We’re Sorry … No Podcast As Of Yet

Because of the troublesome week when computer hackers got into the computer at Simply Don – The Podcast Network studios at a secret location somewhere in West Hollywood, CA., the podcast is not ready for broadcast as of yet. It’s been a difficult week because not only could I not really use the computer to prepare the podcast for broadcast, but the hackers really took the wind out of the sails of the Big 3 Project. Out listener numbers are not where we want them and it’s seems as if we don’t have many fans, add to that money is going out but no money is coming back in we’re considering ending the podcast. We were hoping that the build up for Perry’s 20th Anniversary Holiday Show would bring some sort of energy but we’re getting the feeling that nobody really cares. We have a show that is close to being ready to put up in a day or so, after that who knows, we’re sorry it’s just too much pressure to keep this thing going. We’ll get the new podcast up in a couple of days. By the way FUCK the HACKERS that got into Don’s personal facebook page, FUCK Macy’s Mall (The Name the hackers used to take over Don’s page), FUCK Nike (The shoe that was on sale) … When the podcast is finally ready to go up, we have everyones favorite mattress store owner, Neil Leeds on as a guest, but until then enjoy this weeks photos & the Soothing Sounds of a rain storm until the podcast is put up. check outhttp://www.big3premiummembership.com

This Post Has 228 Comments

  1. Gene

    I care. All I’m asking for is a Podcast Extension.

    1. GWR

      I agree with you 100%

      If anyone has extra money, now is the time to donate. Lets show the Big Three how much we really appreciate them in their time of need. There’s a DONATE NOW link on the homepage.

      Please, if you have it to spare, show these guys how much we care. They’ve given us so much free content, its the right thing to do(who cares if Perry blew that guy?).

    2. Joeweed

      will donate… and fuck that hacker Perry.

      If the big 3 padcast goes off the air I’ll end up like that lady who go in that movie… that really sad movie.

      And everybody!!!


      Download on iTunes!!

      Write a Review on iTunes!!

      Rate on itunes…. all that puts it up the ranks and that will get others to listen…

      If you have time tweet @joerogan and ask him to have Don on his podcast. THey always talk about Don and I would love to hear his stories on there, plus awesome exposure!

      There are only 7 reviews…. Adam Carrollla has like 10 000!

      1. GWR

        It would be great to hear a 2-hour Rogan+Barris pod. Two behemoths of comedy!

        To reiterate what others have said, I’d be proud to wear a Big 3 shirt. I’d watch the Public Access show over and over. I’d buy tickets to see the “Three Stooges of the New Millennium” live and in person.

        But again, if you haven’t donated do so now! It only takes a minute, and you know its worth it. Don’t let Perry blowing Sandy Gallagher hold you back, DONATE NOW!

      2. Susan

        who dat lady in dat movie?

        1. Susanson

          that’s not the quote.

  2. Whoopi Silverstein

    Surely an American Hero like Tim Perpedic can help you catch these guys.

  3. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Commiserations, Mr. Barris.
    Those few of us(-too few!)with perspicacity enough to adore The Big 3 await the podcast.
    We won’t be patronizing Macy’s or Nike ever again!
    …perhaps Facebook should be avoided as well…

    p.s. Scan your pc with Malwarebytes (it’s free)

    1. Demetri

      The real company behind it is “Xiamen Shengdu Trading LTD”. They’re using the name “Macy’s Mall” as a front, and the shoes they’re selling aren’t even genuine Nikes. Everything they sell is counterfeit.

  4. Nick (Seattle)

    I hope the hackers don’t leak any nude pics of perry

  5. Susan

    I really want to thank Don for all the hard work he puts into the podcast. I have gotten so many hours of entertainment from The Big Three.

    I donated $10 today through the paypal link on the bottom of the page today. I know it is a very tiny amount but I really think if all of The Big Three fans chipped in something this week it would really boost Don’s spirit. We all know that he has had a tough few weeks dealing with his car being totaled, hackers, and of course Perry’s unprofessional nature.

    Even if the podcast does not continue I will always be a fan! Thank you Mr. Barris.

  6. Richard Heene

    Just to say it — if you were to offer materials for sale to Big Three fans (such as DVDs of the public access show, DVDs of the podcast, other recorded materials etc.) I for one would gladly pay for it. It would give me a lot of enjoyment and I’d be happy knowing that the money would be helping The Big Three.

    1. Susan

      While I think it would be great for Don to offer more content (and I would gladly pay for it), I think we all need to step up to the plate and make a donation. The podcast has provided a 100 hours of entertainment for free. I don’t want to see my favorite show canceled. I look forward to the podcast every week and I know of nothing that could replace it.

      Please, let us band together and show Don how much we care. Let’s make this week the week we donate.

    2. Gene Novak

      I don’t know why Don hasn’t done this yet, people obviously want to see the Public Access Show and for some reason not one episode has become available. I’d happily buy the series. I don’t know how long it was on but I’d pay $50 for a box set. I also don’t know what Don doesn’t video record the podcast and put it up on youtube. I’d love to see some of the stuff that goes on in there during Mole Play.

        1. Gene Novak

          I’ve actually seen them already, I’d like to see the rest though. Mole wasn’t even on the episode.

  7. Simply Dan

    Time to change the format of the show. Make the idiots from the Ding-Dong Show fight each other for drugs.

  8. Big Hauss

    Nooooooooooo! dont go. You need to keep the podcast going in memory of Nathan. It’s probably the one thing keeping Cookie Caramello alive. Plus, what will Perry do? This country doesn’t need another guy on the dole. Us listeners will promise to listen more professionally.

  9. koko

    i was having such a good friday until i read this news. i will seriously cry if this podcast ends. it is my favorite thing in the world. they should sell dvd’s of the Big Three shows. i would love to watch the Big Three instead of just listening to them. put the public-access shows on dvd too. i’ve never seen any of those. i would absolutely buy all this stuff and i’m sure others would too.

  10. Perrys balls

    Big 3 what ever you guys put out there, im in. I just listened to an hour of rain drops it was amazing, BIG 3!!!!!

  11. Richard Heene

    Also want to say a sincere “thank you” to Don, Mole and Mary Jane for all the work that they have put into this podcast for the past year. Quality work doesn’t just appear — it does take a lot of effort, work and money and they have done a great job. I don’t want the podcast to go away so may I suggest that a podcast every other week (instead of weekly) would be better than nothing, if that’s what it takes to keep it going? Then maybe it will relieve some of the pressure on Don, Mole and Mary Jane and we Big Three fans can still get our “fix” with new material. And, hopefully it will lead to another project for the Big Three.

    1. Gene Novak

      They can also start filming podcasts back to back, so that they only need to come in once every 2 weeks or even once a month.

  12. Dr. Crawford

    It would be deeply sad for the 20th anniversary not get a proper celebration. You have a few but passionate fans, Don, Mole, and Perry.

    1. Musgrave322

      Why don’t we wait until June 26th? That’s when Caravello/Callahan day started.

  13. Gene Novak

    Don, I’m sorry you’re having so many problems. I, for one, love the show and look forward to it every week. However, I’ve looked around and it appears no one even knows you guys exist. I’ve looked around to find other podcasts I might enjoy and I never even come across references for your show. I’ll try to help inform more people about your podcast. However, In the meantime you should make more use of youtube to cut your cost and expose new people to your show. Filesharing sites can also help you cut your overhead. I think a lot of us fans of the podcast would help out the show more with some direction. I don’t think you’ll ever make any real money off it. From what I heard Adam Corolla has the most popular podcast out there and it costs him money. I think it can be a valuable tool to land you in other projects though.

    1. redban

      close to winning me over so i can put this on my site with the watched podcast.

    2. I Feel Vibrations

      Adam has a rev share deal with Amazon, which they do with many other websites and podcasts- all you have to do is ask them. So The Big 3 Podcast should get that going as well, and every episode ask the fans to use that code, and you’ll get a bit of that person’s purchase price without it costing any extra.

      Don should also ask Jimmy Kimmel if he can plug the podcast in front of the live audience after the audience warm-ups. That will get 5 – 10 subscribers every day. (Jimmy is very loyal and he would not say no, and since it wouldn’t be on air, he would have no reason to mind.) Plug it at the Ding Dong Show. Go on the Adam Carolla Show to talk about the Big Three Podcast to Adam’s 400,000 daily listeners. Go on Joe Rogan. Go on Marc Maron. Put top audio clips from each week on YouTube with a graphic on the screen showing where to download the full episode. Every episode of the Big Three Podcast, ask every listener to please tell their friends about the podcast and get them to listen. Perry can hand out fliers at all the local bathhouses. That, combined with the Amazon rev share, will boost both the number of listeners and revenue from the show without costing Don ANYTHING.

      You’re putting tons of effort into the show, but not enough effort into marketing. Don’t give up on the show until you at least make a strong effort at marketing, in addition to asking the fans for some donations.

  14. Glad l'm not any of you

    What’s this shit about quitting the ‘cast? Did Hitler quit after gassing 3 million jews? Fuck no! He said to himself,”Shit, I’m only half way done.” HE had that american ‘can-do’ spirit, and he wasn’t even american! Shortly before Xmas, I mailed you a $20. And as soon as I get a job, I’ll throw some more money your way. If Perry would just FINALLY come out of the closet, the gay community would probably throw some cash your way. It’s not like everyone already doesn’t know. BTW – what’s this business about ‘fucking Nike?’ What’s your beef against sweatshops? Those poor, mal-nourished kids probably never said a bad word about you! Happy Easter……..BIG THREE!!!

    1. SUPER Glad I'm not you

      You are the perfect example of the mindset of the fans.
      I’m off to Sader.

    2. Big 3 audience member

      Booooooooh!!! Get off the stage!!

  15. Musgrave322

    DON’T EVER SUPPORT MACY’S AND NIKE!!! THE HACKER WILL PAY FOR THE TROUBLE THAT THEY CAUSED!!! I have a feeling that Salvador and Perry “Kreeper” Karamellow might play a role with the podcast cancelling.


    1. redban


      1. Steve

        Go to Olive Garden’s page and like them.

  16. Soggy Vegetable

    Ugh that’s unfortunate. I saw some pictures on Don’s Twitter with Brian Redban. If the problem’s not fully fixed yet, maybe he could check that out and prevent it from occurring again. He’s sort of a tech savvy guy… Joe Rogan doesn’t keep him around for those hilarious jokes.

    Also I don’t really know how to help grow the podcast’s listenership. What can we, the existing listeners, do to help? I listen religiously and have gotten other people to listen. I own Windy City Heat; would gladly buy any other merch from you guys (Maybe not if it was a shirt with just the Perry GAY? logo though). Maybe you guys could try promoting the show with appearances on other podcasts (It’d probably have to be just Don for a few reasons though heh). I listen to a few podcasts because I heard the host promote it as a guest on Who Charted, Todd Glass Show, etc.

    Hope you guys stick around. I check for a new episode as soon as I wake up on Fridays and if it’s not up I’m checking all day. Big fan.

    1. Mark B.

      todd glass?? but he is gay and Big 3 don’t stand for that gay sickness!!!

    2. Big D

      plug. plug. plug. plug. plug. plug. plug.

    3. Nathan

      This is a great idea. I’ve come to know more podcasts via guest stars being on some of my regular subscriptions. All 3 of you could go onto ones like Comedy Bang Bang or the Joe Rogan Experience to really get your numbers up as those guys have TONS of subscribers.

      Is there any chance you guys could get a bump from Carolla? You guys should be on his show sometime as well.

    4. Whoopi Silverstein

      Not that I know a thing about comedy or the podcasting business, but most new podcasts I’ve been introduced to have been through plugs/guest hosting. There’s gotta be somebody at Earwolf, Carolla or another studio out there that’ll help you spread the word in exchange for some chuckles.

      Seeing all the proposed shows on SDTPN, it would be a shame to not have this come to fruition and an even larger one to lose this show in particular. There’s nothing else like it.

      I don’t use iTunes, but I’ll start up an account and write a review there because I don’t know what else I can do.

      Best wishes!!!

  17. George Zimmerman

    i can’t believe Nike and Macy’s merged in to one company. Fuck! I need to drop my stock in Nike.
    most unoriginal retarded “prank” ever.
    don’t post when stoned.

  18. Jonathan James

    I hacked The Big Three….Perry hired me to do it. He’s sick and tired of you fuckers always bringing up that time he blew Randy Callahan. It was 20 FUCKING YEARS AGO!!! I mean, a guy sucks of another man ONE time and he gets a reputation?? Real mature, people.

    1. Big D

      thats not how this big spoof is going. not a perry angle this time. networking only. back to perry soon.

  19. damien

    need help securing your system?

    I can help. fawking pissed no big 3 today


  20. Colt45

    Hang in there Dan! You have the worlds greatest padcast And things will turn around soon! Im spreading the word in hawaii

  21. Gene Novak

    I just submitted you guys to ipodder.org. Plan to do a lot more. One thing you should do though is have some stuff prepared for us to post when promoting you. Description of the show, pictures, sample clips, etc. You got to grab people’s attention so you don’t get lost in the shuffle. Here’s a legit sample I thought might work:

    Brought to you by the makers of the cult classic Windy City Heat, join the Big 3 each week as they talk about the relevant social issues of the day…like whether Perry performed oral sex on a man 20 years ago.

    It grabs the readers who I feel appreciate crude humor.

    1. Callahanjob Randell

      Fuking great promo, and true – the world does need to know if/when/what/where & how Perry blew that dude.

  22. Judo n Slade

    With help from Gene you’ll be off the air in no time.

  23. Oklahomo

    This is bull shit! I know that this Podcast is not for everyone – but the people that it is for: it is like crack (no offense, Perry) for us.

    I know Don has worked his balls off (unlike Perry) to make this thing a success. We can only blame the people that don’t “get it” and praise the ones that do. I hope this is not the end – but know we have an uphill batlle.
    Keep fighting, Don. Please!

    1. Anonymous gay male

      do NOT breakup Team Married Men Online Talking About All Things Gay!!!!! it’s our only outlet!!!

  24. eddie torres

    I always wanted to hear Jake Byrd go on the Carolla podcast and play clips of his JKL appearances, with additional commentary.

    Couldn’t “The Big 3” go on with Carolla in his new studios and do a “Basic Big 3 Windy City Heat Commentary” episode? And then sell the DVD? It would probably extend to like 3 or 4 hours. I bet a lot of Carolla and Big 3 fans would pay for that, myself included.

    That’s just my 2 cents.

    F the Hackers!

  25. Gene Novak

    Now I posted you on podcastpickle.com, and digitalpodcast.com. Planning on more.

    PS. you might want to look into Audible.com which you can use to make money off the podcast with. I’d also recommend the fleshlight since that’s what Joe Rogan promotes on his show so they’ll probably already have a model in place.

    1. Gene Novak

      Why is someone giving me a thumbs down for helping to promote the podcast?

      1. Susan

        People get thumbs down on comments for no reason all the time. It is weird.

        1. Alex

          It’s Perry or Perry’s boyfriend who thumbs down comments.

          1. Alex

            Hi Perry.

  26. Gene Novak

    I was just on podcastingnews.com and Kevin Smith talked about how he switched his primary focus to podcasting and how he’s making some money with it. The article can be found here:


    Here’s some ways he’s said he’s made money with the podcast:

    People would tweet left and right: ‘You put out so many free podcasts; how can I pay it back?’ ” said Smith. “I was like, ‘Go buy a T-shirt’ and they were like, ‘Cool.’ “

    Paid advertising – The first sponsor was adult product Fleshlight.

    A paid version of the podcast which contains bonus features, but no ads.

    Taking the podcast on the road, selling tickets and merchandise.

    Creating a podcast network of affiliated shows.

    Try some of these things out and see what works.

    1. Alarming Andrew

      I would buy a shirt at any price.

  27. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    God, I really hope this isn’t the end of the Big 3 podcast. I love these guys

  28. Matt

    Jim and Eddie were talking about Windy City Heat and mentioned that they wanted to get Perry on their Talkin Shit podcast. Start pimpin Perry out. Perry and Jason would the perfect Clash of the Retards.


    Doing guest appearances on other podcasts has got to be one of the best ways to get your name out there.

    1. Soggy Vegetable

      Perry would be great on that. That’d be a 2 parter for sure.

  29. Alex

    I give Don credit for going this long. I just hope if it ends it goes out in style.

    1. Susan

      really how could this comment get a thumbs down?

      1. Gene Novak

        People are giving a thumbs down because they don’t want it to end.

      2. Joeweed

        And it’s a big 3adition

  30. Soggy Vegetable

    I see Neil Leeds in the pictures. I was lukewarm on Neil on the old episodes, but he killed it during Moleplay® last time he was on so I’m pretty excited.

  31. Jack Mehoff

    First, Perry pulls the plug on Cookie Caramello. And now, The Big 3 might pull the plug on the Big 3 podcast? This has turned out to be a Not-So-Good Good Friday.

  32. adam

    i never comment on here, but there has to be ways for you guys to pull funds in. you may think you have a low fan base, but I know a few guys who listen to it from me introducing it to them. point being, you probably have a larger fan base than you think that just doesnt comment or respond. I would definitely denote to the podcast to keep it going, or buy merchandise or whatever if you sold it. i really don’t want this show to get pulled I look forward to it every friday

  33. Randy Callahan

    Going gay for Perry today!

  34. Coo Kee

    The hackers are probably those guys who gave Perry the laptop. Flippin’ Jerks!

    1. Duke Lacrosse

      HOW ABOUT THIS!?!?
      PERRY must have used the laptop to sabotage the entire BIG THREE PODCAST and hack into Don’s facebook page. All the while Perry pretends to be upset but he is the genius mastermind behind the hacking.


  35. Whoopi Silverstein

    What about an Amazon link? Those look like they’re pretty easy to get.

    1. Soggy Vegetable

      I do Amazon affiliate buying through Bill Burr’s site, but his podcast already has a few sponsors so if going through Big 3 was an option I’d definitely do it.

  36. Donna, Don Barris' illegitimate baby daughter

    What’s more pathetic – seeing my old man mope around the house, unshaven in his underwear, eating pork rinds while gulping down banana-flavored fortified “wine” while feeling sorry for himself, OR, his idea of a babysitter is throwing me inside of an old refridgerator with a dead rat for a “toy” for a couple of hours? I feel so sorry for my Padre’ that I’ve even started “hooking” myself off to pedophiles. It hasn’t worked very well since I’ve only earned 23 grand so far. Hey Pops, how about NOT leaving the Pay-Pal sign 37 feet lower where no one can see it? Oh, come on Dad. How ’bout a hug? (sniff sniff) Holy shit! You haven’t bathed in a while, so you won’t mind if I smell my two day-old diaper to mask the stench. Happy Easter! BIG THREE!!!

  37. Bronson

    Sorry to hear about this happening to one of the few podcasts that I enjoy so much I keep archived, second only to Daves of Thunder in my heart (despite their brief rivalry when Dameshek genitalized some microphones). I’d suggest other hankering fans go back to episode 1 to re-live the beginning. How is Sol Steinbergowitz-Greenbaum’s leg doing anyway?

    Please don’t stop. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG THR33!

  38. Park


    If you need money, give us something to buy.

    I love the podcast, but I am not going to send money to you without tax deduction.

    I already bought the DVD. Sell more. I will buy it all. Put the public access show on DVD. I want to buy your products.

  39. Joeweed

    I will donate… and fuck that hacker Perry.

    If the big 3 padcast goes off the air I’ll end up like that lady who go in that movie… that really sad movie.

    And everybody!!!


    Download on iTunes!!

    Write a Review on iTunes!!

    Rate on itunes…. all that puts it up the ranks and that will get others to listen…

    There are only 7 reviews…. Adam Carrollla has like 10 000!

    1. Alarming Andrew

      When I search for the Big 3 on iTunes, I can’t find it. How are you rating it?

      1. Susan

        Working on getting access to our account on the itunes podcast directory, but you can still subscribe with the following steps

        Go to itunes…
        Click advanced…
        Click subscribe to podcast…
        Put thebig3podcast.com/podcast as the url…
        That will make it available as a podcast.

        If anyone would like to take screenshots of this process for us, please email them to jomilla.com@gmail.com

        1. Alarming Andrew

          This is how I’m currently downloading.

          The problem is, with this method, casual iTunes Store users will never see the podcast. Nor can we rate it.

          1. Soggy Vegetable

            I have the same problem every time I try to find them on itunes too. What I usually end up doing is Googling “big3 podcast itunes”, I get to http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/thebig3s-podcast/id398287784 then click “View in itunes”. It works, but only if you’re very intent about finding this podcast you already know/enjoy. Not very friendly for bringing in new listeners.

        2. Gene Novak

          I’m amazed actually how little has been done to get the podcast name out there. I bet 99% of the people here only heard about it when it was on Carolla’s network. You can’t even easily find it on iTunes.

  40. Tom Rochester

    Hi Don and The Big Three. Even though I’m about as broke as Perry I’ve just sent a $10 via paypal, don’t know if that’s worth a shout out but over here in the UK, a $10 bill is hard to come across! Least I can do for all your great work though! Do what you can to keep the podcast going, the world without it would just be much less funny.

    Tom Rochester

  41. Chad McC

    Please don’t go! How many $10 shout outs do you need to stay afloat? I’ve been meaning to send one in!

    1. Susan

      Don’t do a shout out, then Perry will just bitch and moan about how he deserves the money. Use the donate link on the page.

      Don’t get me wrong, I love $10 shout outs but right now we need to make sure the podcast has money to continue.

  42. rob

    Hopefully everybody that can will donate. Or how about charging just a dollar or two for every other show? Or do a bonus show every so often & charge a couple bucks.
    If this show is mainly supported by die-hard fans, which is seems it is, then this might be the way to go.
    What about advertising? If you guys are looking for advertisers, keep letting it be known. Certainly everybody would put up with some commercials to keep their show going.

  43. Shawnie Soussonie


  44. graiassbal italian

    I guess Adam Carolla dosn’t like competition.
    hey dan, you said “Who that lady go in that movie” shirts would be a great idea a year and a half ago. Im ready to buy some BIG THREE paraphernalia when your ready to sell it. Since Terry cant read i dont send in shout outs.

  45. OklaHomo

    Conspiracy? Hmm… I wonder? To drum up one last attempt to get more support and money – if this were done on purpose – this might have worked.

    I mean, look — this is the most responses ever to any of their previous Podcasts.

    To strike fear to the ones that love The BIG 3, this might just have worked. Claimed a Hacker destroyed stuff and then claim due to lack of interest, they might shut down. Hell, Don, I won’t be mad if that’s what you did. As long as you keep this going, I don’t care! Let’s give more! Because I need The BIG 3 (even if I am being tricked to pay).

    1. Susan

      When I look at the podcast model right now I think it is really obvious that there is no possible way Don has made any profit. I see no ads, no affiliate links, no sponsors. I have no idea what a podcast costs to produce or distribute, but I know nothing is free. To even imply that this may be a trick is pretty shitty.

      1. OklaHomo

        Thats my ENTIRE POINT! Don has tried everything to get a sponsor and $ from the fans to pay for the Podcast (which I know Don pays out of his own pocket) — it has been a year and a half and despite asking for more support – none has really come.

        I am not suggesting Don is trying to rip anyone off — I am implying that maybe as a last ditch effort, Don has come up with this “Hacker” thing and saying the BIG 3 might get shut down because he needs more funds to keep it going. Nothing has worked previous – so that is why I said this is a possible Conspiracy.

        1. Gene Novak

          Actually Don has tried practically nothing to get a sponsor. There’s models in place for companies that already support podcasts but for some reason he hasn’t used any. They pay commissions to podcasts who point people in their direction to buy their merchandise. There’s no Big 3 merchandise out there. People have been clamoring for videos of the old public access show for quite a while now and are offering to pay for them. There’s not even any T-Shirts yet. He has no VIP section or anything.

        2. simplydon

          First of all to say that I made up the hacker thing is ridiculous and it’s an insult to me to even say that … No one out there owes me a damn thing but I’m telling you that I’ve have had a few people that have throw out some money our way to help, but I would say that 90% of money put up for this project comes out of my pocket … If your response to that is, “That it’s our project and we should pay for it”. Well, you’re right we should pay for everything, but I also have the right to tell you that I’m pretty much fed up with putting in long hours each week, getting nickeled & dimed for almost 20 years with this project … To say that I asked the fans for money is not true, I asked for help to get my facebook page back up that had been hacked into … I thank the people that have said nice things about how much the project means to them and screw the people that said bad things about me or accused me of making things up to try and get fans to send me money … All I did was to ask any one to help me get my facebook page back up that I put a lot of time and effort into & no one has told me anything they I didn’t already know including NO RESPONSE FROM fackbook AT ALL!

          1. Demetri

            I appreciate all the time and money you’ve put into the project. It has to be frustrating to have something so good that people either don’t know about or don’t get. I knew there was a group of people who just flat out don’t get it back when the podcast first started and there were people who complained about how you and Perry scream at each other. They wanted something like every other podcast out there, and they couldn’t handle both pop culture AND your personal lives.

            I will say that although you may not have a ton of fans, the fans you do have fucking love it, and are near obsessed with it. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think about The Big 3. I’ll continue to promote the show and convert as many people as I can.

            I wish I could help with your Facebook account but it’s difficult to tell exactly what’s going on without access to the account, and if “Macy’s Mall” deleted everything in your account you may not be able to get it back. Facebook provides shitty support because in their opinion they’re providing a service for free, therefore they don’t actually have to provide support for it like a regular product. It could be weeks until you hear something from them.

          2. OklaHomo

            I do not think you should pay 90% – I know you bust your balls and pay out of your pocket. I was just saying maybe in a way to get more attention – the Hacker thing was only a theory by me. Never before has this gotten 112 comments – so, I was giving props if it was somehow a way of waking up people and making them realize that the show really needs more funds.

            Don, if that was an insult: I am sorry. I just thought maybe since you’ve tried everything else, that this was a way to scare us into giving more support. Which you deserve. And FYI: this Hacker thing has turned out to be a good thing because look how much attention you have gotten from it. I support you and tell everyone I can about this project – and NEVER want it to go away.

          3. OklaHomo

            You missed my point. I’m on your side, Don.

          4. Don't leave Dan!

            We love you!

  46. Kevin

    I onset if perry will donate that computer he got from those guys he can’t remember to the show?

  47. Kevin

    I wonder if perry will donate that computer he got from those guys he can’t remember to the show?

  48. graiassbal italian

    Dan Im ready to buy anything you have to sell, even big three dildos for my mom. put it there guys bigggggggggggg 3!

  49. J

    Dan please don’t end the padcast. Please.

  50. Susan

    How about online fundraisers for the podcast? For example set a goal of $100. Fans can give any amount. When collectively the fans reach $100 post an additional piece of content on the website.

    Some examples of content that I know fans would pay for:
    Episodes of Simply Don
    Pictures of Perry’s exgirlfriends (Sheba, Terry Ann Funisco)
    Picture of Mole’s identical twin brother Eddie
    Video of Perry eating a pie with no hands
    Hot pictures of MaryJane
    Copy of the restraining order Perry tried to put against Don
    A cribs style tour of Perry’s apartment

    Just stupid shit so people feel a little extra push to donate.

    1. eddie torres

      Great ideas, but…

      Pictures of Mary Jane are ALWAYS hot!


  51. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    Whatever happened to that Big 3 Reality Show Don would always talk about happening in the near future? Has that been cancelled too? I can’t live without my Big 3 fix!!!

  52. Mole Ester

    Promote the podcast on the Jimmy Kimmel show. Kimmel always has Adam as a guest so I dont see why he cant have you guys on.

    1. simplydon

      Adam Carolla will never help our podcast in any way and Jimmy was burned by Perry and can’t help us in any way.

      1. Mole Ester

        While i cant blame kimmel for being mad at perry, he should realize that the podcast is not only about that unprofessional idiot, its also about you, mole and maryjane. Its about pop culture and your own personal lives. Jimmy should do the right thing and promote the podcat as a favor to you and mole – he will not be doing perry any favors since the only thing that hairy dummy cares about is jerking off casting directors with his right hand.

      2. jpmoneypants

        Why wont Carolla help you out? On a recent podcast, he referred to you as a friend.

      3. Gene Novak

        Jimmy did appear on your first episode of the podcast and he called in for one of your best of shows. You also were on Carolla’s network before you were here, and by that time Perry had already burned both of them, so I can’t think it’s all bad.

      4. Why does Adam hate your podcast?

        I don’t get it…

        1. Demetri

          I doubt that Adam hates it. After all, he got the show started on his network, and he continues to praise Windy City Heat.

  53. Affiliate

    You should definitely register with affiliate programs and post the links on the sidebar of this site. If you registered with Amazon.com, Newegg.com and other e-commerce sites, all of the Biiiiigg 3 fans could do their normal online shopping, but the padcast would get a cut.

  54. Whoopi Silverstein

    Just wrote my iTunes review. I know it’s been mentioned before, but it’s presence on iTunes is sorely lacking. Considering it’s (what I think is) the most common way people get podcasts, it’s disconcerting how little effort appears to have gone into it.
    It doesn’t have a proper title. It’s titled “thebig3’s podcast”, which means it’s best found by typing thebig3 as one word, something I’m guessing any new fan looking for the podcast wouldn’t guess. Searching for “big three” or “big 3” isn’t anywhere close to bringing it up.
    It doesn’t have a description, again, I think this has to do with searching. I don’t see a tags section (although that may be behind the scenes), but when I search for other podcasts by their host (even when they’re not included in the name), I can generally find them. Having a description on the main podcast page also makes it seem a little more professional, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned this show values, it’s professionality.
    It doesn’t have an image (other than some dude riding an iPod?).
    It doesn’t have a studio/name. Not sure what this category is, but it comes up under Podcsts -> Comedy -> Unknown.
    Other shows I’ve looked at also have a background on iTunes and appear to have put thought into setting up their show pages almost like websites.
    Sorry for the generally negative tone of this comment, but if this show is truly struggling, I would think managing it’s iTunes account would have been higher on the list. It also doesn’t sound like it should be that difficult to do unless there’s a bunch of Apple red tape in the way (which there very well may be). Please look into this, for the sake of all of us.

    If free help is required to do this, I’m more than willing to give it a shot and can be contacted at the e-mail address on this comment (I usually give fake e-mail addresses when they’re not required). I understand you’ve gotten a couple of these offers and given recent experiences aren’t likely to trust strangers on the internet, but it can’t hurt to throw this out there. I’m a computer science major who’s done web development on a couple sites.

    Hope everything works out going forward.
    Thanks again for all the fun!

    1. simplydon

      I’ve tried to change the name to “The Big 3 Podcast”, but iTunes won’t let me … The Main reason that I need money is so I can hire someone that can do the little things needed to keep the podcast going.

      1. Gene Novak

        Not trying to downplay getting someone, but you have a loyal community here that would probably do a lot for you for free as our way of helping out the podcast. We can’t make decisions for you, but we can probably throw together some materials for you to consider. I have a background in computer administration and computer programming and I’m offering to help you if you need it.

      2. Red & Blue Bat - Side by Side

        Hey Don,

        Does the (skilled) person you need to help with “the little things” need to be near the secret location of the SimplyDon Studios in West Hollywood? Can you provide related tasking and challenges from out of state?

        Some listener suggestions in this log seem doable for promoting the Big Three Podcast into the future, while others are way off base and despite their presumed good intentions.

        Unfortunately, this cleverly scripted yet seemingly ad libbed weekly entertainment is so inside at times, the casual listener is easily misled by Perry’s homophobic story-lines and expected money rants, instead of ‘noveling’ in the dynamic comedic ad lib genius of the Big 3 together.

        The problem is you can’t easily explain the Podcast to someone new without blowing critical inside premises of the show. I’ve tried. Unless communicated cleverly, The Big 3 Podcast is easily understood to the newbie as a fun yet backhanded and mean spirited show towards Perry (the infamous nobody).

        Which it is not.

        In this, I know you have discovered certain related challenges when marketing and introducing new comers to The BIIIIG THREEE!

        I also heard you try explain this podcast a few months ago on Ari Shaffir’s podcast. The first of his I listened to. Shortly afterwards I emailed him to correct the link coding so listeners could find the SimplyDon Network. Thankfully he fixed it right away.

        Oh well, as long term fan from the start, I’ll light a candle for you in my own personal mole-play tonight.

        Happy Easter Amigo and deep thanks for the continued smart podcast.

      3. Red & Blue Bats - Side by Side

        Hey Don,

        Does the (skilled) person you need to help with “the little things” need to be near the secret location of the SimplyDon Studios in West Hollywood? Can you provide related tasking and challenges from out of state?

        Some listener suggestions in this log seem doable for promoting the Big 3 Podcast into the future, while others are way off base and despite their presumed good intentions.

        Unfortunately, this cleverly scripted yet seemingly ad libbed weekly entertainment is so inside at times, the casual listener is easlily misled by Perry’s homophobic storylines and expected money rants, instead of noveling in the dynamic comedic ad lib genius of the Big 3 together.

        The problem is you can’t easily explain the podcast to someone new without blowing critical inside premises of the show. I’ve tried. Unless communicated cleverly, The Big 3 Podcast is easily understood to the newbie as a fun yet backhanded and mean spirited show towards Perry (the infamous nobody).

        Which it is not.

        In this, I know you have discovered certain related challenges when marketing and introducing new comers to The BIIIIG THREEE!

        I also heard you try explain this podcast a few months ago on Ari Shaffir’s podcast. The first of his I listened to. Shortly afterwards I emailed him to correct the link coding so listeners could find the SimplyDon Network. He thankfully fixed it right away.

        Oh well, as long term fan from the start, I’ll light a candle for you in my own personal moleplay tonite.

        Happy Easter Amigo and thanks for developing your continued smart entertainment.

        1. Gene Novak

          This show is pretty one dimensional in all honesty. The primary focus of the show seems to be pissing off or fucking with Perry in multiple ways, sorta like the movie. The show’s humor is basically on a 5th grade level which isn’t a bad thing, because that’s what Howard Stern says about his show. Don says the show is different because they talk about pop culture and their own personal lives. Frankly, I never understood this because practically every other comedy show out there does that. What does Stern do? Opie and Anthony? Joe Rogan? Adam Carolla? What this show does do that’s different is regiment the segments a lot. Most shows have an organic flow to them where this show goes from one segment to another.

          1. Judo n Slade

            Hey Gene-ever been told you’re a master of the obvious?

      4. eddie torres

        Brian Redban said many nice things about you on the Rogan podcast they did with Jim Jefferies (also Joe and Jim said good things.) I think Redban was at the Ding Dong show and heard your rant about the computer / FarceBook meltdown.

        Redban is hell-a-busy with his podcasting empire, but I bet he’d be willing to scrape some free advice together.

        Keep the faith!

  55. Skyler D.

    I feel a bit insulted that Don would say “nobody cares” after I, along with many other, donated to the show to keep it going before. I guess I’m nobody.

  56. Alarming Andrew

    I find it hard to believe that this podcast could end without Perry eating ONE savory pie.

  57. Phil Knight

    Leave Nike out of this. Macy’s Mall makes fake knock-off Nike’s. Nike has NOTHING to do with Don’s page being hacked. I will continue to buy from the real Nike company and encourage all The Big Three Podcast fans to do the same after you all donate to the show by clicking on the Uncle Sam at the bottom of the page. Screw Macy’s Mall and the rest of the hackers. Happy Easter and good day to you all!

  58. Gene Novak

    Here’s a link for the fleshlight affiliate program:
    You get a custom code which you give on the air. The code gives the listeners a discount on any purchases while at the same time you get a 30% commission. Simple to use, you can start it immediately. Drop it later if you get better sponsorship.

    On the site use the amazon affiliate program:
    This way users can click on the link, bookmark it, and use it for all of our amazon purchases. You’ll get some money from whatever we buy.

    I believe tweaked audio earbuds have an affiliate program as well, I’m not sure if Alpha Brain does. Joe Rogan promotes it on his podcastm but he owns some of it.

  59. Sandy Gallahan

    Please don’t end the Big 3 Podcast. If you do, then Dave Damechak wins, and we can’t let that jerk get one up on us. Plus, if this ends, I’ll open up my veins and bleed out, SO HELP ME GOD!

    1. Gene Novak

      Just placed my vote

  60. eddie torres

    And now I’m really wondering…

    Where the hell is Javaho Nation?

    Shouldn’t they be mobilizing their Armies to swoop in and rescue this podcast from the Jaws of Defeat? Shouldn’t they be treating this Attack on one of their own (Penny) as an Attack On All Javahoes? Where is their dignity? Nay, their Humanity?

    Or are the Javahoes behind the Hack Attack to begin with? Hmmmm…

    1. Gene Novak

      I’m sure they’re too wrapped up worshipping their dogs or wrapping their dead in cotton candy.

  61. Shaquille O'Neil Leeds

    Lots of great projects have been getting tons of money on Kickstarter lately. The Big 3 seem like a perfect fit for this site. Don, please look into it.


  62. Gene Novak

    Hey I just watched the trailer and Neal’s the proud sponsor of the Holiday celebration. I’d go, but I’m too far away. Can’t wait to hear it on the podcast though. Back here we’re just planning to light some candles in remembrance of the miraculous event that happened 20 years ago.

  63. jon

    I agree, you should try to get the flashlight as a sponsor. Joe Rogan seems to be doing really well with it, and it’d play perfectly into all the hilarity of the shows content. Same with Adam and Eve, which as served both Marc Maron and Carolla well.

    Keep donating people.

  64. Demetri

    Perry got a lot of national press when he sued Jimmy. He should get that lawyer of his and sue someone famous again. It would be a great promotion for the podcast.

  65. Harry Benson

    Don, Mole and Mary Jane,
    I would be extremely sad to never hear another Big 3 podcast. Its the best part of my week.

    When i saw you guys on Carollas network, the name sounded familiar, so i clicked. As soon as i heard Perres high pitched girly scream, i knew that you were the same guys i had seen on Comedy Central one early morning in 2003, the Cheshire cat grin didnt leave my face for some time.

    I had flashbacks of laying on my piece of shit futon holding my sides from laughter and a few pokey springs at 4 in the morning, afterwards searching for answers on my 28000 baud connection for hours and coming up flat. I also remembered telling every single one of my friends the next day, that i had just seen the funniest movie ever made.

    Ive done my best to try to spread the word of the Big 3 to anyone i think might be interested, and others have been forced to listen.
    What ive gathered is that quite a few dont ‘get it’, and i explain to them everything that i know, adding that I remember reading a quote from Jimmy Kimmel that said something to the affect of, if you werent there for the birth he wasnt sure how anyone could truly understand what was going on. I can accept this, and so have the others that have chuckled along with me to many a Big 3 padcast on a long car ride.

    If this podcast does have to come to an end, i hope the project will continues on in some other way. How will we ever know what was going through Perres head 20 years ago June 25th, beside Randys junk? The world may never know if there isnt another podcast, and I dont want to live in that world.

    Harold Benson

    1. Gene Novak

      One perk to the podcast is that you can listen to it from the beginning. A lot of the jokes are very inside and unless you know some of the stories and history it would be hard to jump into.

    2. Judo n Slade

      Damn it Harold Try harder

      1. Hack & Slash


  66. Lady Cracka

    I really hope there will be more podcasts. My fridays will never be the same again if the podcast comes to an end 🙁

  67. Big Erik

    Don’t take this the wrong way everybody. I mean no disrespect to the Big 3. I’m committing to the above Big 3 post about not having enough listeners. I love the show and have listened to every episode. The format is funny but stale. Yeah it’s funny to call Perry gay and get him all pumped up, Mole acting like hes so high he has no clue what is going on and Don always bringer the hammer of doom on the podcast future. I think the shows biggest downfall is its lack of new content. week after week after week its Perry is gay, Perry is a pedo, Perry killed Nathanael , Rukka Rukka Rukka. You get the point. And creating fake advertisers and situations doesn’t help. I listen to a lot of different podcast and what makes them a good podcast is hearing about real events and real conversations. Not poorly edited bits. If you really want this show to take off it’s time to be more professional. You 3 are stars and you have huge talent. The Big 3 has an amazing future, Don’t treat it like a show recorded out of your garage with a tape recorder. P.s. you rock Neal.

    1. simplydon

      Thanks Big Erik, I’m sorry that our show is so stale, maybe it’s good that the show ends … Thanks for kicking us when we’re down.

      1. Alarming Andrew

        Don, saying your format is stale is like saying the format of a football game is stale. Plenty of us are not and will never be tired of your project. I wouldn’t change anything.

        Don’t quit! Please make an attempt to seriously monetize your hard work — what’s the worst that will happen? You guys, like so many other artists, are awesome at the creative, but lacking in the business side.

        An idea: like Daniel Tosh recently did with his junk, try throwing a bunch of Big Three stuff on eBay. Ideas:
        – Uncooked spagetti from Perry’s apartment
        – GAY? stickers
        – Signed replicas of Perry’s “pouch”
        – Used pie tins

      2. Gene Novak

        Don, The real question is whether you want the show to continue? Most of us love the show and look forward to it every week, but you sound pretty stressed about the whole thing. Most of the suggestions here will help you cover the costs of running the show and build you a bigger audience, but your biggest obstacle always seems to be Perry. He’s very unreliable and causes you a lot of problems. This will probably never change. Maybe a better format for you is to do Simply Don the Podcast Show and drop the Big 3 show. Have Mole and Perry on as regulars like Jim Norton is on Opie and Anthony. If Perry isn’t available just do the show without him. You record the show every week on Wednesday and who’s ever there is there for that week. If Perry is integral to the show (like the upcoming Holiday) have Perry put in some collateral which he loses if he misses the show.

        1. Alex

          Perry is the X factor. Without him, it’s just not as funny. With him, it’s a pain in the ass to do the show. I think it would be fun if Perry is replaced every now and then with Terrifying Tim, or Rukka, or Neil, or the guys from the Ding Dong Show partying with Mole.

          1. Gene Novak

            I know, the Big 3 can’t continue without Perry but by the same token it can barely continue with him. Maybe the best option is creating some Big 3 merchandise like T-Shirts, mugs, stickers, etc. Any merchandise that is tied to Perry he gets a cut on profit from, this includes the upcoming Never Forget shirts since they’re geared towards him blowing Randy Callahan. This also includes merchandise geared towards the Big 3, however it wouldn’t count on shirts that are primarily focused on Don, Mole, etc. He’s also offered a chance to promote whatever he wants. He can work out any deals he wants during that time, but not 60 seconds. It’s too long. That’s his compensation for doing the show. It’s a very fair deal and similar to deals others would have on other shows. This deal should extend as well to Don and Mole and probably Mary Jane. All money (except for their cuts) goes back into covering overhead for the show. Any extra money after costs would be split between them with 20% going back into the show for future growth.

            Don can also stop promoting $10 shoutouts and instead focus his attention on getting funds to support the podcast. Instead of the shoutouts he can read the top letter or 2 of the week on the air. $10 shoutouts are sometimes pretty good but some weeks they go on far too long and some are just shitty.

            If Perry is a partner in the podcast then his profits should go back into overhead before he gets any money. However, since he’s dirt poor I guess you can cut him some slack.

        2. Judo n Slade

          shut up Gene No Perry=No show

      3. OklaHomo

        Big Erik’s lame assessment holds more merit than the hundreds of the positive things said? No matter what, there will always be “haters” – please keep fighting and don’t let a piece of shit like Erik bring you down more. Let the positivity that has been heavily shown here lift your spirits, Don!

      4. I Feel Vibrations

        Please don’t end the show!!!


      5. stop complaining

        why do you get distracted by one negative comment when you have a page full of positive comments? I’m sure you got a bunch of money in the last week too…no mention of that either.

        Way to go Dan.

        1. simplydon

          Who are you talking about … I’m saying that it’s become too much to continue to do on my own … I asked for help getting my facebook page back, it’s the only way that I can keep in touch with fans of the project to let them know about the show that we’re putting on in June … Now without my facebook page I have no way to promote and everyone here has kind of felt that if the June 25th show is a failure it will be the end of the project … I didn’t ask for money from anyone, I mentioned that all I do is spend money from out of my pocket and it seems that every promises a lot of things but no one is coming through … So screw you and any one else that rips on me for any thing … The people that are smart enough to understand where our brand of comedy is coming from I truly appreciate, to the rest of you that have complained there’s nothing that I can do or say to make you understand how frickin tough this podcast is to keep going …. I say that I can’t get any one to help in the way that help is needed, I’m not complaining, I’m just upset that the show may be ending So thanks for judging me when I need help.

          1. Unleashed Fury

            In what way do you need help? I would like to help if I can. I know a lot about computers and the internet also.

          2. Tim D

            I can help Don as well as a bunch of people on here. I will do it free of charge as I am a huge fan.

          3. Gene Novak

            Don most of us love the podcast and we’d love to see it continue. I would have been more than happy to take care of your computer problems free of charge for you, but I’m in PA, not in CA. I did put some time into trying to help get you on more podcast sites as well as look into ways to try to find you new sponsors. Financially I don’t have a lot of disposable income currently, but I probably will try to kick you $20 this week for all the great shows you made last year that I’ve enjoyed. I listen to your shows a lot and I would be very sad to see the show end. You can’t gage interest in the holiday based on all your responses. I never posted about it and I don’t have the option of being there because I don’t live near you but I’m really looking forward to the show.

          4. I gave you some money

            what more do you need? You keep mentioning you need help. I am smart with computers and live in Los Angeles.

            I love Windy City Heat (talk about it at least once a month for years now) and my friend and I just recently discovered the podcast.

    2. Joeweed

      I can’t believe you just said that, i hope it was being sarcastic… that’s what the whole thing is… I love how there are about 10 things that piss Perry off so much and even that slightly different reaction makes me appreciate it all over again. It will never get stale… I don’t know how it could. I feel like they’ve written this show specifically for me each and every week.

    3. eddie torres

      Come on now. When Penny loses his shiznit and starts screaming at the top of his lungs in that girlish screech, it’s pure (disfunctional) comedy gold.

      I really like the “eBay Auction” idea, and it shouldn’t be too hard to set it up and then promote over a month or so on the (hopefully restored) podcast.

      Here are a few other auction item ideas:

      – Mole’s Schlitz baseball hat (signed for an additional amount)
      – An .mp3 file with 20 of Penny’s loudest screech fits. Or, 5 separate files with 4 of Penny’s loudest screech fits.
      – a free beer with Don at the Comedy Store on a Monday night
      – broken pieces from Don’s car (signed for an additional amount)
      – More sexy photos of MaryJane

      Plus, you can ask Penny to auction a web cam video or separate photos of what’s inside the fanny pack. If he says no, then he gets no dough.

      1. eddie torres

        ***Mole can be in the background behind Penny saying, “c’mon… what’s in the box? What’s in the baaawx? Tell me… what’s in the box?”

        Haha! It’s like dat lady who go in that movie… you know… Gwyneth Paltrow…

    4. Demetri

      How can you say that the show format is stale, and then say that The Big 3 have an amazing future? They can’t be like most of the other comedy podcasts out there where they just talk about shit in the news and crack jokes about it. Perry can’t contribute in that format, and besides, it’s already being done by a million other people. This is really all that Perry can do, so if you think the format needs to be changed, Perry certainly wouldn’t be a part of it anymore.

      Anyway, I disagree with your opinion on the show. The new episodes are still great. The Rucka Rucka Ali episode was amazing and one of the best in the show’s history.

    5. El Bee

      I think the only thing I can agree with Erik is that Neil rocks.

      By the way are those “Who that lady who go in that movie?” shirts ever going to come out, Mole was wearing one a few months back and I thought the Big 3 was going to sell them and I got really excited. I thought the shirts had a great design and look, and was one of the funniest/non-offensive jokes on the podcast. I thought great you can support the show and wear the shirt in public, and not horribly offend people that don’t know the Big 3.

      Not to beat a dead horse, I would be very sad if this is it for the Big 3 Podcast. At least Neil is on the possible last show, so I hope the show won’t be beat.

  68. petri

    Oh no. the big three podcast is my favorite hour of the week, no other podcast can touch the big three in any way! One thing that would probably help is if you used for example soundcloud.com to share the podcasts, ive seen a few other podcasts face the same situation and it seems to be working great for them.

    Cmon guys, i might harm myself or others if the big three podcast doesnt continue. I need it like vitamin c!! Here in Southern Finland it was becoming mental with the preparations for the festival in june too, you cant walk the streets without hearing rumors of this massive event. Theyre holding massive open casting calls for the roles of Sandy Gallagher and Christina Applegate, the streets are littered with tents starting from the queue.

  69. Macy's Mall

    I’m not sure what all the hub bub is on this page, but if you guys need some Nike shoes, please google Don Barris’ Facebook and you’ll find some really great deals 😉

  70. Neil G.Leeds

    The Big 3 Podcast!!! and the Huge night coming up at

    (The World Famous Comedy Store) on JUNE 25,2012 With Don Barris And the cast and Crew Live..and the Parking is FREEEEEEEE!!Thank you everybody for supporting This Podcast and please start letting us know if you are going to be coming, so we can make sure we have enough seats..This is going to be the best night in Showbiz The (20)TH anniversary Celebration.. I Love you all,and I am so glad to be a part of a great group of people.It makes my days feel great.Love Neil Leeds.


  71. Don we love u!!!!!!

    Every one please donate!!! This is all i GOT!!!!!!!!!

  72. OklaHomo

    So, is this episode ever going to air?

    1. Demetri

      I don’t know, but Don is feeling really shitty at the moment. The Facebook hijacking really got him down. Words of encouragement would be good right now. I’m not very good at cheering people up… all I can say is that I listen to at least part of a Big 3 Podcast almost every day, and it has brought a lot of joy to my otherwise listless life. If I could find a good day job in LA, I would move out there and help him anyway that I can.

  73. adam

    There are so many things I need to know before this podcast ends:

    1. where did Randy’s jizz go? did it hit Perry in the face or just dribble down his hand?

    2. when Randy blew Perry did Perry take off his fannypack or did he keep it on?

    3. how is Saul Steinbergowitz’s knee?

    4. does Cookie know he’s famous?

  74. Susan

    Made my date watch Windy City Heat last night. First time he ever saw the movie and he laughed liked crazy. Thank you Don, you bring joy to a lot of people.

    1. Red.mac

      Did u make your date pop some spanish fly afterwards, to make the mood just rite?

  75. adam

    why not have another auction? this time its perrys pouch with whatever is included inside at time of winning. it will give the winner a big surprise

  76. Smyc

    So I’m guessing moles money bucks was fake… this is even more of a let down than when i found out WWF was fake.

    1. I Feel Vibrations

      What!? I thought the World Wildlife Fund was real!!

      1. smyc

        nope, world wildlife fund is fake sorry to sour your year

    2. Grady Enward

      They let it ride on the last bet and lost. No cure for cancer.

  77. Whoopi Silverstein

    How about signing and auctioning off Perry’s neck brace?

  78. Jedi Master Yoda

    ATTN: Don Barris-Skywalker,
    Complete your podcast training you must, for it is your destiny. (audience) Size matters not, besides the #1 ‘cast in the Dagobah System you have. Impressionable padawan Don, the dark side is calling out to you, but warn you I must; when you look at the darkside, the darkside always looks back. The answer you search for is you must confront Darth Caravello for one final confrontation. Understand you will, that Darth Caravello cannot be saved, for he has chosen an evil form of gayness. Your weapons you will not need, except for AZT, in case he gets to close to you. Wait…a disturbance in the force I feel. No, it was just gas. Bad enough that talk backwards I do, but type backwards why must I do as well???
    May the force be with you…..always.

  79. toro

    Hey Don I think you see the amount of fans that are restless without this podcast lets all work together and get this started.

  80. randddyyyyy

    Alright guys I got it…. for the anniversary celebration we get Perry to the comedy store while we pack that joint and televise this world WIDE, next Randy shows up and will remove Perry’s cast to the world. The symbolism, sexual tension, and stress will collide into a Trifecta of S’s. I just had this vision Don I hope it helps.

  81. Tim D

    I got to meet the big 3 when I did the sound engineering for the Rucka Rucka Ali show. I am such a huge fan of the show and the movie. I recorded the first airing of Windy City Heat when it was on at midnight on Comedy Central. I have shown the movie to at least 40 people and they are all huge fans of it as well as the podcast. Don, Mole, and Mary Jane were all extremely gracious and all about the fans. It was awesome to hear the banter before the show about the things the fans have come up with, they really appreciate it. They definitely don’t get the credit they deserve. Perry would be out on the street if it wasn’t for these guys. I don’t know how they deal with Perry week after week. He is an asshole…he wants everything with the least amount of work. They really care about him, as we all should because his homophobic, ignorant, retarded way of looking at things makes us laugh. Don and Mary Jane put so much work in. Trust me, any of us fans could not deal with Perry weekly or even yearly. Show your support by making a donation. 4 hours a month equals about 2 movies at the theater. So donate what you can because if you are like me, you listen to the episodes multiple times…unlike other podcasts. That is huge value. Also go and see the Ding Dong show. The trip out to LA is worth just that. Pay for Perry’s parking and gas and he will come out too. I plan on making the trip out to LA on June 25th. I really appreciate the work you do Don and Mary Jane. I know a lot of other fans do too. For the assholes who put negative comments on here….fuck you. You aren’t funny and never will be. Cocksuckers like them hide behind fake names. They are probably the ones who send in the terrible 10 dollar shout outs.

    Thanks Don, Mary Jane, and Mole.

    Tim D

    1. Don we love u!!!!!!

      Windy city 4 life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. eddie torres

      Tim D, great message and thanks for such a classic show that will live on in the Hearts and Minds of The Big 3 base.

      This poem should be read at the June 25th Randy CallaHandAndMouthAPaloosa festival, in honor of the meaning of “true friendship” and the undying support of all true friends and fans of Don for everything he does for The Big 3:

      – Ode To Penny –

      You don’t have to spend your life addicted to smack

      Homeless on the streets, giving hand jobs for crack

      Follow my plan and very soon you will see

      It’s easy, MmmKay

      (lyrics by M.Stone & T.Parker / “It’s Easy MmmKay”)

  82. Jack Carter

    Okay. It’s been 4 days now. I realize you’re pissed that your FB page was hacked into – but obviously you have still have the Podcast… why are we being punished because your FB page was hacked into?
    Can you please put up the Podcast so your true fans (that had nothing to do with you being hacked) can listen to the Podcast — even if it is the last one.

    1. Susan

      Don said his email was hacked as well. Just because he has access to the photos does not mean he has access to all the audio files. He doesn’t need any extra grief.

      1. simplydon

        Thank-You Susan … I put a lot of time, effort & money into the Big 3 Podcast/Project and I’m really lost on how to get things going again because my computer has been hacked into that has screwed up everything … I’ve come to the fans to ask for help and people dog me.

        1. Gene Novak

          Don I always thought you had an IT guy who worked with you. I remember him posting here when the podcast first started. Is he no longer around? Also I don’t know how bad your computer is, but I would recommend not using it until the data has been retrieved. If the podcast is deleted it can still be recovered, but this become more difficult if a new file overwrites the space where the podcast resided on the hard drive.

        2. adam

          Don, 99% of the people here love you and love what you’re doing with the podcast! Every comment-board has a few jerks. Don’t pay attention to them. The truth is that you have the funniest podcast out there, and I’ve listened to just about all of them. Its not even close actually. You know something is funny when it gets funnier on repeat listens. Nothing this genius is ever going to a hit with the masses because the masses are idiots.

          1. Don we love u!!!!!!

            Ive probaly listened to every episode at least 10 times each. Haha. BIG 3!!!!!!!!!

    2. Gene Novak

      I think he’s either having a hard time retrieving the podcast or he lacks the means to publish it currently.

    3. Demetri

      Someone on Facebook (may have been Perry actually) said that Don isn’t releasing it until he gets his account back. Unfortunately, “Macy’s Mall” did some shit to his account that can only be reversed by Facebook support stuff. So we’re playing the waiting game now, and Facebook support is notoriously slow and unresponsive.

      1. Demetri

        Good news: Facebook has locked down Don’s old account, so they are finally taking some action.

  83. Gene Novak

    Don another suggestion for promotion I have for you. Shane Douglas(Pro Wrestler) is hosting an ECW reunion show later this month and he’s offering a free backstage pass as a prize for a contest. To enter you change the main picture on your facebook profile to the Extreme Reunion banner. The longer you do it the more chances you have to win. Maybe you can do something similar. Offer a contest where the users can enter by changing their Facebook picture and the winner gets a personal phone call with the Big 3.

  84. Jack Carter

    Well, maybe now Don knows how Perry feels to be fucked with by people all the time. Don, you have handled the very few that have said negative things horribly – and the people that said positive things: you pretty much ignored them. My views about you has changed. Maybe A new appreciation can now be expressed to Perry?

    1. Demetri

      Do you want the podcast or not? Stop giving a hard time to the guy who is pouring time, effort, and money into making this project happen.

      1. Tom

        Don, ignore idiots like this. They don’t speak for the majority of us.

      2. Jack Carter

        I just find it ironic that the second someone gives negative feedback or “messes” with Don, he acts childish. I am just pointing out that Perry has to deal with that day in and day out… maybe now he knows how Perry feels.
        I do NOT dispute how much effort and time and money Don puts in – I just find it hypocritical that he acted that way to any negative feedback.

        1. Tom

          You’re an idiot. People have messed with Don, especially in the shout outs.. he always takes it well. Perry is an idiot as well, maybe that’s why you sympathize with him. He’s a disgusting human being in every way… he deserves everything he gets and more.

          Besides, Don is putting money in his pocket and actually made that no talent famous! Who else would (or could) do that? The bottom line is that Don puts money into this project and when some asshole hacks him and screws up everything he has worked on, he’s entitled to be a little pissy when people like you give him shit.

          Your analogy to messing with Perry is moronic and makes no sense. You want to take a shot at Don? Save it for another time when this bullshit is behind us… now isn’t the time for it. This is a time to show support, not moronic bullshit.

          1. Jack Carter

            Go write another 10 paragraph shit storm that nobody will read.

    2. eddie torres

      That’s a pretty insensitive comment from somebody whose movie flopped. When you get back to Mars, don’t forget to feel shame. Also, Disney sux.

  85. Tom


    I used to work as a computer consultant and have some experience in this area. If I can be of any help, I’ll certainly do my best. I’m not sure what you’re dealing with, but if you need any help getting things started again, I’m happy contribute. Do have corrupted files? What kind of computer is it?

    I work as a publicist as my main gig and I was able to send an email to an actual person at Facebook last night. It’s a publicity contact, but I referenced you as a celebrity client (hope you don’t mind) and last I heard was that it was being looked into by the appropriate people. I don’t what happens next, but at least you might be able to get control back of your account before too long.

    If you need any further help/advice, please feel free to contact me via your secondary Facebook account. I’ll give you my email address or number if you need those.

    You know I’m a big supporter/fan of the project and I hate to hear you so discouraged. Please don’t let asinine comments get to you… the real fans support you and appreciate all the hard work that goes into it. I know it’s not easy and that you put a lot of hours and money into it to entertain us.

    Before the podcast, all I had was Windy City Heat to enjoy the project, but now this new medium has really opened up the project to all kinds of possibilities. I never lived in LA, so I never saw the cable access show… so to get an extension of something I love has been truly great. I’m a comedy snob, and I don’t laugh at just anything… but this podcast has put me in tears on numerous occasions.

    I donated last summer when you guys were building the new studio, but if you need more… I think we all can dig deep and donate. I can imagine the hard work that goes into this project. Shit, I look at Windy City Heat and every time I see it, I marvel at the amount of hard work, money, dedication, luck and precise timing that went into that masterpiece. It really amazes me how that movie came together and ended up being so perfect. I’d happy watch an 18 hour cut of it.

    This podcast should have more fans and it’s the job of all of us to make that happen. There have been a lot of good suggestions here such as leaving reviews on various websites including the Amazon page for the Windy City Heat DVD. There are still a ton of fans of the movie that have no idea about the podcast! We need to change that, if every fan of the movie was also a fan of the podcast, we’d really have something! Fans just need to be more active… makes posts on Facebook and let’s get more stickers out there! We should be seeing a lot more of those!

    I wish Comedy Central would run Windy City Heat again… we need to turn more people on to the movie as it’s a great starting point for the podcast and project as a whole. Maybe fans can make copies for friends who haven’t seen it? I don’t know…

    I would also consider starting a Big 3 Store… sell t-shirts, posters, signed 8x10s and maybe a DVD of video material recorded for the project over the years. I know there’s a ton of stuff that wasn’t on the DVD from over the years, plus all the content from the podcast. I’d happily pay $25 for something like that. How about all the things that were going to be for sale when the DVD came out (pre- lawsuits)? Like the phone calls, etc..? There’s a ton of material that you can sell to generate money for the podcast. I’d personally love to have that unreleased Big 3 commentary track for Windy Cit Heat…

    I’ll stop rambling now, but just know a lot of us really appreciate everything you do Don. Most of the comments on this page have been a testament to that, aside from the occasional idiot. Speaking to that, it’s nice to see some new names posting in these comments as it always seems like the same group of us are writing comments here. If you’re a lurker who simply logs in to download the podcast… why not say something so Don can get an idea of who’s listening? Even if you just type “thanks Don”, it would be better than not saying anything. We as fans need to be way more vocal and show Don that we will not stand for this project to be shut down. Heck, if I have to pay for the podcast, I’ll do that too!

    Thanks Don

    1. Susan

      Thank you Tom for the great post.

      Don has always gone above and beyond for fans. People giving Don grief right now is driving me crazy.

      1. Tom

        You know it Susan… Don is a workhorse and a great guy. The people giving Don a hard time are just trying to be funny and failing miserably. However, this is not the time to try and be funny… we need to be supportive!

        Make no mistake about it, this project and podcast is for smart people. Smart people get the level of comedy that Don strives for with this project. Dumb people may get a few laughs out of it, but they don’t grasp the big picture.

    2. Don we love u!!!!!!

      Fuckin awesome.

    3. Alex

      Comedy Central does play WCH but usually every 6 months or so at around 2AM. I know having been an insomniac for so long. That, and I’m With Busey were the best late-night discoveries ever.

      I hope everything works out.

  86. mewmewmint

    Fuckin’ Neil Leeds? I’m sick of that dork! Bring on Terrifying Tim or some celebrities…

    1. Neil G.Leeds

      It is ok to have this comment put back up,I believe in the freedom of speech,and I can take the “Heat”It gets Pretty “Windy”in my mind when I know how hard Don and I both work in our careers.So I think I learned to be called every name and even risk my life to say how I feel,and “I Won’t Be Beat” or “Don Barris” from the name calling.I think I would say thank you for bringing in the comments and supporting the Podcast and work of the cast and crew.Thank you.
      Neil Leeds.

      1. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

        I heart Neil Leeds!! I’m really glad Neil Leeds is still supportive of the Big 3 project to this day. Hopefully everything works out in the end

  87. Bryan

    Big 3 Forever. Keep it going!

  88. jonah

    Don, this thread is a testament to how many people love this podcast. I, like a lot of people here, really can’t imagine not checking in with Don, Mole and Scary Perry on a weekly basis. You have created over a years worth of original, amazing, often times genius bits of comedy that are far more entertaining than any comedy on television, and a lot of people recognize this. To end it all over a hacked computer would be a real shame for us who consider ourselves part of this crazy little world where Don created the coaster, Mole was kidnapped by Brazilian drug lords, and Tim Perpedic killed bin Laden.

    1. eddie torres

      And, lest anyone forget, this podcast is where Parry recalled muttering the immortal words: “Watch this…”

      So many memories.

      Big 3 Forever!!!

  89. The Tambourine Comedian

    Thank you for everything you go through (it seems constantly) to bring this very unique gem of entertainment to us, Don.

    1. dustin2k4

      YES!!! positive energy

  90. Pasta Paul

    Seeing all these comments makes me feel fuzzy inside my pasta hole. It’s great to see other people have the same interest in such a wacky podcast as I do. I say we all send in a ten dollar shout out to the Soothing Sounds of a rain storm next week.

  91. Red.mac

    I gave $50 bucks, come on people!!!

    1. Podcast Supporter

      I gave money too!

  92. Shawnie Soussonie


  93. pizza delivery dude for the Pizza Emporium

    Ok, I know it’s kinda crowded in here so can everyone please listen. I’m looking for Jeraldo Lipshitz. Jeraldo Lipshitz, your 8 XL Canadian bacon, anchovy, no sauce, deep-dish pizzas are here. Come on, someone needs to pay for this shit. JERALDO LIPSHITZ, are you here?

    1. man you are funny!!!!

      hahahahah this pizza delivery dude is hilarious! shit i havent laughed this hard since i watched napoleon dynamite! hahahah man you are a natural!! you should create a comedy duo with that other internet comedian ‘glad im not any of you’. you guys are funny as hell! omg hahaha im dyin here hahahah. hes deliverin pizza on a forum hahahah genius hahahah!

  94. Susan


    Bobcat was on Jimmy Kimmel Live! In his intro Windy City Heat gets a shout out. WCH fans should watch the clip and comment to promote the movie.

  95. Judo n Slade

    All work and no play make Don a dull boy.
    All work and no play make Don a dull boy.
    All work and no play make Don a dull boy.
    All work and no play make Don a dull boy.
    All work and no play make Don a dull boy.

  96. As much as my son and I would rather not be reminded of that horrible day nearly 20 years ago when he was raped by Perry, the thought of no podcast might be the thing that keeps my poor son in his wheelchair. Even I would buy a big 3 t-shirt, even if it were only to hang on the wall, just out of Randy’s reach so that he might rise to tear it down. Please, Don, don’t let Perry realize his awful dream of ending the podcast! Take the suggestions of all the “tech savvy” people who frequent the board, sign up with affiliates, and for god’s sake, get the Amazon banner! All of my purchases of Randy’s adult diapers and blow-up toilet seat doughnuts currently benefit another podcast, but I’d much rather they go to Simply Don!

  97. Big Erik

    Hello again everyone. Whats up with everyone telling me how lame and untrue my comment was. I’m clearly not a hater. If you read what i wrote you’ll see I said i loved the show and listened to every episode. My favorite one is Contracts BTW. All i did was put in my two cents on how i felt about the show and what would help to make it better. Now Don is saying thanks for kicking him while hes down WTF. Jack Carter said it best by saying you act like a child when someone criticizes you. You’re a comic Don. Do you cry on stage when someone heckles you? Take what i say like a man. Appreciate mine and everyone’s comments good or bad. I still love you Don, Perry and Mole and would be very sad to you the Big 3 go. OK now you all can click thumbs down. Killing free speech will only make it stronger. Erik

    1. Gregory

      I have to say I am overwhelmed by the world of comedy and I feel very sick,I am going to be checking in to Passages treatment center for help.You all know who I am,and I am sorry,I have to go..Forever,I love you all.

  98. pizza delivery dude for the Pizza Emporium

    Dear man,
    Thank you for recognizing my obvious geniusfulness. Glad and I were looking for a comedy partner and because of your wonderful personality, we could become (dare I say) The Big Three 2.0! Of course, you’d have to quit your job as a public school English teacher, so think it over.

    1. man you are still funny!!!!

      bro im in!!! sure theres no money in being a forum comedian, but being in a group with you and glad is a dream come true. btw where is jeraldo lipshitz? jeraldo are you there??? pay for the pizza jeraldo hahahaha!!! man that bit was killer hahahah! and that name JERALDO LIPSHITZ hahaha how do you come up with this stuff??? you sir are a comedic God!

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