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On a day that the Scaremaster is invited to meet the president … Perry talks about the homosexual community & this podcast he will shed a light once and for all about his true thoughts on the matter, he also shares a story about nearly twenty years ago when he had an homosexual encounter.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out

Show Trailer


Show Credits

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Ben Klamm
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. jpmoneypants

    HELL YEAH!! The podcast is up prior to noon PST. Awesome!

  2. red

    hell ya

  3. OklaHOMO

    The old radio show with Perry’s Grandfather was FUCKING Hysterical!

    It is unreal how this Podcast (along with WCH) does not have a BIIIIIIIGER following.
    Keep up the great work, guys!

    1. Alex

      I’ve linked to this podcast and have tried to get other people interested. I’ve also shown the clip of Pierre knocking over the table but for whatever reason I can’t drum up the interest.

      I think the Big 3 are too smart to understand by most people.

      1. Ben Franklin's Front Window

        Alex, dim-witted or intellectually lazy people can’t properly cherish the Big 3. It takes knowledge, contemplation & reflection to fully appreciate the genius.
        Alas, as with Van Gogh or Robert Johnson, The Big 3 won’t be fully recognised until they’ve gone.

        We shall count ourselves lucky to have been here.

  4. jack

    “You’re sweet on Al Capone!” “THAT WAS 19-DICKITY-2!!!”

  5. Jack Carter

    Last week, the $10 Shoutouts were very good and made the show great – this week, they were way too long, not very funny and weakened the show.

    1. Demetri

      There were a couple that were definitely way too long, but they did have a few funny parts in them, they just needed to be cut down. I liked the ones about Randy Callahan; especially the guy who was also named Randy Callahan and was pissed.

  6. Musgrave322

    Hi, My name is Perry and I like to say f*ck it,
    my d*ck is often mistaken for a Chicken McNugget,
    Grandpa Caravello dated Al Capone,
    Kookie Karamellow gave the navy boy dough.

  7. mcmurrin

    I think that’s: Kookie Karamellow gave the navy boys dome.

  8. kevin

    OH HELL YAH!!!!

  9. eddie torres

    Mole: “You said ‘maybe one hand job?’ Cause we know about the one… this is like the Zapruder film, are we gonna find a second shooter?”

    Don: “We may.”

    Perry: “That’s me.”

    Hahahahahahahahaha! Pure podcasting gold.

  10. Alex

    I’m eating damn good sushi and drinking a coke while listening. This is the life.

  11. Alex

    After Pierre’s movie review I’d be kinda’ curious and horrified to hear his review of Salo: The 120 Days of Sodom.

  12. MrDinosaur

    I bet Terrifying Tim pulled some strings to get Parry that White House invite.
    Such a great guy.

  13. eddie torres

    Other movies Perry might enjoy buying and reviewing: Advise & Consent (1962); The Birdcage (1996); Cruising (1980); Dog Day Afternoon (1975); Happy, Texas (1999); M. Butterfly (1993); Midnight Express (1978)

  14. MrDinosaur

    “I’m not proud of that. It describes me and disgusts me.”
    It’s wonderful how poetic Parry is with his stupidity.

  15. We Rock the Spectrum Kids Gym

    Greetings Big Three,

    It has come to our attention that one of the members of your show, a Mr. Pear E. Caravello, attends a gym near his home on Reseda Blvd., in the town of Encino. Mr. Caravello admitted on this podcast that he is frequently engaging in perverse sex acts with men in the locker room of his gym.

    Since he will likely be banned from his current gym due to his public and graphic perversions, AND since he is a known trafficker of child pornography, and a high school truck-sitting creeper, we want to officially let him know that we at the We Rock the Spectrum Kids Gym, a facility in nearby Tarzan, will NOT allow Pear to join our gym or come within 500 feet of our facility.

    Please reiterate to Mr. Caravello that the gym is called “We Rock the Spectrum” and not “We Rock the Rectum”.

    Thank you,

    -Mr. Fred Rogers, We Rock the Spectrum Kids Gym

    1. Dina Kimmel

      I am the owner of the gym that is referred to above. I am letting you know that i am hiring legal representation for slander in the above reference. I suggest you take this down immediately. How dare you refer to our gym in this nature. This gym is for autistic children and their family and communities. I am appalled at reading the above.

      Dina Kimmel

  16. Gene Novak

    Hey Don if you want to cut back the time of the show how bout you quit explaining what every bit is every week. Every show assumes we’re a first time listener. We all know what Mole Play is, as well as 10 dollar shout out, etc. I’m tired of hearing you regurgitate how they work every week. The concepts aren’t that hard where you would need to repeat it over and over again. I’d also get rid of guy talk, it’s as week as Perry’s Corner. Frankly, I thought the $10 shout outs were great this week, especially Randy Callahan and Perry’s grandfather’s commercial. If you want to cut them down though, just tell people 500 words or less or you might trim them. You can say a lot in 500 words.

  17. Dr. Jagoff

    Whats up with this guy at the gym that ejaculated on Perres face?

  18. Donna, Don Barris' illegitimate baby daughter

    Now that my old man has made a beeline to get a Whitney Houston blow-up doll, (he says that he wants to make “love” to it inside this coffin that he just purchased-what a sick fuck) I can tell you what I think. This is the WORST PODCAST EVER!!! I mean there’s: homophobia, ethnic slurs, religious intolerence, sometimes hitting, always verbal abuse, and glorifying drug-use (HN). I must have been the world’s biggest asshole in the previous life. I can’t reach the phone, so will someone PLEASE call C.P.S.?!!
    BIG THREE ! ! !

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