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Bowers, Coast & Fischer

This weeks episode has Perry showing his versatility of why he is loved unlike any podcast before this one, highlighted by a movie review that makes us glad we dropped his “Perry’s Corner” segment and replaced it with his movie review.

Show Summary


Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here.

Want More Big 3 Check Out

Podcast Promo Clip


Show Credits

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Tennessee Ernie Tuxedo
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    I think I want the Big 3 in bed with me, but not in a gay aspect.

  2. Bowers, Coast & Fischer

    We cannot express enough, how grateful we are that the AMAZING Big Three would use our names as a show title. Thank you gentleman…. Thank You.

    1. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

      God bless Bower, Koast, and Fishers

      1. Alex

        Why does Pierre thumbs down our comments>

  3. Dard Nosrac

    What the hell is this. I love, support and have been waiting for a podcast.

  4. mr fister

    thanks for the free mp3 of vibrations, can we have the ep now?

  5. Richard Heene

    I thought it was a law firm.

  6. mark

    why is it just a song??

    1. flopsweat

      Perry is holding the episode for ransom, demanding that someone give him the cure for HIV.

  7. Red

    Wheres the podcastt WTF?

  8. Harry Benson

    I like vibrations.

    Harold Benson

  9. Sam Stewart

    I’m so horny for Perry’s tiny mushroom wiener.

  10. I tried to laugh at this episode as I usually do, but this time I was overwhelmed with grief over the anniversary of Perry’s negligent actions which lead to young Nathaniel’s death. Perry’s selfish and broken neck ways seriously went too far when he denied Nathaniel’s final trip to Knots Scary (Perry) Farm. Maybe this year Perry will finally admit what he did, and we can all come to some closure on this horrendous, unforgivable event.

  11. Musgrave322

    You better not be talkin sh*t about me on your podcast Karamellow!!! RUCKA’S NUCKAS ARE GONNA BEAT UR SORRY ASS FOR ALL THE SH*T YOU’VE SAID ABOUT ME.

  12. Sassquatch Manbear

    Hey Mole was that a dis on UW Madison? I played Football for the Badgers so I would like an apology please.

  13. Barry Caron

    Yet another amazing podcast!!!!! Thanks Big 3!!!!!

  14. I'm Jeff Rossess's BIGGEST FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just ran out and bought my copy of Angels IN America!!! I can’t wait to see Jeff Ross in action. Thank you for letting me know about this movie Perry!

    1. mr. fister

      does he roast the angels?

  15. tunarallys

    Mr Karamelo, I wanted to ask where you get your authentic oregano spice? I made some pasta following your tutorial and it came out tasting like shit…
    Please help

  16. Demetri

    I love any episode where we get to hear about Mole’s peculiar family. I just hope people stay away from that shack in the woods of Wisconsin, as they are *heavily* armed.

  17. Lady Cracka

    pretty gay guy talk if you ask me. no ladies?

    1. Dr. Jagoff

      Well, Don did mention Mary Jane before it closed, and shes pretty enough for three ladies.

  18. SteveP

    Goodbye sweet princes.

  19. Gene Novak

    Very good episode, looking forward to Perry’s next movie review. I think Philadelphia might be a good choice for a future one. I do get a little tired of how Perry keeps putting too much emphasis on the gay elements in his films and glosses over the story. He’s got a one track mind. I figured it was his favorite part but tone it done a bit.

  20. tunarallys

    hey guys I think Scary fairy Karamelo is giving us all of these thumb downs!

  21. OklaHOMO

    PLEASE – can you start posting the pictures again?
    I miss them.

  22. J_A_Wtech

    Don,and Mole when are you going to have Rucka Rucka Ali GuestStar?

  23. El Bee

    I know that Perry Caramello hates China, but the 20 year anniversary is the China Anniversary. So will Perry be getting Randy Callahan a China set for the 20th anniversary of the greatest day of Perry’s life.

  24. Heather Silk

    The shows have been REALLY great!! It’s always a pleasure listening to you guys! 😉

  25. tunarallys

    Randy Callahan was the best perry has ever had!.. THERE I SAID IT, Sorry PERRY, but you shouldn’t have killed Nathaniel.

    1. El Bee

      First it was Sheeba not Nathaniel who is next on his greasy hit list?

      1. El Bee

        I meant “then Nathaniel” not “not Nathaniel”, sorry my phone sucks.

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