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Blood Clots & Christmas

Perry was released from the hospital after his latest neck surgery but when he went to have his stitches removed, a blood clot was found and an emergency surgery to remove it was set. Don felt after two Best Of Podcast the fans needed a new podcast so Don, Mole and Mary Jane brought recording equipment to the hospital to celebrate Christmas with the Scaremaster.

Show Summary

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here.

Want More Big3 Check Out


Podcast Promo Clip

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Don Barris
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. Cookie Caramello

    Great show darlings!

  2. Dean Cherry

    Thanks for the new podcast, hope Perry gets better soon.

  3. Nick (Seattle)

    All I want for Christmas is some new Big 3! Thanks!!

  4. Bowers, Coast & Fischer

    We would like to make it perfectly clear that the photo we sent in was absolutely NOT photoshopped in any way……..maybe.

  5. Demetri

    Thanks for getting a podcast out under the circumstances. It’s a great one. I wish Scaremaster could have really unleashed the fury, but he did pretty damn well for a guy in a hospital bed. Hopefully this hotshot doctor he keeps bragging about knows what he’s doing, and his neck is fixed for good. That will be one less thing that he can blame unprofessional behavior on.

  6. Bowers, Coast & Fischer

    We would like it to be noted that we in NO way photo-shopped the photo we sent in………Maybe.

    1. Demetri

      Mole to Perry: “It’s you eatin’ a fudge-bar or something.”

  7. mr. fister

    Merry x-mas to the Big 3 and listeners, except Perry who worships satan or something. get well soon ya big lug!

  8. Demetri

    For everyone who is sending in shout-outs (Mike from Local Drug Search, Bowers, Coast, and Fischer, and everyone else), you guys are doing an amazing job. My shout-outs aren’t that funny, but for the past couple of months you’ve been making “$10 Shout-outs” the second best segment on the show, and with Perry not giving a shit about Mole Play recently, it’s been the best on some episodes.

  9. Grady Enward

    Perry thought he would put the gay/AIDS talk to bed but it backfired.

    Perry: “Now, tell these guys I don’t have AIDS in my blood.”

    Valentino: “No.”

    Don: “You’re absolutely positive?”

    Valentino: “No, no, no.”

    Don: “Well, there it is, it’s all cleared up then.”

    Please, go back and listen again. Never before has a persons words been taken out of context so blatantly. Also, is that hospital in TJ? Everyone that works there has a thick Mexican accent.

    1. Unleashed Fury

      Sorry, but it only adds fire to the confusion and conspiracy. Was the orderly confirming that he no longer has AIDS or was he confirming that he never had AIDS? And does he still have the HIV virus that causes AIDS?

      Will we ever know the truth?

      1. Grady Enward

        Perry asked Dr. Valentino to tell Don, Mole and the rest of us that Perry doesn’t have AIDS in his blood. Dr. Valentino refused to go on record risking his professional practice, his credibility and his medical license confirming something that is false. Dr. Valentino has too much integrity to get involved in petty podcast squabbles, but he had no choice about the truth. He simply couldn’t go along with Perry’s misinformation.

  10. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Hmmm, suspicions…
    Could the clot in fact be the result of some sort of “Bumba-Clot” curse cast upon Perry by a Nucka acolyte?
    He’d better start gathering & safekeeping all his cut hair, whiskers, finger & toenail clippings, scabs, earwax, pus, and all other bodily excreta -lest the Nuckas find & use them for more Hoodoo. [this may make a nice hobby for Perry as well]
    Beware the dark arts, Mr. Carabello…
    You don’t want anyone making a poppet of you. (again)

    Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas To All!

    Thanks Don, Mole, M.J. for this ‘on the road’ podcast!

  11. I Feel Vibrations

    Thanks for reading my $10 Shout-Out! Glad we got those questions cleared up.

    1. Demetri

      It was a good one. You got him upset enough to call you a “cunt cock-sucker”.

  12. Richard Heene

    Perry could have put a bit more energy into the podcast.

  13. El Bee

    I’m happy to hear that the Scare-Master is doing alright, and doesn’t have aids. I guess that dude sunbathing on the roof can take a sigh of relief that he didn’t contract aids.

  14. ElCursi

    Best Show as Of Yet! Love You Guys!!

  15. Alex

    Who’s the guy who thumbs down random messages?

    Anyway, GREAT podcast! Shoutouts were amazing. Hope Parry recovers.

    1. Alarming Andrew

      Agreed.. one of the best podcasts yet. I haven’t had a chance to listen to it much, because I’ve been so busy with my Terrifying Tim skateboard decks that I got for Christmas.

  16. cookie

    The show was great guys but when Valentino entered the scene, i thought right away he would be a great replacement for Mr. Karavello.

  17. Richard Heene

    Am I seeing things, or does it look like Don is pointing a revolver at Perry’s head in the picture??

    Is Perry being forced to do the podcast at gunpoint? Could it be true that Perry was telling the truth about his nightmarish experience of being threatened with firearms that glisten in the sunlight?? This is a dark side of The Big Three that I never imagined possible.

    1. cookie

      upon further review you are correct, it does look coerced. Terry looks like he is being held unwillingly!

  18. Joe Blow

    In all seriousness, I would like to know if that story was true.

    If so, that is really fucked up.

    1. Demetri

      The story about Don putting a gun in Perry’s mouth? No it’s not true. But he did put a prop gun in Perry’s mouth for a photo shoot for Vice magazine, which you can see on Youtube. It’s what Perry got the idea from. The story doesn’t make any sense. The reason Perry won’t admit that it’s bullshit is because he thinks that he can be charged with perjury.

  19. Demetri

    Oh shit, look at the second to last picture that was posted! Perry is taking a leak in his pee bottle! He couldn’t even wait until Don, Mole, and Mary Jane left the room. We can also see the picture that Bowers, Coast, and Fischer sent in on pic #13. And is that Valentino in pic #17? I don’t know about you, but that guy looks really suspicious to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was one of Rucka’s Nuckas come to sabotage Perry’s recovery. Good thing Don, Mole, and Mary Jane were there.

    1. Bowers, Coast & Fischer

      We are delighted to see the spark of joy that picture brought Perry, It’s nice to know we were able to brighten his day by reminding him of a past Trist

  20. JoeWeed

    Ace Broadcasting what? That was an amazing show… I’ve listened to it big 3 times already. I’m glad Perry is getting better and has such nice friends. Also, his cousin Sammie’s boner sure got him perked up.

  21. Pepe Sanchez

    Ever since I started listening to you and yours and your pack of lunacy and fringe-element “types,” I’ve had a had a bad, bad rash all over myself and in my left eyeball and I fear it… is… crrreeeeeppppping up into my cranium and branium.
    In other words, Perry’s neck is giving me a head-, stomach-, and soul-ache.
    And like a perfect circle… ever since I bought that lumpy, piss-stained mattress from one Mr. Neil Leeds, things have gone the way of a film noir hero on crack and a bad bestiality addiction! F YOU, PERRY! You self-centered prick!

    Your pal,
    Rev. Pepe Sanchez
    The Church of the Everyday Man.

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