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No More Movie Time

Perry seems raring and willing to do his “Perry’s Movie Time” but the bosses upstairs have cancelled the segment because of Perry’s lack of enthusiasm and unprofessionalism towards the project. Speaking of unprofessionalism, for the second week in a row Perry can’t completely fill the time during his “60 Seconds With Perry” segment, thank goodness Mole was there to fill the dead air, this segment could be the next casualty.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out

Show Trailer

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Jared Sala
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 88 Comments

  1. stefani613

    BIIIIIG THREE!!! We LOVE YOU all the way from WISCONSIN

  2. Red.mac

    Biiiiiiig thrrrrrreeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Red.mac

      Wtf steph i usuelly get the first comment.

      1. stefani613

        i had to stop your madness!

        1. Red.mac

          Steph…. i was thinking maybe we could meet up some time and…yeah know talk about the big 3 and windy city heat, stuff like that

          1. Just blow me

            Leave the broad alone dousche-bag

  3. Imbecile

    Don, thanks so much for making this happen once a week. Us fans are grateful. You rule!

  4. Musgrave322

    Here is my suggestions for Perry Karamellow’s Punishment:

    1. Give all the $10 Dollar Shoutouts from Perry to Terrifying Tim-Perpedic.
    2. Promote Terrifying Tim’s Skateboards and Rucka Rucka Ali’s Music instead of Scary Perry Skateboards.
    3. The bosses of the Podcast can bring back Perry’s movie time as long as he review’s films such as The Fluffer and Midnight Cowboy.

  5. Alex

    Nah, Perry should reviewa a Bruce LaBruce film like No Skin off My Ass. Rockers like Kurt Cobain loved that film and since Perry is a rocker he should love it too.

  6. Imbecile

    Perry’s full of shit. If he was disabled he wouldn’t be able to eat his own cum off that lady’s feet.

    1. Tim D

      Perry should sue his lawyer.

      1. Collin

        The court noted that Dydzak was the subject of five disciplinary proceedings in the last 10 years. In 1998, he was suspended for 30 days for wide-ranging misconduct in five client matters, including failure to promptly pay client funds, maintain client trust account funds, communicate with a client, return client files and unearned fees and cooperate with the bar’s investigation.

        Sounds like a SWEET ASS lawyer.

      1. Alex

        Holy shit. What a scumbag. And Perry is working with this guy?

        But now it all makes sense now, It’s Dyzdak who’s thumbing down all the comments! I think…

        1. Tim D

          I wonder what his handicapp is? It has to be physicall. The reviewer mentioned that. I read the whole lawsuit dyzdak has against the state bar of California. I am willing to bet that dyzdak will spend a huge amount of time in jail for this lawsuit.

  7. Alex

    48:00 Why is Don screaming? Without a gallery available we can only imagine that Parry tried to forcibly go down on Don. It was bound to happen eventually.

    1. mr fister

      really great question, the mystery of the Big 3 deepens…

  8. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    This is my favorite episode! Perry is lazy and a complainer…

  9. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    I think Perry’s punishment should be his $10 shout outs to go to me and my daughter so I can get her citizenship papers. She was born in Australia and is unable to receive any benefits so long as we are in America.

      1. Lisa C. Jablonsky

        Ah no need to boo me. No one has to give me anything! I work and accept responsibility for my actions. I’m busting my butt to earn that $600…

    1. Judo n Slade

      Why not have her come the normal way, through Mexico?

  10. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    I loaned Perry my Netflix so he could watch “Across the Moon.” I love how he acts like he bought it himself! FYI – DONT FEEL SORRY FOR PERRY!

  11. Imbecile

    Hey guys, this is a long shot, but I was looking for a specific episode, hoping someone can help.

    Does anyone know which episode it is where Perry’s reading something and reads “creamy white breasts” about his own breasts, alluding to a line from Windy City Heat. It might be an ACE episode.

    1. Randy Callahan

      The episode was “Back In The Stu-Stu-Studio”.

      The story was read about half way into the podcast.

      1. Imbecile

        Thank you so much!

      2. Stone Fury

        Which episode was it where Perry admitted to licking up his own semen off of some person’s toes? And Mole asked him if he always licked his own cum and Perry answered “like a popsicle”.

        Correct answer wins a rimjob IOU from Perry.

  12. Stone Fury

    Perry is so full of shit. He is scamming the government out of disability money while he goes snowboarding?!
    Being gay is not a disability you fat pig of a man!
    I think the IRS should take a good hard look into Perry’s finances. I bet that he is cheating his taxes by not declaring any of the $10 shout outs, nor his many lawsuits, nor any of the money he makes by blowing dudes at truck stops.
    So everybody call their congressmen and demand that they audit Perry!

    1. Alex

      It’s pretty sad when you see people who have no real physical disabilities collect fat social security paychecks. See also: Chris Chan. An insane man child who makes roughly $1300 a month in social security each month…

  13. Dr. Jagoff

    I wonder if Perre and John Travolta are or ever have been ‘friends’

    1. eddie torres

      It seems like Parry’s lawyer, Daniel David Dydzak from Marina Del Ray, should have something in common with Okorie Okorocha from Pasadena. Allegedly.

      But I don’t know what that is.

    2. Stone Fury

      They used to be until Perry faked orgasm by throwing a cup of yogurt on Travoltas back. Stupid as ever, Perry used blueberry yogurt and got caught. This happened while Perry’s relationship with Randy hit a rough patch.

  14. eddie torres

    There’s sooooo many mysteries explained in this episode, but I was shocked when Parry finally de-mystified the fanny pack:

    “I wear a fucking pouch loaded with pills.”

    I thought maybe he was secretly advertising something under Mole and Don’s noses, like some kinda pharmaceutical Fleshlight. But then Parry got really scary:

    “I am the Master of Disaster! It’s all called the Master! I AM THE DISASTER! I fuck with you 24/7! No, wrong… 72/7! It’s called 3 days in 1! I skulled your brain in a fucking fire! And, I burn you like a fucking crisp!”

    Clearly, Parry’s mental disability and Javahosity is on full display here. But the world-famous Doctor Lecter says this outburst reflects something a thousand times more savage and terrifying than the Javahos. Then I remembered Parry was in love with Mole last episode, but he was totally hitting on Don in this episode… is there no end to his savage lust?

    1. tim d

      Holy shit thats funny.

  15. OC Maniac

    Biiiiig three! Hey guys, great show this week. I just wanted to ask if you’re ever going to read my $10 shout out. I included ten dollars of cold hard cash…straight cash homie, and never heard it. Perry advised me to send the shout-out to an address in Reseda because the Big Three were not collecting shout-outs at the normal PO Box.

  16. Randy C.

    Looking forward to doing the commentary with you car-car!

    p.s. Can’t wait for our anniversary!!!!!


  17. 'What The Huck' delivery driver

    I am pleased to announce that since there was only a minimal amount of vomit from the participants and spectators, that the “Hunger Games” was a rousing success! Mother’s Day: We will have the full menu plus a fantastic special that feeds four. (the special is dine-in only) For the unbelievably low price of $59.95*, your table will recieve a large roasted (coated in Thai herbs) chicken, stuffed with two sweet n’ sour baby chicks (to signify the mother-child relationship) and four plates of fried rice. Plus, if the mother shows a manager her stretch marks, she will recieve a complimentary bowl of ice cream! I will be delivering all through-out the southern Cali area from the entire time that we’re open, which is 11-9. * doesn’t include tx+grat
    BIG THREE!!!

    1. John Woo

      Go. Away.

    2. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

      Be quiet “I’m Glad I’m Not Any Of You”/”Dr Crawford” fan

  18. Elcursi

    I sent a $10.00 shout out to 7722 reseda Blvd apt 102 reseda ca and never got my shout out! i had included a $100.00 bill. what gives?

    1. Stone Fury

      Did you use the correct 91335 zip code?

    2. eddie torres

      Maybe people should send Parry $10 in supermarket coupons instead.

      I’ve got some for bleach, draino, and oven cleaner. Let’s hope he uses them to do the right thing.

  19. MrDinosaur

    “Lying cock of sucker.”
    New entry into the top Parry’s Poetic Put-downs.

  20. Jack Carter

    This was a VERY weak Podcast. Come on, guys… You can do better than this.

    1. mr fister


      1. Jack Carter

        Not every episode of ‘Seinfeld’ was great – and not every song The by Beatles song was a “hit”… Still my favorite Podcast — just a swing and a miss this week. I can still be a fan and critque.

        1. Imbecile

          You can complain when The Big 3 get Seinfeld rich. Until then appreciate a free show.

  21. eddie torres

    Who unleashed all the Javahos on this episode’s thumbs-down buttons? I didn’t think Javahos could use computers.

    But they better show up at the June 25/26 celebration. I’ve got some holiday time-share condos to book.

  22. Dick Burns

    There are rumors that the June 25th celebration is being billed as a Javaho-down with a Western theme. Perry’s wearing his favorite pair of assless chaps. This is why he was getting a brim-job on his hat this week.

    1. Imbecile

      Western theme? So Perry will have a wisp of straw in his mouth, among other things.

      1. Dick Burns

        Perry will have straw in his mouth and will also have an Indiana Jones style lasso to corral any unruly men with.

  23. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    This episode was necessary to show Perry as the jerk he truly is.

    1. Get a life

      Dear Lisa,

      You are as sad as Perry. Stop trying to make yourself part of the big three. Any woman who would go to Perry’s apartment must be starved for attention.

    2. Just blow me

      If u don’t like my nigga Peary then beat it sucka as nigga

    1. eddie torres

      I bet Parry would sue somebody important for those sweet parts in Manimal and ALF. Or maybe just get down on his knees and… pray to Javaho.

  24. Cleverbot

    Guys, you need to learn how to get along together. Perry, you need to hear this message too. Maybe a little time apart isn’t such a bad thing. I hope that Don and Perry can resolve their differences. Seeing other people can help.

  25. What Perre really needs is some time to himself, catching bass with a Ron Popeils Pocket Fisherman, Ron Popeils Pocket Fisherman, for all your pocket fishing needs, its Ron Popeils Pocket Fisherman, Pocket Fisherman, Pocket Fisherman, Ron Popeils Pocket Fisherman.

  26. Dr. Crawford

    A serious comment. Given the recent revelation of his mental handicap, what are the ethical implications of tricking and laughing at Perry? Let us not be like the Nazis who would laugh at the Jews before gassing them.

    1. Alarming Andrew

      If I recall correctly, Don and Mole didn’t charge Perry $500 for a rap song. In fact, once a week they feed him and stuff his pocket with $10 bills.

      1. Alarming Andrew

        Sorry, replace “pocket” with “pouch”.

  27. Dustin Hedberg

    it doesnt seem ethical on paper… but knowing perry hes not vry ethical himself he wouldnt get along with anyone…. with out the fame from jimmy kimmel, johnny knoxville don barris etc he would be just another handicapped guy rotting away in his disibility paid for apartment beating off to internet porn, stalking the other women in his apartment complex and yelling at telemarketers on the phone…. with this he gets to make movies ,podcasts, meet famous people at least live an unique life,and hes got laid with hot chickswithout being famous that wouldnt have happend he would bea virgin.. he does hafta put up with some shit sometimes thats rly harsh perry doesnt get social cues but again perry knows what he has to do sometimes to play his “part” to befunny so he isnt THAT handicapped…… put it this way if you think making him famous giving him a career is taking advantage of him that would be nothing compared to what real bad ppl would do to him in th real world…. we must remember perry was a crackhead before he met the gang so the path he was on before he met don was not a good one.. and look where he is now … more exciting life then most ppl haha

    1. Red.mac

      Perry gives crackheads a bad name, ya know!

      1. Dr. Jagoff

        Yeah, but he was in the best shape of his life. Smoke crack, push-up push-up, run three miles, buy crack, run three miles, smoke crack, push-up push-up, repeat.

    2. eddie torres

      Totally agree.

      Without the Big 3, the wear-and-tear on Parry’s back and knees from bending down to “work” for crack would definitely be heavier and would probably require expensive surgery by now. And his fanny pouch would be a lot lighter.

      1. Alex

        I don’t know if Don may be reading this or not, I may message him on Twitter. But I’d really like to know how the Big 3 Met and how they got Perry off crack. Because I believe he was on Crack around the mid to late 90’s, a few years after they met.

        I’d just like to know how it all started. Did Don and Perry bump into each other one day, was Perry doing his “standup” and Don spotted him, or was Don just minding his own business and heard Perry screaming and thought he should follow the voice?

        I’d REALLY like to know how Mole met Perry.

        1. simplydon

          There is a story on how I met Perry & there is a story on how Mole became part of the show … It has been mentioned on the podcast before so I’d like to see if anyone else knows how everyone met? Get in touch with Perry and ask him so he responds on facebook and let’s see what his recollection of how things happened … I will say that I met Perry 20 years ago this May 31st and I knew that he was special right away.

          1. Harry Benson

            Perre was found while trying to make it big at the comedy store i think. Mole became part of the show after he won the ‘Hey mom look at me im on tv contest’ im pretty sure. I used to know these things, but that HN diet makes me lose weight and memories like crazy.

            Harold Benson

          2. Richard Heene

            According to Perry (in the movie WCH), Don discovered Perry at a comedy club, fell in love with his voice, and wouldn’t let go of him (“not in a gay aspect”).

            I think I heard on the podcast that Mole won a Land O Lakes butter competition of some sort and joined the Simply Don The Public Access Show. I’d like to hear more about this and think it would be great to see a video clip of his first appearance, if it exists.

    3. eddie torres

      Even more ironical:

      Without the Big 3, Parry probably wouldn’t be able to afford any healthcare payments related to his repetitive neck injuries from riding skateboards designed and built by a mentally disabled person.

      “Watch this…”


      1. Dr. Crawford

        I am conflicted. Your arguments have merit, but would any degree of mockery of a severely retarded person be justified by ample amounts of fame and money? Howard Stern used to regularly bring on disabled people and reward them with substantial prizes, but even Stern saw the error in this and put a stop to it.

        Ask, what will you do? Thank you.

        1. eddie torres

          The “Bwahahaahhahahahhahahahhah!” wasn’t meant as an attack on Parry. Parry is not “severely retarded.” The world-famous Dr Lecter determined that Parry’s pathology is 1000 times more savage and more terrifying.

          Parry himself said in this very episode: “I am the Master of Disaster! It’s all called the Master! I AM THE DISASTER! I fuck with you 24/7! No, wrong… 72/7! It’s called 3 days in 1! I skulled your brain in a fucking fire! And, I burn you like a fucking crisp!”

          My question is: Should people who receive mental disability payments design skateboards that riders get neck injuries on? Hmm…

          Without Big 3 cash, those neck injury victims would be spending their lives addicted to smack and homeless on the streets giving hand-jobs for crack. It’s easy, mmmkay.

  28. simplydon

    biggggggggggggggggggggggg threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  29. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    No, not starved for attention, just thought Perry might be a decent dude.
    I really did.

  30. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    I love how nerds on a comment board for a podcast are telling *me* to get a life. Bite me podcast lover!

    1. Dr. Crawford

      Lisa, you could masturbate ten casting directors, and it wouldn’t matter. You are not the original.

      The Scaremaster. Perry Caravello.

    2. Get a life

      Lisa, you really need to get over yourself.

  31. Just blow me

    I’m also known as Steve DIRTY DICK Johnson,and my brothers Dusty Dick and Little Dewey Dick Johnson can Confirm my story about Kerry blowin a guy @ the Viper Room parking lot.

  32. Just blow me

    It looks like Alex and Lisa have a thumbs down comp. BIG THR333333

  33. Dr. Crawford

    Get a Life, the irony of your name and apparent aims are profound.

  34. Alarming Andrew

    Can we cut the negativity here people? We sound like a bunch of Perrys.

    1. Stone Fury

      I agree. A lack of professionalism. A bit like an actor yelling cut…

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