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Meeting in the Middle

Don and Mole return with an all-new segment, until unexpected guests arrive…

Mole joins the show a little worse for the wear after a snowboarding trip with Don and Terrifying Tim. 2T’s still recovering, but Don promises a podcast unlike any other. The guys then jump into a brand new segment, until expected guests arrive…

Be sure to check out Don Barris at the Comedy Store, now performing every night.

Also check out the various Facebook pages for Don, Mole, and Windy City Heat.

Follow Don on Twitter @SimplyDon1

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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

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This Post Has 38 Comments

  1. Jose L

    Yesss! I love Scary Ferry! I mean Perry.

  2. Yes

    Hell to the mothafuckin YEY-AH!!!!

  3. Bronson

    Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Three!!!!!!!!!
    I hope this one has my $10 Shoutout

    1. Don Barris

      Where you from Bronson?

      1. Bronson

        That’s me!!!
        I hail from mighty Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and enveloped a crisp purple $10 Canadian bill across the border a couple of weeks back. I take it my name was on the list that got lost, maybe next show.
        Best podcast on the internet.

  4. Belasco

    Fantastic news! I hope Perry has committed to being more professional and stop phoning in those “Perry’s Corner” segments.

  5. Enrico

    I don’t see how this show is going to be entertaining now that Fairy Perry is back. He’s annoying. I don’t think I’ll be listening any more.

  6. is

    bigggggggggggggggg 33333333eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  7. Juan the Miner

    Yay! Scary Fairy, alright! Big tree!

  8. Randy

    Scary Fairy is the greatest!!

    1. Tairy Hesticles

      Dude just because he blew you doesn’t make him the greatest more like the gayest.

  9. koko

    my prayers have been answered. BIIIIG THREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

  10. koko

    also its nice to see Mole and Perry doing a fistbump in the pic above. know who can’t do a fistbump? wolverine. (Mole, ep. 7, 2010).

  11. Lewis Chan

    I couldn’t believe my ears when I listened to the podcast today. I was expecting comedy, but the overt, ignorant, anti-Chinese racism was absolutely shocking.

    What century are we living in? What kind of ignorant ass would think that racist, derogatory impressions of minorities is in any way appropriate. That was one of the most appalling displays of bigotry I have ever experienced.

    I think an apology to your Sino-American fans (should you have any left after this) is more than called for. Personally, I can see that Perry is a racist and I won’t be listening to the show as long as he is on it.

  12. Muff

    Quick question: If Perry blows a different guy other than Randy Callahan some time in the future, that won’t be grandfathered into the new show agreement, right?

  13. noterotic

    Gotta be real for a second. This is my favorite podcast. I’ve listened to every episode at least 4 times each. I was really worried that it wouldn’t be coming back. I am OVER THE MOON that Perry is back (and about The Little Laddie campaign). I’m glad that you guys were able to come to an agreement with Perry. I know he will at least be able to cash in from the $5 Randy Calahan jar so that should keep him happy.

  14. Demetri

    Perry, Randy Callahan did not rape you. You had gay sex with him in exchange for a SAG card, and to be an extra in a movie. That’s a transaction. In other words, you were a gay prostitute. Instead of saying that you were raped, just admit the truth. Get Terrifying Tim back on the show. He doesn’t lie.

    1. Ford Prefect

      Someday love will find you
      Break those chains that bind you
      One night will remind you
      How we touched and went our separate ways
      If he ever hurts you
      True love won’t desert you
      You know I still love you
      Though we touched and went our separate ways

  15. That Guy

    SAG card, more like FAG card, amirite?

  16. Nick (Seattle)

    Is that the dude from that old show 3rd Rock from the Sun?

    1. Nick (Seattle)

      Wait, no, but it sure as hell looks like him in that main picture. Anyway glad to hear that the Big Three is back! I’m sure Barry Garabello will be able to buy plenty of Sobe Pina Coladas with the money earned from the new Randy Callahan jar.

  17. dusten

    I love this podcast.

  18. Yabels

    Welcome back original Big Three!!

  19. Dub

    What’s the meaning of this interruption? Can that big baby not show up at the start of the show when Don is ready? I’m just really frustrated. Reallly, really frustrated. Pary screwed this one up BIG TIME!

  20. J-Rock

    How about having the Big Three THREE times a week?!

  21. Graham Wellington Boone

    Are we gonna get The Big Three on USTREAM? I bet Don could make it happen because he’s from Michigan. Don MAKES THINGS HAPPEN.

  22. Tairy Hesticles

    Hey could you please send me the address you would like me to send the Randy Callahan money too. I have been telling everyone about this fruit Perry, and him blowing all these dudes just so he can be famous. I am probably somewhere in the tens of thousands in these $5 debts.


  23. Melissa

    I’ll bet Perry has a really sexy ball sac. He can steep his tea bag in my hot water anytime!

    1. Ford Prefect

      As a budding horticulturist, I object to the misuse of “sac”.

  24. Mwahahaha, look what’s happened to DamesHACK and his merry podcast. Shambles!

    Thanks for never missing a podcast (for non-legal/suspension reasons), show ’em how it’s done!

    Thriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Bee!!!

  25. Chris

    STITCHER! How come all of the Ace broadcasting podcasts are on stitcher except The BIG Three?

    1. Ford Prefect

      Wrong venue. How come you can’t buy heroin at Walmart? Because Walmart doesn’t cater to lower class heroin addicts.

  26. Ford Prefect

    FYI sports fans: according to the Packers, the “G” stands for “Greatness” not “Green Bay” or “Grapenuts”.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with Grapenuts. It’s a legitimate breakfast choice.

  27. Ford Prefect

    [I am carpet-bombing. Where is the next podcast?]

    Seriously, how many fucking shows are supposedly aimed at the Proletariat? But how many of those dare say “Shut your fucking mouth”?

    On the other hand, I really like this new “Crest 3D Whitener” toothpaste. My teeth — I’m being completely honest here, actually look whiter!

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