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Perry Comes Clean

After quitting for good two weeks ago, Mole returns to the podcast but only after Don promises him that Perry will admit that he was the one that stole Mole’s $874.94 that he should have received from The Big 3 Holiday Show. Perry’s story about where the money went had some holes in it after he claimed that he used the money to pay for an operation that quickly changed when Mole said that he felt sorry for him but didn’t feel that it was his responsibility to pay for the operation.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out

Show Trailer

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 46 Comments

  1. Dustin Hedberg


    1. Spooky Sammy

      Fuck Perry!

    1. Musgrave322

      Steven Brody Stevens can have Perry’s Position. I don’t mind.

  2. Jack Mehoff

    Perry Caramello can’t quit. I am still waiting for Perry to talk about the time that he got banned from the skate park for walking in between a teenage guy and his teenage girlfriend and forcibly kissing the teenage girl on the lips (which is a TRUE story by the way, one which Perry discussed with me). Perry just has to realize that any fame or popularity that he has ever had in his life is due to Don and Mole. He should be thankful for these two guys and understand that The Big 3 bring outstanding comedic entertainment every week to people all over the world.

      1. Jack Mehoff

        The story that Perry told me about years ago involving the teenage couple at the skate park was absolutely hilarious. In fact, he has been banned from the skate park numerous times for other hilarious reasons. Perry’s life is comedic gold and it is a shame that he cannot see that.

        1. MR FISTER

          he does see it… he thinks he’s the funniest one in the group. Don and Mole are comic genius… Perry’s more like a comic savant.

  3. Tim-D

    Thanks Don again. Looking forward to listening to this on my way to work.

  4. Rucka's Nucka

    You claim that your twitter account was hacked, and I do keep getting the same direct messages from your account. But what kind of a hacker would ask me for pictures of my cock and request for me to visit their apartment so that they can “get their Callahan on?” I’m starting to think that there is no hacker, but this is yet another unsolicited attempt by Mr. Karamello to have unprotected gay sex with a random man.

    1. Rucka's Nucka

      Does this sound like something he would do?
      Is this professional?
      Did it work?
      I’m on to you Scare Master…

  5. Musgrave322

    This can’t be the end of the Big 3 Podcast!!! We can still find a replacement for Perry Karamellow.


  6. Karate Chop Jones

    Oh God, please bring back Dr. Morris on a regular basis. And please let him do the entire show in his Dr. Phil voice. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. MrDinosaur

    So Perry got in trouble while skateboarding in the desert?

  8. Spooky Sammy

    I’m so confused with all of Parry’s homo encounters. It sounds like he has been engaging in lots of disgusting sex acts with men. I thought the Scum Master liked women, I must have been mistaken.

    But that is actually good news as I am currently the casting director for the upcoming blockbuster “Brokeback Mountain 2 : Cockfight at the KO Corral”.

    My casting couch is open to you Perri. You may cum and audition anytime you want. I recommend you bring your white assless chaps outfit as that would help get you into character.

  9. eddie torres

    Gift ideas for Parry to give to Mole:

    1) 1x $850 bag o’ weed
    2) 2x $425 bags o’ weed
    3) 4x $200 bags o’ weed + a new $50 hat

    Let’s be honest: it was a very generous offer by Parry to get Mole a $850 birthday present. I will hold him to his word.

    1. Spooky Sammy

      Sounds good but Pery will need to hurry… isn’t Mole’s birthday next week?

  10. Nick (Seattle)

    Looking forward to next week’s episode, because it’s definitely going to happen. Perry has nothing else to do, and he has to brag some more about Randy.

  11. Nicole

    Mole made me laugh so hard when Perry had to pee and Mole started to describe his adventure with following streams and crystal clear water.

  12. Alex

    $5 say’s it’s Dr Crawford who’s thumbing down every comment.

    Can’t wait to listen to the podcast later!

    1. MR FISTER

      you mean ‘glad i’m not any of you’? boy I’m glad I’m not that guy

  13. Nigel

    I hate to be a complainer, but a lot of the recent episodes have had what sounds like clipping distortion. Unless everyone is speaking quietly you can hear a lot of buzzing on the mikes, which may mean that the gain needs to be turned down on them.

    Anyway, fantastic episode! MaryJane was great when she gave Scaremaster advice on how to apologize to Mole.

  14. Alex

    “After all this hard work you do this to me? I fucking spit on your goomba ass.”

    Don Barris, spoken like a boss.

  15. Ira Tarded

    I’m sorry its taken me this long to write a comment, but I’ve been distraught all morning since I have heard the podcast. Perry, you are a pole-smoking vile piece of garbage. You have singled out and bullied my friend Demetri Moreland far too many times. I have to speak out in his defense. You’ve outraged me to the point of no return. You have the nerve to call him a “fucking faggot” but in reality it is YOU who made love to another man. You can’t let a podcast pass without you talking about trading dick snot with RC. Then you say you “hate the fucking guy” when referring to Demetri. Perry, I can personally assure you that Demetri is heartbroken. He’s sent in 14 or so $10 shout-outs. I know you’re not too sharp with math, so I’ll help you with the calculations. That’s $140 dollars he’s given to you. Instead of thanking him for his generosity and love for you and the show, you treat him like he’s an enemy. You Facebook blocked him and then you call him names on your podcast. Fuck you, you no-talent idiot thief. Go steal more money from Don’s wallet and screw your friend Mole out of $800 or so dollars.

    With friends like you, who the fuck needs enemies?????

    You’re an asshole first-class and you need to apologize to Demetri.


    1. Spooky Sammy

      You are absolutely right! Perrry should do the right thing and pay for his plane ticket from Hondo, Texas and let him stay at his taxpayer paid villa for a couple months.

      Maybe Demetri should spend his money on better things such as taking out ad space for a free gay hotline at 818-390-2XXX.

    2. Jack Mehoff

      Demetri Moreland’s $10 Shout-Outs are INCREDIBLE!! It angers me that Perry is all about money and not about the show. I have been dying to send in some $10 Shout-Outs, but it sickens me to think that the money that I am going to send in is going to a man who does not appreciate anything good that comes his way. Nevertheless, I am a big fan of this show and feel the need to contribute for all of the free entertainment that they have given me over the last couple of years. So Perry, you are going to get my $10 here soon…but I am going to tear your ass apart.

    3. MR FISTER

      he didn’t just delete him from facebook, it was from ALL OF HIS PAGES

  16. Nigel

    Mole: “Flying turtle. Fire shoots out of its leg holes. Spins around. Two little Japanese girls sing to it.”

    Perry: “A cartoon. It’s a cartoon.”

    Mole: “No, it’s not a cartoon, dude. It’s called real life.”

  17. Alex

    Wow. Explosive ending. Great episode though. I bet the next podcast will start with Perry’s voicemail message begging to come back to the show.

  18. eddie torres

    Parry says he’s ready to move on; Don says he’s ready to move on; the fans say Parry can move on.

    Sayonara, ScamMaster. May you enjoy the career opportunities your ‘talent’ truly deserves. Just remember to invest in some quality knee pads, and maybe dental dams. That’s all I’m sayin.

  19. 'What The Huck' delivery driver

    In honor of Mole making it back safely AND finding out where Gamera has been hiding out all of this time, we here at W T H have created a new promotion called “Game-on with Gamera.” What could be better than enjoying stir-fried turtle, a few veggies, and one of our signature sauces? Well how about if the LIVE turtles were scooped out of there shells, cut-up, and stir-fried right in front of your very own eyes!? AND as an added bonus, we even serve this delicacy right inside the turtle’s own shell! (While the stir-frying is taking place, we have someone wash out the shells for sanitary purposes.) We have over 500 large turtles that roam around our dining room. So, just pick one up and ask one of our many master chefs to fry that baby up. We’ve become a combination excellent taiwanese restaurant and petting/eating zoo for the kiddies to enjoy. But you better hurry, this promo is only good while supplies (turtles) last!
    BIG THREE ! ! !

  20. Todd Akin

    None of Perry’s rapes were legitimate.

  21. Chatum Tanning

    THis is one of the most hilarious and best episodes ever!

  22. Science & Violence

    What I’m about to say may shock a lot of you, hell most of it will be hard to believe but please read carefully.

    I have a close friend who needed plastic surgery a few years ago, and her doctor happens to be Los Angeles’ premier plastic surgeon Dr. Ed Gein M.D.

    Anyway, because Dr. Gein is quite attracted to her he often tells her some of his patients’ classified files….and one of his patients happens to be “The Scare Master” Terri Caravano.

    So while trying to make this post short as possible here are the major details: The money that Terri has been earning through his skateboard scams and the money he now gets from faking his disability has been used for the last 6 years to purchase Estradiol, a female hormone.

    So yes Terri has been taking estrogen for several years now and according to Dr. Gein he plans to undergo SRS(Sex reassignment surgery)in 2014.

    1. eddie torres

      If Terri’s lucky, Dr Gein will install a magic beer box. Terri’s really gonna need a new career.

  23. SteveP

    STOP!!! yelling at me.

  24. eddie torres

    Well, as of Tuesday night Parry says he’s back onboard with the Big 3. I guess that’s the end of Frankie Machine’s comeback bid. I can’t help but be a little disappointed.

    I’m ready for the Return of Scary Perry… but you better make it fierce and proud, Perry!

    1. Alarming Andrew

      This has been posted a couple of times.

      “Perry, if you can hear me, give me two thumbs-up and shake your head ‘no'”

    2. Spooky Sammy

      Unprofessional, make-up wearing, media whore!!!

  25. redbatbluebat

    You can see how much weight Mole has lost by how loose his favourite t-shirt is on him. Dreamy.

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