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Sponsorship Found

The world mourned the loss of Don’s facebook page after well-known entertainment hacker Sirhan Sirhan Jr. got into his computer and set the world back a week because the podcast couldn’t be downloaded. Mattress store tycoon, Neal Leeds comes on to announce his sponsorship in the Big HOLIDAY Show on June 25th.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out

Show Trailer


Show Credits

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Jared Sala
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 50 Comments

  1. Awesome

    They’re back!

    1. Awesome

      Great show guys!

  2. petri

    OH YEAH! I was considering going out with friends or shit tonight, but whats the point, i already got wine, weed and a new big three podcast right here! Fuck your friends and fuck both of the sirhan sirhans!

  3. Joeweed

    Sweet, R.A Dickey is a fan! I’m so happy they are back. I listen to every show thrice. Too bad that cure for cancer extension didn’t work and Perry lost that $13.50.

  4. Collin

    Thank God. I love this show.

  5. JoeWeed

    And thanks, Neal. You won’t even be beat by pranksters.

  6. Alarming Andrew

    Love the “Perry’s Movie Time” jingle.

  7. JoeWeed

    That would be cool if the kid Randy Callahan raped was a fan of the show. Who knows, it could be one of you.

    1. How dare you, JoeWeed! My son was the one who was raped by that savage Parry, and to even suggest that Randy would peel off a perfectly good pair of Depends undergarments to commit such an act is slander! Let’s not forget who it has been proven deals in child pornography- Caramellowe, that’s who! Isn’t it obvious by now that all of the horrible things Parry does, he tries to pin on others??!! The Nerve!

      1. Randy Callahan

        I went gay for Perry today. He should find himself lucky that the still sexy Randy, the same Randy that he molested twenty years ago, still wants him to lick his uncut cock just like the good old times.

        Perry, be my love this year.

        “Handy” Randy (Miss you).

        1. Emmanuel Daskalos

          You’re a lucky man Randy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perry never returns my calls and promised our passionate night of man love was NOT JUST SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          1. Randy Callahan

            Perry makes me so wet…

  8. Whoopi Silverstein

    I spent all night praying to Dog and He brought the podcast back to life. Maybe Perry’s onto something.

  9. stefani613

    I would totally buy t shirts!! you guys are amaziiiiiinggg

  10. Alex

    I liked the Terrifying Tim and Brando shoutouts. Good shit to whoever sent those in.

    1. Alex

      BTW I’m laughing uncontrollably at Perry’s Movie Time.

  11. Whoopi Silverstein

    I think I figured out why Perry chose June 25th.

    The original gay-pride flag was hand-dyed by Gilbert Baker. It flew in the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade on June 25, 1978. It has been suggested that Baker was inspired by Judy Garland’s singing “Over the Rainbow”. Others have suggested it’s many colors were meant to draw attention to the lack of color mentioned in gay-anthem “Back In Black”.

  12. Nick (Seattle)


  13. Nick (Seattle)


  14. El Bee

    This show was great, I especially liked Perry’s Movie Time. However I do think that they could have worked the jingle in a few more times. I am excited they are finally going to be selling t-shirts, hopefully it will be the “Who dat lady who go in dat movie?” shirt Mole was wearing in the Yurgi show.

    Neil Leeds was great as usually and I think it’s great that he is helping with Perry and Randy’s 20th Anniversary celebration. I was surprised that Perry was so professional (compared to the usual) during Mole-Play and one could only give credit to Neil Leeds.

    Vote Leeds in 2016!

  15. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    Long live the Big 3!!

  16. OklaHomo

    Obviously (as everyone is) am HAPPY that this Podcast FINALLY made it on!
    With that said: I guess we are to expect Neil Leeds a lot more. I am not too happy about that. But I guess it’s a catch 22 – because w/o the guy I don’t think The BIG 3 goes on… so for that, I have to respect the guy.

  17. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Great episode!
    Don Barris, you’re the greatest!*

    * Don, don’t ever put your finger in Perrys mouth again! He might actually bite it off, -and, with all the bacteria in there, -it won’t be re-attachable. THAT shouldn’t the horrible event that kills this show.

  18. Paul Heck

    THE BIG 3 IS BACK!!! I’m very excited to see a new show up. A week without the Big 3 is a week of hell:) It’s good to hear you guys again, You too Neil.

  19. Gene Novak

    Loved the episode this week. Perry’s dream was pretty good. Also I never knew about Peanut Butter before. You think I would have at least heard of this Javahoe deity before. There’s just so much to learn about that crazy cult. Neil was also tremendous and I’m really looking forward to the holiday. Sad I can’t go but I live too far away! 🙁 I’m glad clips will made available of this miraculous celebration of 2 men’s love. I think it was sweet of Perry to save himself for Randy and evn though he’s slipped in the past (like with that guy on the roof) there’s always been only one man for him. Hell it’s been 20 years and the man never shuts up about the first time he sucked Randy’s cock and swallowed his nut. I think at the celebration Perry and Randy should just have a commitment ceremony already. Then later that night Perry can let Randy be the first man between his double doors. It will be a magical night!

  20. Soggy Vegetable

    I wish June 25th didn’t fall on a Monday =/ I’m definitely interested in taking a road trip down to celebrate this momentous event, but not sure I can make it happen.

    Anywho, great jam packed show. Loved the Javaho talk, Trayvon talk, Perry’s Movie Time, Neil, the pocket fisherman, and holy shit Moleplay®. Don’s right about those $10 shout outs though.. lost my attention with those overly long letters.

  21. Demetri

    A new Big 3 Podcast and everything is once again right in the world. What am I going to do if this show ever ends?

    1. mr fister

      exemplary shout out again, sir. you truly know how to piss Perry off. hearing him stumble through your love letters is fucking hilarious listening.

  22. adam

    Great show, again! Perry’s movie time jingle has been stuck in my head all day and I couldn’t be happier about it! Biiiig 3!!!

  23. Treyvons Ghost

    Fuck you Perre, Nathaniel and me is gonna haunt your ass motherfucker. Gonna wake up one morning like ‘howd all these skittles get stuffed in my tiny dick?!’ Ruckas Nukkas 4 Afterlife bitch!

  24. Susan

    Neil was great in the episode.

  25. Dr. Jagoff

    Thanks Scarmaster, you made me sick to my stomach with your moaning and groaning for Dan again. Randy may have found it sexy, but i dont.

    1. Dr. Jagoff

      Also, what kind of little girl is scared of a #2 hook?

  26. Lady Cracka

    Great flippin podcast!

  27. eddie torres

    Perry’s Movie Time was fierce, and fabulous! Two dongs up!

    So many memories.

    ( P.S. Don’t forget to buy a mattress from Neal Leeds! Now Now Now! He won’t be beat! )

  28. S. MIchael

    Awesome show fellas. One of the Best ones yet. Keep up the good work. The exposure will pay off.

  29. Bowers, Coast & Fischer

    Empire magazine is allowing it’s readers to vote on the funniest films ever. So C’mon team and put in your vote for the amazing “WINDY CITY HEAT”.. It MUST make that list!

  30. Neil Leeds

    The Show Must Go On!!!

  31. MrDinosaur

    I like Neil’s Pillow Talk jingle, but I do miss the Red Hot Chili Peppers “Higher Ground” intro.
    It really emphasized Neil’s attitude of rock with an emphasis on funk, as well as elements of punk rock, hip hop, and psychedelic rock.

    1. Neil Leeds

      Thank you Mr Dinosaur.Neil

  32. Musgrave322

    Let’s do the Perry’s Movie Review song during the rest of his segment. It will be hilarious since he loves to blow up houses in Minecraft.

  33. mewmewmint

    Perry should just be gay with Neil… who’s going to love him more than Neil does?

    1. Neil G.Leeds

      Nobody!! Unless you all want to try?..I do not have to Act on that craft..No Method No Training..It comes from my Soul!!..I love your comments and I Support Don Barris..The Big 3 Podcast!! The Ding Dong Show at the World Famous Comedy Store In Hollywood Ca on Monday Eve,call in to buy tickets every Monday Night and you will have a Blast..That is a fact..!!..And I always will make sure to share the Classic Movie ..”Windy City Heat”‘ It is The Real Deal!! Don Barris “Won’t Be Beat”..Neil G.Leeds.Thank you for allowing me to post.Peace and Love..*****Yes*****Thumbs UP!

  34. Richard Heene

    Is it true the podcast is cancelled due to Perry refusing to do the podcast this week?

    1. eddie torres

      If that’s true, this might be the opening Terrifying Tim needs to get back on board with the Big 3 and Beantown Heat. And show Parry the meaning of the word ‘professional.’

      Let’s unclog some pipe!

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