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What The Huck?

Perry does not follow instructions of the proper way to handle the pick-up of the FREE promotional Thai food from “What The Huck” resulting in Huck pulling his sponsorship of the podcast leaving the show with NO sponsors. What becomes even a bigger problem is Perry’s refusal to stand up and admit that he made a mistake while he continues to blame Don for this screw-up by using the Perry strategy to make people believe him of yelling a lot.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out

Show Trailer

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 37 Comments

  1. Chris Chase


  2. Spooky Sammy

    Wait a minute, is the Scarf Master really the ANTICHRIST?
    Think about it…

    He kills people,
    he’s into homo acts,
    he hangs out at skate parks looking for victims,
    he’s a beastly hermaphrodite with ill temperament,
    he delves in kiddie porn,
    he steals from his best friends,
    and worst of all he has caused this country to fall into financial ruin thanks to his 30 year+ disability scams against the government.

    BTW, if you rearrange the letters of his name it spells out STUPID GAY COCKSUCKER.

    1. Prince Vince

      I dont know about that STUPID GAY COCKSUCKER thing,
      but here are some more Anagrams of Perry Caravello:

      ROVER PRAYER CALL (Javaho call to prayer)
      OVERALL RAPE CRY (Blames everything on Rapes)
      CREEPY OR LARVAL (Like a slimy bug)
      PAL CAROL REVERY (Fixation on Auntie Carol)
      LOVELY REAR CRAP (Ill let you figure this one out)
      CRAVE ORAL REPLY (Ill let you figure this one out too)

      Im sure theres more buried deep with in the riddle that is the Scaremaster.

    2. Whoopi Silverstein

      not to mention the fact that even his best friend in the whole wide world blames him for 9/11

  3. Hiroshima Nagasaki

    Other names that “Perry Caravello” is an anagram for:

    Lacy Raper Lover

    Rape cry allover

    Ovary Cell Raper

    Lots of rape in Perry’s name. First Akin starts talking about “legitimate rape”, and now this. Perry is really being disrespectful to fellow rape victims.

  4. Simply Dan

    What the Huck is “Fright Night Comedy”??

    1. Spooky Sammy

      It’s spelled Frite Night Comedy. Only Perri knows what it really means.

    2. angrysamoan

      Oh, you misheard. Its King of Friday Night Comedy. Common mistake.

      1. Collin

        Perry Carvallello?

        1. Spooky Sammy

          Wrong! That’s K as Karl, R, E, V as in Victor, double L, O.


  5. Ira Tarded

    First off, I would like to offer a sincere apology to the owners and employees of What the Huck restaurant. I can’t believe Perry fucked up this bad. I really can’t. Perry should know the protocol for picking up Thai takeout. It isn’t that fucking hard. I bet that stupid asshole fucked up the process on purpose just to anger Don. Fucking Dickhead.

    Perry called the bosses upstairs “fucking assholes.” Who speaks to their bosses like this? What kind of boss would allow their employee to talk to them like this? Perry knows he is a Hollywood A-Lister and thinks his shit doesn’t stink. Well, I think it’s time Perry waked up and smelled the Irish Spring. Perry is a stupid pompous jagoff with an incredible foul stench of dickbreath and shit. Who goes to work without showering or without wiping their ass after going poopies? It’s obvious Perry does. I bet he didn’t even gargle after he throat fucked RC. He’s the fucking asshole. Don, I am so sorry you have to smell this idiot for as long as you do each week.

    Demetri Moreland, I am again saddened to my core that Perry has singled you out without provocation. You do not have to be bullied like this. There are support groups and law agencies you can contact for help. Hopefully, one day soon this retard fuck Perry will stop badgering and harassing you.


  6. Ira Tarded

    I meant I wish Perry woke up, not waked up. Excuse my grammatical / spelling error.


    1. Alarming Andrew

      Amazing. Keep it up.

  7. Musgrave322

    Even though I’m starting my quest for a Bachelor’s degree at a new college and a hacker situation on Twitter which Don blocked me for, I won’t give up on the Big 3 Podcast.


  8. Science & Violence

    Perry(AKA Terri) is such a hypocritical scumbag, not only if he a self hating prick but just an all around bad person. He bashes the transgendered community when if fact he’s currently undergoing female hormone therapy to transition into a woman in the next two-three years.

    Those high pitch screams of his isn’t him being angry, but it’s a way for this douche to test and train his voice to become more feminine.

  9. redbatbluebat

    Excuse me if I’m being as gullible as Perry here, but do you guy really think the end is nigh?
    As Mole’s #1 groupie, I speak on behalf of all Molettes when I say I’d rather clean a Denny’s bathroom then see TB3 pack up for good 🙁

    1. Nigel

      No, I think the live podcast proved that the show has a lot of life left. Perry has threatened to quit the podcast on at least 50 different occasions, so that is nothing new. He even apologized (again) on Facebook for the bullshit he tried to pull last weekend:

      “I want Don Barris and Walter Molinski and Maryjane Green and my Mgr Nick Shadursky and all the Fans to know that I get mad and stupid sometimes but I would NEVER QUIT THE PODCAST!!! I apreciate everything that Don Barris has done for me and I am dedicaded to our project 150%!”

      1. Spooky Sammy

        You can’t believe anything a gypsy tells you.

        Not to mention the fact that Pery has unfriended all of his fans from FB so nobody but the UK seems to see his posts.

  10. 'What The Huck' delivery driver

    There’s no easy way to say this. We just got done closing W T H and all of us were just sitting around trying to unwind after another busy day; drinking saki, while listening to the podcast, just like we do every weekend. My wonderful employers (the W T H bosses upstairs) were willing to give that pile of two-levels-below-primate italian shit another chance if he just would have apologized. So near the end of the show, what does that greasy, hairy guido do? He says, ‘Oh well, I’ll just eat at another grill and bar.’ When we all heard this, the W T H bosses upstairs became visibly enraged. I even winced when I heard what that stupid fuck said. Needless to say, I’m the only one here because everyone has gone home in disgust. Don, I don’t mean to brag, but since I do wield some power around here after winning ’employee of the month’ the last two times, I’ll talk to my bosses about once again being a sponser for the ‘cast. There’s no guarantee which means that if and when we do rekindle this once great relationship, it doesn’t seem appropiate for me to continue promoting W T H until this issue is resolved. You’ll understand if don’t use my jovial “BIG THREE ! ! !” sigh-off since this could be the last time I chime in.
    big three

    1. Musgrave322

      How do we know if your really the WTH guy? People always claim that your here to spread the comments with SPAM. Not cool dude.


    I find it reprehensible that Perri would threaten to delete his biggest fan and second-best friend Demetri from ALL of his websites. one or two would be understandable, but all of them?!?

  12. MrDinosaur

    So what’s Perry’s new phone number?

    1. Alarming Andrew

      As Perry grunted, “YES!”.

  13. Alarming Andrew

    Demetri, you out there buddy? Hang in there.

    1. Demetri

      I’m in good spirits, and I’m looking forward to hearing Perry’s opinion on the latest dream I had of him, which I sent in the form of a shout-out. I’m a little worried that his unprofessional attitude is getting out of hand, as it sounds like he possibly walked out in the middle of the taping for next week’s episode on Friday.

      1. Gene Novak

        Great job Demetri, your shout outs have become a highlight of the show. Don’t know whatever happened to Bowers, Coast, and Fisher. They were always gold too and I never hear from them anymore.

  14. Alarming Andrew


    I saw a commercial for 2T skateboards on today’s NFL preseason game.

    1. Spooky Sammy

      That’s Terrifying Tim on Monster Island!!!!!!!
      You can see Gamera, the flying turtle, shooting flames out of his leg holes at Tim.
      TT is obviously wearing a disguise in an attempt to fool the flying menace.

    2. eddie torres


      And, in true TT professional fashion, he has infiltrated the local media hierarchy and seized their premiere TV presenter job. How could the Big 3 have let such pure talent escape their grip?

      The cream always rises to the top!

  15. Spooky Sammy

    Just came across this gem on Ebay.

    Anybody ever hear about the “Mr Gay Windy City” contest. Here’s a picture of Mr Gay Windy City for 1982. Looks like a very young Stair Master.

    The description leaves no doubt that it’s him : “His gay business name he represented is on his sash. This is rare, as guys were mainly in the closet back then and didn’t want to be photographed at a gay event.”

  16. 'What The Huck' delivery driver

    I’ve been benched for two days! I was so distraught last Friday night that I overslept (and therefore was late for my shift), and didn’t have a chance to shave or change out of my ‘Green Latern’ pajamas. Needless to say that my delivering skills were not up to par, since a few customers called back saying that I only gave them one chop stick. A few more called to say that my breath smelled like saki. Well the W T H bosses upstairs were not pleased and told me that I’m not coming in for the next two days and to just use that time to regroup. And did I mention that I only made $285 in tips that day? That’s a hundred bucks less than what I usually make. I think there’s a serious chance that I may not even 3-peat as ’employee of the month!’ In fact, there were rumors going around that was no longer being considered for a big promotion – pre assistant jr. manager 3rd class! Barris, please don’t misunderstand. You know that I love you and Mole and Mary Jane. It’s that greasy, bitchy, faggoty, Italian Chewbacca that I can’t stand. And as far as that person who doubts if this is real is concerned – do these teardrops streaming onto my keyboard seem real enough for you?
    big three

    1. The Ghost of Martin Balsam

      When you called W.T.H. “Taiwanese” food, you essentially blew your cover. Next time one of you Javaho Agents try and infiltrate this website, you may want to do some more thorough research.

      BIG 3 !

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