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Perry’s Punished

For calling the sponsor to get his manager a plane ticket to come out to Los Angeles & for trying to get the $10 Shout-Outs sent to his post office box, Perry’s punishment is that he gets none of the Shout-Out money. The 20th Anniversary Party needs help and continues to go to the people for that help.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out

Show Trailer


Show Credits

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Eric Marino
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 73 Comments

  1. Red.mac

    Lets do this!

  2. PerryisaFAGGOT!

    Why is perry punished ?? did he blow randy again !?

  3. who dat lady

    biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  4. Musgrave322

    I would love to come celebrate the Karamellow/Callahan Holiday at the Comedy Store, but I live in Lancaster, PA and California is over 2500 miles away.

  5. Richard Heene

    Based on the photos it looks like Mole is going after Perry’s fanny pack again. There is nothing funnier than Perry’s freakouts about the fanny pack!!!

    1. Joeweed

      That’s just what I was thinking “Dick Weenie”, as Perry calls you. I would love to see video of the time Dominic M. lifted it over his head like a championship belt.

  6. OklaHomo

    I just hope the Podcast goes up today. I hate being cockteased like this. BIIIIIIIIIIIG 3!

  7. Alarming Andrew

    2T and Rucka will be great, but THE Ronald McDonald really sold the holiday for me.

    I almost called it Perrystock, but “Wood” stock is definitely more appropriate.

    1. Milky White

      What about calling it “Perrywood,” like Hollywood?

      Can’t wait to see 2T! OH OH OH!

  8. simplydong

    Hell ya!

  9. Gweedeaux

    Nice choice with the George song, Dan.

  10. Randy Callahan

    Perry love you baby!

  11. eddie torres

    Photo #1 looks like Don-El banished Parry into the Phantom Zone. General Zod is still hunting for stars to prey on.

    Remember to kneel before Zod, Parry.

  12. Soggy Vegetable

    Terrifying Tim, Rucka Rucka Ali, Neil Leeds, and The Big 3 all in one place?

  13. who dat lady

    Don i really don’t know how this works,but i wished you had the Amazon affiliate program link up. I’m about to order a lot of Terrifying Tim skateboards from them. EWW EWWW EWWWW EWW EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!

    1. Milky White

      I love by Terrifying Tim board!

  14. Stone Fury

    Perry has all of his memorabilia on

  15. Sonny "Cookie" Caravello

    Punished? I wish my faggot son was punished. The reason he took me out of the hospital is because he’s been trying to strong-arm me into me changing my Will. Lately, he’s even been trying to starve me, but fortunately there was this nice man who sold me some delicious (but slightly cold) pizzas at a very reasonable price. Anyway, I just thought I’d let my adopted son, li’l Donnie B. know that the next time Perry gets out of line, that you have my permission/blessing to give him a severe ass whoopin’. When he was growing up, I used to try to beat the faggotry out of him but it obviously back-fired.
    BIG THREE !!!

  16. MrDinosaur

    God bless George Harrison.
    God damn Perry Caramello.

  17. Dr. Crawford

    Boycott the Big 3! Do not tolerate these intolerable delays. Do us all a favor, gentlemen, and hit ‘Unsubscribe’ until the new podcast is up in full. Send the Big 3 a message they may not soon forget! Thank you.

    1. Demetri

      What message would that be? That the fans of the Big 3 are impatient, self-entitled and immature?

      1. Dr. Crawford

        Discerning, expectant, and civic-minded!

    2. Soggy Vegetable

      You want the show now, but you can’t have it so you’ll unsubscribe forever? Good call. You make great choices.

      1. Dr. Crawford

        We shall resubscribe when the new podcast arrives. Until that day comes, hit ‘Unsubscribe’!

    3. Gene Novak

      This might be the most amount of negative comments I’ve ever seen. Kinda unfair when these things get blocked. We don’t know how many these would actually get.

  18. who dat lady

    Unsubscribing to the podcast to prove a point is almost as nonsensical as paying some homeless guy money to write you a rap song consisting of one line.

    1. A Noun

      ‘who dat lady’ is a question not an identity. may i suggest changing it to just ‘Dat lady’?

      1. Callahanjob Randell

        “Who Dat Lady” is neither a question nor an identity, it’s a way of life, a frame of mind, a state of being.

  19. Glad l'm not any of you

    I believe he’s a doctor because he probably recieved his doctorate degree in being an asshole. In fact, Crawford is being too modest. He probably graduated at the head his class. ‘I’ll show all of you. I’m going to temporarily unsubscribe.’ Whoa, I’m sure Barris is shitting himself right now because he’s never dealt with such a high-caliber bad ass before. Hey, if you really want to put the fear of God in Don, threaten to drink milk right out of the carton…a day AFTER it expired!!!
    BIG THREE !!!

  20. Louis Cypher

    Perry’s standup is absolutely amazing! As good as Carlos Mencia or Dane Cook!

    1. Milky White

      But Carlos Mencia and Dane Cook have never been accused of stealing material… oh wait

  21. eddie torres

    “John’s father had 3 sons” bit is a freakin modern classic!

    Parry: if your brother is John, and his brother is Snap, that makes John’s father Cookie Caramello. You crackhead.

  22. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Sometimes I feel sorry for Sam Kinison.
    He has no way to respond to the terrible walking, mocking insult that is Perry Carabello…

    (The feeling goes away pretty quickly. After all, Kinison was just a fat Marjoe Gortner rip-off)

  23. Imbecile

    Please tell me where I can get a “Perry-face” shirt like Perry’s wearing? That thing is amazing!

    Although, if Perry sells it I might wait until Don comes up with an alternative. I know Perry is already a millionaire after his many successful lawsuits.

  24. dick burns

    Everyone knows that Perry is a huge liar. He stole Don’s wallet but claimed it was a practical joke after he was caught red-handed. With that in mind, am I the only one who thinks we don’t know the full story of what went down on June 26, 1992? He alleges that Randy blew him, while he jerked him off. If he admitted to that, imagine what the real story is. Only one way to settle it: lie detector test.

  25. OklaHomo

    I think a big problem is that even us as listeners don’t know what exactly is a “put on” and real. That kind of hinders the success of this show. I am a huge fan and sometimes, I don’t even know what is real. And new comers – I bet they are confused, too.
    I remember for the longest time, I thought $10 Shoutouts weren’t real.

    When you fuck with Perry so much (don’t get me wrong, it’s what makes the show brilliant) – but it does confuse some listeners. I bet some of us don’t know if the June 26th is real or not – hence the low turn out as of yet. The only critique I have is that it would help if we were 100% certain on what was real — it def. would add to the success to the show.

    1. eddie torres

      Simple answers to complex questions:

      real life = The Big 3

      put-on = Parry’s acting career

      John = Snap and Crackle’s brother

    2. Dr. Crawford

      I want to know if Don Barris really is the warm-up comedian for the Jimmy Kimmel show. I don’t ever see him on the show. I’ve never seen them have a warm-up comedian–just cool-down at the end.

      Does Mole really know all of John Quincy’s jokes by chance, or is that some kind of gag?

      1. Milky White

        Wow, you are giving Perry a run for his money.

        Don IS Jimmy Kimmel’s warm-up comic. A warm-up goes on before the shows tapes to get the audience going. He is not someone you would see on camera.

        Mole knows all of Quincy’s jokes because Mole is Quincy. He tapes the calls before the show and they play a recording. Once in a while Perry will say something off the cuff and what Quincy says next will not follow the flow of conversation.

        1. eddie torres

          Mole is no more John Quincey Adams than Dan Barris is Jake Byrd.

          Only John Quincey is John Quincey, and don’t touch my body don’t touch my body don’t touch my body don’t touch my body don’t touch my body

          1. Mister Arrrr-Sea

            I agree Eddie and everyone knows that Quincey doesn’t work at a tropical fish store for a guy named Pete. Biiiig Threeee!

        2. Mister Arrrr-Sea

          Wow genius, nothing gets by you. Spoiler Alert – Miley Cyrus is also Hannah Montana, ugh.

      2. Mister Arrrr-Sea

        I saw Don do the pre-show warm up for the Man Show years ago. He has an amazing mouth. Wish i could have helped him get his SAG card – if you know what i mean.

  26. Richard Heene

    I think that anything Don or Mole say to Perry = a put on.

    Anything that Don formally announces to the listeners = real.

    1. Mister Arrrr-Sea

      It’s all up in the air, like a fake balloon ride.

    2. Gene Novak

      I think Don lays it on a little thick sometimes. It doesn’t always sound genuine. Sorta like when he used to kiss Neil Leads ass a while back. Doesn’t mean he’s pulling a con, I just think it doesn’t sound real.

  27. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    I love the fact that Perry’s brain can still leave Don & Mole stymied after all these years!
    They just couldn’t get the ‘Snap, Crackle, John’ idea across.
    They should try the “I can’t operate on this child, he is my son.” one next.
    I suggest a regular segment: “Simple Riddles Perry Can’t Grasp – Even After They’ve Been Explained to Him!”.

    1. Mister Arrrr-Sea

      Your ideas are too mullioned. Thanks for trying. Do you happen to need a Sag card?

      1. Ben Franklin's Front Window

        I’d sooner be defenestrated.

  28. Red.mac

    Perry, i was wondering if i can camp out on your couch for the anniversary? im short on dough and really wanna make this historic event. Im from the windy city itself, help a brother out.

  29. who dat lady

    Once again Perry exhibits world class professionalism. Asked to do one thing for the show he says “you can get it on Ebay probably, you have to get it mailed to you, Forget that” what a piece of shit. Mole and Don give and give perry takes ( apparently $10 shoutouts now ) I think its time for Guillermo to take over Pennys spot.

    1. Whoopi Silverstein

      I found an old copy of Across the Moon. Does Perry have a VHS player? If so, I can send it to him as soon as I figure out his address.

  30. mr fister

    brilliant ep as usual. Perry’s stand up is some next-level shit. That part where he says “How you all doin’, you doin alright?” in his filthy ginny accent always leaves me in stiches!!! Long live Cooke Karamello!!!1!

  31. Dr. Crawford

    Gentlemen, the boycott is over; continue supporting the Big 3. Thank you.

  32. Dustin Hedberg

    Don- Can we have a national “holliday” for the people who want to participate in the celebration but live far away from CA?

    I live in ohio and i want to celebrate Parry’s casting couch audition with randy callahan that opend the door for his “Career”

    1. Demetri

      Maybe for the people who can’t come, they could set up a live stream of the show. You buy a ticket for $15 and you can either go to the show in person or they’ll send you the link to watch it live on Ustream.

      1. jpmoneypants

        Love the idea. Maybe set it up as a download if a live stream is too tough. I’d buy it.

        1. who dat lady

          I live in New York and i am also willing to pay to see a stream. BITTTTTTTTTTTG THREEEEEEEEEE
          but for real don i would be willing to pay

  33. Matt

    Yeah, Don, Perry had sex with that guy on JUNE 25th, not JANUARY 25th! Get it right!

    1. who dat lady

      perry did not have sex with that guy, he just blew him

  34. Stone Fury

    Hey Perry,
    I am bringing all sorts of sex toys for my stay at your house this month. I’m super excited about my visit at Via La Paloma in Reseda, California.
    Can I stay for an extra 2 weeks if I promise extra rim jobs?

    See you soon,

  35. eddie torres

    If you’re staying with Parry, remember to be careful in his bathroom. Andy Dick’s assistant almost bled to death in there. Very dangerous.

  36. Mister Arrrr-Sea

    I survived Hollywood and moved to Va/DC area but will return for the celebration if Perry promices to treat me as the guest of honor. BTW, I’ve gotten far better blowjobs from actors & extras, Jack Black was amazing…

  37. Dustin Hedberg

    awesome idea! stream or record the “holiday”and sell to us so we can enjoy the hol
    liday ourselves

  38. Ex pizza and newly hired 'What The Huck' delivery guy

    The bad news: Given the fact that no one has ever been terminated for acquiring a meager 20 “Mr. Yuk” warnings means that I was wrongfully terminated from that establishment. The good news: I’ve been hired to be the first delivery driver for ‘What The Huck’! I’m pleased to announce that they’re already rolling out the new “Presidental” menu, which includes: puppy chow-mein. Ever been bitten by a dog?? Well now’s your chance to bite back!!!
    BIG THREE !!!

    1. Alex

      STFU Perry!

      1. Too many words spelled correctly and not enough explanation points to be The Pear Masters work.

  39. Milky White

    What gives? Every single post has at least one thumbs down.

  40. Musgrave322

    Why is Everyone hating the comments giving them thumbs down? Don’t be a Hater like Perry Karamellow?

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