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The Return of Terrifying Tim

The Big 3 returns this week to apologize to the Polish community, discuss a potential new sponsor, and plan for an on-location podcast in Perry’s apartment.

Once again, Don has had to meet with the ACE Broadcasting Network because of something Perry said. Don also blames Dameshek, but forces Perry to apologize once again for his foul language. They also talk to Mole for a bit about potentially becoming a Jehovah’s Witness.

Don also puts a call out there to any potential sponsors. Perry tries to think of who would be a good sponsor when they receive another call from John Quincy Adams. John mentions a possible connection to Little Lady Yorkshire Pies, on the condition that Terrifying Tim be part of it. Tim calls in as well, and Perry has a fight with him about completing the Big 3.

Even though Perry threatens to leave the show, Don and Mole begin planning the first of two on location episodes in Perry’s apartment. They ask Perry to list his rules for the apartment, and also his demands if they want to film there. They also do a couple rounds of Mole Play, and Perry attempts to get through another segment of Perry’s corner.

Keep tuning in, and be sure to check out Don Barris at the Comedy Store, now performing every night.

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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

This Post Has 51 Comments

  1. Doucc

    Oh hell yeah

  2. dico pwnstar

    is there a regular time new episodes air? i get freaked out the show might fall apart off the air or perry might have a heart attack. havent listened to this episode yet as i have a pre show ritual…

    -roll out my prayed rug
    -face mecca
    -prey for DJ Dodialfayed Steinbergowitzgreenbaum’s leg
    -and prey the show runs the mic’s through a compressor/limiter

    bring the fury!

    1. Tairy Hesticles

      Damn good ritual I was only following 2 of the 4, no rug and mecca shit for me. BiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiG THR33!!

      P.S. Andy Dick is a bigger feltcher then Perry.

  3. Jackson


  4. The Real Abe Frohman

    You don’t have to look for sponsors when you got them staring you in the face! Since my meat company is producing the Big 3 Podcast sausages, it is the perfect fit for us to sponsor this show. Don, have your people call my people and we’ll get this thing settled ASAP.

  5. Statutory Perry

    They really edit these podcasts? I can’t tell if that was a joke. That’s ridiculous. I could understand them cutting unfunny airtime by their own choice, but I can’t believe ACE would really censor a podcast.

  6. Crazy Otto

    So when can we get Ace Broadcasting’s BIG 3 banner on a shirt? Or hat? Or anything? Obviously Don Barris and Mole deserve a bigger platform, so let’s snap to it.

    And the Karavello guy might have some talent too. Whatever. But I need the Big 3 t-shirt in the meantime.

    1. RosevilleDave

      Agree! I want a Big Three t shirt.

    2. Dave Dameshek

      I got some t-shirts you can buy.

  7. Crazy Otto

    Mr. Karravello,
    I ordered a shirt from your skateboard company and never received anything. My lawyers will be in touch. Given your litigious history — with family, no less, I’ll alert my attorney that we may well have a lawsuit on our hands here. I hope you’re ready to have another lawsuit going; it sounds like you’ve selected some fabulous lawyers so far in your other endeavors.

  8. TootsieRollTim

    what is he a black man?

  9. Unka Grizz .

    I hope Mole and Perry show up at my house to try and give me a copy of the Watchtower ! Welcome to the WCH Family Terrifying Timmy !! GOOOOOO Big 3.5 !

  10. Disco Pwnstar


  11. Chuck

    Okay, I need answers.
    I’ve listened to 5 of these shows and I still don’t get it.

    Either Perry Karavello is the single *GREATEST* character actor in all the history of the world, or else Don Barris is publicly abusing an actual retard. Perry plays the role of guy-with-the-mind-of-a-eight-year-old so convincingly and unbreakingly that I find it hard to believe that he’s faking it.

    So are we laughing at Perry, or with him? Only one of these options is funny.

  12. Candy Rallahan

    This week’s Mole Play had me laughing harder than I’ve ever laughed in my life. Fact!

  13. Burt

    Hey Chuck,

    Perry is not faking. Watch the movie, “Windy City Heat”. Perry clearly has brain damage. Whether comic teasing and engagement is good or bad for him, who knows? Guilty pleasure; he makes me laugh.

  14. Fergie Jenkins

    I believe this may be my favorite show on the entire Ace Broadcasting network! Haven’t listened to this episode yet, but thought it was strange that mole is in a suit and tie until I read the description. As a Witness myself I’m excited to hear this one and Mole’s take on becoming one of the “Javehos”.

    1. Jerry Schlezinger

      If you were a real Witness, you would not be listening to this podcast. Unless you’re disfellowshipped…

      1. Fergie Jenkins

        Really? I didn’t realize you made my decisions for me. Oh well, I guess I’m wrong

        1. Jerry Schlezinger

          I don’t, but if you were a Witness, then your religion would. And, yes, yes, you are.

          1. Fergie Jenkins

            Nope. One’s religion does not make one’s decisions for them as we all are born with the ability of free will, and unfortunately some of mankind may use that ability to make choices that you need to call out as unacceptable. But since it seems to offend you so much i will refer to myself as an “associate” because even though I’m participating in it right now, I think it’s very pointless and gay to argue in internet forums

        2. GT-Zero


          You clearly don’t get it. Jerry is correct – it’s highly unlikely that a Witness would be allowed to listen to this podcast because the content is too explicit. I have a couple of friends who are Witnesses so I have an idea as to what the religion is about. It’s a strict religion, and if you don’t follow the moral standards of the Witnesses, then you will be disfellowshipped. Some things that will lead to disfellowship include: obscene language, smoking, watching pornography, masturbating, lying, slander, stealing, loose conduct, donating blood, political involvement, military service, celebrating birthdays and/or Christmas,…the list goes on and on. Again, it’s a strict religion – if you were a Witness then you’d know that.

          If you’re truly interested being a Witness then go learn about it (e.g, google it or talk to some Witnesses).

          To Sandy/AceNetwork: I’m not trying to promote the Witness religion (I’ve never been associated with it nor do I have no interest), I’m just trying to inform this moron “Fergie Jenkins”.

          1. Fergie Jenkins

            You are a pointless gay

          2. GT-Zero


            Nice way to reply with another one of your moronic posts. You’re such a dumb fuck.

          3. Fergie Jenkins

            I know, I’m sorry. I should have realized that the purpose of a message board for this particular podcast would be to promote a mature dialogue, but assumed by the last bit of your previous post that we had resorted to name calling especially since nothing I had said was wrong or “moronic”. I was just trying to say to Jerry that it seems wrong to tell somebody who claims to be religious (or anybody for that matter) that they “would not” be capable of making their own decisions, in this case to listen to a podcast of their choosing, and are therefore mindless drones to their own beliefs. Operating robotically defeats the concept of obedience. Also, I don’t disagree with you completely. It is strict, but there’s also sympathy and understanding involved. “you will be disfellowshipped [for the following]” implies a lack of those qualities. It would be very odd for somebody to be disfellowshipped for masturbation or using foul language for instance

  15. Bronson

    Where can I find more episodes of Simply Don? And what ever happened to Dr. Karl Pavlov? Maybe he could come on and figure out the source of Perry’s anger.

  16. Salvadore


    I just wanted to let you know that the deal is off. I found someone that will do all the shows for $50. Its Carson Daly. Not only is he cheaper but we feel like he knows more about the history of California. We would however, like you to guest host on the episode about the Watts Towers since you seem to have great knowledge about them. We are prepared to offer you $3.50 for your services.


  17. Daggaroni

    That second Mole play had me in tears.. it never gets old. Mole you should get some kind of directing award. That’s talent.

  18. Rhino

    Gave this show a try and have listened to all the episodes. Just not a funny or entertaining show. I support ACE Broadcasting but will be unsubscribing from The Big Three.

    1. Said Jerome

      Yeah, whatever “Rhino”. Or should I say…Dave Damesheck! You’re not fooling any of us

      1. Dave Dameshek


  19. Arthur

    This episode made me laugh harder than I have in years. I listen to each episode about a minumum of 5 times, other podcasts I listen to barely hold up after the first or second listen.

  20. oh god how did this get here i am not good with computer

    The Perry’s apartment podcasts will, undoubtedly, be the greatest shows yet. I urge you guys to bring as much shatter-worthy glass as humanly possible. Perhaps laxatives are also in order.

  21. Mumbles Slam

    Perry is shockingly skilled at impersonating a gay person. Go figure. I also hope that Mole realizes that he’ll have to give up drugs if he becomes a Javeho. He’ll have to stick to getting high on god like James Brown. Terrifying Tim is going to be the biggest thing since Bieber, and probably much bigger at that.
    P.S. From the pics it looks like Dan ripped a ton of Perry’s hair out during Mole-play.

  22. TootsieRollTim

    hey chuck, shut the fuck up

  23. Jose L

    Terrifying Tim is awesome, he does a better Sam Kinison than Perry. I actually thought he came back from the dead.

  24. Jose L

    BTW, Don is too hard on Perry some times.

  25. Daggaroni

    Perry is very unprofessional.. can I get a biiiiiiig three

  26. Bronson

    Somebody should put up a poll:
    Who is the funniest member of the Biiiiiiiig Three!?
    a. Don
    b. Mole
    c. Perry
    d. Tim

    1. Yabels

      I would have said Perry before I heard Mole’s GENIUS Halloween jokes from the “Gay Bullied” episode. Those jokes were a masterstroke of comic genius. Sorry Perry, but you can’t touch those hilarious nuggets of perfection.

      1. Spooky Steve

        I especially liked the ghost using Whipped Scream! although i think he could have gone name brand and used some….Ghoul Whip!

  27. koko

    As much I like Terrifying Tim, I just don’t think he could replace Perry as a member of the Big 3. But I also fear that if Perry continues to act unprofessionally, he will sabotage his chances and the Big 3’s chances for super-duper stardom. Lashing out at minority groups and throwing microphones at Saul Steinbergowitzgreenbaum is pure bush-league. I just pray he can get it together for shows that will be taped at his apartment. If he can prove that he can be professional, maybe William Randolph Hearst or John Quincy Adams will finance Windy City Heat 2.

  28. Daniel

    This podcast is fucking horrible

    1. Just SomeDude

      Screw you Dameshek! You never worked for a damn thing your entire life,you just coast on by useing just your good looks,and then get angry when a disgusting,fat,smelly,pig of a man finally gets ahead.

      Shame on you.

      1. GT-Zero

        Nice try, Shek! I recognize your creepy little avatar. Nice way to break Don’s mic!

  29. Dr. Crawford


    1. Sandy Gallagher

      This is an amazing development.

  30. Harry Ceword

    Tim is a great idea! That drove Perry insane.
    Maybe Don should sue Perry for trying to take money from his wallet.

  31. Nordsman71

    This show fucking kills!!!!! I laughed my ASS off and was in total tears throughout… This shit is GENIUS!!!!

  32. e-ticaret

    Nice blog. Pretty interesting and very impressive..Do you have any other pages like this? but anyways.. I’ll forsure be coming back again.

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