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It’s Becoming Too Much

Perry was on fire from the minute he walked into the studio and the anger never left as he officially said that he wouldn’t have anything to do with the upcoming 20th Anniversary Holiday that is coming up on June 26th.

Show Summery

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out

Show Trailer

Show Credits

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Ben Klamm
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. Jack Mehoff

    Thank you Big 3 for getting another podcast out first thing in the morning. Can someone please calm Perry down? He needs to realize that cumming in a guy’s mouth while he cums in your hand is not the end of the world.

    1. Nick (Seattle)

      I think it was the other guy that came in Perry’s mouth while Perry was getting jerked off. I don’t remember, it’s been so long since he has told that story.

      1. Alex

        I’m convinced that it’s either Perry or some stalker fan of Perry’s who jerks off to Perry’s ass in WCH who thumbs down comments.

        Not liking Ruka or Neal is one thing. But not liking mention of the holiday of Perry and Randy’s forbidden love is absolutely blasphemous and highly suspicious.

  2. Tim D

    We should rent out a room at the comedy store for June 26th. ALso we can rent a party van and have Perry give us the tour of rock stars he wanted to do two years ago. Maybe Randy Callahan will roll through for a reenactment.

  3. Alarming Andrew

    Another great episode this week from the Big 3!

    Terrific analysis from Perry on the similarities between the Truman Show and his own life. A key difference, however, is that Perry is directly responsible for the death of his father (giving him bad eyes, then literally pulling the plug) whereas Truman simply watched his father die.

    1. Whoopi Silverstein

      It’s been a while since I’ve seen the movie, but I’m pretty sure Truman didn’t either murder an innocent young boy or engage in any manplay with Ed Harris (the Randy Callahan of the movie). Other than those minor inconsistencies, spot on.

  4. Dr. Jagoff

    Yo Perre, how many licks does it take to get Randy Callahung to cum in your mouth?

  5. eddie torres

    Photo #39 in the Gallery looks like Parrie re-enacting the Calla-hand incident. Honestly, how much harder could it really be for him to try and enjoy the 20th Anniversary Holiday? Such a drama Queen. Er, I mean prima Donna.

  6. jpmoneypants

    don’s high pitch female impression screaming into the mic is unbearable. Its funny, but tonally, its too irritating and I have to turn it off.

    1. Demetri

      Just turn the volume down; it’s too funny to be tempered. Drew: “Rub my leg you sexy cocksucker.”

    2. Steve

      I have to agree. I’ve learned to accept Perry’s unprofessional yelling but Don’s girly screeching (funny as it is) is one of the least pleasant things to have ever been in my ear.
      I don’t want any characters to change, but I’d enjoy the podcast more if I didn’t have to adjust the volume depending on who’s speaking. I don’t know much about mixing, but would it be possible to cut this down somehow?

      Anyways, love the podcast. Keep it up.

  7. Alex

    Perry seducing Hollywood Don was priceless!

  8. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    I seriously wanna open up a can of whoop ass on Perriye. First he doesnt want to autograph a fan picture cuz I guess he thinks he’s too good for them. Second, fuck Motley Crue and that gay faggot glam metal scene Perre is into. Third, where is his fuckin holiday spirit when he made sweet sweet love to Randy Callahan. Typical hollywood javaho illuminati scum! Replace Perriye with Richard Heenie!

  9. Bad Brad

    Perr-eh always claims he’s not gay. If he’s so confident in his heterosexuality, I think he should prove he’s not gay by reenacting the Randy Callahan love making session live onstage in front of a crowd of thousands. When Perr-eh cums in Randy’s mouth, and Randy cums in Perr-eh’s hand, the crowd will decide via applause whether they think Perr-eh’s gay or not. Such an easy solution to a twenty year problem. You’re welcome, ya fanny pack wearing, combover having, gravely voiced piece of shit.

  10. Steve D

    I went to high school with Perry Caramelho. I had gym with him my junior year. We used to call him peeping Perry because he was always looking at guys’ dicks in the showers after P.E. We used to have to do wrestling for a few weeks, which as you could imagine, Perry LOVED. I’ll never forget this one gym class. Perry was wrestling this smaller Asian kid, and Perry got a visible boner. Everyone started laughing. So, it’s of very little surprise to me that Perry sucked this Randy Callahan guy off. I find it very amusing that Perry claims to have only been with one man, especially because he jerked a guy off at our ten year reunion.

    1. Dr. Jagoff

      Make that 3 guys Steve D, don’t forget he also let that guy at the gym blast a load of chowder on his face.

  11. Randy C.

    Hey Perry, if I pull a few strings, I can probably get you a commercial TV gig pimping ‘Ragu’ spaghetti sauce. (it will be aired on 1 Cali station) Of course, in order for me to get motivated enough to get you this job, I’m going to need you to do me another ‘job’, if you know what I mean. (wink wink) I’ll make this blowjob even more comfortable for you. I’ll drink plenty of pineapple juice, play some “romantical” music (Lional Richie’s “Say you, say me”), and even gently play with your ears while youring in my LOVE! I look foward for you making some easy $ and for us to hook-up once again. You know how to contact me, you frisky little dago, you. Grrrr!!!

  12. OklaHOMO

    Give Perry credit (for once) — even though he is a dreadful human being… he was kind of smart enough to connect ‘The Truman Show’ to ‘WCH’… but then again, he did break his neck at 45-years-old skateboarding while trying to impress a girl. So, I take that back.

  13. Psycho Sid

    Are the rumors true about a PBS telethon for Cookie Caramello? If so, I’m ready to fork over some serious cash. Also, one would think that Perry would try to fly home to Texas to say goodbye to his father. Cookie’s a war hero, goddamnit! Treat him with some respect, Perry. Instead, Perry’s bitching and moaning about having a tough week of lawsuits in front of him. Way to keep your eyes (Cookie would love to have good eyes again!) on what’s important, you bloated scumbag. Perry, you are a disgrace. You didn’t deserve Randy Callahan’s hot load in your mouth.

  14. JoeWeed

    I just heard that little Nathaniel’s only sister is terminally ill… My thoughts and prayers go out to that poor family.

  15. Jack Carter

    I love Mole play (as we all do) – I just wish Perry would play along better.

  16. Watching you

    Hey Don, you’re a fucking jerk. Get yourself in line. Picking on a guy who has mental issues? Perry hasn’t been the same after the coma. Way to go tough guy.

    1. Richard Heene

      Perry is luckier than he will ever know to have Don and Mole in his life. They have helped him realize his dreams which never would have happened otherwise.

    2. Alex


    3. Demetri

      Since when did making someone over $50,000 and getting them off of crack cocaine become synonymous with “picking on”. If that’s the case I’d really like to be picked on.

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