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Best Of The Big 3, Volume VI

After working hard preparing for The Big 3 Holiday Podcasts for months, the guys took a step back and put together this Best Of The Big 3 Podcasts, Volume VI for this weeks show, bringing all NEW introductions for these classic clips. Are they taking it easy this week, HELL NO! We just wanted to play some classic clips to those just discovering the show after the Holiday Shows … So enjoy this look back!

Show Summery

This Best Of podcast starts out with a clip from the April 20th show, “Perry’s Girl Visits” when a girl friend of Perry’s comes to the studio to see a live podcast but she leaves after becoming friendly with Don. Then we listen once again to clip from the May 25th show, “Dial “M”For Murder”, when Perry talks about his friend passing away a couple days after Perry left him up by himself at Big Bear. The fingers started pointing at the Scaremaster wondering if he had something to do with his friends death for religious reasons. That is followed up by the new recording of Rucka Rucka Ali’s, “Give Me a Hand Perry”, the video of this is the song premiered at The Big 3 Holiday Show that straightens up for once and all what happened 20 years ago. We then go back to the June 8th podcast, “Shrink Rap”, to where Don brings in famed therapist, Dr. Tommy Morris after Perry sells out Don & his manager Nick to two kids that were 14 & 13 years old that filled Perry’s head with some bullshit. The journey down Big 3 memory lane is wrapped up by going back to December 2nd & the “Neck Operation Two” episode and the very first “Perry’s Movie Time” segment when he reviewed the film, “Crusin”.

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out


Show Trailer

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 49 Comments

  1. KindaGamey

    Could you guys ask Don Cheadle to revoice the audio for: “$10 shout outs! (ba da da dum!)”? Thanks in advance.

  2. Red.mac

    Biiiiiiiig 3!!

  3. Red.mac

    Hey!! Kindagaye i get the first comment! Never again!

  4. koko

    That’s a great picture of the sunset! I remember when Terrifying Tim said that his favorite part of L.A. were the amazing sunsets. That guy had such an unbelievable perfect perspective on life.

    1. Nigel

      He also taught us “The Three Ps”. Positive thinking, professionalism, and pretty hard work. Completely turned my life around.

  5. Prince Vince

    To me, every episode is a best of.

  6. Musgrave322

    It’s been a sad year since Terrifying Tim passed away thanks to Salvador and Perry’s Italian gang. They used rocket launchers to blow up Terrifying Tim’s Plane in Japan. But in the mean time, BIIIIIG THREE!!!

  7. koko

    I seriously doubt those two could operate a rocket launcher, although it would be funny to watch them try. They’d end up poking a stick at it until it blew up.

    1. Musgrave322

      I never said Perry was with Salvador to do it. I meant that Perry hired Salvador and his Italian gang to take down Terrifying Tim-Perpedic since he is a successful actor and Perry is a fat gay greaseball dirty ass Italian.

  8. Jack Carter

    Mole sure does spend an inordinate amount of time hanging out with John Quincy Adams. Maybe he sees the famed producer as a father figure? Or maybe they’re actually related somehow…?

  9. Jack Mehoff

    I am very sad to hear that The Big 3 had to make yet another “Best Of” podcast due to Perry’s HIV. Perry is a living example for all of us. Anytime you suck a guy’s dick and have sex with another man, like Perry did with Randy Callahan, you too can get HIV. Between Perry and Cookie Caramello, I am not sure who is going to live longer? Cookie, the old man who had the plug pulled? Or Cookie’s son Perry, an Italian gay man living with HIV? Keep up the great work Big 3!!! And Perry, I hope you do not die of AIDS.

    1. Spooky Sammy

      Perry is NOT an Italian. DNA testing has proven that he is actually a Romanian Gypsy from Transylvania.
      But you’re correct in the assessment that the HIV has pretty much drained that little troll of all of his life force. I’m not sure how many more podcasts will be produced due to his imminent death.

  10. damien

    Big3 movie come on.
    that would be the top grossing movie of all times.
    thanks for everything you guys do funniest podcast on the web!!

  11. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Perry’s ancestor wasn’t named Al, it was Antonio,(Corsi) he mentioned him in ep 211.
    There is an old blog post about him:
    And a new one: Here
    Apparently, in the 20’s, he was known for his spagetti dinners. Go figure…

    1. simplydon

      That’s him, thanks for pointing it out to us.

    2. eddie torres

      “Corsi: The World’s First Male Supermodel”

      I can’t tell if this photo is Corsi posing as a Manhattan socialite or a cleaning lady: link .

      1. Spooky Sammy

        Where’s his fanny pack?

        1. eddie torres

          I think he’s too naked for a fanny pack.

          He’s kinda wearing a front-flap pack. Probably made outta dog hide or something.

  12. Spooky Sammy

    It appears that Perry and Randy have rekindled their romantic fire after 20 years apart. Love knows no boundaries.
    They have extended their honeymoon in Greece and are seeking alternative AIDS treatments to help keep the Scare Monger alive.

    1. Don Cruise

      I didnt know he had full blown AIDS denial, i thought it was only HIV denial

    1. Don Cruise

      I wonder if he modeled wd-40 ?

      1. eddie torres

        I think he definitely modeled Javaho human sacrifice in this photo.

        The weapons look like dog-catcher poles.

      2. Makendra

        Good points all around. Truly apadceipter.

  13. Ira Tarded

    I’m rather alarmed at the moment. I just noticed that that Perry tried to punch the beautiful MaryJane. You can clearly see that MaryJane’s hand somehow got caught in the strap of that asshole’s fanny pack (most likely from a group hug attempt that Perry screwed up). Instead of helping her free her pretty hand, he raises his own hand in anger and fury, much like he did to his x-wife regarding the oregano incident. He has a clenched fist ready to strike at the :53 mark.

    Perry, you are a bag of shit. If Perry ever tries to hurt the beautiful MaryJane again, I may just have to call the authorities.

    Don, was MaryJane hurt during the promo taping? Can you please give an update?

    Please tell Perry I think he’s an asshole douchebag.


    1. Louie Anderson

      Dude, pretty sure that was Mole

  14. dustin hedberg

    ira’s right… perry getting physical with MJ warrants a punishment… no wonder he has to hand love dudes.. he wont even let a hot chick touch his fanny pack

  15. Don Cruise

    why are you people thumbing down my comments, i deserve your respect

  16. Andrew P

    Bring Back Frankie Machine!!

  17. Tom Dugan

    Perry’s phone # is (818) 390 – 2999. Call him today!

    1. Spooky Sammy

      Keep advised that Perry does not ever work, so he tends to party and do drugs all night long.
      I would avoid calling him during daytime hours or you might wake him up.
      The Scar Meister welcomes all phone calls from potential suitors, men and women and anything in between.

  18. Dr. Crawford

    Let’s admit it: We love the Big 3 podcast because of Perry and his profound lack of intellect. I propose a two-fold increase of comedy in the Big 3. My method is simple: replace both Don and Mole with severely autistic men who are incapable of intelligible speech. They would require multiple caretakers and possibly text-to-speech devices. The ensuing comedy would be incidental to Perry and his attempts to coerce his new colleagues into producing a show. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

    Please, vote accordingly below. Thank you.

    1. McGooserton

      I love it!

    2. Don Cruise

      I dont agree with Mr. Crawfish. Dan and Mole are the best

    3. Dr. Crawford

      To address any ethical concerns, the men are operating strictly of their own volition and would be handsomely compensated. Among them, Bill has a very high-pitched voice which can be quite grating but also somewhat comical at times. Gentlemen, I thank you for your time, and I am pleased by your strong response. Thank you.

  19. Dr. Crawford

    I just want to take this time to tell the BIG THREE fans that i respect them and love them. I try to be funny but i know that i am not, I’m sorry

    1. Dr. Crawford

      An impostor.

  20. Fuckface

    It’s Perry’s birthday! Let’s follow Javaho tradition and celebrate our favorite gay actors birthday by calling him and wishing him a Happy Birthday!

    Call him!

  21. Bowers, Coast, Fischer

    “Terrifying Tim’s” skateboards are finally put to the test when they are outdone by the SUPERIOR “Scary Perry” skateboards. see the video here.

    1. Koko

      That was hilarious!!!

    2. eddie torres

      Totally scientifical.

      Parry can legitimately call his boards “Neck Crackers” now. Orders will pour in. They’ll fly off the shelves of his closet like sock balls.

      1. Spooky Sammy

        The Department of Labor revealed over 250,000 people filed for disability in the past 3 months.
        How many were caused by these boards?

    3. Spooky Sammy

      Wow I had heard the rumors but never understood the extent of the horrible quality of Scar Meister’s skate boards. They must have some drywall mixed into the inner layers!

      Lab tests from Dr. Louis Pasteur will take several weeks to be finalized, but the first batch of testing reveals a complete absence of any Maple in the board!

      My anonymous source, Marie Curie, also stated that the Canadian manufacturer of the decks is called “Canadian Hard Maple” but actually produces only drywall, cardboard and paper products.

      1. eddie torres

        I think they also make pretty good duct tape.

        Parry could really make a fortune if he’d include tape with his decks.

      2. Alarming Andrew

        Sammy, I’m surprised the “professio-neck” isn’t in your store.

  22. Koko

    He’s gotta be over 100 in Javaho years.

    1. Dr. Crawford

      Javahos don’t believe in calenders because they aren’t in the bible

  23. Alarming Andrew

    With Jimmy getting his Emmy nomination, I can’t wait for the Big 3 Podcast LIVE FROM THE RED CARPET.

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