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Dial “M” For Murder

The show starts out when Don & Mole have a suspicion that Perry may have used the taping of last weeks podcast as an alibi to cover up his involvement in a human sacrifice for his religious beliefs. Perry uses his anger to try and prove that he had no involvement in the Big Bear Human Sacrifice Murder.

Show Summery


Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out

Show Trailer

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

Show Gallery

This Post Has 128 Comments

  1. Dick Gozinya

    The fuck’s with these whale noises?

    1. Say wha?

      Dick, wtf.

      1. Dick Gozinya

        I got brass instruments and whale noises as a download. where’s the show? pleeeeeeze don’t tell me perry fucked the mics up again…

        1. simplydon

          Dick … The show isn’t officially supposed to be up until Saturday morning and those aren’t “whale” noises, it’s the theme from a movie.

          1. Dick Gozinya

            Thank you Dan. I’ll check back tomorrow. I thought the show came out on Friday. My mistake.

        2. Dr. Crawford

          Expect the podcast to arrive whenever they figure out the technical problems of the week. They spin a giant wheel to decide which technical issues will go wrong each episode.

    2. Just blow me

      It’s the beginning of The Shining

  2. Aldo Chella

    I’m Aldo Chella!

    1. Karate Chop Jones

      And I’m Karate Chop Jones!!! KARATE CHOP!!!!!!

  3. chuckie

    its pink floyd?

  4. timmy big balls

    it’s the theme from THE SHINING. dammit…taking a trip today…wanted the big three to entertain me for an hour of it. well…plan B: interstate masterbation.

  5. Nick (Seattle)

    Haha that might have been the funniest promo yet. Can’t wait for the show! Hope you guys can arrange for future recordings from the prison Pairie will be at for that murder.

  6. Mike Grande

    Dan – where did you get that cool recording of the whales? I’d love to get a copy for entertaining.

  7. Red.mac

    I thought it was clear that i get the first comment on each show!

    1. Musgrave322

      We never promised that you would do such a thing. If you want to leave the first comment on the podcast, you have to keep refreshing the podcast homepage until a new episode comes up. Plus no one cares that you leave first comments.

      1. Red.mac

        Not cool musgrave! Not cool.

    2. Judo n Slade

      Didn’t even make first 10. You need to have Randy wake you up earlier at the Y

  8. the80ees

    Check me out on YouTube, under the80ees. I have a few Windy City Heat vids.

    Support the Big 3!

  9. koko

    Very excited to listen to this one! Perry looks awful in these pics. His ridiculous hair and his ugly clothes! Does he even look in the mirror before he goes out? He’s a total fashion victim
    and a dog worshipper.

  10. damien

    cant wait love the show.

    Dont forget to DONATE!

  11. Dustin Hedberg

    once the big three go on the joe rogan experience or the deathsquad show its gonna give them the push they need and the extra podcast audience

    1. Red.mac

      Rogan, unfortunately isnt a fan.

  12. Dr. Crawford

    Expect the podcast to arrive whenever they figure out this week’s technical problems. They spin a giant wheel to decide which technical issues will go wrong each episode.

  13. Dustin Hedberg

    don u can either look at the impatient fans as assholes cuz some are… but i think its awesome ppl love the show enough to wait for it and refresh the page for hours…… must be a good show for ppl to wait like that

  14. The Pear Master

    Don’t take this as a complaint Don but when you put up these songs instead of the podcast, the real podcast episode that follows, won’t show up when I refresh my podcasts in itunes in the following days when there is a new podcast up. I have to download it off this page. So it sorta takes out the convince of just hitting refresh on itunes and getting it there. I’d suggest just uploading the podcast whenever it comes out, late or not and NOT uploading Shinning scores, etc. Cause it fucks up your own itunes feed. I assume you don’t know this. Like Meta World Perry, only the Rucka song comes up in itunes cause I downloaded that before you later released the real Meta World Perry podcast.

    1. Judo n Slade

      Shut the hell up Pearmeister. Did they tell Michaelangelo to hurry up and finish painting the Sistine Chapel? NO- because they knew it would be a masterpiece and that the Italians were slow at everything including bathing and hygiene. So give the master Don some slack. It’s always worth it

    2. simplydon

      I’m sorry, I’ll have the problems fixed as soon as I can.

  15. The Pear Master

    That, or just don’t release two podcasts with the same name cause itunes will only display the first listing you downloaded and as a Big 3 SUPERFAN, I always refresh my shit and ended up only getting access to the first version of the podcast with the same name, which to no fault of your own, isn’t the real podcast episode. If a podcast is late and you want to tell us, don’t release that first update with the same name as the following podcast.

  16. The Pear Master

    List the Shinning score as “Dial M for Murder Preview” that way when the real “Dial M for Murder” podcast comes up, itunes should properly display both.

  17. Alex

    The music is from The Shining! Jesus christ you guys couldn’t even answer those easy riddles John Quincy Adams quizzes.

  18. Jack Carter

    Don’t say the Podcast is always up Friday in the promos – then half the time dont post it until sat. morning – that is misleading.

  19. Stone Fury

    To all Big 3 fans,
    Please be courteous. Don and Mole spend so much of their time providing their devoted fans with this great podcast. The show is not bringing in any real money, so I for one am very grateful that they continue to faithfully put out new podcasts every single week.
    I know that we are all eager to find out about Perry’s latest murder victim , but let us please refrain from bombing the comment page with useless garbage or rants about the podcast not being posted at the crack of dawn on Friday morning.

    Thank you Don and Mole for all the great work so far. I feel that the Big 3 are really on the verge of getting the big time attention they deserve.

  20. eddie torres

    As soon as the podcast arrives, I will be contacting the world-famous Dr Lecter for a full psychological profile of the Big Bear Human Sacrifice Murderer and his (or her) links to Javaho Nation.

    In the meantime, my fellow Big 3 fans might be interested in browsing the details of some other recent Javaho Human Sacrifice Murders:

    “Human sacrifices suspected along Mexico border” –>

    “Judge finds man guilty but mentally ill in daughter’s murder” –>

    “Judge’s error reduces prison term for man convicted in daughter’s slaying” –>

    “Family Murders and Tortures by Javahos or Why It Might be Unsafe to Marry a Javaho” –>

  21. The Pear Master

    In case you can’t see it on your end Don, this is what itunes looks like when you can’t get the full podcast episode cause you release a preview with the same name and itunes doesn’t recognize them as being different, even if they have different release dates.


    Notice between Meta World Perry 2:18


    Dial M for Murder 3:32

    There is no option in itunes to download Meta World Perry 1:07:00.

    Hope this helps. Please don’t take this as a complaint. I love you guys more the dog.

  22. Dustin Hedberg

    i agree this podcast is going to pay off for them….. its only a matter of time… i know whats funny… and this is a different kind of comedy… the video trailers are so funny i cant help but wonder what a whole video show would be like… just need to put the big 3 out there more…. going on rogan will help with the podcast part, look at any comic who goes on his podcast, they get an instant rise in twitter fallowers and fans … the more you listen to the big 3podcast the funnier it becomes, and the way they involve the fans keep the fans immaginaions in the show… i just wish there was a better way we could think of collectively to support don, mole, and parry so they can get this thing runnin full steam….. see how louis ck set the 5 $ precident? its affordable enough where real fans will buy it and not download it.. the big 3 could maybe put out a mini movie every so often and charge 5 bucks for it.. maybe 30-35 mins of some kind of video content.. the podcast could drum up support for the $5 video mini movies.. joey diaz just did it and released a $5 dollar documentary.. i and MANY other purchased it because they found him thru the joe rogan podcast…. all these things connect together and the ingredients are out there.. the big 3 is funny as hell and im ready to keep showing my support… sry for the long rant

    1. Stone Fury

      I hope that someday we will be able to see the video footage of all of the podcasts.

      1. Alex

        You know, I try to get people interested. I post about the podcast and WCH on forums and wherever, not niche forums, but general forums. People respond well to let’s say a trailer for Piranha 3DD or amusing viral vid or what have you. But if I post anything about the Big 3 I get no response.

        I don’t get it.

        1. Just blow me

          I got alotta ppl into Windy city Heat and now telling them about the podcast,but let’s face it fuckers are lazy these days.Big3 be the best.

        2. Demetri

          When I post about the Big 3, I always link to the videos on Youtube of Perry knocking down the table, and the Oklahomos scene. Those always seem to get the most response.

      2. simplydon

        It ‘ll happen soon with the video footage of not only the podcasts but the history of the Big 3.

  23. Dustin Hedberg

    i think when you say ” the big 3″ ppl think the 3 stooges and their like ” ahhh whatever”….because when you think 3 stooges you think childish…. its rly something you have to just explore to find, or have an avid fan explain it to you,,, the average person based on the logo & advertisement on itunes alone isnt going to be interested in the big 3 podcast… you have to be introduced to the big 3 , just like i was introduced to them by ace network.. ive seen windy city heat before then but didnt know the back story, and once i knew the back story i was locked in…. this isnt a show where ppl can just discover it and start listening it needs to be put out there and explained… when i seen windy city heat i didnt know don was a comedian, ding dongshow, jimmy kimmel, didnt know about mole or perry….and without knowing back story it just seems like 2 guys fucking with an idiot but with the back story its SOOO much more…. but like i said it only a matter of time before everyone knows the story and they become big 3 fans… again sry for my rant and unwanted marketing advice i know im no don draper

    1. The Tambourine Comedian

      Exactly, there’s so much to explain, and it’s so, so worth it, but just unusually difficult to get people to check it out (in my experience). The blend of Don and Mole’s genius humor with the purposely (and perfectly orchestrated) low-brow stuff makes introducing it to someone a dicey prospect because they either have the preconception that it is just “2 guys fucking with an idiot” making sexist/racist jokes or that it requires too much knowledge for a layperson to get the jokes. Both are false, obviously.

      When you try to explain the elaborate backstory of the Big 3 to someone before they watch WCH or *especially* hear the podcast you realize just how much there is. Maybe it’s really better if someone finds it naturally on their own (through the podcast, promotion, seeing the movie on Comedy Central at 3AM EST or however) rather than having a die-hard fan shepherd them through all the in-jokes.

      I’m really fortunate that I stumbled upon the original airing of Windy City Heat on Comedy Central and — unlike with EVERY single other “Comedy Central movie” in the early 2000’s — thought “that looks interesting, I’ll stick around and watch.”

      Extra lucky, really, because I’m almost positive I saw the first commercial for Windy City Heat earlier THE SAME DAY it was airing (and I had Comedy Central on in my room nearly 24/7). As I’m pretty sure Don has mentioned, Comedy Central really “knocked over the table” so to speak when it came to promoting the movie.

      1. Alex

        I think some people can ‘get’ it without seeing WCH. The best episode to start with is Gay Bullied with Andy Dick. Not only is it possibly the funniest episode but it lays everything out with who everyone is and explains the Randy Callahan incident.

        There’s something about it the Big 3, and it’s not just the discussion about their personal lives and pop culture, that just doesn’t click with people. There’s a few posts on WCH on IMDB where people say this is the worst film ever and didn’t laugh once. Granted, these guys could be trolls but it furthers the point that some people just don’t get it.

        I cannot understand why. I don’t care if you like high brow humor and jerk off to Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times or watch every Adam Sandler movie, I don’t think it’s possible to not laugh while watching WCH unless you’re deaf, don’t speak the same language, or some mutant humorless person.


    inseead of windy city heat 2 you guys should make ‘Windy City Heat: 1992’ where stone has to blow dudes for clues

    1. Just blow me

      Blow dudes for clues had me Rolling.Thumbs up.

  25. 'What The Huck' delivery driver

    Don’t feel like slaving over a hot, messy grill while your spoiled-brat kids are screaming, “When’s the overly-processed, pink-slime mystery meat gonna be done!?” Well, then bring the fam on over to W T H! On Memorial Day, we’re gonna have one lucky customer hit a Bin Laden shaped pinata that’s filled with American flags and candy. I guess you could say that we’re gonna put the MEMORY in MEMORiYal Day! On an unrelated note, Mary Jane, that sexy goth look makes me wish I could see less pics of the three stooges and more of you. Darlin’, you truly are bringing the sexy to podcasting!
    BIG THREE !!!

    1. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA


  26. Dustin Hedberg

    the the tambourine comedian brody stevens?

  27. BigDfromDixie


  28. BigDfromDixie

    Listen. Anyone who commits time every week to download and listen to this podcast obviously gets some level of enjoyment out of it, so nobody should have to hold back or sugarcoat their feelings about how the show is managed. As somebody who discovered the Big Three around the fourth or fifth episode on the Carolla network, I became instantly intrigued by the hostility and rage that seemed to dominate every interaction between these three guys. But I was even more baffled by what appeared to be the cruelest, longest running practical joke that had ever been played on one man. I honestly spent the first couple of shows trying to decide who, if any of them, were pretending and whether any of it was real or all just a wonderful script. I quickly figured out who the joke was on, though, and must admit that, for a moment or two, felt really bad for this poor guy whose best friends had apparently sacrificed their own “real lives” in exchange for the chance to destroy somebody else’s.
    Then I heard how he talked and saw how he acted. And, like everyone else, I quickly got in line and began cheering for them to push it even further, make things even worse, more surreal than ever. It was an entirely different kind of entertainment and it was addictive.
    But the show had it’s drawbacks. The constant challenges around sponsorship and scheduling became frustrating to the listener. Being on Carolla’s network only made it seem worse. Here was Carolla, busier than the Big 3 combined, yet able to post a quality show EVERY DAY, without issue. I’m not sure if it was the lack of sponsorship that led to their eventual departure, but I can assume it didn’t help. What sponsor would advertise on a program that could never be counted on to deliver on time ? Even the Adam & Eve’s and and Amazon, the big 3 of podcast advertising, wouldn’t waste their time on a show that might go weeks without mention of a new episode.

    And it only got worse when they moved studios. The show was difficult to locate, particularly with those irritating musical intros being posted on itunes, completely fucking over the listener and making it even more cumbersome to find a show that, honestly, didn’t seem to interested in being found. Loyal listeners who had invested the time and energy to find, download and listen to every episode available; some of who, myself included, began growing increasingly frustrated and, eventually, resentful, at the complete lack of consideration or commitment that seemed to result in a weekly pattern of technical problems and excuses that made this loyal fan angry more than anything.
    Because whoever is responsible for this show, whether it’s Don, Mole or their producer or somebody else, he or she is doing a shit job and should either devote the time and effort needed to produce a dependable, regularly scheduled podcast or do something else entirely. Because the podcast is getting stale for the same reasons it’s never posted on time. The same bits and same lines every week was funny for a while. Hell, for a LONG while, that’s how good they are. But doesn’t anyone else want this story to advance already? For things to develop, even as the characters stay the same.
    I thought that when Don moved the show to a new studio, we could hope it meant they’d decided to make a real effort to produce a solid weekly episode. But that lasted about a week before things started falling apart. Week after week, I would arrive at the website and learn, contrary to what appeared in the pictures and show description, that there was nothing listenable on the site. Next week, same thing. Following week, the recording malfunctioned. Then they started this shit with the music posting on itunes. Annoying not just because it was a cop-out to avoid actually taking accountability for another delayed episode, but also because nobody on their side bothered to realize that, in doing so, they made it ten times harder for their listeners to find the show once it was finally posted for real. And that was the last straw for me. I could live with all the other bullshit. The delays, the stale plot points, the repeated episodes for weeks, even the “special” episodes that lasted four or five minutes before listeners learned that something had kept them from recording a full show that week……again.
    No, I stuck with it through all that because I really liked the show and really was rooting for them to succeed and get their chance to show the world how funny they were together. But when they continued, several weeks in a row, to post those music intros on itunes, even after people explained on the website that it made it hell for the fans, I couldn’t take anymore. I felt like I cared more about the show than they did. It sucked,
    I got a new laptop today and had to re-subscribe to all my favorite padcasts again. One by one, I scrolled through the top comedy shows and selected the same ones I’d always enjoyed. I kept scrolling, through the 100s, the 200s, up into the deep 300s. I had long since stopped recognizing ANY of the titles remaining on the list. This was just the comedy podcasts, but there are clearly thousands of them. I could still be scrolling now and I doubt I would have come across the Biig Three yet.
    Even if I had, I think I would have just kept on going. Because when the combined time it takes me to find your show, listen to the excuses, then constantly return to the site to see if its actually available; when the listener, who has so many alternatives in this space alone, is left to feel that he must devote more time and energy to locate and listen to the show than the talent spends producing and posting it…..well then the joke is on us this time, not Perry.
    I say GOOD DAY TO YOU!

    1. eddie torres

      Take your new laptop and all your “100 or 200 or 300” other crappy podcasts and shove ’em all in Teresa’s cooch, carollatard.

      B I G 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      F O R E V E R !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Stone Fury

      Your entire post basically boils down to what? That the podcast is not put out at the exact same time on the same day?
      These guys all have other jobs to actually bring in the rent money (except Perry who is content to just sue people and scam social security).

      I will tell you the biggest reason why the podcast sometimes does not come out when we expect it: they have to deal with Perry and all of his lies and bullshit.

      Perry keeps running off to Big Bear, or to San Francisco, or he’s off finding his next murder victims…. Half the time Don has to go from truck stop to truck stop to find Perry who has again lost track of time at the gloryhole.

      I treat the podcast like a fruit tree in the backyard. Sometimes there’s fruit ready, sometimes you just got to wait a little bit more.

      1. eddie torres

        Or… or…

        Parry is running off to Big Bear AND San Francisco finding his next murder victims AT every truck stop along the way WHILE manning the gloryholes.

        Check out THIS article at the LA Times: “FBI makes a connection between long-haul truckers, serial killings” ( And, see the official FBI Highway Serial Killings Initiative map of over 500 unsolved highway murders at . There’s at least 20 in California alone.

        Ted Bundy once said: “We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere.”

        Then Parry said: “I am the Master of Disaster! It’s all called the Master! I AM THE DISASTER! I fuck with you 24/7! No, wrong… 72/7! It’s called 3 days in 1! I skulled your brain in a fucking fire! And, I burn you like a fucking crisp!”

        Vary scary, vary scary…

        1. eddie torres


        2. Just blow me

          Manning the glory holes…….CLASSIC

    3. U S Bates

      Proof that 95% of ACE listeners are mouth breathers.

      Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig 3!!!

    4. Demetri

      “Carolla, busier than the Big 3 combined, yet able to post a quality show EVERY DAY”

      If Carolla didn’t have help from technical people entirely taking care of that aspect for him, there would be no Adam Carolla Podcast. You can’t compare his show to this. He went from terrestrial radio and converted all of those listeners to podcast fans, he’s bringing in money and paying people to take care of the technical side. The only guy working to get this show out is Don, and he gets very little help.

      “The show was difficult to locate”

      How difficult is it to go to

      “to post those music intros on itunes, even after people explained on the website that it made it hell for the fans”

      This is the first week I’ve ever heard of that problem.

      “a show that might go weeks without mention of a new episode.”

      The only time that ever happened was with the transition to the new studio. For an un-sponsored podcast, they have been VERY consistent in putting out new episodes every week.

      “the listener, who has so many alternatives ”

      There are no alternatives to The Big 3. It’s the only show of its kind.

      “must devote more time and energy to locate and listen to the show than the talent spends producing and posting it”

      Flat out insulting to Don. It takes 2 seconds to check this site and see if there’s a new podcast. Don puts hours into the show every week, and for what? For a small group of diehard fans who love what he’s doing. Certainly not for people who tell him he does a shitty job and whine about not getting their free entertainment at the same time every week. What is so hard about waiting until the podcast is ready?

    5. Howard

      Big D, and from the content of your post I doubt that is a fitting nickname,

      The time it took you to write your essay was more time than I ever spent trying to find a new Big 3 episode. The episodes are always conveniently located on this website. If the “teaser” music tracks are on iTunes instead of the new episode, then good lord, just download the new episode once it’s up. I just looked up The Big 3 Podcast on iTunes and clicked in 4 different ways, trying to understand how even a simple mind like yours could have trouble getting the latest Big 3 goods.

      While I can relate to your impatience in anticipating the new (sometimes late) episodes, I hardly see this as a reason to shit a brick and stop listening. This podcast is still struggling to launch, with no sponsors and a co-host that constantly threatens to quit. All the money that it takes to produce this show (equipment, electric, bandwith etc) come out of Don’s pocket. Give the guys a break and enjoy the show when it’s available.

      Now, as far as the show being “stale.” You must be sippin that purp. This podcast is the highlight of my week, and from the looks of the comments, of many others. It’s obviously not getting old to us. You just are not a fan, and that’s OK. But honestly, you can’t state empirically that it’s not funny. This is pure comedy gold. And let me say, it’s not a long-running “prank” as you said, it’s a show about pop culture and their personal lives. Perry fancies himself a star and has a short temper, which makes him fascinating to watch. Mole and Don were begged by Perry to host this show with him after Perry’s mother croaked. “Fans” like you actually spend the better half of an afternoon thinking up criticism of a great show, because you have so little going on in your brain that you invest time and energy in being a hater. This show is unique, and its current kinks just add to its charm. I think of it as a public access show… which at one point, it was.

      Good day to YOU,


    6. Dr. Crawford

      That might be the most well-written comment yet on the site. However, I think you are putting too much value on some minor issues, but I do think having fresh material and moving away from older material is paramount. In the absence of guests, I think the Big 3 should embrace further fan interaction in the form of call-ins or something new.

  29. Joeweed

    There are some great fans on here and funny ones, too. But there are more and more assholes that aren’t funny.
    I feel like there is some humility needed to get the show and that some are getting confused that this is school yard “pick-on” humor. I have never felt that this was that. It’s an unbelievable find of a character who can be maneuvered in certain ways but will always fall into his true character and Dan and Mole are the perfect guys to do it.

  30. BigDfromDixie

    I don’t think you read anything I wrote if that’s your response. The one true constant is the humor, without question. I only wish they had the ability to deliver it more effectively.

    Maybe Don’s too busy with Kimmel and the DingDong show and Mole certainly does a lot of writing and side projects too. But they owe it to themselves and their fans to give this thing a real shot, the exposure of a well produced podcast has absolutely made comedy careers for far less talented acts. They should find a way to make it work, deliver a well produced show every week and they would ride that same wave, possibly even further because they’re that much better.

    But they can’t do it half ass. They’ll lose more than they’ll gain.

  31. Dr. Crawford

    Fans, let us encourage the Big 3 to be the best and the greatest that they can possibly be. We need to have the courage and the compassion to criticize. We must articulate their faults in order that they may grow to the highest heights. False optimism wins no battles. Thank you.

    1. Just blow me

      The BIIIG THR333 entertain us all,so let them deliver the podcasts however the fuck they want,alotta us fans appreciate our weekly dose of the podcast,except these damn Javahoe’s always being Captain Critique and slaughtering defenseless living creatures of earth.

  32. Rucka's Nucka

    Perry makes me want to puke. He also gives me a boner. He gives me a puke boner.


    Fans, let us encourage Dr. Crawford to be the best and the greatest commenter that he/she can possibly be. We need to have the courage and the compassion to criticize. We must articulate his/her faults in order that he/she may grow to the highest heights. False optimism wins no battles. Thank you.

  34. Randy Calahan

    Can’t wait to listen to the show. The first picture under the show gallery reminds me of my encounter with Mr. Karavello.

    1. Randy! I am ashamed that you are on the computer again without my permission! How did you even figure out the password?? If this continues, I will be moving the Compaq back upstairs to my room.

  35. Just blow me

    We all love the BIIIG THR333333 Podcast here and also m-f’s love the thumbs down button as well.

  36. koko

    the way i see it there’s only one way that the Big 3 podcast can explode:

    1. Bill Simmons! This guy is the pop-culture guru with millions and millions of loyal fans who will try anything that he recommends. On top of that, I’m pretty sure Tony B. and Simmons are friends since Simmons once made mention about Tony’s lackluster fantasy football team on twitter and also they used to work together on JKL. I wonder if the Big 3 podcast is on Simmons’ radar. I will write Bill Simmons a message about this amazing podcast and cross my fingers that he gives it a listen and a shout-out. I figure its worth a shot. Biiiiig Three!

    1. Choky McChicken

      Yeah, I’m pretty sure what this podcast needs is help from a sportscaster.

  37. J-Rock

    Where is the show??? It’s messing up my entire weekend!

  38. Scared of Perry

    I dunno why Don is starting to defend Perry for, since all he does is Lie and steal from his friends and laugh at other people’s misery. Don Perry is a piece of shit, If people say Perry Blew Randy Callahan let them say it. Perry’s had his chance at laughing at other so let the fan laugh at Perry. It’s like the old saying what goes around comes around.

    1. Nicole

      I love it when Don and Mole defend Perry. Perry makes himself sound like a bigger asshole when people defend him.

  39. eddie torres

    I think it’s time, once and for all, to get the Podcast Fight-to-the-Death Club grudge match between Carolla’s Show and the Big 3 together. Right Now!

    Mary Jane can rip Allison apart, but I bet the ‘bosses upstairs’ get them to do it in bikinis in a mud pit. Mole can take Bald Bryan, no problem. Carolla can “box,” but Don would get inside his head and make him punch himself by mentioning Carolla’s weird mom and his unholy Taboo II obsession.

    That leaves Parry vs Teresa.

    I’m pretty sure Teresa knows Krav Maga, so we might have to sacrifice Parry for the final victory. He will be missed…

    1. Stone Fury


    2. The Computerman

      It was probably the Perry Virus again!

  40. Glad I'm Not Any Of You

    Dear Barris,
    I am kindly asking you to please put an end to these boring, lame, uni-dimensional, boring 16 year old douchebags who shit-out 1400 page novels and/or comment 37 times every week. Yes, I do feel really bad (not really) that these mental retardates can’t get laid, but why do I have to suffer because of it? Please consider a “no more than 2 posts per week” rule. No matter what you decide, I will still be a big fan. Thanks Mr. B.

    1. Richard Heene

      You call him “Dr. Jones,” doll!!!

  41. Dustin Hedberg

    why does it matter to you how much anyone comments on a COMMENTS section ? please put and end to assholes that bitch at COMMENTORS for COMMENTI
    NG too many times in the COMMENTS section

  42. Bippy Babka

    I bet if Jimmy Kimmel were running things the show would have been posted by now…..

    1. Howard

      Well, Jimmy’s tired of being sued by Perry so what are we gonna do.

  43. big 4

    where is the podcast i have waited all day

  44. Soggy Vegetable

    Mole’s sunglasses are ballin.

  45. Richard Heene

    PODCAST IS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  46. Dustin Hedberg

    the ding dongers were funny as hell on the deathsquad show!! redband fits in PEFECTLY

  47. Nicole

    I LOVE this podcast!

  48. Stone Fury

    Wow Perry is really out of control. He is like a queer version of Natural Born Killers.
    I feel that Perry is perfecting his kill techniques much like the Zodiac killer did back in the…. wait a minute… oh no, could PERRY BE THE ZODIAC KILLER?!!!

  49. Soggy Vegetable

    Everyone should check out that Ustream link in the summary. Some funny stuff in there. Also Don said Windy City Heat is coming to Blu-Ray with added content. Awww yeah.

  50. Mattt

    Was this podcast worth the wait or what!? So funny. Proud, damn proud to be a fan.

    1. Louis Cypher

      Best. Episode. Since. Gay. Bullied.

  51. Rick Santorum

    “Fake disability scheme? FAKE DISABILITY SCHEME?! (Perry’s castrated man impression) FUCKKKKKK YOUUUUUUU!”


    despite what a few negative cunts have to say, I think the last couple month run has been the finest yet, and I’ve been listening since week one. BRAVO BIG 3!

  53. Howard

    I like how all the anti-Dixie comments happen to have 4 thumbs down. Troll much? #FuckBigDFromDixie

  54. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Say It Ain’t So.

    I stumbled on this clip of good ol’ J.C. telling Sammy Petrillo some bad news about J.Q.A. !!

    Has Perry struck again?

  55. eddie torres

    I love Don’s Big 3 hat. We need merchandise!

    I hope they’re available (plus t-shirts) at the June 25th Twentieth Anniversary Celebrity Celebration / Human Sacrifice Power Hour. I’ll bring cash.

    1. Demetri

      Don was saying that they’re going to have like 5 different t-shirts available, including “Who that lady go in that movie?” and “06/26/92 Never Forget”.

  56. New York Mets Pitcher R.A. Dickey

    I’d like to dedicate my 7.1 inning, 10 strikeout win over the San Diego Padres to the families of Perry’s many victims. My knuckleball was fueled by my anger over the recent actions by the Randy Callahan knuckle-shuffler.

  57. Collin

    I just saw a headline that said, “Mole in the Vatican”.

    Congratulations Mole.

  58. Alex

    Stop thumbing down comments Dyzdak!

  59. Columbo Caravello

    “I see he’s Italian and we Italians have got to stick together,” My reply to Joan Stacey after filing in a missing persons report. From my Columbo TV Episode – “Any Old Port In A Storm”.

  60. Ex President Clinton


  61. Richard Heene

    I hope that when the time comes to cast the movie Windy City Heat 2, Beantown Heat, or any other film project, it will be remembered that Perry Caravello considers himself to be PERMANENTLY DISABLED and is UNABLE TO WORK.

    1. eddie torres

      Even in California, the state disability insurance program says: “An independent medical examination to determine your initial or *continuing* eligibility may be required.”

      But maybe if somebody wants to stay in the program, all they have to do is say something like, “I am the Master of Disaster! It’s all called the Master! I AM THE DISASTER! I fuck with you 24/7! No, wrong… 72/7! It’s called 3 days in 1! I skulled your brain in a fucking fire! And, I burn you like a fucking crisp!”

      I wonder how many other *alleged* Javaho Human Sacrifice Interstate Trucker Serial Killers are being financed by the California disability insurance program.

    2. Burts Big Basket of TP

      You are known to be a fucking creep, go fly a balloon. Perry is disabled. Any idiot can hear the cat is in pain.

  62. 6' of vert

    Hey Perre, you remember what happened last time we danced? Still think its a good idea to fuck with me again a day before your big show? Check this out, ill break your neck again motherfucker.

  63. Whoopi Silverstein

    Hang in there, Scaremaster. You’re doing great!

  64. Christian Szell, Nazi War Criminal Diamond Owner

    Does Parry have any healthy teeth to drill into? Cavities don’t hold up under torture, the nerve is already dying. It’s kinda my thing. Just curious.

    1. eddie torres

      It isn’t safe. Randy already sucked all the diamonds outta Parry’s mouth.

  65. Richard Heene

    Neil Leeds knew from last time he was involved with the podcast that it is not family-friendly. Don is being very nice about the whole thing “for the record” but as far as I am concerned, Neil is a flake. And not funny like a Mole Flake. Just an unfunny flake who should never have come back to the podcast if he couldn’t deal with the language and subject matter.

    1. Dr. Crawford

      To be fair to Neil, Perry crossed a big line when he used the ‘F’ word a couple shows back. A lot of shocked parents tucked their kids in early that night.

    2. eddie torres

      Neil never seemed willing to connect his support for the Big 3 with real-world mattress sales. The Big 3 never appeared on-site at one of his outlets — shouldn’t that have been one of his main advertising strategies?

      Lost opportunities…

  66. Red.mac

    Check out the joe rogan podcast bob Goldthwait is on and they talk about windy city heat at 1:20:00.

    1. Alarming Andrew

      He says “it’s the funniest thing I’ve been involved in, that’s for sure.”

    2. Alarming Andrew

      This is terrific. Heaven for a WCH fan.

      Don, to say Joe respects you is an understatement.

      1. eddie torres

        Joe Rogan: “Did you ever worry at any point in time that you were dealing with a crazy person?”

        Bobcat: “Don Barris? I worry about that every time I deal with Don Barris.” [laughs]

        Joe Rogan: “I love Don Barris. But, the other guy…”

        Bobcat: “I think Don is a great actor, besides being a funny guy. It’s really on the edge. It was a really strange and uncomfortable and scary movie to make. It was really fuckin weird.”

        1. Demetri

          Maybe when WCH comes out on bluray Bobcat can do a director’s commentary and we can hear the whole story.

    3. Demetri

      When are we going to get Bobcat on The Big 3?

      1. Alex

        I’m imagining Perry screaming at Bobcat in his Castrated Man voice and Bob screaming back at Perry in his usual crazy voice…

  67. Red.mac

    Guys you can thank me later for telling you about bob being on the rogan podcast.

    1. Dr. Crawford

      Yeah, but I was the first to recommend your comment so people would give your word the proper respect. I probably deserve a little more credit than you in a way.

  68. Richard Heene

    I have solved the murder case. Like every criminal, Perry made one mistake: mentioning that his friend was “talking about killing himself” the day before he had his “heart attack.” Obviously the friend was suicidal, having been mercilessly indoctrinated in the ways of the Javahoes and was desperately looking for a way to escape their grip. Death was the only answer. Perry — ever the businessman — offered to assist with euthanasia so it would not be as shameful a death as suicide. After extracting a large sum of money from his “friend,” Perry injected him with a heart attack-inducing substance (known only to the CIA and those with Mafia connections) and hightailed it back to L.A. to establish his alibi. Within 24 hours, Perry’s buddy was dead of an apparent heart attack and Scaremaster was a good deal richer. I do hope the authorities will perform a thorough autopsy, unless the Javahoes have already transported the body to their spaceship.

    1. eddie torres

      I don’t think Parry would risk his disability payments, so whatever money he got probably went to the Javahos. They got expenses and mind control weapons and nuclear power plants and dog statues to finance. Bizniz is bizniz.

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