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Suing Judges

The Bosses Upstairs continue to be upset with Perry because of his unprofessional behavior and they feel instead of doing work for the podcast, most of his time is spent trying to sue judges. Everyone feels that Perry has something big going on in his lawsuit with the judges because of his increased anger lever when the subject is brought up.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out

Show Trailer

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 38 Comments

  1. Red.mac

    Biiiiiiiig 3

  2. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Hey, the ‘Huck’ guy is actually Thai…
    -Tell him to make Perry some ‘Laap Loo-it’
    & make it ‘Kwai Lek’ style.

    1. Hiroshima Nagasaki

      He should also order Sum Yung Gai.

  3. Prince Vince

    I hope we get some photos of Scaremasters new shorts.

  4. Spooky Sammy

    Can the Scar Meister please explain why he feels that he run a 30 year disability scam against the government and NOT pay any income taxes on any of his skateboards or $10 shout outs? The IRS should have received at least $300 of all of the money he made during the big show and spaghetti sleepover – did he send a check yet?

    He lives rent free in a palatial villa, has all of his needs paid for by working taxpayers, yet always complains about being broke… where is all of his money going? Crack? Whores? Gay magazines and movies?

    How can an unemployed, “disabled” person afford numerous cell phones, cable TV, two websites, a skateboard company, and at least five Facebook pages? Is this money coming from prostitution?

    He constantly accuses judges of stealing “his money” yet never thanks any of them for keeping him from going to jail for killing young Nathaniel, Eric, Sheeba or the dozens of unknown missing children.

    Shame on you Scarf Master! You are a miserable filthy disgusting slimeball faggot! I fart in your general direction!

  5. Musgrave322

    Like this comment if you believe Perry Karamellow is a Brony!!! A ten dollar shout-out may be done for Perry’s love for ponies.


  6. cranker

    petition for a reality show featuring Mole, Mr. Giant Dog and Commander Pebbles

    1. Nigel

      If I ever get a Dane, I’m naming it Mr. Giant Dog.

  7. Jack Mehoff

    Well I am glad that the bi-sexual/buy-sexual matter got cleared up today. Perry’s claim that he is “buy-sexual” was refuted due to his admission of scamming hookers out of money for sex. Thus, Perry proves that he does not “pay for pussy.” Although he does not pay for pussy, it does show that pussy does have some value to Perry. Anytime you are willing to post-sex swindle a prostitute, you risk getting your ass kicked by a pimp or being reported to the police and going to jail (or jay-el as Perry calls it). I hope Perry thinks about that the next time he decides to keep $50 in his pocket while opting instead to get the shit beaten out of him or potentially ending up in the slammer forcibly performing more gay acts on men because he “got in trouble.”

  8. eddie torres

    For anybody interested —

    Ari Shaffir released his podcast from the time of the Mole boycott, and Ari mentions his audition for the Big 3 and has a lot of kind words for Don and Mole and WCH.

    It’s the “Ari Shaffir’s Skeptic Tank” podcast from August 27 titled “#74a: P-O-R-N Porn! Porn! Porn!” with guest Yoshi Obayashi.

    — Definitely worth the time.

  9. Demetri

    Great to see Mole Play making a strong comeback after weeks of Perry sabotaging it. Excellent episode.

  10. Spooky Sammy

    All fans be sure to watch the video trailer. It’s a 5 minute example of the most unprofessional behavior in Hollywood.
    Nice shorts douchebag!

    1. eddie torres

      So classic…

      Parry: “You know my fuckin equilibrium is shit because of my fuckin blood clot you assholes!”

      Mole: “Haha! It’s your catch phrase!”

  11. Nicole

    What was there a gas leak in the secret location? Everyone was slurring their words.

  12. 'What The Huck' delivery driver

    I finally had the priviledge of meeting (SGH) Supreme Grandmaster Huck! The man has a 7th degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, a 9th degree black belt in Taiwanese Cuisine, and rumor has it he’s also pretty good at Sudoku. He looks to be as old as time itself. And he can’t be more than 5’6″ but he’s obviously a giant of a man! So I walked up to the 3rd floor (I didn’t even know that we had one) and slowly opened this large brass door and there he sat on a throne made of gold! I said-Sorry SGH, I didn’t know you were taking a shit. I’ll come back later. SGH-come closer child, I just got done wiping anyway. He threw two gold-dipped chopsticks at me and said-snatch this pearl out of my hand with those sticks. After missing by a mile he frowned and said-how are you going to correct the mistakes that you recently have made? I said-I’m going to build an old fashioned “Little House on the Prairie” type of outhouse twenty yards away, so Perry can do his business in there. I’m going to get better at my food delivering skills by installing a jet propelled engine in my ’75 Gremlin, and give the customers extra napkins, chopsticks, and soy sauce packets. He smiled and said-take a hit off of the “Pipe of Knowledge” and tell me what you see and think. Me-I see complex geometric patterns, hieroglific writings that I can interpret, and fire without form. SGH-impressive, but what about your thoughts? I took another hit off the “Pipe of Knowledge” and said- past+present=future, space+time+matter is the composition of God, and life is like that role playing game “Dungeons n’ Dragons” only with cooler weapons and scarier demons. He gave out a jovial but powerful laugh and in that moment I snatched that pearl from his hand with those chopsticks. He gave a glowing smile and said-YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE! Your reward for 3-peating as employee of the month is that you can keep the chopsticks and pearl. Someday this Taiwanese Cuisine Empire will be yours, but until then, go back into the world and make me proud…MY SON! At that moment I realized that working at W T H is more than a job or career, it’s a life-long spiritual journey!
    Happy Belated Birthday Mole! Come on over with Don/Dan and Mary Jane because dinner, dessert, drinks, tax and gratuity is on me!
    BIG THREE ! ! ! BIG THREE ! ! ! BIG THREE ! ! !

  13. koko

    Its like the only way Caramello can get off is by suing judges, stealing U.S. tax dollars and having sex in front of/or with black guys.

  14. MrDinosaur

    “Upstairs where? In the back of your fucking head?”
    That’s probably the smartest thing I’ve ever heard Perry say.

  15. Science & Violence

    I guess we know what Perry wastes his money on, the guy is a gun nut and a complete bully. Who walks into a Thai restaurant and threatens customers and management with a gun just because you’re impatient over your order? A complete savage he is…you would think the female hormones he’s been taking would mellow him out by now.

  16. Alex

    What’s the story with Perry beating his wife?

    1. Alarming Andrew

      His ex-wife, Dolly, didn’t put any oregano in spaghetti sauce. (I think).

      1. eddie torres

        I heard she hired a P.I. to spy at his gay bondage club (“The Beer Box”). Bitch messed with his paycheck and had to chill.

      2. Ira Tarded

        Andrew, you almost have it correct. Polly’s beating was handed down by Perry because she DID put oregano in the marinara. Authentic marinara doesn’t use oregano and he felt she had to be punished because of that.

        He’s a fucking scumbag piece of shit.


    2. Alarming Andrew

      Also.. I’ve been thinking of starting a Big 3 wiki. Anyone else think it’s a good idea?

      Lots of inside jokes– it may help new listeners get up-to-speed.

      1. Spooky Sammy

        All they need to know is that Penny is a greedy, gay, unprofessional cumbag.

      2. Prince Vince

        Yes, I have also pondered starting one, sadly and are both taken. Those muthafukas. Please give us notice if you decide to go through with it, I would be glad to add some content.

        1. Alarming Andrew

 is available.

      3. eddie torres

        Find a good lawyer first. Parry’s bound to sue it.

      4. Alex

        Great idea! The big question is if we dish out some behind the scenes info or not.

        Like, isn’t Mole friends with the guy who wrote the Monroe strip for Mad Magazine? I loved that strip back in the day.

        1. Prince Vince

          It should be from the POV that everything is factual and as it seems. The wiki, at all costs, needs to support the narrative and not attempt to unmask anything, no matter what outside evidence or conflicting information says. Besides, all that stuff is lies perpetuated by Perry and the Javaho Nation to discredit Dan and Mole, lets not help further that agenda in anyway.

  17. Glad I'm not any of you

    Yeah, if only there was some type of a format where we could communicate with each other by reminding everyone that Perry sucks. You Mensa members are really on your A-game.

    1. Alarming Andrew

      We mean more than just a message board, Perry.

  18. Musgrave322

    Not a lot of Ten-Dollar shout-outs sent to the Big 3? COME ON PEOPLE!!!

    Just because Perry being an asshole to the podcast doesn’t mean that the podcast will get cancelled.

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