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The Liar

Perry lies by saying that he went up to Big Bear using the Lord as an excuse after not showing up for a podcast taping. Perry’s unprofessionalism could possibly bring the Big 3 to an end.

Show Summary

Perry has a lot of apologizing to do because he lied about going on a spiritual retreat in Big Bear, rather than show up to record the show. Don’s own faith and spirituality prevent him from killing Perry for missing the show. Prevaricating Perry tries to admit his lie but keeps getting interrupted to hear about all the people and investors he upset, including Nathaniel, the young boy Perry inadvertently killed.
Seemingly apologetic, at first, Perry soon resorts to casting aspersions and blame on Salvador, who he claims is out of the picture for good, this time. Perry finally admits that he lied and, with his shrewd business acumen on full display, he explains that he paid Salvador $500 for a rap song. He attempts to make amends with the listeners by sharing the recipe for his apartment-style pasta and apologizing for not being funny…today.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Join the interaction on the social networks with the Big 3 by following them on Facebook and on twitter … Oh, if you haven’t seen it as of yet get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

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Show Credits

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Carmello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Eric Marino
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 35 Comments

  1. jpmoneypants

    Hell ya!!! Thanks guys, I love it when the podcast is up before the end of the workday. It makes Friday move so much faster. Keep it up.

    1. Ak47

      PLEASE do more shows! I can’t wait a whole week! Perry needs to get kicked in his balls.. Perry used to be my hero in windy city heat, now I see the real Perry the movie didn’t show a inconsiderate, asshole.

      1. tunarallys

        I agree with AK.. Don has the right to be fed up with Perry shoveling bullshit excuses all day. Perry complains all show, Perry has killed this shows momentum. I’m scared to see where it might go, bring Terrifying Tim back ASAP.
        bottom line.. Perry (Iceberg) (DonMOLE/Entireshow) Titanic

  2. Jared

    I wouldn’t mind if Perry quit. He just gets pissed off during the show, its not the same when hes pissed.
    Mole ftw.

    1. mr. fister

      I can’t believe he thinks he’s ‘the funny guy’ of the show. All he does is bitch and moan about how he’s not getting paid and he’s broke. The only laughable thing about Perry is his unending stupidity. Don and Mole are brilliant comic minds who don’t need to do this podcast, Perry is a selfish asshole who doesn’t give a shit about his fans.

      1. Jared

        So true, Mr.Fister. I am pretty sure even if he was paid the amount Bill Gates makes he would still also bitch then.

  3. matt

    fuck perry bring on tim perpedic!!!!!!!!

  4. Nick (Seattle)

    Perry just loves stuffing his mouth with things… i guess it brings back good memories from the randy callahan days

  5. James Baker

    Whens Perry gonna be replaced with Rucka?

  6. Nick (Seattle)

    what did perry do on adult swim?

    1. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

      Perry told me that he’s on an adult swim show called Hot Package. I guess its new

      1. matt

        perry loves hot packages!!!

  7. jpmoneypants

    Perry is always complaining that he doesn’t make any money from the show but lets do some simple math.

    There have been about 52 shows that Perry has been a part of as far as I can tell. Lets say they take an hour and a half to tape thats 78 hours of “work” for Perry.

    Perry was paid $850 for an adult swim appearance because of the podcast. He doesn’t get the $10 shout outs every week, but some weeks he gets them all. Lets say $10 a week on average for the shout outs thats $520. Also, there’s all the What the Huck, Candy Corn, booze, Stephen Seagal energy drinks, armpit chips, self help books, ect. that Perry receives regularly. Lets say thats at least another $100.

    $850+$520+$100= $1470

    $1420 / 78 hours = $18.85 per hour

    This does not include value from all the contacts Perry has made, the value of furthering his brand, or the profit from skateboard sales related to his advertising on the show. I’m sure he receives other benefits that I’m unaware of as well.

    Point being, I think Perry makes pretty good money from the Podcast and needs to have more of a “glass half full” attitude.

    1. matt

      i wish i can make that kind of money

    2. Alex

      And technically Perry is on Disability for his neck and being technically retarded. So he must be doing okay at the very least.

      If someone like Chris Chan (and there’s similarities between him and Perry too) can get $900 for being disabled then Perry should be okay.

  8. fishface

    This is what we in the analytical community would refer to as a refractory show. After diligent study, I believe I’ve picked up on the complex biorhythms of the Big 3.

    Perry starts at a baseline level of moderate agitation/egomaniacal rage, which slowly increases over a 3 to 5 week period until these personality traits boil over (climax) and cause him to do something so stupid that even he recognizes it.

    Then, for one show, he will be apologetic, and nearly human, while in his emotional refractory period.

    Rinse and repeat.

    It’s it’s beautiful and interesting to watch…much like sunsets, the changing of the seasons, or a drunken child playing with a loaded handgun.

  9. Soggy Vegetable

    I like that they’re bringing up Javaho more. If Javahos believe that only 144,000 people can get into heaven… well there’s 7 billion people on Earth and billions have came and gone before us. Why would Perry bother to attempt to follow the religion? He clearly wouldn’t make the cut. He’s a liar, he’s had promiscuous sex with men and animals (Randy Callahan and Sheva), he called God a “punk” in Moleplay® as well as saying “Goddamnit”, he’s a glutton for pies, fries, and candy corn.. he’s made death threats against the Nucka Nation, he stole Don’s wallet, he’s probably never even handed out one issue of “The Watchtower”.

    1. mr. fister

      plus he’s Italian

      1. matt

        i heard they don”t let italian in heaven.

  10. Soggy Vegetable

    Also, according to Perry’s $500 rap, being from Chi-Town means you’re a fine fellow. So John Wayne Gacy and Unabomber: You are 2 fine fellows. Hats off to you both.

  11. Demetri

    Wow, this was a heavy episode. I’ve never seen things so tense between the Big 3. I really feel for Don having to deal with this bullshit. I gotta say though, that I feel kind of sorry for Perry too. Turns out he’s a much bigger moron than I imagined, and I suspect that’s the only reason Don has given him chance after chance after constantly fucking things up.

  12. mark

    i tunes or mp3 download??

  13. mark

    nevermind… thanks big three

  14. Matt

    Great job getting the podcast on itunes. When I subscribe on Itunes it gives me the first 3 episodes and the most current one, can you post the other 4 episodes in between so I can get fully caught up

    1. simplydon

      We will make sure that happens very soon.

      1. matt

        will these episodes ever be in video form bro. please that would be awesome

  15. Yabels

    Love the Padcast! Keep it rolling fellas.

  16. Alex

    I listened to the whole thing now. I’m about to go to sleep but a few thoughts:

    Is Perry mentally retarded? Who pays $500 for that? Jesus Christ I have no experience in music and I could’ve done better by looking up a rhyming dictionary and ripping off DMX.

    I’m really fucking pissed at Perry for fucking up Yurgi’s appearance. Yurgi kicked fucking ass in WCH and I’m so pumped to see him in the studio.

    My heart goes out to Don. If it were me in his shoes I wouldn’t have worked with Perry after the first time he sues me, let alone steals from me. But the man really has bent over backwards to help Perry and frankly Perry doesn’t deserve it. I’m not even joking when I say that Terrifying Tim would be better. It’d be nice for Tim to come in for 2 weeks and give Don some time to get away from Perry and his bullshit.

    To Don and Mole: I fucking love WCH. It is one of the funniest films ever made and I’ve made it a duty to spread this thing out to as many as possible. I might even buy DVD’s for everyone at work come Xmas time. Never give up guys. What you do is fucking amazing.

  17. R0BIT

    Perry’s apologies are total crap! He just says what he thinks he needs to say to get past his lies of the week so he can get back to lying again.
    When Perry feels pain, I feel a kind of joy that is unexplainable. It’s kind of like eating caviar on top of rare, exotic fish but so much more.
    As always, I love Moleplay!!
    Biiiiiiig 3! 😀

  18. matt

    perry’s career is as fried as the fries that he was stuffing in his fat stupid face.

  19. RuckasNuckas


  20. Adam Carolla

    Get it on.

    It truely saddens me to see such a once vibrant talent in the pits of his career. Perry, I once again am offering you a position on the ACE Broadcasting team. I will not only reimburse you the $500 you so stupidly lost to a con-man, but I’m prepared to offer you a contract you can’t refuse. Please call me.


  21. Harry Benson

    What a spellbinding episode Don and Mole, took me a few days to take it all in.

    I am very sorry to hear about young Nathaniels life raping by the thoughtless and unprofessional Perre. As a young child, experiences like that can mean everything, im almost certain Don was right about the added pressure being the thing that caused his brain to explode. What a waste, he raped a young child for his life because he wanted to pay Salvatore for a terrible rhyme song that he didnt even get a copy of. He wasted $500 and young Nathaniels life over his beef with Rucka, and for what? End the feud Perre, one life has already been lost.

    Perre needs to stop blaming others for his problems and looking for escape goats, his unprofessional attitude is really becoming a drag on the show.
    Im also glad it was decided to pull Perres Corner from the end of the show in favor of MOleplaY, atleast now the show will end on a cheery and fun note, instead of being a bore.

    Hopefully looking forward to the next Big 3 episode

    Harold Benson

  22. Alex

    No gallery?

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