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Bettin’ On a Cure

People have been waiting with great anticipation for this weeks “Perry’s Movie Review” as he reviews the cult classic film, Windy City Heat. Drew Barrymore’s people tell Perry to cease and desists or threatens law suits against Perry if he continues to claim of having a sexual relationship with Miss Barrymore.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out

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Show Credits

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Earl Skakel
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 27 Comments

    1. Who's Jack Carter?

      Beware! Unrelated link nonsense to a web misfit seeking PR here. Hey all! let’s follow Alex-the-idiot and post our own attention-wasting bullshit links here. Who wants to begin with A Zimmerman’s Idiots Guide to Neighborhood Watch. Market your looser links elsewhere. This forum is for The BiiiiiiiG THREE!!!!!! Great Podcast as Usual.

      1. Alex

        Not trying to do that. I just thought there’s a lot of parallels between Perry and Chris. Both live Truman Show-style lives you must admit and are masters of being unintentional comedians.

        Not trying to spam, I just thought it was an apt comparison. My apologies to anyone who thinks it is unwarranted spam.

        1. SEO HOMO

          Yeah I’m confused why Alex got all the thumbs down… the link he posted is directly related to the shoutout where the Big 3 didn’t know who Chris Chan was. Are that many people really worried about passing “link juice” and “Google PageRank” from a “nofollow link,” WOW. 2012 I guess.

          Did anyone who gave him a thumbs down even listen to the padcast?

          1. Demetri

            Alex gets a lot of thumbs down on his comments for some reason. He must have pissed some people off. Whatever the reason, he’s sending money to The Big 3, which I think we can all appreciate.

        2. Alex

          Thanks guys. If you look through the comments you notice that there’s always one or two thumbs down on something related to Perry coming out of the closet. It’s not a one time thing, it’s pretty consistent. Which leads me to believe it’s just one guy, perhaps Perry’s secret boyfriend, who vehemently thumbs down anything he doesn’t like.

  1. KindaGamey

    I love this show, I just wish I could admit it to my friends.

  2. OklaHOMO

    God bless you, Mr Barris! This is the earlest the podcast has ever been up. You made my day!

  3. Alarming Andrew

    Picture number 21 is perfect for a “computer graph”, as Perry says.

    I’m thinking an animated GIF…

  4. Rickey Smigletti

    Is there a reason why “Dan” is said instead of “Don” so much? If this has been covered before I’m sorry. Thanks!

    1. eddie torres

      Parry is secretly in love with Don, who was actually born as Dawn, but Parry always mispells it ‘Dan’, because that’s the Javaho Way.


    2. jpmoneypants

      Come on Rickey, its not that hard. Perry gets super upset when his name is pronounced incorrectly. By Mole saying Dan Barney, instead of Don Barris, Don is showing Perry that you don’t have to freak out when your name is pronounced wrong.
      The comedy is in the fact that Perry NEVER sees this, and continually gets pissed while Don never does.

      1. Nicole

        I think your logic is awesome but I actually think there is another reason.

        Perry has trouble remembering names and calls Don by the wrong name Dan all the time. Perry has been making this mistake for almost 20 years.

        1. jpmoneypants

          Yes, BUT Perry almost always realizes his mistake in calling Don the wrong name and apologizes immediately and sincerely as if he has seriously insulted Don (cause that’s how Perry sees it).
          I think Perry calls Don the wrong name due to the repetition from Mole in calling Don Dan.

  5. koko

    This is the funniest show on the airwaves!

  6. eddie torres

    That neck brace seems more and more like a security blanket. Or an oral love support device. “Watch this… urlp.”

  7. Dr. Jagoff

    Hey guys, if you ever want to see and feel what Randy saw and felt on that unforgettable day in the sweaty summer of 1992, just stick your dick through the center of the Windy City Heat DVD. You may not think it will fit, but trust me, Perres mouth is more than ample.

  8. Whoopi Silverstein

    Perry said he was “teased, played with and jerked around this way and that way” in Windy City Heat, is there a deleted scene with Randy that I missed?

    1. eddie torres

      Out of a possible 5 fanny-packs… I give that a 4.3!

      Although it looks like that intertube show has been multi-graphicked and re-layered by computer guys, we still better notify the President of Show Business so it qualifies for any upcoming Internet Show Awards too.

    2. El Bee

      The video is very factual and informative, but it’s going to be pulled down of youtube fast so watch it now.

  9. Richard Heene

    The more we learn about the Perry-Randy incident of 1992, the more we realize how shrewd of a businessman Perry is. Perry is not gay (he was “disgusted” when Randy initially proffered the gay sex) but he changed his mind about having a gay sexual encounter after Randy said that he would give Perry his SAG vouchers enabling him to earn more money as an extra on film projects. Perry did the math in his head and calculated that he would earn 2 or 3 times the meager $30-$40 per day he would get as a non-SAG member, and that made the gay sex a horse of a different color. Perry is a businessman, and this was a business decision, plain and simple. Before we judge him, let’s bear in mind that Perry wound up getting an extra $75 or so per day for extra work in return for one night of passionate gay sex with Randy, and as Perry will attest, nothing is more important than money. Who wouldn’t have done the same thing if any of us were in Perry’s shoes?

    1. Alex

      Best comment by far!

  10. Nicole

    Am I the only one you noticed that Perry said

    “and he (referring to Randy C) raped a 12 year old boy and that made me feel better”

    Perry= worst human ever

  11. Lisa Jablonsky

    I was very excited to hear Perry’s Windy City Heat review and I have no clue why it fell so flat.

    PS. Thanks for the stock tip, Mole!

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