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Spolier Alert… The Big 3 Did Continue on SimplyDonThePodcast .com (multiple apperances and as of 2020 the 1st Sunday of every month features The Big 3)+ as of October2020 Join TheBig3PrimiumMembership .com PROMO
A masterpiece of a podcast. Such a unique, and ferociously funny premise for a show. I will listen to these shows for the rest of my life. And I will hold on with hope that the Big 3 will return, someday.
Sincere thanks to Don, Mole, and The Scaremeister. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG 3!!!!!!!!!!
Wonderful.Thank you all,very much.well,not “il stronzo”.But all of the rest of you for such hard work and dedication for so long.
goodbye to my favorite podcast. it’s sad that we don’t get to spend more time with the new born-again perry. he is the perfect representative for the vengeful wrath of old testament jehovah.
This is/was the funniest podcast series since the invention of the medium. It is heartbreaking to see it go, but I look forward to listening again from the beginning. As a body of work, it will live on.
Thank you Don, Mole, Perry, Mary Jane, and Vince.
I don’t know how Don stayed so calm for this episode! Perry’s anger was especially annoying that he deserves a hard punch in the face! Don’t know how that asshole lived this long without giving himself a heart attack! His blood pressure must be through the roof!
I’m more interested in how he maintains his dulcet voice despite the constant screaming. It shows a great deal of professionalism on his part. An amateur would blow his voice out within minutes trying to keep up with Perry, and he wouldn’t have the dedication to gargle the gallons of semen required to keep his vocal cords lubricated.
Definitely THE greatest podcast out there! Thank Dog for the back log of episodes we have to re listen to over & over again to keep the withdrawls at bay. Thanks Don, Mole, Mary Jane & even that greasy skunk ape for the greatest laughs EV-ER!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Don, Mole, and Mary Jane for bringing this project to us and putting up with that racist sexist homophobic lying stealing Javaho gypsy long enough to bring us Windy City Heat and The Big 3 Podcast. You have brought tears to my eyes with laughter so many times that I’ve lost count. This project is a hidden gem and I only wish that Perry didn’t have to destroy every opportunity to make it into a lasting success.
You guys deserve all the praise in the world. As well as the fans who made the experience even better with the $10 Shoutouts and The Big 3 Fanclub. I love you all (not in a gay way like Perry) and I’m so glad to have enjoyed this alongside all of you. Dog bless you all!
Im sure this goes for all the fans but I can listen to any episode of the big 3 any amount of times and each one of those times I laugh just as hard as I did the first time I heard it.. thank you so fucking much everyone involved.. I will miss this podcast dearly its become such a big part of my life it will be hard to let go..well like its been yelled time and time again.. SHOWS OVER!
What did i do?
Don must stop with this talk about the Big 3 being at an end and the forsaking of the fans. It cannot end for it is true his calling. He was put on this earth by God for one purpose: to expose Perry Carahello as the antichrist (doG). Most think the number of the beast is 666, but we know that it is really 7722.
I love the big three! Thank you so much for the hours and hours of entertainment. I will enjoy these podcasts for years to come.
Thanks Mary Jane! And thanks to Don, Mole, and even Pairy. And lastly, thanks to everyone else behind the scenes and the special guests. I have listened to every episode, numerous times, and I still laugh every time.
Looking forward to those phone calls coming out, the new episodes of Simply Don the Podcast, and hopefully new Big 3 projects in the future!
I feel it all slipping away… The thought of Mole selling Corvettes and that of Don wrangling a pack of mouth breathers at the Ding Dong Show is too much to bear.
I’m desperate to the point where I would be willing to pop a urinal cake under my tongue and invite JQA to do his worst if he would agree to finance even a single new podcast. As horrible as that sounds, I rationalize it by telling myself that Perry has done a lot worse for a lot less gain.
Who does Perry have to blow around here for the podcast to keep going? You want SAG vouchers? I’ll get ’em. We’ll even pretend we blew Perry and he only jerked us off. Anything!
Hats off to the most consistently funny genius of a project of our lifetime. Thanks for everything Biiiiiiiiiiiiiig 3!
Could someone please post the link to the video of Mole and Don rescuing Tom?
This podcast ends?
I truly looked forward to it week by week from the start. It was so educational. I learned that the ‘Scaremaster’ is a sensitive man, Mole is just brilliant and Don is a valued comedic talent and master ring leader.
Also, I love Mary Jane from afar and will follow Vince Freeman’s Facebook page.
Great entertainment since WCH. Thanks Guys.
why are they stopping the show?
Gonna miss you guys! Thanks for everything.
I know you guys had to end the podcast because of Perry’s racist, anti-semitic, homophobic rants were too much to take; but please reconsider unleashing the fury again.
p.s. Perry, you need to make a public apology for raping Randy Callahan.
Hard to believe it’s been over 2 years. Miss you guys.