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Mole’s Gone

Mole is upset with Perry because he believes that the Scaremaster has stole money from him, so he quits the podcast to try his own search and rescue mission to find out what happen to Terrifying Tim. The bosses from upstairs play hardball with Mole and bring people to audition so he can be replaced.

Show Summery

Mole was going through a really emotional time in his life after hearing rumors about Terrifying Tim possibly still being alive and feeling that Perry had stolen the money he earned from the Big 3 Holiday Show. So Mole got in touch with the bosses upstairs to let them know that he has officially quit the Big 3 and made plans to go to the Sea of Japan to try and find Terrifying Tim. The bosses upstairs made it clear that they weren’t going to be blackmailed by Mole and made plans to audition replacements for him and used this podcast to see who had the best chemistry with Don & Perry.

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out

Show Trailer

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:

7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 68 Comments

  1. Prince Vince

    Biiiiiiiiiiiiig 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. big 4

    Thank the lord someone is going to search for tim

  3. Tim-D

    Thanks for early upload again Don.

      1. Spooky Sammy

        Who’s the loser that would give such positive comments a thumbs down?

        I hope that the folks at the Simply Don Podcast Network can track down this pathetic scumbag. But I think we all know who is responsible.

  4. Ira Tarded

    Perry is a disgrace. He’s a disgusting bag of shit. First he steals from Mole and Dan, then passes the blame on to his manager Nick. If I were Nick, I’d drop this asshole of a client like a hot potato.

    Perry, you are a first-class jagoff.


  5. MrDinosaur

    Don’s Mole impression sounded kind of like the Doctor’s Louie Anderson impression.

  6. Scaremaster probably needs the money for AIDS treatments, but that’s NO excuse to steal from his best friend. Shame on you, Perry.

  7. Spooky Sammy

    Is this the end of the road for the Big Three?

    I always thought that Scar Meister would eventually go to jail, or get the death penalty, for all of his crimes.
    Perri is a dirty, lowdown, thieving piece of shit! How dare he scam his best friend Mole?
    And now the bosses upstairs want to replace Mole?! Replace the Scarf Master instead!!!! He just brings down the whole show. He just wants to sell his dogshit skateboards, talk trash about America, and brag about sucking Randy’s dick.
    So here’s my idea, we replace Pery with Carson Daly (the ORIGINAL Stone Fury). Mole can come back now that his backstabbing “best friend” is gone, and the New Big Three can accept that $500,000,000 contract.

  8. Musgrave322

    I say Perry needs to be booted from the Big 3, keep mole, and replace Perry with Rucka Rucka Ali or The guy that can help you make a lot of money for the Big 3 Podcast and Windy City Heat.

    Perry doesn’t need to recieve any more money from any one of us unless he jerks off Mole or Don Barris for ripping them off.

  9. VG

    Parry’s unprofessionalism has gone too far. I was willing to overlook the multiple gay acts he did to get his SAG Card, the murders he has committed, his faking a disability, his overall disgustingness, but to rip off his best friend Mole, the heart and soul of the Big 3 is the final straw.

  10. Spooky Sammy

    I must admit that even though Perri is probably the worst actor/comedian in the country, he does a convincing job at his fake crying.
    Trading car repairs for gay sex is what the Scarf Master does best. He loves it so very much.

    1. eddie torres

      Parry cries like a constipated gerbil. It was almost as believable as somebody trying to skateboard in the desert.

      1. al corsi

        constipated gerbils are what he and richard gere love.

  11. Jack Mehoff

    Very sad to hear about Mole’s departure from The Big Three, but his replacements all brought their own strengths to the podcast. I like what Steven Brody Stevens brought to the podcast with his message of positive energy. Dr. Tommy Morris’s psychological evaluations are spot-on and aimed for Perry to see the true nature of his sexual orientation. Also, Ari Shaffir proved his worth with his incredible marketing strategies geared toward making more money for The Big Three. If all three of these guys can help Perry become a more positive person, show Perry that he truly is a homosexual, while also putting some money in Perry’s pocket, then I am all for that. Maybe with a good attitude, a nice boyfriend, and money for new clothes, Perry will turn his life around. If that does not work out, Perry will just continue to be bitter, in the closet, broke, and looking like a 50-something year old lesbian.

  12. Musgrave322

    I can’t believe that Don Barris blocked me on Twitter. As Mole would say to Perry: WHAT DID I DO?

    I don’t know what I did wrong or what happened to have something like this.

    1. simplydon

      I really thought that because of your profile you were the same type of person that hacked into my computer and made me lose my first facebook account.

      1. Musgrave322

        I would never do such a thing like that. I’ve been really loyal to the Big 3 Podcast and much more professional than Perry will ever be.

      2. Musgrave322

        There must be some mistake. I’m not the person who was associated with Macy’s Mall and Nike. I barely even know how to hack a computer with my own laptop.

  13. Whoopi Silverstein

    Godzilla’s favorite Kings of Leon album? Youth and Rodanhood

  14. Bring Mole Back!

    Holy shit! Jeff Richards is NOT funny. It failed to work the first time he was on — I’m surprised Don invited him back on. Wow. What a disaster he was… AGAIN!

    1. Demetri

      Couldn’t disagree more. As a guest, he ranks as one of the best ever in my opinion. No one will ever top Terrifying Tim, but I’d put him right up there with Andy Dick.

    2. Alarming Andrew

      The bit where he had Perry open his mouth was comedy gold.

  15. Perry's butthole

    Don, Je ff Ri ch ards is NOT FUNNY!

  16. Whoopi Silverstein

    The fact that the Scumtaster’s spent so many hours talking about Randy and is still revealing new details is the biggest reason this podcast can’t end.
    The whole ‘Randy was sitting down and I j’ed him o with my pinky, ring and index finger’ story is about as believable as his fake disability scam. Who blew who?

  17. al corsi


    1. Musgrave322

      Tell Mole that it’s okay to come back if it’s official.

  18. Demetri

    Great episode. I worry sometimes when Mole isn’t there, but this one was a lot of fun.

  19. timmy big balls

    awwwwwww….i just did an 80-whatever relisten to every big three podcast episode, and i’ve decided…i don’t like it when mole isn’t around. why…WHYYYYYY…did perry steal money from such a sweet soul?!

    1. Demetri

      This is episode 90, so we’re getting close to the 100 episode milestone. If we keep getting an episode every week, the 100th episode will be on Oct 19th, coinciding with the 2nd anniversary of the show.

  20. Lassie Maven

    Steven Brody Stevenson is not funny or entertaining.


    “Rectal reconstruction surgery”? I must know more! Somebody please write in a funny letter and run with this! Mary Jane brings it up at the 21:40 mark.

  22. Alex

    Just curious. What are your guys favorite episodes of the podcast? I mean episodes that you not only love but listen to almost all the time.

    Ace Days:

    Gay Bullied
    Countdown to Midnight
    Perry’s Apartment parts 1 and 2
    Managing Miranda

    Simply Don:

    Blood Clots and Christmas
    Perry’s Girl Visits
    Sponsorship Found
    Dial M for Murder
    Holiday Show (Callahandjob) part 1

    1. Demetri

      My top 20 would go something like this:

      01 – Perry’s Apartment Part I
      02 – Contracts
      03 – Gay Bullied
      04 – Big 3 Holiday Show Part II
      05 – Perry’s Apartment Part II
      06 – Auditions
      07 – Pies and Lies
      08 – Believe in Dog
      09 – The Mattress King
      10 – Rucka Rucka Ali
      11 – Perry’s Girl Visits
      12 – Unpatriotic Super Bowl
      13 – Premier
      14 – Drama
      15 – The New Big 3
      16 – Bank Problems
      17 – The 1st Anniversary
      18 – Shrink Rap
      19 – Dial ‘M’ for Murder
      20 – Yurgi – Businessman

      1. Alarming Andrew

        Glad to see Shrink Wrap in there. Dr. M could become the new 2T, with some work. He is the closest thing to Perry’s enemy now. I thought he was a bit too loose in this episode.

      2. al corsi

        what was the name of the podcast that the sang back in black, including daniel monaghan that was my fav

        1. Alarming Andrew


          1. al corsi

            i remember when terrifying Tim was fucking with perry by trying to sign the contract and perry was the most pissed he has ever been. I’m so going to miss terrifying Tim :((((
            to quote Journey DON’T STOP BELIEVING

          2. Demetri

            Tim and Perry also have a Back in Black sing-off in “Auditions”, which is some of the funniest shit ever.

    2. El Bee

      My top episodes are:
      Gay Bullied
      The Mattress King
      Perry’s Apartment Part 1 & 2
      Perry’s Pre-Show Sunbathing
      Dial M for Murder
      Pies and Lies
      April Fools
      The HN Diet

    3. Spooky Sammy

      I’m surprised not to see any mention of THE PREMIERE episode.
      Perri showed his true evil spirit when he tried to kill Saul with the microphone boom.

      1. al corsi

        i think that was the reason perry had to crush potato chips in his armpits 🙂

        1. el bee

          Perry’s anger management training for the Rage Institute sure didn’t last very long. By the way do more Chilean miners need to get trapped for Perry to sing Back in Black again?

    4. Koko

      I think ‘Contracts’ and ‘The Premiere’ are their two masterpieces.

  23. Chris Chase

    I just started to listen to this show and i love it.

    1. Alarming Andrew

      Welcome Chris…

      By now, you probably have lots of confusion about the Randy Callahan incident. If you need anything cleared up, you might consider calling Perry directly.

      1. Chris Chase

        i must admit that i am a little confused about what happened. I have listened to only a few shows so correct me if i am wrong but i think this perry guy swings both ways?

        1. Chris Chase

          also does perry really have AIDS? even thou you cant die from it anymore, its still weird hearing people making fun of him having it

          1. Alarming Andrew

            To clear up this confusion, The Big 3 should think about having a “big reveal” where Perry gets tested for AIDS on-air, and gets the results live.

          2. Chris Chase

            I had the impression that he does have AIDS, i really didn’t know it was unknown, sorry im still trying to get up to speed.

          3. Demetri

            He doesn’t have AIDS, he has HIV. It hasn’t become full-blown AIDS yet, and as long as he keeps taking his medicine, it never will.

          4. eddie torres

            I always thought it was syphilis. Kind of explains all the “oh oh oh” yelling, plus he said he was dropped on his head while young. Do they give lifelong disability checks for syphilis?

            Maybe Don can clear this up in a future episode.

          5. Chris Chase

            so wait let me get this straight, he receives disability for HIV/AIDS? and if he does not have AIDS/HIV what would he get disability for, hes seem physically able to get his ass a job. I really need to listen to all the shows

          6. Demetri

            Perry gets disability because he’s scamming the government with a “fake disability scheme”. He faked a car accident so that he can steal taxpayer money, which he then wastes on prostitutes, crack cocaine, and $500 rap lyrics.

        2. Chris Chase

          $500 rap lyrics? He gets government money to do that? I really like this show, but thats absurd he should be in jail, no? and no disrespect to rap, but its not that hard to “write” a rap song, its all in the delivery, perry should know that because hes a stand up comedian right?

          1. eddie torres

            There’s plenty of unanswered questions floating around, you just gotta go with the flow for a while. For instance, we still don’t know exactly how much money changed hands at the Spaghetti Sleepover before the Big 3 Holiday Show in June.

            Also, we haven’t found out yet if Terrifying Tim’s plane was sabotaged before going down over the Sea of Japan, and I really think the cops should be taking a much closer look at a bunch of unsolved Javaho human sacrifice serial killings.

            Somebody is very good at deception, and I think all the fingers are starting to point in a single direction.

  24. Cary Perrivello

    Have you guys seen the advertisements on the NFL Network that Terrifying Tim is the star of. They are the ads for Fantasy Football. The poor guy must have filmed them before his untimely death in the sea of Japan. Watch the ads, remember the man. RIP 2-T….

    1. Alex


      1. Spooky Sammy

        To think that it could have been Perry in all of those commercials!

        If only he had been more professional, and read the ad copy for ASM P&P like a man…

        TT read the ASM ad just once… and nailed it!

        I believe that TT ads will continue to be shown by the networks as a show of support to the Perpedic family. He will go down as a cultural icon.

        The dead Big 3: Marlon Brando, Elvis Presley, Tim Perpedic.

  25. Prince Vince

    Two words guys, Frankie Machine. You may say Dr. M got to Perry, but go back and give the Frankie episode another play. Getting Perry to yell and scream isnt really a special trait, but what Frankie brings out is a very hostile and dark jealousy that comes out in a vicious, mean-spirited version of the Scaremaster, the likes no other guest as wrought. Frankie is able to continue is casual demeanor, adding to the intensity of the situation, sheer brilliance. If Mole is going to be out another week, I would love to see another round of try-outs, this time involving Mr.Machine. He’s also just a really classy guy.

  26. 'What The Huck' delivery driver

    If Mole’s plane crashed into a japanese military ship, would that not be the ultimate in irony? Or what if TT, Mole, and JQA are being held captive in a japanese cage made out of bamboo shoots? Being tortured by being forced to watch…Oprah reruns!? Waterboarding would be less brain-damaging. That settles it! The W T H bosses upstairs have granted me permission to commandeer the official W T H Cargo Delivery Plane (The USS Feast Beast) all the way over to the “land of the rising sun.” Hopefully, these thousands of pounds of excellent taiwanese cuisine will soften the hearts of their captors and will allow the four of us permission to fly back home. This is the longest delivery I’ve ever made and there’s no gaurantee that I’ll come back alive. So if I don’t make it, I’m giving everything to Don Barris except for my W T H ’employee of the month’ plaque. That goes to Perry Karamello.
    BIG THREE ! ! !

  27. Spooky Sammy


    The Big 3 will accept $20 donations to have their names tattooed on Perry Karavello.
    Each $20 gets your full name, stage name, or short comment tattooed on a piece of prime Gypsy skin!
    Perry could fit probably like $10,000 worth of signatures on his belly alone!
    For $50, Perry will let you tattoo his ass!
    Maybe we can get Mole to do the ink work and make a live streaming podcast show out of it.
    Even after a 3 way split, Perry could walk away a millionaire with some badass tats.


  28. Aldo Cella

    Dear fans of the Big 3.
    I recently read the history of supposed “Italian” super model legend Antonio “Al” Corsi and the shocking revelation of his true Romanian Gypsy heritage. If this is true, then this might be the best chance to purge Parey Karahvelo of the right to call him self an Italian and prevent him from further disgracing our proud people.
    How you might ask? – By proving his “Italian” descent with a 99.00$ Home DNA Test from – Im quite certain he would never pay for this voluntarily, so I’m reaching out to the fans of The Big 3 for help. Please send your cards and letter to the bosses upstaris about making this test a reality! I’m completely confident that Mr. Barris would be more than capable of administering the test and overseeing the return process, if he has the time in is busy schedule of course. Plus it would make for quite an entertaining podcast! Well I would write more, but someone has just stolen my wine.


  29. Chris Chase

    perry said specifically that “when i look at a mans hairy ass, i dont say give me some of that” So does that mean that he likes his men waxed?

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