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Yurgi’s Girl & Brody

Mole’s gone and all hell breaks loose as Actor/Comic, Brody Stevens tries to replace Mole or get his own show on the network.  Yurgi has sent over one of his girls to help out but it turns out that she’s no help at all.

Show Summary

Mole doesn’t show up on the podcast because of Perry’s brutal attack on his hair last week but this weeks podcast is started with a phone message left by him explaining his side.  That’s followed up with John Quincy Adams’ weekly phone call blaming Don for not being able to control Perry or the show feeling that led to Mole leaving. A message is left by WCH producer, Yurgi offering help from the podcasts loss by offering one of his girls to fill in for Mole.  Actor/Comedian, Brody Stevens comes to the studio unannounced asking to replace Mole or to get his own podcast on the network.  After figuring out why he was there, Brody then gets into a heated discussion with Perry about mental health issues.  Yurgi’s girl, Natasha shows up to the podcast really late and comes in with a very limited knowledge of the English language turning out to not be much help at all even though Perry seems to like her.  Perry shows off for Brody and Natasha by telling his famous Randy Callahan story that really freaks Brody out.  Guy Talk goes in a bad direction as a difference of opinion between Don and Brody and Perry lying about his ability to make Natasha understand what’s going on makes it, in Don’s opinion the WORST Guy Talk ever.  Mary Jane picks up the ball and valiantly tries to to save Mole Play as Brody backs out, wanting to be a background player instead of leading the segment.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Join the interaction on the social networks with the Big 3 by following them on Facebook and on twitter … Oh, if you haven’t seen it as of yet get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

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Show Credits

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Carmello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Katie Manzella
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 37 Comments

  1. Whoopi Silverstein

    SBS is back?! YYYYYYYYYYES!!!

  2. Nick (Seattle)

    Woooooo love the early releases. Gives me something to listen to at work on Fri. Biiiiig three!!!

    1. Nick (Seattle)

      Aww no Mole. Cmon Perry you better do what you have to to get him back! Good show though nonetheless.

  3. Unleashed Fury

    I’ve already listened to the whole thing. I usually don’t like Brody Stevens but he did a pretty good job today. Where are the pictures?

  4. Alarming Andrew

    This was probably the best Big Two podcast featuring Steven Brody Stevens.

  5. Alex

    Wait, Perry doesn’t consider Don and Mole to be true friends but only business associates and yet Don and Mole were the only ones to visit him in the hospital after his surgery?

    1. Demetri

      It’s even worse than that. When Perry called Don begging for a job last year, he was in such a poor financial situation that he couldn’t even afford food, and he was eating nothing but rice. Guess who dropped by his house to fill his pantry with food.

      And who could forget the Windy City Heat footage where Perry stole money out of Don’s wallet? That all started because Perry was begging Don for money to pay his rent. Don is such a benevolent guy that he still loaned Perry the money even after being pick-pocketed. Perry never paid it back, yet Don still works with him.

      According to Perry, that’s not a friend.

  6. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA


  7. jack

    I was listening to the first Mammoth Snowboarding episode ( all day yesterday, so I was extra psyched to see not only the welcome return of the charismatic Steve Brody Steves but YURGI at the exact same time.

    Great episode, though I still miss Mole (and Neil).

    ALSO: I hope he doesn’t hate people asking but for the love of Don please release more of Simply Don the Public Access Show… I’m sure a lot of people who listen to the podcast would pay big bucks for it even if it was just out-of-sequence clips burned on a zip disk in Perry’s apartment

  8. Not a Wanted Criminal


  9. R0BIT

    I miss Mole. Way to fuck it up, Perry!
    That Romanian chick was skank! Everyone there should take a Rubbing Alcohol bath.
    Brody Stevens is rope a dope!
    Biiiiiig 3!

  10. Grady Enward

    I think that Yurgi was able to turn Mole into one of Mole’s multiple personalities. Maybe next week we will see “Big Tex.” Not that Natasha was bad, after all, she didn’t seem interested in Perry.

  11. ElCursi

    FUK NOW!

  12. Harry Benson

    Great episode Don. Im very sorry to see that Perres hair rape has seperated you three, i hope Mole can find a way to forgive Perre for his actions, but i wouldnt blame him if he harbored a deep seeded resentment for Perres actions. Yourself and Mole have done nothing but good for Perre, and he always finds a way to wrong you two, its very troubling to think about.

    I am glad you let Steven Brody Stevens stop by, invited or not. I thought his positive energy and relateability would be good things for Perre to soak in. They’ve both had grocery store jobs at one point in their lives, although Steven Brody Stevens worked for Gelsons not Luckys, and didnt blow his manager. They both are trying to make it in Hollywood, although Steven Brody Stevens seems to be on a better path, probably because unlike Perre he goes out and performs, without use of dated 20 year old material. Cant be in the Hangover 1 2 and Due Date otherwise i would assume.

    However, Perre didnt seem to soak up too much of what Steven Brody Stevens was radiating his way. I wondered why, until Steven Brody Stevens and Perre started talking drugs. Perres ability to fuck up a perfectly good MaryjaneplaY, his anger, his sexual frustrations, his inability to form a sentence. Its all the meds fault, look at the side effects of Tegratol and tell me it doesn’t read like a list of Perres ‘problems’. Itching, confusion, loss of appetite, aggression, agitation, anger, anxiety, depression, irritability, headaches, vomiting, speech problems, weight gain, suicidal thoughts/actions, thinking 8 dollars is a fair price to ship a tshirt. I for one hope Perre hasn’t gotten to the point of crushing up his Tegratol and smoking it like he did all that rock cocaine.

    Looking forward to next weeks podcast, i hope Mole can find the strength to return.

    Harold Benson

    P.s. Natasha sounds hot, Go Team Brody, fuck now.

  13. aunt carol

    LOVED Brody Guys!!! Good Job Mr. 818 till He DIES!!
    Read ALL the Comments, and was so Surprised, that hardly ANYONE Realizes, how Desperate Perry Feels.. He just can’t see that everything is turning towards his New RE-Birth in this Business WE call Show! EVEN a HIT Song can’t Make him Elated, about this new Turn in his Career!!
    Please, fellow FANS of THE BIG Perry NOW..We all Know it’s all Just 4 LAUGHS..But Perry can’t SEE, or FEEL it yet..
    All my Gratitude, Aunt Carol

  14. I Feel Vibrations

    Brody was excellent on this episode, much better than that episode awhile back that consisted of just Don and Brody arguing without Perry there. Brody was radiating positive energy throughout the episode, and it’s hard to understand why Perry wasn’t nicer to him.

    That Romanian chick sounded hot, and it seems like she has her life priorities in order. Thankfully she didn’t want to sleep with a man who has “Bozo the Clown” hair like Perry. Of course, she would not be able to resist the charms of Mr. Barris because of his blue eyes, which even Perry admits he likes.

    It’s disappointing that Perry doesn’t consider Don a friend. All Don ever did for Perry is get him a starring role in a movie, stage time at the biggest comedy club in LA, a podcast, free food, money, and still all Perry does is whine and complain and act totally ungrateful. He wants the world handed to him, but he’s got to step up his game if he wants to succeed. He has 20 years of experience as an extra in Hollywood, and we all know that that is an excellent foundation to build a career as a movie star. All the big stars started out spending 20 years as an extra! Well, I can’t think of any, but I’m sure they are out there.

    Perry needs to stop all the suicide talk. He doesn’t have to work because he is on disability, but if he wants he can just get a part-time job at the supermarket and stay on disability, since you’re allowed to earn up to $900 a month and stay on it. That would go a long way for Perry. Plus, what is he doing with all his free time? Nothing. He can at least work out an hour a day so that he loses that horrific gut of his that makes women run the other way. He also needs to get a real haircut, and update his wardrobe.

    Don needs to make sure that he keeps on being Don. That’s my only comment or suggestion regarding Mr. Barris. I know this is harsh, but it’s the truth and it needs to be said.

    Mole is a great man who is accomplished in many fields, and it is sad that he was hair raped by Perry, who thought that he was wearing some sort of wig. That is messed up on Perry’s part. First Perry breaks Sol Steinbergowitzgreenbaum’s leg, nearly requiring it to be amputated, and now he nearly scalps his best friend of 20 years. Perry is out of control.

    We need to have a hypnotist come on the show and hypnotize Perry to get to the bottom of some of his deep-seated issues. It’s the only way.

    Viva La Big Three!!

  15. floyd mink

    Dear Big3,

    Keep up the great work! Ever since Neil Leeds hasn’t been on the show, it has really taken an upward turn towards Fine Art. Some say Comedy can’t be Fine Art, buy you Big 3 are proving those jokers wrong, wrong, wrong.
    But I am concerned.
    I’ve read a few comments where others have pointed out Perry’s diminishing weight issue… is he on the HN? Crack and/or crystal could be behind this. Perry also has irrational mood-swings, which is often a tell-tale sign.

    Your pal,
    Floyd MInk
    West Coast/Melrose PR Syndicate

  16. Perry's Bloated Face

    This proves that Perry is gay! That romanian chick wanted to bone all three of them and Perry wasn’t into it. Instead he kept asking the fabulous Steven Brody Stevens to come and sit next to him. Perry says that he only blew that one dude that one time, but every time the opportunity for straight sex comes up … he passes. Yurgi wouldn’t send anything but top quality over to the big three.

  17. felon

    too bad Uncle Frank had to Die and Not Brody Stevens..

    1. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

      I think Brody Stevens is better off just selling mattresses.

  18. Soggy Vegetable

    Javaho must be a crazy religion. Perry drooling over the opportunity to have sex with a prostitute, but he’s forbidden from attending college or getting a blood transfusion.

  19. christymapper

    I don’t like Brody Stevens. He’s not funny.
    Bring back Mole please. Perry apologize to Mole! Damn you Perry!

  20. Chunknubbin

    For the first time in my life I didn’t absolutely despise Brody Stevens. I don’t know if that means he did a good job or a bad job.

    Either way, though, don’t bring him back.

  21. Alex

    I don’t get the dislike for Brody. It’s pretty obvious that he and Don are from the same school of Andy Kaufman style comedy. I think people who don’t like Brody just don’t get it.

    1. The Tambourine Comedian


  22. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA


  23. b-real

    What still not on itunes? Im done trying to support a 3rd rate podcast-disappointed I loved listening but no itunes no availability.

    1. The Tambourine Comedian

      You can always go to, where you are right now at this moment, and download it like a human being but eh

  24. Ike Vandergraaf


  25. jpmoneypants

    Love the big three but I got to tell ya, Friday night is the worst time to upload a podcast. Why not Thursday night so the fans can have it going into the Friday workday? Or Monday morning? How many people are downloading the podcast EST at 9:00 at night? No one probably. The nice thing about podcasts, is turning on the computer in the morning and seeing the new episodes. Doesn’t have the same affect on Saturday.

  26. Floyd Mink

    dear big3,

    Weak stuff. Not really in to it, anymore. Heroin and whores I find more entertaining… and Funny.

    Your pal,
    Floyd Mink
    PR Directory-West Coast Syndicate

  27. Jay

    I was out the MOMENT you mentioned Brody Stevens. Most annoying, untalented comedian you could ever work with. Him and Andy Kindler. I can’t stand bombastic if there’s NO LAUGHS to go along with. No! Negative energy! Go f*ck yourself.

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