You are currently viewing Broadway Perry

Broadway Perry

Perry starts by dropping a bomb on his true love in life has always been the Broadway Stage and then goes through a list of some of his favorite musicals of all time. Perry later in the show makes the first announcement of the gem of the prize given to the highest donator of the V.I.P. Sponsorship Ticket will get to have lunch at his apartment.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check out

Show Trailer

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Stuart Thompson
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

Show Gallery

This Post Has 74 Comments

  1. big 4

    fuck perry its the new big 3

  2. Perry Caramello

    mole, don barris and rucka rucka ali

  3. Job

    Does the podcast not come out till Saturday morning now?

  4. big 4


  5. Tim D

    Ve the early podcast!

    1. Tim D

      Love the early podcast.

  6. jpmoneypants

    Early podcast makes my Friday. thanks so much

  7. MrDinosaur

    Thank you for the early show, Mr. Barris. You truly are the most professional man in show business.

  8. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    I just woke up in Don’s crack.

    1. Phillip Oliver Holez

      I want to wake up in Lisa’s crack. Rawr…

  9. Red.mac

    Perry you didnt mention your popsicle things.

  10. Mattt

    Hey guys, I just wanted to let everyone know (from behind the scenes a little) just how fucking hard Don Barris busts his ass each week to get an entertaining, quality show out to you as early as possible. He works insane non-stop hours to the point of literal collapse for you, the die hard Big 3 fans.

    It’s hard to see for a lot of people, just how crazy of a chainsaw juggling act this man pulls off day to day, week to week. He is so committed to you guys, and when technical difficulties arise and shit happens. He is bummed beyond description about it. I can tell you with authority, that the one thing he wants is for you guys to be happy with the show each week, and he immerses himself into his work like no other I have ever seen. Both physically and financially. The dude is fucking Superman. He really is. And again, he does it for you guys and gals.

    So when the sound gets screwed up a little, or the podcast is late? It really fucks his day up in a way you can’t believe, and the kryptonite cherry of that shit sunday when it gets served up to him? People, (FANS even) coming on here and bitching about it. (not today…yet, but in the past)

    There was this guy from my home town, that was kind of like a “TOWN CELEB” because EVERYONE knew him. The reason being, he had this huge disgusting growth on his neck. I mean it was like the size of a healthy grapefruit, EASY. It was this purple like veiny, growth. So everyone in my hometown knew this guy by appearance and they knew of course about his growth. But no one ever pointed at him and said. “OH GROWTH ME OUT!” or “YOU REALLY NEED TO FIX THAT GROWTH!” or even just “GROOOOOOOWTH!!” Why? Because he knew it was there, is what I’m saying. He was really bummed about it too. But for whatever reason he had it. Eventually, years later he did get it removed. It was a process though. Our hometown had a fundraiser for him, and raised the money to help pay for the procedure to get his gross growth removed from his neck. In the meantime, the guy was a really nice guy. And knew a lot about baseball and could make balloon animals. No one ever talked baseball with the guy or took a balloon animal and THEN gave him shit about this growth on his neck. This was of course back in the days before internet. If you want to help us with our growths, warts, fly being down…whatever. Pointing, bitching and whining about it will not do anything to help.

    Look, we can take our licks like anyone else and were all about the positive “brody stevens” energy and constructive critique. Just keep it mind, that Don Barris pretty much does this all on his own and the fact that he pulls it off as well he does with this already insane schedule….its close to fucking Javaho Christ like.

    So give the man a hand is all I’m saying. Show him his due with a verbal hug or blow job for that matter. If typing something is all you can do for help. How many times has Don Barris and the Big 3 made you laugh out loud? Filling your brain like a cookie jar with grandma made like chocolate chip endorphins? I’m not trying preach, and this is by no way coming from him. He’s probably gonna be a little pissed at me for posting this as you’d never hear this from him. Why? Because he’s a fucking soldier and marches through the shit no matter what. But I can tell you, it means an EPIC FUCK LOAD to him, when people post there gratitude and love for this show. I’ve been working with him for the last 2 months or so now and I have so much respect for this dude. He’s the real deal.

    If there are tech issues that you guys are seeing and you feel like you can help, Again, not by just pointing at them and saying…”GROWTH!” But actually help. Please feel free to contact us at We are all about it. We want this ship to sail smooth, we want you guys to be happy and more than anything we want this keep growing and growing….(At least till Dec 21 2012 when the world ends.)



    1. Red.mac

      that was effin beautiful. bra

    2. Stone Fury

      Well said Matt.
      I am sure that the negative posts were from Perry, Randy Callahan, Sandy Gallagher, and Disbarred Dyzack. Perry has been working to sabotage Don’s hard work with his negativity.

  11. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    Mattt <–is the extra t for extra 'tude? 😉

    Thanks for the props to Don! I've constantly told him how much I adore his hard work and spread the word to all the Big Three fans. I'd also gladly give him a BJ if the opportunity ever arose. Or me him and Mole could just go play skeeball and "have a good time."

    I would advise anyone and everyone to take the comments on this Big Three board with a grain of salt. Don should know that *true* fans don't waste their time bad mouthing him. True fans constantly tag him on FB showing their undying love for his hard work, awesome sense of humor, and sexy bald head. Oh yeah… that's me. But I'm not alone.

    Don and Mole… you guys are the best! I love all your hard work despite the unprofessionalism of Perry. You make him what he is by creating humor around what would normally be an unfunny, arrogant, smelly, fake-disability-scheme greaseball Italisn trying to get his due. I know this from experience in meeting Perry face-to-face and realizing that he is a true pig and hater of women.

    Don and Mole, however, are the big brothers I never had and my love for them is undying. They have an AMAZING work ethic… Don especially.

    I will kick anyone in the balls or pussy who disses Don again.

    BTW, Thank you Matt and MaryJane for all your amazing work too. I hope you bring disinfectent to use after working with Perry. He gave me Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease after he kissed me at his apt. I have pictures & a drs note to prove it.

    1. Lisa C. Jablonsky

      Also thank you to Stuart and Jordan!!!!!

    2. Phillip Oliver Holez

      Lisa, I really hope you’re feeling better. Perry is a scumbag.

  12. eddie torres

    If anybody missed it in the last episode’s comments, Bobcat Goldthwait was on Joe Rogan’s podcast this week and they talk for a while with Brian Redban about Windy City Heat. Funny and positive. Bobcat said: “I think Don is a great actor, besides being a funny guy. It’s really on the edge. It was a really strange and uncomfortable and scary movie to make. It was really fuckin weird.”

    Plus a whole lot more.

    iTunes, Joe Rogan Experience, episode #223, starting around 1:20:00 in.

    1. Red.mac

      Torres you wouldnt have any idea about the podcast, untill i mentioned it. Your welcome.

      1. eddie torres


        Thanks, but I had it downloaded earlier and didn’t listen till last night. Rogan was talking about Bobcat last week, and if you’re actually Redban you mentioned it on your Deathsquad Ding-Dong in-studio show. 🙂

      2. Dr. Crawford

        Actually, Red, he wouldn’t have known about it if not for me recommending your comment to the world. You can thank me.

        1. Red.mac

          As the president of the big 3 fan club i do what ever i can do to spread the word about the big 3.

  13. Prince Vince

    OMG Dan TGIF and TY for putting this up today, the rest of my work day just got so much better!

    Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig 3!

  14. eddie torres

    Also talking a little WCH later in the Rogan/Bobcat podcast, at 1:57:20…

    Bobcat: “The way we treat the mentally ill in our country is we just choose to ignore them.”

    Joe: “Or, we put ’em in movies.” [laughs]

    Bobcat: “You’re not gonna let it go, are you.” [laughs]

  15. Just blow me


  16. Pope Caravello

    Please use Levelator on your podcast to smooth out the levels, which are are always uneven. This is one of the few podcasts where I have to constantly futz with the volume while listening to it.

    This is free and easy to use, and it should noticeably enhance your sound quality. Go for it.

    Perry sucks.

  17. Stone Fury

    Perry needs to fully explain his relationship with the Javahos and what it is that him and his Javaho friends are doing at Godtown with all of those dogs.
    I suspect that this may be the area where Perry and his Javaho brothers killed young Nathaniel.
    Is Perry molesting these poor dogs while claiming it to be a religious ceremony? How does the ritual child sacrifice fit in to the Javaho religion?
    This podcast poses more questions than answers. It really sounds like Perry is completely out of control.

    1. eddie torres

      Also, for us fans, is Parry cooking spaghetti with sausage, or with shrimp scampi, or with steak & lobster, or with spinach souffle in his apartment on June 24/25? And why is Nick already invited? How much money did he actually donate to the Big 3?

      1. Stone Fury

        You’re lucky if Perry gives you a third of a sausage with your spaghetti.
        I have heard that Perry was just joking on todays podcast, of course everybody IS INVITED for dinner and a nap at Perry’s apartment following the holiday show!
        His only rule is to admire and touch his trophy at least twice, and to take a hot shower before getting naked.

        1. eddie torres

          I also gotta remember to bring razors and shaving cream for those who need to shave their balls. Or other parts.

    1. eddie torres

      With a bright future and potential funding for WCH II on the line… Parry blows it all to hell.

      Thanks Parry.


    2. Richard Heene

      Interestingly, if you click on the link and read Page #1 of Perry’s complaint in the lawsuit, Perry’s own attorney misspells his name.

  18. 'What The Huck' delivery driver

    Uh,oh. You’re unable to impress the ladies at the beach because you can no longer squeeze into your pink and green polka dot thong!? Not to worry, my fat amigos! We here at W T H have already begun to create a weight-watcher’s/heart-healthy menu! The first meal consists of: Two deep fried, double dipped, tempura-battered pork chops, four pork egg rolls, fried rice (fried in bacon grease) and a chocolate and fudge sunday for dessert. Who says you can’t lose weight the delicious way? Hell, I bet that you burned 60 calories just by dreaming about our new healthy dinner. Turn that dream into a reality by waddling your fat ass on over here! What, to fat to even fit inside your car? Just give me a call, and I’ll deliver this vitamin-packed, low-cal delicacy right to you!
    BIG THREE ! ! !

  19. Musgrave322

    I will send a $10 dollar shoutout soon, Don Barris and the bosses of the podcast needs to know that Perry Karamellow did some acts that were outside the podcast and deserves to be punished for.

    1. He rigged Jeff Gordon’s 86th career victory at Martinsville Speedway by planting a remote control device under Clint Bowyer’s #15 Toyota.

    2. He invaded another podcast 3 or 4 months ago called Rucka’s Late night and started talkin sh*t to Rucka and all of his nuckas.

    3. He caused a fight with me on facebook for calling me Gayest of all Gays for commenting on a photo of the ding-dong show picture.

    4. He almost promoted a skateboard commercial where we see the real proof where he hit Nathaniel Jackson with his skateboards several times until his head exploded. He was with Salvador and his Italian gang in order to evade from this gruelsome murder.

    That is all that I wanted to say for Perry’s Punishment. Have a nice summer and good luck on the Karamellow/Callahan 20th aniversary show.


    hey sound guy maybe wear some headphones next episode!! who gives a shit if you can hear Perry or not (his mic was actually a little hot)as his high girlish voice bleeds into every mic in SoCal, but when I can’t get my weekly Mole I get pissed!!
    Much love and appreciation for the entertainment, despite that small issue. I would gladly volunteer my services but I am not in the US.

  21. Dr. Crawford

    Gentlemen, you can learn more from a criticism than from a compliment. By criticizing, you give the gifts of wisdom and humility–surely, they are better than gold!

  22. Jack Mehoff

    If Perry gave a guy a hand job while the guy gave Perry a blow job just to get IN show business, I wonder what all Perry is going to do when he decides to get OUT of show business??

    1. eddie torres

      Some kinda 3rd input Javaho dog ceremony with Tijuana fireworks and genital tucking like Buffalo Bill in ‘Silence of the Lambs.’

      Going out with a skin job and a handy.

  23. Collin

    Hey Dan. Thanks for the show. Glad pEry didn’t blow it this week.

    1. Collin

      I hate to reply to myself, but man, I’m so excited about going to eat dinner and nap at Stone Furry’s house.

      1. Dr. Crawford

        Sorry, I already made a bid.

  24. Lovely man

    The audio issues could have been fixed with a competent producer? I love the show, but damn?

  25. Whoopi Silverstein

    I’m normally a pretty big fan, but after murdering Eric last week, I couldn’t bring myself to listen to what Perry did to those 13 & 15 year old boys.

    1. Shit-Filled-Dumpster

      Thanks for the cool link. Unfortunately, Don’s mic volume was too low and Rogan kept talking over him. Biiiiiiiig Three!

  26. Alarming Andrew

    More musical ideas:

    * Ain’t Misbe-chest-shavin’
    * An American in Perry’s
    * The Book of Moron
    * Cabargay
    * The Mattress King and I
    * Receding Hairspray
    * The Fanny Pack of Notre Dame
    * Oklahomos!
    * Scaring in the Rain
    * Jerkoff Boys

    1. eddie torres

      * All That Jizz

    2. Alarming Andrew

      I knew this would get down voted. This forum is more negative than Perry.

    3. Imbecile

      Fanny Pack of Notre Dame wins. Starring Perry as Quasihomo.

      Perry gets flogged by the public, cleans himself off. “Another day in fuckin’ paradise.”

      1. Alarming Andrew

        And another take in case it gets played on the Disney Channel.

        1. Imbecile

          The Big 3 pay homage to the final scene of WCH, with Randy Callahan dressed as Frollo falling down a tower like Jiggly Wrigley.

          Also before that Perry yells “Sanctuary!” as he cums in Randy’s mouth.

  27. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    Mornings are for assholes.

  28. George Lucas

    Kinda’ meh episode. Just seemed like the guys couldn’t think of anything new other than grabbing Perry’s fanny pack and mock his Javaho religion.

    Hope next week has a special guest.

    BTW: Don and the Ding Dong Show on Ustream were great!

    1. Nicole

      I thought this episode was great. I loved when Perry was talking about musicals and the 13 year olds who messed with him.

    2. Demetri

      What about when they talked about the spaghetti dinner at Scaremaster’s house? That was amazing.

  29. thomas jefferson

    Let me get this strait perry wont allow guys to come into his apartment, but has no problem letting them come into his mouth. what kind of logic is that?

    1. Just blow me

      I agree

  30. Stone Fury

    I think it’s time for Perry to settle down finally and to adopt a disadvantaged African baby.
    The website for making donations for Perry’s new baby will go up the next few days. We can find orphaned babies for $2200 a piece, and we get a price cut if we buy Perry four or more babies.
    Let’s help Perry get his wish for an apartment full of happy black babies.

    1. eddie torres

      I bet the California Department of Social Services would be ecstatic to have a single guy like Parry – who’s already state-financed – raise foster kids for them. Hey… he’s a sk8boarder so he must be good with kids, right?

      “Watch this, kids…”

      It’s win-win.

      1. Imbecile

        It’s a total win both for parties. The child gets raised in clean, prosperous Reseda and Perry gets to have a kin to leave his fortune to. Maybe keep the skateboard business going, maybe finish that rhyme for Perry that he paid $500 for.

        I just hope Scaremaster’s racism doesn’t get in the way of a budding family. Perry doesn’t react well to blacks unless they’re sports stars.

  31. big 4

    biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig 3

  32. Dick Burns

    Does anyone know if the “still kicking” Cookie Caramello will be making an appearance at the Chairmaster’s 20th anniversary of being a homosexual jamboree? What about his daughter? This would be a good chance for Rucka to get up in that.

  33. Imbecile

    Add “anti-Semite” to Perry’s list of charming qualities. Now that this info has come out, it makes me rethink the time he injured Saul Steinbergowitzgreenbaum’s leg.

    Accident or Perry’s Final Solution?

    1. thomas jefferson

      If i recall perry never finished his anger management requirement of smashing potato chips in his armpits, i may be wrong about that. and his praise for Mussolini kind of goes what your saying

  34. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    This is my impression of Perry… ::Lisa puts on a neck brace and starts violently shrieking about my fanny pack being touched by Mole::

    Perry is naturally hilarious at being himself. He is not funny when he tries.

  35. Red.mac

    I heard the bid is up to $300.00 Large.

    1. simplydon

      It’s not a bid … We are trying to raise money to help put on the show so we are taking DONATIONS and the biggest DONATION will get the Perry lunch.

      1. Dick Burns

        Don, when you say the “Perry lunch”, are you referring to the kind of vitamins and nutrients Randy Callahan got from Perry’s ejaculate all those years back? If so, the donations will pour in!

        1. thomas jefferson

          im not intentionally trying to be a conspiracy theorist but as time goes on i think we will find out that perry was the one that chugged down the omega 3 fatty acids

  36. thomas jefferson

    I would be afraid to have dinner at perry house. He probably will put something in my farfalle, and try to take advantage of me.


    What the hell is perry doing talking to two teenage boys, and why is don trying to cover it up,I know perry is a child pedifiler, what kind of movie was he trying to make with those boys…..just makes me sick

    1. eddie torres

      It’s called “The Penn State Story.”

      Very hush-hush. I think Randy Quaid and Nick Nolte are attached.

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