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The New Big 3

Perry has quit the show, but Terrifying Tim steps it up to keep The New Big 3 together.

Today marks the first show without Scary Perry, but Don has a great show planned with Mole and Terrifying Tim. Don plays the final phone message he got from Perry with his new contract demands, and also explains his troubled relationship with Perry. The guys also take some phone calls, and get fan input about the loss of Perry.

After this week’s $10 Shoutout, Mole presents everyone with snowboards he bought for an upcoming trip. Terrifying Tim talks about his skateboarding company, and also goes into details about his love life for a segment of Guy Talk. Instead of Perry’s Corner, the guys present Terrifying Tim’s Talk Time, where 2T discusses his first exciting 10 weeks in Hollywood. Don raises concerns that this may be the last episode, and follows it up with an emotionally dramatic final round of Mole Play.

Be sure to check out Don Barris at the Comedy Store, now performing every night.

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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

This Post Has 64 Comments

  1. Peter

    Sorry, but this isn’t much of a show without Kerry Paravello. Fuck T.T. he blows as much as his Celtics. oh, oh, oooooooohhh!

  2. The President of Show Business

    Not since Brando in The Wild One has a young talent like Perry’s in Windy City Heat burst on the scene. Fitting, that now like Brando in The Island of Dr Moreau, Perry’s bloated, egomaniacal money-grubbing corpse has ruined everyone’s fond memories of what used to be.
    RIP Stone Fury. RIP The Real Big Three.


      I hereby order a cease and desist of all impersonation activities. If it continues, I will have to shut this internet down!

  3. chu

    i do hope this is some sick and unfunny joke… where is my scary perry ?!

  4. PP Dangler

    Solid move, Scary Larry wasn’t a team guy.

  5. Royal Standards Office for Banana Nut Bread, Fruit Cups and Vente Kool Aid

    Please accept our sincere condolences on losing beloved Perry. Most unfortunate. We hope this does not stop the Big Three from headlining at our annual fundraiser in Bismark, ND this year.

  6. Rick Shaw

    Thank GOD Don is there to protect Mole and Tim from being exploited by Perry.

    What an ungrateful POS that guy is!

    How stupid is he? He say’s he’s been out of work since WCH, doesn’t he reailize that you are carrying him again? Then he spits in your face. Wake up dumb ass! You should be groveling at their feet. Or crawl back into your hole of an apartment for another 8 years and wait for all the offers to come.

    In light of all the terrible events recently in the news, it’s a relief to see some justice in the world. God Bless Terrifying Tim.

    Bring Andy Dick back to give Perry his backdoor.


  7. Yabels

    Pay Perry his $10 million times 3! He needs it to buy Sobe Pina Colada and Soy milk!!!

  8. Kiefer67

    Pay Perry his $30 million!!! Regardless if Blaster Girl thinks he’s gross…Perry is the glue holding the Big 3 together. Who is Barris going to yell at? How are we going to get our “Who’s Perry suing?” updates?

  9. Kiefer67

    …nice Marilyn Monroe impression BG.

  10. wheres perry?

    if parry Carmello quit this show then i quit my life….. way to go parry caravelmo

  11. Yimminy Tam

    TT is fantastic. It’s nice to get relief from Perry’s psychotic rants and his poorly subdued homosexual tendencies. Best of luck to all of you, this is real turning point for the show.

  12. Nick (Seattle)

    Maybe Randy Callaghan can talk Perry into coming back

  13. Markus J

    Wow I was hoping to hear SCARY PERRY do a Hollywood minute. I am so disappointed. Tim is awesome, but I don’t think I can support the show without Scary Perry. He is like shitty food even though it is bad for you it is delicious. I was so looking forward to you guys doing the show at Scary Perry’s WHAT THE HELL? You Bastards.

    1. Markus J

      Hey you guys said that other guy has an album out, but you didn’t mention I had an album and I only did a $10 shout out and added $5 thinking Perry would be on the show. This is BULLSHIT. WTF I wanted Perry to be part of the shout out. Damn IT.

  14. noterotic

    Terrifying Tim is amazing. But Terrifying Tim + Perry = UNBELIEVABLE. Can we please have the Big Four???????

  15. Evan W

    Perry is so awful, Terrifying Tim is a real jewel you guys have found. I seriously think hes going to be the next Tom Cruise, he just has that “it” factor that a jerk off like Perry could never have.


    1. Evan W

      Also get Perry’s ass off the banner. Terrifying Tim deserves to be up on that Mount Rushmore of comedy.

  16. Robert Baughner

    God DAMN blaster girl is disgustingly humongous. I figured she would be slightly oversized from the feet photos.. but wowwwwww. Someone put the blaster to her temple and end her being just like that big spanish guy does from No Country.

    RIP Perry

    1. Sugurh we're goin down

      Don’t bring that movie into your confusing opinions

  17. Good Gravy

    Love the Mole Man!!!!!

  18. KEGoramma

    Seriously no scary perry on this episode? Well at least he will be back next podcast. He must has had to meet up with Randy Callahan for a late night snack! Oh oh ohhhhh! Still isn’t the same with out him. TT doesn’t compare to Perry. He’s good but doesn’t fit like Scary Perry!

  19. Ford Prefect

    First caller sounded like Blaster Girl. Weird.

  20. Jose L

    Oh oh oh oh oh! I love me some Terrifying Tim!

  21. Jose L

    That sucks that Mole lost his best friend, although I shall miss Perry, but Boston Terrifying Tim rocks!

  22. Randy Callahan's Cock

    Okay, I’m all for joking along with the show, but come on. Terrifying Tim is no Perry. The show works because Don berates the shit out of Perry and Mole’s funny ass shit is even funnier assy shit when delivered alongside Don’s tantrums.

    Tim is good as a threat to Perry…but with Perry on the same show. But by himself? It’s just three guys with no tension. I’m sure this show was schtick, but just in case it wasn’t…pay the $30 million and bring back Perry.

    Oh, and Blaster Girl, you’ll do a picture with these guys but not for the Dave’s? For shame, girl, for shame.

  23. Suzie

    Very boring podcast. It is nothing without Perry. I am no longer a listener to this podcast unless Perry comes back. I love Don and Mole, and TT seems like a nice guy, but it is just not the same.

  24. Dr. Crawford

    Perry may or may not be starting his own competing podcast to go head-to-head with the Big 3 to be the world’s #1 podcast. Expect weekly guest appearances from Randy Callahan.

  25. Pcary Serry

    Perry is worth every penny of that $30 million you owe him. It takes money to make money. Pay him and you’ll double your investment in a week. Guaranteed.

  26. Frank F

    The New Big 3 is awesome! Forget a sequel, remake Windy City Heat starring Terrifying Tim!

  27. English Dan

    Perry is a fuckin homo loser. I’m so glad I won’t have to hear about him bragging about sucking Randy Callahan’s dick again.

    I mean, I have no problem with Perry being gay in the past, but when he keeps bringing it up and describing how that guy came in his mouth it really begins to make me sick.

    Good riddance Perry, take your homo love tails elsewhere.

  28. Pcary Serry

    He didn’t cum in my mouth, you asshole!!!

  29. Pcary Serry

    I mean, he didn’t cum in Perry’s mouth! Perry’s not gay, you fag! I love the pussy. Oh, oh, oh!

  30. Chris

    WTF????? No Prerry??!! Don and Perry’s banter was epic! It’s not the Big 3 without Perry.

  31. Unka Grizz .

    I feel so lost and torn . Mole , Don and Perry are all my friends and It really hurts me to see this major rift with the original Big 3 . Don you know how Perry is , you’ve known him for a long time . Perry is like a nothing but trouble while getting on your nerves acts like he is gooped up on Pop Rocks and Mountain Dew and forgot to take his medication Brother to you . But that’s the magic of the Big 3 and with the original Big 3 not a whole the magic is lost . I’m sorry Don but I totally 100% agree with Hank Greenberg ! Terrified Timmy is good but he makes the Podcast seem more like an AM radio Talk Show and his ADC impression reminded me of the 6th grade theater production of Grease I saw last year .
    Can’t you see Mole is also hurting that Perry is gone and deep deep down inside you miss him too Don . I could hear it in your voice . It made me tear up .
    Perry is my friend and we have an Old School Skateboard connection , were like Blood Brothers in a way . I have been talking to Perry through emails and I can tell he is very hurt and pist about this whole situation as you are Don . Perry said he is doing other projects and I tried to find out why he couldn’t do the Podcasts and his projects but he didn’t want to talk about it . I think Don and Perry should go to Couple Counseling together . We need to get this worked out so we can get the Original Big 3 back together better than EVER !!

  32. Statutory Perry

    I think a group therapy webisode with Perry ala that awful Metalica documentary would be great! Make it happen.

  33. ( :-D )

    This podcast is the non-wrestling version of a WWE script. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. I’m just sayin’. It’s like an audio soap opera for under-achieving guys such as myself. THANKS BUDDIES!

    1. J-Rock

      It really is… well put

  34. Larry Bird

    Hey Don stop fucking mumbling into the mike. I’m sick of playing DJ turning up the sound when you talk. You talk too softly and I’m sick of it. At least this week Perry wasn’t here screaming to make it even more of a cluster. Fuck him.

  35. mike

    The Big 3 rule. Really sucks perry isn’t on this show. Keep on doing the show.

    Perry is critical for the show.


  36. J-Rock

    What out or Perry Karamello is going to sue you guys for 30 million in Internet Dollars. I’m going to look into suing Perry for quitting the show. I think I have a good case. I look forward to the podcast every week and if he takes that away from me, I will sue!

  37. Eeep

    Best lines are always from the Mole man. As in, “Where’s Perry?” It was more funny the fifth time than the first. This show is the best.

  38. Harry Linklater

    It’s a guaranteed good time whenever TT is around to class up the place. Good riddance to that hack wannabe…What was his name again? Scary CaraFAILo? The only things that dude knows how to do are scream, steal, and sue. Really Suey Perry is way more accurate than “Scary” cause the only thing scary about the dude was his hairline…that and his creepy affection for little girls…

  39. Dan

    what the fuck do you mean perry isn’t on this any more? What the fuck is with that guy? Just because he’s unprofessional doesn’t mean i wont miss him…

  40. Jack Payback

    Holy Shit Perry

    Your not the most worst off person on this planet, I guarantee I am worse off than you are, I really enjoy what you do, please don’t deprive me of the Big 3. I really enjoy listening to this podcast.

  41. koko

    first Tucson. now this! i’m depressed 🙁

  42. Sam Iam


  43. Adam Pelletier

    It’s funny enough just because Perry quit! Classic!

  44. RosevilleDave

    No Perry No Listen.

  45. Sugurh we're goin down

    Can Terrifying Tim sing Back in Black for me?

  46. cheflarz

    I would rather listen to Larry Miller talk about soap chips.

  47. koko

    i really hope Perry listened to this show and realized that its his destiny to be part of the Big 3. if he does come back (knock on wood) it would be awesome if he sang ‘Back in Black.’ YES I’M BACK! that would give me goosebumps.

    that said, this show was pretty great even without Perry. I would hate to see TT go because he’s clearly an amazing talent. OH OH OHHHHH!!! Don and Mole are were great too (goes without saying). My hear will break if this show ends.

  48. Harry Ceword

    30 million?? LOL!
    Can’t wait for my 2T skateboards!
    One thing though… If you lose Perry, you lose Mole-Play.

  49. Spanky Spangler

    I need more Big Three, not just once a week. Get on it Adam

  50. JT


  51. Dub

    I love how Pairy quit showbiz just so nobody would come into his apartment. That’s dedication…to privacy. And also an indicator of a serious darkside.

  52. Demetri

    Terrifying Tim is the man. Maybe if Perry live his life by the “Three Ps” he wouldn’t be such a loser.

  53. Scared Perry

    If Perry does three times the work why shouldn’t he get three times the cash?

  54. steelersfan43

    don’t understand perry’s hesitation about having the guys over to his apartment, unless he has made a serious upgrade from that dump he had during, windy city heat, dude should watch an episode of Hoarders

  55. Big Willie Style

    The big 3 without perry should be called the big #2 as in poop. Terrifying Tim is half the man perry is. Perry is the next Donnie Darko

  56. kid_shazam

    Perry is miserable, its so nice to have three people that are funny and genial. TT is so radical – ooh, ooh!

  57. Musgrave322

    This episode of this Podcast does have a heavy ending, but remains five-stars at best since there is no Perry Karamellow.

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