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Mammoth Snowboarding

The NEW Big 3 will be taking the week off having a snowboarding party @ Mammoth Mountain …

See you next week, the New Big 3!

Be sure to check out Don Barris at the Comedy Store, now performing every night, except while he is snowboarding

Want More Big3 Check Out

Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

This Post Has 50 Comments

  1. PP Dangler

    NOOOOOOO! I blame Perry.

    1. dontnond

      No way Brody Stevens (not evensstevens to have to type)

  2. Gaylord Focker

    I wish the New Big Three a happy snowboarding trip but in the meantime we all have to suffer without our favorite podcast.

    This is ALL fucking perry’s fault.

    He is an unprofessional destroyer of dreams and plus, he’s Italian.

    May he get a paper cut and pour lemon juice on it. that’s all I can say.

  3. Brody sucks

    Brody Stevens is the worst podcast host in the history of podcasting, broadcasting, carcasting, and film casting. I know because I listened to 45 seconds of him when he guest hosted for the Aceman. TERRIBLE.

    1. Mr. Fantastic's Genitalia

      yeah, brody stevens sucks. what kind of comedian doesn’t break character?
      and what kind of lame interviewer can’t get zach galifanakis to dance in a Brody Stevens Interview Challenge?

  4. TootsieRollTim

    bean-town heat baby!

    1. Pervis Guts

      Chi town, Chattanooga Tennessee!

  5. Good Gravy

    Don, Big fan. LOVE Mole’s role too. 2T has been great. Whatever you evolve this show into as an ongoing creative effort, I will be there to happily laugh without pity at someone’s goofy misfortune, angst and confusion. Go New….

  6. Johnny AIDSenstein

    WOW! Have fun boarding, guys!

    Steven Brody Stevens is either the funniest man alive (if his whole shtick is a put-on) OR the worst person ever (which is the actual truth). I don’t know why he is allowed to do anything. Anywhere. Check out his Twitter account @BrodyIsMeFriend where he will talk a lot about how cool he is and how bad other people are.

    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Comedian, play a song for me
    I’m not sleepy and there is no place I’m going to
    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Comedian, play a song for me
    In the jingle jangle morning I’ll rear-end you…while you are making stupid fucking faces to some dude while you’re sitting on a busy street
    – Some Mulatto Drunk Guy

  7. ( :-D )

    I think I speak for everyone when I say that we can’t wait to see those pics of you guys having a great time boardin’.

  8. Sugurh we're goin down

    Great idea for a show in absence of Mole and Tim, Don. I’ve always wanted to know what the deal was with you and Steven.

  9. Good Gravy

    Oh, and forgot to say that today’s ep was an OK hunting expedition. Good effort but, apparently, the bait did not work.

  10. KEGorrama

    So sorry for the shit you had to put up with Perry. I liked him very much, and thought he was a very important part of the big 3. After what has happened during the course of the podcasts, he has fallen out of favor with me. When you went into detail about what he has done I was truly shocked. I thought it was just a joke (part of me still hopes it is) but it looks like it is true what is going on. Keep the podcast going I love it. I listen to you, Adam’s podcast, and This Week With Larry Miller. T.T. is a great addition. It will take some getting used to the adjustment but I believe it will be a great success. Don’t give up, I look forward to listening every week! I actually check every day for the new podcast! You guys get me through my work day, and I am grateful for that. You guys are the best please do not quit! Oh yeah have Larry Miller on one of your podcasts. I’m sure it would be one of the best!

  11. AndyS

    For the love of God, please don’t let Brody Stevens back on any podcasts. That guy has no business in comedy. Just awful. I’d rather you brought back Perry and he sued ME after every podcast than listen to any more Brody Stevens.

  12. chu

    please keep that scum brody stevens off the ace network.

  13. FocalPoint

    I hope the hate between Don and TAMBORINE COMIC isn’t a joke for the podcast. Brody Steven’s comedy is like eating a bowl of cancer soup. I hope it’s some sort of elaborate Andy Kauman’esque gag because nobody that unfunny deserves to be in movies or even allowed to be the instructor at a comedy traffic school.

  14. Big Fan

    Don, I can’t see why you would bother trying to make up with this Brody guy. You are an easy going, tolerant and helpful person. Brody is almost as selfish and pushy as Perry was (although not nearly as unreasonable)>

    Don, man, you’ve got to stop letting these assholes push you around like that. You’re too soft, in this business people will take advantage of that. You’ve got to cut these anchors loose and let your talent float.

  15. Albert F Einstein

    Is Brody Stevens a part of the Big Three now? Big FOUR, baby! “Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyes!”

  16. Dave Dameshek

    Dear Big Three listeners:THIS IS WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU FUCK WITH ME!

    p.s. why no pics?

  17. Ross C

    I am so lost right now.

  18. Justin Vegas

    Dear Dan,
    You have got bring Perry back. Terrifying Tim sucks and nobody gives a shit about Steven Brody and his gay tambourine.

  19. Go TT

    I was just listening to Adam Carolla do his show from Dr. Drew’s house. Here you have the super-successful Dr. Drew, creator of numerous reality shows, star of loveline, soon to be on Headline News, and he let’s Adam do a show from his house WHILE HE’S SUFFERING FROM LEPTOSPEROSIS.

    Then we have Fairy Perry who’s a broke wanna be that thinks he can make it and he says “no way” guys and walks over doing the show at his house.

    Perry you cocksucking moron, don’t you get it? Do you understand why Drew is a big name and you’re not?

    I can’t believe that guy.

  20. Dave

    Well, if The Big Three doesn’t work out, why not the Don Barris show? Mole could be the sidekick. Bring in guests and chaos ensues.

  21. Ford Prefect

    Now I get it. Something was missing. It took me twenty years, but I finally realize the scene Kubrick wanted, but wasn’t allowed to film: a decayed hag on her knees; Jack Torrance about to climax; a tug of the hair, and flesh falls away like pulled-pork. Simultaneous horror, cackle and spit.

    1. Ford Prefect

      I like this message board because there doesn’t seem to be thing one could possibly say that would get one censored…

      Someone should talk to Adam’s “fan”. And I mean “talk” literally; it’s not meant as a euphemism. I’m a big proponent of society solving its own problems. Just a simple “Hey, hello, I heard…” could make a world of difference. Yes, this is “crazy talk”, but it’s also the definition of Society.

      1. Ford Prefect

        “seem to be one thing”

        1. The President of Showbusiness (Esq.)

          I will fucking lay you out, fucktard! You will eat my history! Your snarky days are over, Prefrect. Get your towel and get moving!

          1. Ford Prefect

            I deserved that. “What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?”

            Thank you. Thank you, Sir!

  22. Fan

    Brilliant — don’t class-up the place too much or you’ll ruin the fun.

  23. Yabels

    Steven Brody Stevens cracks me up. I don’t know whether it is because he is so combative for no reason or so enthusiastic about himself and his relatively meager accomplishments. His two podcasts “The Brody Stevens Experiment” are brilliant examples of frustration comedy. When his roommate gets mad at him its comedy gold.

    HOWEVER, if SBS actually becomes famous or popular beyond his current cult status, the shtick won’t be as good. There’s only so many times he can say he’s a positive Christian guy without having to evolve.

    1. Ford Prefect

      Brody cracks me up for 5 minutes. That’s the problem.

    2. Don Barris

      Brody mentions on this podcast the follow up to what happened with his roommate after he blew up at him after the podcast.

  24. Hugh

    Last two shows were kinda lame, get Perry back and abuse his retard ass.

  25. Bronson

    How can you people demand more Scary Perry but turn your nose up at Brody Stevens? …Unless you’re just trying to make your nose looks as big as Brody’s Dameshek-ian schnoz.

    I would pay $10.23 to hear them meet in a podcast.

  26. I heretoforth and for all time decree a halt to using the term “The Big Three” in connection with anything NOT involving Mr. Perrie “Scarrie” Lelavelo. According to the Hollywood Bylaws circa 1923, “A comedy act that has been formed in accordance with the brotherhood act of concession may not under any circumstances be reconstituted as a subset or macroset (sic) of that original whilst maintaining said original name.” Perrie is definitively and by proof of prior art a perpetual member of The Big Three comedy troupe. Mr. Travello, you can take that to the bank and smoke it.

    The President of Hollywood

    1. You are soooo fuckin’ right, mister President! Git er’ DOOOOONEEE!!!

      I ain’t never had a love for a man like I has for Barry Scarry! He’s like a bit o’ home lovin’ rolled up in a smoked sausage with a little chewin’ tobbaca shoved back in the corner o’ my checks. right where I wants that Kalavelo Cock!

      Man up, Harry! Git nude, git er done!

    2. Ford Prefect

      Yeah, just like Guns N’ Roses or Lynyrd Skynyrd? Sure, they’re not on film, but they’re “troupes” none-the-less.

      Ok then, here’s a much better example: how about the Three Stooges? Oh, wait a minute, is that the joke? Fuck, fuck, fuckity-fuck.

  27. Big Willie Style

    The big 3 without perry should be called the big #2 as in poop. Terrifying Tim is half the man perry is. Perry is the next Donnie Darko

  28. Stick Johnson

    Rock it like a pumpkin. Throw it at a tree!

  29. Wang Petroski

    Ford Prefect is such a condescending layabout. My people have often discussed his contribution to the greater good. That discussion takes like no time. I remember the last time we had that discussion. We were all on acid, laying in a pool of vomit, speech enabled only by electric wires plunged into the medulla. Larry leaned forward, yelled “Kaiser Soze!”

    Mama get me a hand tool!

    Eat that Ford.

    1. Ford Prefect

      Eat it up with a spoon. My whole world is vomit. Ooh rahh!

      “Condescending layabout”? The ultimate goal in life is leisure. Franks for the condiment, must tard. (I’m so fucking witty.)

      BTW, The Usual Suspects sucks — a piece of shit movie. House of Games was more deceptive.

  30. J-Rock

    A lot of people are writing messages to Scary Perrie Karamello without taking into consideration the fact that he cannot read.

  31. koko

    he read his “Leave the gun take the canole” t-shirt that Mole got him for his birthday. it took him a minute, but he read it.

    1. Ford Prefect

      What if your paddling in the canole and attacked by a beaver? Bet you’d want a gun then.

      1. Michael Brody Michaels

        You’ve obviously never seen how much beavers enjoy cannolis.

  32. Hey Brody/Offficer Folts,
    YOUR UNDER ARREST!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????
    Who did you suck or fuck to become a actor/comedian.

  33. Sarah S

    This is my first visit and I just wanted to stop by and say HI!

  34. Unka Grizz .

    Brody I have a suggestion for a new name change for you . How about this ” BS Brody Stevens ! ” I think it has a nice ring to it ! Don no photo’s from this Podcast ? Now what am I going to use to masturbate to tonight ?

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  36. Mumbles Slam

    Sad not to have the Big 3, but I must admit this is one of my favorite Big 3 podcasts. The rapport/rivalry between Steven Brody Stevens and Dan is hilarious and played to perfect comic effect.

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