent his first letter in quite a while and sent a tape of a phone conversation between Perry and Tom Brennan where The Scaremaster is caught red-handed making hateful, defamatory remarks aimed at Mary Jane & goes on to threaten the life of Don. Want more

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  1. carcassonne johnny

    My Dog,”Il Stronzo” really has lost what passed for a mind.There is No Excuse for that kind of language.Threatening to kill Dom,with a baseball bat,calling dear sweet M J a CUNT.And then only making some feable lame apology when Dom tells him he won’t get him his meeting with the system council.Well,there is only one cunt in the big 3 and he is the JavaNo.A truly terrible human being.
    Also,I emailed “Il Stronzo” after luis saurez the Uruguayan soccer player BIT an Italian player in a world cup game 10 days ago.I asked how he felt about that kind of javaho behavior.His reply? “I am not interested in soccer”. Sure,some Italian you are.
    Fuck you,you piece of shit ,Javaho,cocksucking,asslicker.

  2. al jolson

    doesn’t getting out of the system require some physical act of humiliation? ala, being tasered while covered in Costco baked chicken?

    1. carcassonne johnny

      How’s about blowing a line of guys in a Denny’s men’s room,and putting it up on youtube.After all he is a Cocksucker.(Hope you are reading this Perry).

      1. Gene Novak

        That wouldn’t be a punishment for Perry, with the exception of the camera it sounds like a regular Saturday night for the Scaremaster!

  3. meatpies

    Perry is a fucking garbage human being and deserves to be put down.. sorry you professionals have to deal with his revolting comments and actions.. long live the podcast!..he shows no remorse cause he’s a waste of jizz…Maryjane is the best and thats a fact!!

  4. HarperLee

    I heard that Pollo Loco actually named the B.R.C. after Perry. He came in with a neckbrace and screamed that he deserves a free burrito since he’s disabled, and yelled at the staff “You know who I am? I’m the guy that Blew Randy Callahan!” They swept some stuff off the floor, wrapped it in a tortilla, and gave it to Perry who displayed his gag reflex controll by repeatingly shoving the burrito down his throat and pulling it out while maintaining intense eye contact and with the male workers at the restaurant. He finished by squeezing the burrito until the contents spilled all over his face then asked if any young boys wanted to help clean him up, preferrably without using their hands. Anyway, the B.R.C. (Blew Randy Callahan) burrito was added to the menu after that incident, and remains the favorite of all lying, greasy, closeted, gypsy trash retards who eat at Pollo Loco

  5. Simply Dog

    “People aren’t supposed to know where it is. The system-place. I don’t even know where it is”. -Dan

  6. Poo Dumpster

    Prank going too far, Perry will respond with more than angry words.

  7. Judo n Slade

    Dr. Spock,Freud, and Piaget all wrote about the psychiatric illness exhibited by Perry: a sudden and abrupt end of brain development, reasoning and conscience. Aristotle coined it the Electra (female version of Oedipus) Complex, a desire for ones father usually found in the female but occasionally the male psychopath with female-like genitalia. The victim is stuck in childhood and thus cannot tell right from wrong,good from bad, cock from twat, and refuses to take ANY responsibility for his own words, actions and blames everyone else. So please accept Perry for the 5 year old brain he’s stuck with. On an aside if Perry kills Don in the studio with a knife AND a baseball bat it cannot be accepted as a CLUE scenario!

  8. REN

    Scerry needs to ditch Dong Barris and Tony the Barberian and form “The Big 1” on “The Simply Dog” network. If only he had a good manager like me to guide his greatness. Would I covertly distribute DRPs and be involved in gay rape? Yes, but here is the promise I make; gay sex will always be my number 2 priority; my clients are number 1.

  9. Musgrave322

    Another great reason to keep Perry in “THE SYSTEM” for rest of his miserable life. Forget about the Tommy Bahama shirts, make him start blowing dudes so he can get out, then we’ll really see if he is gay or not.

  10. charlie

    they should play that tape infront of perry’s religious elders lol

    1. charlie

      and turns out mole had the same idea lmao!

  11. David Brexton

    I was born into a Javaho Witness family and can’t understand why any of this is a problem. Perry needs to toughen up a bit.

  12. Joe Scrivens

    I want to marry Mary Jane.

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