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Perry Loses In Court

Perry came to the podcast in a terrible mood because earlier in the day he was in court in the “Perry vs. His Family” law suit where he lost his big case. Once again Perry brought his personal life to the podcast and it brought the podcast down because he carried his negative attitude though out the show.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3  Check Out

Show Trailer


Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 94 Comments

  1. Just blow me

    Fiiiiiiiigggggg Treeeeeeee’s

  2. Musgrave322

    Hope my $10 Dollar Shout-out comes to you soon. But in the mean time….

    BIG THREE!!!!


    Mole’s back baby!

    doesn’t matter if the podcast is late sometimes… you can’t rush genius. I don’t understand why the episode page has to go up before the podcast every week though? trying to build hype?

  4. R.A. Dickey


    1. Alarming Andrew

      Perry’s “knuckle shuffle” is almost as good as your knuckleball.

  5. Linda Johnson

    Best part of my friday workday is listening to don, perry and mole! Don- last weeks episode with the shrink was timeless, please bring him back more often for further pyschiatric evaluations!!!

  6. Sandy Gallahan

    Perry Lost?! Man, I can’t wait to hear this!

    1. Musgrave322

      I wasn’t surprised that this will happen to Perry. Another court case that Perry blew.

  7. Jeff Smith

    seriouszly cant get 1 pudcast up intime? dang, loserz!

  8. Tim D

    You put your hand and it’s right there.

  9. big 4

    hands in…biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig 3!

  10. Alex

    Don, it’s okay that the podcast isn’t up yet. I think just giving the people on eta on when to expect the podcast up is more than enough.

    Biiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggggg Three!

  11. Jack Carter

    Mole is the choice of a new generation.

  12. Randy Callahan

    Maybe Perry should have asked the judge for a “Pie Extension”.

  13. Soggy Vegetable

    Perry should sue the judge that ruled against him.

  14. Dr. Crawford

    Let us be patient in allowing the Don ample time to perfect his contributions to comedy. Protest makes no expediency.

  15. Ed

    We will wait, because The Big Three is the best podcast ever

  16. Koko

    Perry should’ve let mole do the ‘banana peel’ joke for the judge. Who knows… Maybe the outcome would’ve been different. I wonder who perry will sue next?

  17. Collin

    Perry should sue himself next.

    1. upset jerry

      dont laugh He probably will

    2. koko

      He should sue his right hand.

  18. Ira Tarded

    Dan, thanks for all you do. The Big 3 Podcast is the highlight of my week. You deserve a medal for having to put up with an asshat like that jagoff Perry as much as you do. You’d figure a guy who has the system beat like he does could at least be tolerable to “work” with. Instead, he’s gotta be a prick 24/7.

    Again, thank you. Pass my well-wishes on to Walter too. You guys are saints.

    Tell Perry he should bathe more, quit being a queer, and start being nice.

    Ira Tarded

  19. Alarming Andrew

    Picture 23 confirms what most fans already suspected: Perry is in love with Don.

    1. upset jerry

      Don does have gorgeous eyes

    2. eddie torres

      Or he might just be trying to make Mole jealous.

  20. big 4

    This may be the most anticipated episode of the week.

  21. upset jerry

    Im a relatively new listener to the podcast so forgive me for asking. Did this guy perry give some guy an H.J. 20 years ago to save his job? I ask because if i was in a position of power i wouldn’t just want a handy ( i could do that myself), i would want the full girlfriend experience.
    At first i Felt bad for this perry guy because i thought he was taken advantaged of.But then i did the math and realized he was 30 when this happened. I am wondering if there is more to this story that he feels ashamed to admit to. Its OK to be gay, its time for your people to shine.

  22. upset jerry

    according to Wikipedia on june 26 1870 – The Christian holiday of Christmas is declared a federal holiday in the United States.
    If we can get all of the big three fans to sign a petition, maybe we can make perrys special day a holiday as well.

    1. Judo n Slade

      Hey Jerry: For a new listener you’re awful mouthy. Now shut the hell up, watch Don do his magic,and don’t comment for now.

  23. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    I was eating a bowl of Cheerios this morning and thinking “Hmm, Perry’s small sick would be perfect for these O’s!”

    1. Lisa C. Jablonsky

      Oops, sick = dick. There goes the funny… It must be cuz I’m so goddamn unattractive, huh Perry??

      Mornings are for assholes anyways…

      1. Musgrave322

        Are you still angry at Perry with this Sexual Intercourse incident you had to go through? I should’ve known that Perry would rather watch My Little Pony with Randy Callahan over having some straight sex with women.

    2. Imbecile

      “I know exactly what sick-ooooohhh and I’m gonna find him!”

  24. Dr. Crawford

    Yo, fuck waiting. Where is my motherfucking podcast?


  25. Stone Fury

    At long last Perry Callahan can finally (freely) discuss the facts surrounding this lawsuit.
    When Perry sued Jimmy, Johnny, Don, Mole, Comedy Central, Bobcat… he also sued mysterious John Does 1 to 1000 who were also “named” in the suit.
    As a Federal Appeals Judge, I have often wondered what kind of a sick, perverted, pig of a man would sue someone he does not even know. Well now I have my answer. It’s the same kind of sick, perverted, pig of a man who would sue his own family!
    Way to go Perry Callahan!

    Here are a few people Perry may be interested in suing next week:
    -Obama: kept his change
    -John Quincy Adams: promised an orgasm which never came
    -The dead cow in JQA’s office: emotional harm
    -Charlton Heston: littered trailer with shotgun shells
    -The Cheap Fedora Corporation: for selling sperm proof hats which cannot handle heavy loads

    1. eddie torres

      – John Travolta: stole all Parry’s PR and TMZ coverage

  26. MrDinosaur

    Perry should sue the skate board company that made whatever lousy board he was riding that caused him to break his neck.

    1. Stone Fury

      You can’t sue yourself.

      1. Collin

        Stone fury could….

    2. eddie torres

      “Watch this…”


      1. Alarming Andrew

        Before going to the hospital, he went and got his free Oakley sunglasses replacement.


    So I said to the girl “If your a model let me see you sniff some model airplane glue”

  28. Dr. Crawford

    I’d like to thank all the fans on behalf of Mr. Barris for their continued patience. It means a lot to Don and me to see your love and support of the podcast. Thank you.

    1. Dick Burns

      Dr. Crawford, are you coming to the big show on June 25th? I’d really like to see you there, so I could slap you in the face on behalf of all the people on this page. Your comments are about as funny as Perry’s stand-up. Keep up the good work, ya dildo.

      1. Dr. Crawford

        Thank you. See my comment below.

  29. big 4

    who is getting Cookie’s cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Perry's Manager Nick .

    Don I know you wore that shirt for me , YOU DO CARE !!

  31. Stone Fury

    Somebody tell Perri that the reason he got cut out of the will is because he sued his own mama. He lost in court, of course, and then Gamgam Caramelli cut her stupid pig of a son out of her will.

  32. eddie torres

    On June 25, I would totally buy a VHS tape of the re-enactment of the Randy-Parry jerk-and-blow. And I don’t even have a VHS machine.

    Parry, listen, you could use this money to hire a real lawyer to sue LaBrandt and Liberante for the $160,000 plus the house, and then you could make “WCH II: Parry’s House.”

    C’mon dude, it’s win-win-win!

    Biiiiiiggggg Threeeeeeeee!!!

  33. Sam Stewart

    when i think about perry my ball sack constricts

  34. upset jerry

    since i fell comfortable with you all, i would like to announce that i like to look at good looking naked men

    1. upset jerry

      is that gay, or is that reality ?

  35. MrDinosaur

    I don’t mean to tell Mr. Barris how to run his show, but I really think “60 Seconds with Perry” could use a music bed.
    Maybe kill two birds with one stone and use the “Perry’s Movie Time” theme that the bosses upstairs require in each episode?

    1. Imbecile

      The theme played both times to open and close the segment should count as part of the 60 seconds. That gives Perry a comfortable 45 seconds to get his shit in.

  36. Donna, Don Barris's illegitimate baby daughter

    Boy, is my old man gonna be surprised when he wakes up to see a gift wrapped Rolex for a Father’s Day gift. And I’m gonna be more surprised because I didn’t get that piece-of-shit anything! When he’s not out working or banging hookers or brewing-up homemade stelizene to sell to the locals, he makes me do all of the housework. Do you know how hard it is to push a vacuum with your head when you’re only 1.5 years old!? It’s even more degrading when Daddy straps a tray on my little back and tells me to crawl to the frig to get him a beer. At this point, I would rather sell myself to pedophiles: more lucrative and less humiliating. When he’s away (sometimes for over a day) his idea of a “babysitter” is to place about 20 mousetraps all around me so I don’t crawl away. His idea of making sure I don’t go hungry when he’s away is he’ll place a 4 day old, half-eaten, cold KFC container of mashed potatoes next to me. I’d like to give Daddy Barris somethin’. I’d like to put my baby foot up his middle-aged ass!
    BIG THREE ! ! !

    1. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

      ur proly the same guy who leaves those lame ass “What the Huck Delivery Driver” joke comments.

  37. Dick Burns

    Happy Father’s Day to the greatest homosexual father since Mike Brady, Cookie Caramello!

    1. Nicole

      I love it when a joke has a twist. As soon as I heard “greatest homosexual father” I was sure you were that about the Stairmaster.

  38. eddie torres

    Why would Liberante steal yachts in Arizona?

    For more detail on the Javaho human sacrifice serial killer, the world-famous Dr Lecter suggests: “What is the first and principal thing he does? What needs does he serve by killing? — He covets. — That is his nature. And how do we begin to covet? Do we seek out things to covet? No! We begin by coveting what we see every day.”

    I heard that the mysterious Javaho human sacrifice serial killer covets other men that he sees every day. And then sacrifices them. Maybe on a yacht, or in a big truck.

    Mole and Don: please stay away from yachts and big trucks! Please! It is not safe!

  39. Haters Gonna Hate

    Happy Fathers Day Prairie

  40. Dr. Crawford

    If it’s all right with Don and the fans, I’d like to do some standup at the 20th anniversary show and possibly some improv. I’ve been practicing at home, and I think you will all be very pleased. Please vote accordingly below. Thank you.

    1. Fuck Dr. Crawford

      Ooooooh, such a witty comment, doc. You are so avant garde. You’re like a child who acts out just to get a spanking. I hope no one gives you a negative rating because you’re clearly craving attention. What’s sad is that you really think you’re funny. Don has had to scold your unfunny ass several times on here. Most people would either quit or change their tune after that, but not you, doc, you keep going back to the well. You clearly want to annoy people. Next time you feel the urge to write a comment on this page, walk over to the nearest power outlet in the shithole apartment you live in and stick your dick in it. I think that will yield far better results than another of your witty posts. Fuck you and your fake title, and do us all a favor, get Randy with it and stick Perry’s dick in your mouth, so you SHUT THE FUCK UP!

    2. Dr. Crawford

      Constructive feedback is much appreciated. I’d like to thank everyone for the warm reception. If I can get ten “Thumbs-up” votes, I will count that as a consensus. Thank you.

  41. unnerving terry

    I just bought my bottle of a very expensive champagne it cost 7 bucks. Im all set for 12:00 june 25th biiiiiiiiiiiiiig threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

  42. Matt

    What did Mole do?!?!

  43. 'What The Huck' delivery driver

    I think it’s a damn shame that Don’s baby daughter isn’t grateful for having such a wonderful man for a father. The only thing more boring and lame than idolizing the most over-rated stand-up comedian ever, is when a person misspells their name in a feeble and douchey attempt at trying to be funny. Isn’t that right, BIHL? Hey BIHL, you don’t have to keep typing ‘CRNA’ because we’ve already figured out that you’re a Cunty Retarded Noxious Asshole. This is the first and last time that I waste my time with this boring douchebag. Oh I’m just kidding, BIHL. To show you that there’s no hard feelings, the W T H bosses upstairs have authorized me to give you a special phone # to call and recieve a complimentary $100 W T H gift card! Just call this number and yell, “My name is Bihl, spelled B H I L.” And then come by to pick up the gift card. This special # is only for my buddy, BIHL: 9117358.
    Bon Appetit!
    BIG THREE ! ! !

    1. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA


  44. OklaHOMO

    Is buying online ‘Windy City Heat’ (DVD)the only way to purchase it?
    I of course have seen the movie (on TV and I bought the DVD before), but lost my DVD like 2 years a go — does anyone know if any stores sell it or is buying it online the best way to go?


    1. Demetri

      You can find it in stores sometimes, but you might as well just buy it online. You can buy it from Walmart and have them ship it to your local store if shipping is an issue. Or just find someone to make you a copy or get it off a torrent. The Big 3 don’t make any money off of WCH sales (hence Perry’s whining over residuals), so it doesn’t matter if you pirate it. You can take the money you would have spent on the DVD and donate it to the podcast.

      1. unnerving terry

        i think perry has a crush on you

  45. Red.mac

    Whats the address to donate????? I finally raised 100 dollars, it only took me 2 weeks!

    1. simplydon

      c/o Don Barris
      7510 Sunset Blvd #153
      Hollywood, CA 90046

      If you don’t want tickets and you just wanted to donate to help the cause, go to the bottom of the page and donate on our PayPal account. Thank-You!

      1. matt

        do i still get all the stuff?

        1. BELFONT LAROY

          i believe dan did say you would

  46. unnerving terry

    Robert Allen had another great start and i think its because of the big three

  47. redbatbluebat

    Okay I know there’s a low chance of getting a serious answer here, but I wanna know if Mole is single? I have a giant crush on him. I want to be his girlfriend, even if it’s just for one moment in Don’s back room


      I declare me too

    2. Demetri

      Didn’t Mole say that he was dating “the bus driver lady” a few weeks ago? Also, Mole has multiple personality disorder, so who knows; Big Tex, Tony B., and Nicoletta could all be in relationships.

      1. redbatbluebat

        Noooooooo! According to Perry the bus driver lady was ‘fat’ though! I’m a healthy young lady that can devote endless time listening to him recite numerals in Spanish, so I refuse to give up hope.
        P.S Despite multiple heel clicks, his manager is yet to appear to answer this very important question

        1. Alarming Andrew

          And what about Mole’s prom date, Sue Snell?

          Redbatbluebat, his twin Eddie may be single. Free access to animal serums.

          1. eddie torres

            I don’t know about any “animal serums,” but I bet I could find Jake B.’s pharmaceutical backpack.

            It blows the drugs in Parry’s fanny pack outta the water.

          2. redbatbluebat

            Thanks for the suggestion Alarming Andrew but I’m not gonna settle for Eddie, he doesn’t have the Moley charm I’ve fallen for so hard.
            And who is this Sue Snell? And where can I find her? 🙁

    3. eddie torres

      If you say “Tony” three times and click your heels together, his manager will magically appear and you can ask him.

  48. Dr. Crawford

    I’d like to formally request the return of Dr. Morris to finish what he started with Perry. His rapport and insight to Perry’s psyche are unmatched. Thank you.


      I declare if i may inquire what is your field of expertise DR.?

      1. Alarming Andrew

        Eating cake off of toes.

  49. Dr. Crawford

    We are all men here. ‘Dr.’ is but a prefix.

  50. Terry

    Why doesn’t Don record this stuff on video??
    This stuff is gold.

    1. Demetri

      It’s recorded, it just hasn’t been edited and released yet.

      1. Terry

        When is Don planning to release videos of the podcast?
        I dont’ think i’ve seen any past podcasts released on video…

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