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The Big Goodbye

Mole returns from rehab with a clean, new look and a scheme to get rich quick. The
guys also say farewell to ACE Broadcasting.

Show Summary

Today will be the last Big 3 episode recorded at ACE Broadcasting studios. Mole’s
back from rehab, and seems to be in shockingly great condition. He talks about his
recent battle with drugs, and hints at a way for all the guys to be rich forever. Up
next, the guys read ads from some sponsors, and during Guy Talk, Don talks about
an encounter with Lady Gaga.

Later in the show, the guys take a call from John Quincy Adams, and Neil Leeds
drops by to offer himself as the Big 3 campaign finance manager. The guys try to
keep Mole off the dope, and everyone plays a round of Mole Play, which re-enacts
how he got clean. As the show wraps up, the guys discuss their future plans, say
goodbye to ACE Broadcasting, and participate in a big sing-a-long.

The Big 3 Podcast has officially ended at ACE Broadcasting … We’re trying to keep this podcast going and we really need help building another studio so if anyone can help us with donations the world will be a better place … You can help keep this podcast alive by going to our account and sending the donation there using our e-mail address: … PayPal won’t let you copy this e-mail and paste it in the proper window, you have to type the whole address out … We would like to have the first podcast from the NEW studio up and running by August 19th if we can get the rest of the equipment that we need … The planet thanks you for your help!

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Add the guys on Facebook, and don’t forget, get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

Want More Big 3 Check Out

Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Big 3 Production Manager: Mary Jane Green
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

Image Gallery


This Post Has 66 Comments

  1. chu

    please this cannot be the last episode ! this show must go on !!

  2. beep bopper

    Nice to hear Maryjane’s real voice.

    1. G Money

      agreed! very nice!!!

    2. Bobby Dobbs

      When was that? I somehow missed it. And I’m a little annoyed that there aren’t more pictures of her on these boards. Sure, Perry Keravelo is a nice bit of eye candy for the gays-that’s just common knowledge among the gay community, but for me, not being a gay, I like the ladies and would like to see more of Mary Jane.

  3. Just SomeDude

    Look at pic 22/25.Is that even considered a fanny pack when it’s that large?Not even small enough to make the carry on cut off.

  4. Terrified of Tim

    818-390-2999 is P-Lo’s number

    1. Neil Leeds

      Be nice to a cast members phone number,it would be nice to use it to offer a donation to the show if the number is who you are looking for.Neil

    2. G Money


  5. Colt Shackleford

    You call that a fanny pack?THIS is a fanny pack!
    How say you Neil Leeds?

    1. Neil Leeds

      I have yet to find out the details of the fanny pack,when I do I can report back.Neil

    2. Emundkos


  6. Neil Leeds

    I have been elected the campaign finance manager of the BIG 3 PODCAST.I do this for free.I really want to make a huge shout out to send a contribution to paypal.. I know the money will keep the new studio up and running and keep you laughing and having lots of fun.It does not cost that much if all you can do is $5.00 at a adds up.You will see what your money goes to, and to be a part of the BIG 3 PODCAST.I had a great time being a guest and I will continue to do my part to help raise money to keep this podcast going loud and clear across the world.I appreciate your efforts and donations and the entire team does as well.I look foward to working with Don as we continue to bring the fans the best PODCAST in the world.Neil Leeds

    1. Ayhes Peeceah

      Why should I give you guys money? If I give you monkey, you’re just going to buy drugs with them. That’s tragic, because I should have buyed drugs with them.

      Your whole business plan sucks. Let’s make a podcast for working class degenerates? Yeah, awesome, we’re going to be rich! Right.

      1. Neil Leeds

        I am not sure if your comment is for fun or for real,however Don has been working on his job and his schedule is 7 days a week.It is hard to do both..keep up your day job,and then make sure you do not miss a taping of your Podcast.I think Mary Jane and Mole and Perry have been more than genorous to deliver fun comic humor and they did it for free for many many months.The drug comment would not pass through with me Neil Leeds as the financial controller.Don has a goal and that he and his team has displayed for over 40 plus weeks,not to mention him being at the Comedy Store everyday for over 19 years.We must be fair to at least just not donate if you feel that is what is what makes you feel ok,which is to listen and comment etc..But to put down the hard work that I watched myself,as I had a hard time to get out of my buisness for a few hours, it was hard,however it was a joy to be a part of the show and the fans and comments section.I think it has been so great.I got to connect to people all over the world.I was shocked how many people called my cell phone and even wanted t shirts.The fans of the show are great.I think you are one of them.This is not to get rich,It cost money to keep the show on,and build a studio.This money is not to buy drugs.The show may have many aspects of life in every way,but we must remember it is show business.It is work and it requires money time and energy.I started work when I was 9 years old,I am 41 now and I understand this is the toughest economy I could even dream I would be living.It has taken its toll on my mattress stores for 4 years already.I work for free myself to just keep paying the bills for 26 stores.I grew up poor and I know hard work and I also know about business.This podcast is real and it has amazing people that are a part of it and I Neil Leeds ask you Ayhes Peeceah,if you have a change of heart $5.00 to the paypal account will go along way to making sure the podcast studio gets up and running.You are not supporting someones drug habit.I would run east asap if I thought any money would be used for anything but the show.I promise that.Neil Leeds

        1. Ayhes Peeceah

          Toot sweets.

  7. Neil Leeds

    We must keep this podcast going,there is so much work that goes into making these shows and as it grows it needs a little support.I plan to do as much fundraising as I can while I still have my day job at My Mattress Stores.I know that some people do not post comments,however they read the comments.So as a reminder a little donation over the next month will complete the studio.When we get past that we can continue to bring you more entertainment than ever.You will be surprised..there is so much more to bring to you all.Reach deep and make a small donation.I know Don will appreciate it very much and everybody who puts the show on as well.This is my new job and I have to ask for some “MONEY” however if you do not will not receive.So I ask with passion and honesty…Let us be able to say with fact…”THE BIG 3 PODCAST WILL NOT BE BEAT” Yours Truly Neil Leeds

  8. some guy

    When the idea of a ‘Live at Leeds’ return of the Big 3 was being discussed I was ready to donate hundreds of dollars to make this happen, but then Mole Play. That was the gayest shit ever, Perry was acting very inappropriately, being sexually aggressive towards Don and I nearly turned off… but I persevered and after hearing Neil Leeds’ impassioned plea I decided to give you guys a $10 hand-out. So you fucking assholes better make this new studio happen or I’m coming to Perry’s house to collect my $10 WITH INTEREST. Those are Australian dollars, too, so that’s a lot of money for him.

    1. Neil Leeds

      Thank you so much for that $10.00.every dollar goes to the studio,and we do read the comments and thank every fan for your support.It means so much to us all.”We love Australia” You are not just “SOME GUY” are a great fan of The BIG 3 PODCAST.Neil Leeds

  9. Alex

    Yeah, I only came to Adam’s site for the Big 3. Don’t get me wrong, I like Adam but his podcast doesn’t do anything for me. I’ll try to donate something, but as you know the U.S. credit rating was downgraded to AA+, so yeah, times are going to be tougher in the coming weeks, and I only get so much from Unemployment as is. And the extensions to Unemployment will be cut by December so… I’ll keep tuning in.

    Question: Which member of the Big 3 would you guys hang out with?

    I wouldn’t go with Don, nothing personal but Don has this weird Andy Kaufman-like power and I have no idea what would happen. I get the feeling that if I hung out with Don for any extended period of time I would be a part of some sort of My Breakfast With Blassie kind of situation, and I don’t know if that would be a good thing or bad thing.

    Definitely not Perry, it would suck to tell a joke and have him laugh at the wrong part and then explain the joke to him repeatedly. Plus knowing him he’d probably steal from me and give me back my money and say it was part of a prank.

    Mole I’d hang out with. He probably has a lot of stories to tell, and a lot of Psychedelics. I could imagine a Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas situation with Mole.

    The pic of Neal kissing Perry made me lol.

    Gonna’ listen to this next.


    1. Neil Leeds

      I think you would love the whole cast and crew of The BIG 3 PODCAST,they are all great and you would have a great time out with all of them.I appreciate you even trying to donate to the podcast..even a few dollars from every fan will generate the income to do some really exciting things.I am looking foward to that myself and I am sure the fans are as well.Thank you for writing and one never knows,maybe we will get you into that new studio as the finances start building up and The podcast gets even greater.Enjoy.Neil Leeds

  10. Toga

    *Sniff* Im gonna miss you guys! You better bring the podcast back! How about earwolf?

  11. Demetri

    I’d like to see Don transfer all of the video of the podcast, and the old Simply Don shows onto DVD and then start selling them. Or just make each episode into a digital file and sell the downloads. I’d buy them all. There’s so much stuff on the podcast that I wish I could actually see.

  12. Dr. Nelson

    RIP Cookie Karamello

  13. Trevor Corey

    You all are a bunch hetero-phobic drama queens.

    1. Neil Leeds

      Hi Trevor,we Love comments and fun so let us celebrate the time you took to write that comment,that means more than you think.Your friend Neil Leeds…Please think of a $$5.00 donation and join The BIG 3 Podcast and continue the great fun.Finance Manager Neil G Leeds.A shout out to you Trevor Corey.

  14. Becky

    Don’s voice is fuckin hawt! sexy smooooth!

  15. MrDinosaur

    Now where will I get a quality podcast in which the hosts talk about current events as well as their personal lives.
    I’m going to cry myself to sleep at night until the Big Three returns, be it with Terrifying Tim (the Curly of the group) or even Perry (the Shemp of the group).
    Good night, and good luck.

  16. JoeWeed

    That was seriously the best thing in the podcast universe. I can’t believe it wasn’t promoted more. We need you guys to continue. Where do I donate Mr. Leeds?

  17. Neil Leeds

    That is so nice of you to comment and offer support to the Podcast.The money goes to at Joe Weed I appreciate the comment and I know the team will see your comments as well.Peace and respect.Neil Leeds

  18. Grady Enward

    Don made a tentative offer a few weeks back for a “Full Fan Delight” package from the Big 3 Podcast. Included was :

    Autographed DVD of “Windy City Heat”
    Autographed photo of the Big 3
    Big 3 “T” shirt (medium)
    Free $10.00 shout out.

    Initial price was quoted as “$50.00 plus shipping.”

    I will happily pay $100.00 for the package. I hope this helps with the Studio.

    1. Neil Leeds

      I will let Don know of your genorous offer..if you want hit him up on facebook with a message.That is great.Neil

    2. Neil Leeds

      Hi Grady,please email Don and he could help you out at I hope you can make a great deal to make you happy,if not this week then very shortly as The BIG 3 PODCAST gets closer to meeting the financial goals to getting back up on the air again.I am asking again to help out with donations,they are very important and are going towards the new studio.We are close and with a little more help the studio starts its podcast once again.I know you are all looking out for that to happen.Please use and use will work fine.We do appreciate everybodys help so far.It means so much to all of us.I am trying to get some bigger donations together with Don to allow us to finish all of the projects that are on the way ..including the new website,and many other nice things.Please be patient and please give a few dollars,and help THE BIG 3 PODCAST get back up and on the air.With passion..your friend Neil G Leeds

  19. future

    it’s sad the show is ending now. it’s even sadder that it didnt end earlier before they started with the mole going to brazil story.

    1. El Bee

      I didn’t have any problems, I sent a donation about two hours ago (from the post time stamp).

  20. Scoots

    How’s the DOT treatment taste, guys? Sorry you have to feel the sting of the sheers, but this is how it goes. Rather than asking fans to help support their favorite show, ‘you know who’ just pulls the plug.

    1. Yaaaawn

      your spite is funny.

  21. Pastor Troy

    I would never donate to a podcast that so obviously tries to further the gay devil agenda by employing an obvious fudge packing sinner in Perry Keravelo.

    Perhaps if you finally replaced that pillow biting scum bag with the amazing, patriotic, god fearing and masculine Terrifying Tim I would consider donating money to the show.

    1. Neil Leeds

      There is always a way to work with you Pastor Troy.Neil Leeds

    2. Pastor Leo

      I completely disagree! More homosexuality!

  22. Bobby Dobbs

    Which aspect of the podcast did you guys like more: when they talked about pop culture? Or when they talked about their own personal lives? For me, I always thought it was about the pop culture but then, they’d do something that no other podcast does and start talking about their own personal lives and I would be blown away. I guess I just love both aspects.

  23. Inigo Montoya

    Singing Sinatra without Rabbi Fuzzy? That just doesn’t seem kosher. Don, if you get a chance, he needs some Jew food.

  24. The Ghost of Cookie Caravello

    I’m up here in the big gay navy yard in the sky, cooking for all the hot sailors. Perry, I’m proud of you, even though you’re a complete fucking idiot. Remember, keep the homosexual streak in Caravello males alive!

  25. koko

    I am happy Mole fell of the wagon. It was just too weird hearing him be so serious. And that photo of him with his hair combed creeped me out. Mole is a sweet kid at heart and if he needs the help of HN to stay that way then so be it. Its not like a little HN never hurt nobody.

  26. TootsieRollTim

    goodbye big 3. live at leeds is the only way to open a new show. neil, i know you have the ambition to make it happen. so please, for my sake, for all our sakes, for christ sake! please do it. and neil, one more thing, you are the man! …Biiiiiiiiiiig 4!

    1. Neil Leeds

      We will be up and running.Thank you Neil Leeds

  27. Bob Leeds (no relation)

    Commissioner Leeds,
    First of all, it’s a pleasure sharing a last name with you. You make me proud to be an American. Leeds for life! However, I have to hit you with some constructive criticism. Can you handle it? Well, I just think you’re not taking your job to raise funds too seriously. You’re on here playing grab-ass with people. You should be beating the pavement. I hate to say it, but like John Quincy Adams, you’re just phoning it in. Step it up, man. A lot’s at stake. Yours in the Leeds’ bond,
    Big Bob Leeds

  28. Sid Blakesly

    I love the big three! Neil, I’d like to ask you a question. Like Perry, my father was a gay cook in the navy. Sadly, his health is declining. For years, he’s begged me to buy him a water bed, and I just kept putting it off. I feel terrible about it, so now I’m looking for one before it’s too late. He said sleeping in a water bed will remind him of being out on the ocean again. He told me, and I’m serious about this, that he wants to feel the joy of man-on-man love like he was on the seven seas one last time before he goes. Neil, can you help me fulfill a dying veteran’s wish?

    1. Neil Leeds

      I will try after I finish my work on getting the studio up and running.I will write back on that one.Thank you for your question.Neil Leeds

  29. Big Bob Leeds

    I’d like to state for the record that I’m of no relation to Neil but am proud as hell to share the same last name as such a fine American. Neil, you’re the man. However, I have one bone to pick with you. I think you’re not taking your job as commissioner of the Big Three Podcast as seriously as you should be. You’re on here playing grab-ass with the people posting. Shouldn’t you be out on the streets, spreading the gospel of the Big Three? Sadly, and it hurts me to say this, but I think, like John Quincy Adams, you’re just phoning it in. Pick it up, man. Make all the Leeds worldwide proud. Yours in the Leeds’ bond,
    Big Bob Leeds

    1. Neil Leeds

      I am Mr LEEDS,I am doing my best..I hope you can pitch in as well.We need the whole team of fans to join in.Thank you Neil Leeds

  30. Gaylord Focker

    THANK YOU DON BARRIS for all your hard work in making the Big 3 Podcast. Thanks also to Ace Broadcasting for letting the guys do the podcast for past several months… this has been a treat. Looking forward to the new podcasts when the studio is set up.

  31. Ayhes Peeceah

    I think it all went wrong when you let black people listen to the show. It’s not funny unless it’s racist. Corollary: it’s not funny unless it’s racist (because it’s not funny unless it’s racist).

  32. Big Fan of The Big Three

    Don Barris, you beautiful man, I look forward to Simply Don the Podcast Network. Misraje will wish he never got rid of you guys once he sees the new studio. After sales of Don Blockers have paid the legal fees for the multitude of lawsuits involving Mole Play the Board Game, I hope those profits will go into funding a podcast network larger than Adam Carolla’s and Kevin Smith’s combined.

    I would also like to see the return of Sol Steinbergowitzgreenbaum. I know Perry really fucked up his leg, but surely he can have someone drive him to the studio. Many of us fans await appearances by other greats, such as Yurgi, the cast of Lord of the Rings 4: Still Ringin’, Tim Perpedic, Big Tex, Bobcat Goldthwait, and The President of Show Business.

    With Neil Leeds on board, The Big Three cannot be beat, so I can’t wait to see the new beginning for the podcast.

    1. Neil Leeds

      Thank you for the comment.Neil Leeds

  33. me

    Im still laughing at terrys joke about the supermarket.

  34. me

    Im still laughing at scarry tims joke about the supermarket.

  35. Don Barris

    I just wanted to publicly thank Neil Leeds for being the best “Campaign Finance Manager” that I’ve ever worked with … He doesn’t have to do anything for our podcast & yet he sticks his name and reputation on the line for The Big 3 Podcast ever since we invited him to be a sponsor … The crazy thing is that he’s in a family oriented business and our show is not only about pop culture but we always push the envelope talking about our own personal lives and that makes us a little rough around the edge … Has that scared Neil away? Hell no it hasn’t, does Neil wish that we directed our humor more towards a family friendly podcast, yes he does! But Neil sees the hard work that we put toward this project and I don’t know if we’ll get the funds to complete our studio (we’re a little over $1000 dollars away, so we’re close) but if we do I can make one promise … If & when we start broadcast from “Simply Don – The Podcast Network”, on the network line-up there will be the show, “Pillow Talk starring Neil Leeds” … You can take that to the bank!!!

    To make a donation go to our PayPall account using our e-mail address:

    Thank-You & I spoke with Brody Stevens … he’s O.K.

    1. Neil Leeds

      Thank you Don and Mary Jane,I appreciate the comment that was posted up.I am trying to spread the word and raise the extra few dollars to get this show off of the ground.I know we all have been very busy,however never busy enough to keep trying to pull in the extra few dollars left needed to complete the studio.I am here for all your loyal fans and I will always comment back and answer their phone calls to the best of my ability.With Love Neil Leeds

  36. SteveP

    Just in case anymore missed it, Perry’s address was 7722 Reseda Blvd, Los Angeles, California 91335.

  37. Neil Leeds

    I said I would match the next $600.00 to get us closer to finishing our goal.So everybody who pitches in the next $600.00 I will match that to Don.I am on board to help start back this great show.Please send it to …email is Thank you ,and I thank the fans who already contributed and wrote nice comments.It does mean a lot to me. Neil Leeds

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