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Messages For Don

There has been no resolution from last weeks argument and it’s beginning to really look like the end for The Big 3 Podcast. So instead of giving the people that really do care about this podcast nothing this week, we took the phone messages that Perry has left on Don’s answer machine so you can see in the order that they were left, what’s on the Scaremaster’s mind.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 90 Comments

  1. Prince Vince

    Big 3!

  2. Red.mac

    BIIIIIIIIG 3!!!!!

  3. Joeweed

    Oh no. This has got me worried.

  4. Dustin Hedberg


  5. Alex

    18:10 Perry demands to have a 3 way with Don and his manager Nick. He just admitted his homosexuality Poor Don getting sexually propositioned by Perry constantly.

  6. Ira Tarded

    What a disgusting fuck. In Perry’s first message, he immediately starts shaking Don down for money. He’s crying to him about not having money for food and gas. Hey cocksucker, get a fucking job then. That’s how that works. Wait a minute… Maybe you can stage another accident and file for a 2nd fake disability payment from the government. That just might work. Fucking prick.

    During the last message, Perry suggests having a 3-way with Don and Nick.
    Holy shit man. That is blatant sexual harassment.

    Dude, you are a fucking fruit.


  7. Muck Fichigan

    Don Barris and Mole better get their minds right. They don’t know how lucky they have it, riding the coat tails of the genius Parry Karavalloe. He is the consummate performance artist. Completely dedicated to his craft. Don and Mole show up for a few hours a week while Parry does all the heavy lifting.
    Do they think it’s easy to pretend to be a greasy, stupid, gay Italian? To have crafted a 20 year reputation as an unwashed, constantly broke, backstabbing Javaho moron? Are you not entertained?
    Who did Parry break his neck for? Go down on a casting agent for? Kill his best friend and a little boy for? Distribute child pornography for? Cook disgusting spaghetti for? Waste all his money and scam the government for? Sue everybody and destroy his career for?
    He did it for us! all of us! For Don and Mole. And they turn their backs on him. Despicable.

    1. Alex

      Don’t forget Perry’s retarded Joe Pesci impression he does all the time. Only a true master can pull that off.

  8. Nicole

    WOW, Perry is really bold to ask for a three-way with him, Don and Nick.

  9. El Bee

    The whole 3 way thing doesn’t suprise me much. Perry’s always bragging about how much he loves Don’s eyes and there was an episode dedicated to Perry’s love for Don’s lips. There was the whole eating cake of Don’s toes thing too. In my opinion Perry is more in love with Don than Forest Whitaker and Randy Callahan combined.

  10. jpmoneypants

    At least one more show. I have to hear about the results of Perrys court case.

    1. El Bee

      Spoiler… He loses.

  11. KindaGamey

    ( hey, i know that song! hi mary jane. <3 ) umm… pierre's sucking is good for a laugh, but when it affects the podcast is when i get pissed. if he can scale back his sucking to only fucking up his own personal life that'd be great. can you imagine being his friend for 20+ years? my god…

  12. eddie torres

    At minute 11:30, Parry says he has to go to court for a ticket he got with Salvator Scumbag. Did he get that ticket when he was in court filing his other b.s. lawsuit(s)?

    It’s so hard to understand his messages. It sounds like there’s something big shoved in his mouth.

  13. Daniel Standifer

    Gypsies scare me.

  14. Park Bagel

    i’m a star!

    at the end there parre says “you know i’m tight, everybody knows i’m tight, and this is going to grow into something big. i’ve got to stop fucking around and treating it wrong”

    oh really?

  15. Alarming Andrew

    All in all, this was a great episode. Sort of like a bunch of Perry’s Corners.

    Don, here is a message. You rock. Thanks for doing this podcast.

    Anyone else want to send Perry a package of JQA sausages (non-poisoned) to 7722 Reseda?

    1. Nicole

      OMG, I think it would be an awesome idea if we all sent Perry food.

      1. Musgrave322

        I’ll just send Perry Karamellow a bag of dog food to eat and some My Little Pony Merchandise to play with and shove up his ass as dildos.

  16. Herb Herbertson

    Did Perry just offer to blow both Don AND Nick in order to get the show back on? Does Perry realize Nick is just his manager/body guard and has no authority on whether the show continues or not? Why would he want Nick to be involved? Blowing Nick would just be for pleasure….oh, never mind. I just stumbled upon the answer.

  17. El Bee

    We now Perry has a lot of free time to have tons of sex with Dimitri Morland. Scare-Master’s always bragging about how Dimitri comes over, and they do all that butt stuff together.

  18. KindaGamey

    I kind of like the sound of Pairy grovelling. Maybe people could donate larger increments than $10, but Peddy has whine enough about his financial troubles to get them. While eating a pie of course.

  19. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Don Barris is so very good at his job, I never know whether what he says is completely true – or completely made-up…

    The, “When ignored, Perry makes endless demented harassing phone calls, pestering Don” claim is now proven.

    Don Barris is Bud Abbott for the 21st century. (but with less smut).

  20. Nicole

    I wonder how much money Perry has borrowed from Don over the years and how much he has paid back.

    1. eddie torres

      Plus Parry still owes Mole a birthday present.

      Parry has burned more bridges over money and favors than any disabled Javaho alive.

  21. Musgrave322

    BIIIIIIG THREE!!! Glad to see the Big 3 back on the podcast despite Perry’s horrible promising.

  22. Imbecile

    This is the end of the line. Perry made one too many a threat, and now he’s paying for it with groveling phone messages.

    He’s the Boy Who Blew Wolf. Or actually, I think the wolf blew him. He just jerked him off. “Thank you!”

    1. el bee

      So true. This is the funniest thing I’ve read all day.

    2. Whoopi Silverstein

      I take it you’re referring to the time he ‘got in trouble’ with Law & Order producer Dick Wolf after attempting to sue an actor playing a judge on the show

  23. McNugget

    The way I see it, Perry “got in trouble”. …and we all know what happened the last time Perry got in trouble.

    Don should make Perry redeem himself like it was 1992.

    1. eddie torres

      I don’t think Parry’s mouth is big enough to handle Don. And there’s all Parry’s diseases and neck and brain disabilities now. It would be like getting blown by a bus station toilet.

  24. YURGI

    Like a boa, Don is simply squeezing his prey just a little tighter as it exhales. I see one of two things in the near future – either another appartment show (yes!) or a hand job for Dr. Tommy Morris.

  25. VG

    I wish Parry wasn’t such an unprofessional bi-sexual gypsy! Don & Mole are so hilarious yet Mr. Caramelo insists on ruining the show with his unprofessional antics. He scares off sponsors, runs a fake social security scam and complains all the while that he has no money and bragging about how he exchanges blowies for SAG vouchers. Hang in there Don & Mole, if Parry doesn’t get his act together soon, I am sure Tim Perpedic will save America once again (this time by getting rid of the disgusting fat Italian guy).

  26. timmy big balls

    good god…perry is in TROUBLE! and we all know what perry does when he get’s in trouble. my theory? don’s fishing for a handjob.

    1. Chris Chase

      the skin on perrys hands are probably so tough from years of “getting in trouble” Don would rather call on Cookie at this point.

  27. Stone Fury

    I’m listening to these messages and I’m thinking, thinking in my head over here:

    This is someone who needs his ass kicked bad. Real bad!

    1. timmy big balls

      that made me shoot beer out my nose.

  28. Perry's Manager Nick .

    It’s about time I get invited to a 3 way ! It’s not the way I pictured it but I will take it where I can get it !

  29. Oliver Klosov

    …and I didn’t think Perry gave head, but I just spent 20 minutes listening to Perry suck dick.

  30. megadeth

    Pierre really needs to stop leaving Don such short messages. How is Don supposed to figure out what Prairie means when his messages are only 4-5 minutes long? Also, more burps, yawns, and incoming calls would probably help matters, too. Purry is so unprofessional that he can’t even leave a fucking voicemail. How could a great man like Cookie raise such a fuck up? However, I’ll give Hairy Ferret this, he’s determined. He called Don a million times. The Javahos trained him well. “If the person in one house says no, you just keep going door to door.” He’s got the eye of the Javaho.

    1. koko

      Who leaves messages like that?!! Perry must have a lot of free time on his hands, among other things on his hands (Randy’s jizz). Seriously though, he needs a job. This fake disability scam of his is sucking the life out him, among other things sucking the life out him (Randy).

    2. eddie torres

      We should copyright that – “eye of the Javaho” – so Parry has to pay us fans if he writes an autobiography.

      “Eye Of The Javaho: My Life In Court”

  31. Science & Violence

    I hope Don wakes up and realize that he’s being used big time. Perry is stacking up money to start his own studio and podcast network. He’s been doing so for months, and with the recent rumors that the WWE are interested in bringing Perry in short term to fill in for a recovering Jerry Lawler.

    The constant attempts at suing others, begging for money, and now a possible temporary job with a major wrestling company he will have enough to build this studio in Rancho Cucamonga as rumored with an unknown co-host/hosts.

    1. Imbecile

      I heard Perry backed out of the WWE deal because of Lawler. He wanted to have a “King & Queen” commentary team.

  32. SoggyVegetable

    I hope the shows not done for realzies. Thanks for getting us some content for the week.

    1. Imbecile

      Maybe his manager/bodyguard can triple as producer.

      Got a theme song all ready to go. “I come from Chicago, so you know I’m a good fellow.”

  33. Chris Chase

    I dont know if anybody else brought this up, but at the 16.45 min mark Perry says “Im tight, you know im tight, everybody knows im tight. This is going to grow into something big” if he thinks offering Don his ass to get out of trouble will work this time, then maybe it will or wont. I hope demetri dosnt get to upset at perry trying to cheat on him

  34. Alex

    Being serious for a moment.

    If this is the end first I want to say thank you to Don and Mole for giving us one of the greatest podcast and cult comedy film of all time. And by proxy that includes Jimmy Kimmel, Bobcat, and etc.

    Secondly, fuck you Perri Caramello. You’re scum, pity whore, media whore, a thief, liar, john, angry retard, and you have the kind tiny dick that could be easily be tucked between your legs can so you can go full CD in your neighborhood. You’ve ruined one of the greatest comedy teams in the world. Go fuck yourself Perri.

    Thirdly. I don’t know how possible it would be but if this is really the end could we get one last episode? Preferably filmed and uploaded to YT. We need some kind of epilogue. And while any kind of big reveal in Perri’s personal life would be no doubt lost on Perri, we need some kind of closure. Also, the fans have been able to put together all the pieces and have a very clear picture of how much of an asshole Perri is. So unless some bombshells are revealed I don’t think an explosive episode going further down the spiral of Perri being an asshole would do all that much.

    The final episode would be a celebration of The Three Stooges of the New Millenium. And -if possible- I would give my left nut to see Johnny Knoxville confront Perry.

  35. koko

    Moleplay, Moleplay, let’s play Moleplay! MOLEPLAY!!!!!

  36. Musgrave322

    If Terrifying Tim is alive and found, put him on the podcast and fire Perry. Perry Karamellow should work at Pizza Hut than be a celebrity!!!

  37. Chris Chase

    Don should hire that guy from the NFL fantasy football commercials, i find him pretty talented

    1. Alarming Andrew

      I hear he skateboards, does standup comedy, and gives tours of rock and roll hotspots.


  38. Ed

    Pery karamelo, this time you did it
    You piece of shit, greasy italian gay

    We need the podcast. Be professional, asshole

  39. 'What The Huck' delivery driver

    This is over the top! I can tolerate the powder-keg in the middle east becoming even more volatile, the inevitable collapse of our monetary system. I can almost even tolerate Snooki being allowed to procreate, but the possible end to The Big 3? NOW you’ve stepped over the line! The solution is obvious, FOOD SUMMIT! (taiwanese style) That’s right. Supreme Grandmaster Huck has given me permission to close down W T H any day that you and Perry want to come in to air out your grievances with each other while also enjoying our new dish ‘Moo Goo Gai Pan with Dragon Sauce’ along with some strawberry banana kiwi-flavored fortified Saki. I’m even willing to mediate! All of that great food and drink is bound to make Perry realize what a royal asshole he’s been all of this time. Don, if you end the podcast like this, you’re allowing him to win. Besides, the only podcast that can possibly replace this one would be “Staying Beautiful” with Mary Jane. Actually, that’s not such a bad id…I mean nothing can replace
    The Big Three ! ! !

  40. Chris Chase

    Ive noticed that Don hasn’t posted here on the comment board, Don if you can hear us PLEASE let us know your O.K. i hope Perry didn’t take Dan up to Big Bear because we all know what that means

    1. megadeth

      Perry’s closet has a ton of skeletons in it:
      he killed his Javaho friend Eric
      he killed Nathaniel
      he tried to kill Cookie by pulling the plug
      he lied about being raped by two men
      he had sex with a hooker and then cried his way out of paying her. (seriously, is that not the lowest move ever?)
      he was involved in the plot to kill Terrifying Tim
      he jerked Randy Callahan off, while Randy blew him. Stop saying Perry blew Randy. He DIDN’T! He jerked Randy off. Thank you.
      he’s been involved with over thirty lawsuits and lost them all
      he was addicted to crack
      he’s lactose intolerant
      he brought a gun into What the Huck’s
      he hit his wife for not making his pasta sauce properly
      he stole money from Don’s wallet
      he was the key grip on that video that the Arab world is so pissed off about
      he pissed off Rucka and Rucka’s nuckas
      he’s shamelessly ripped off Sam Kinison for years
      he ratted that drug running grocery store employee out to the feds
      he doesn’t commit to Moleplays
      he tried to attack Dr. Tommy Morris
      he’s stolen U.S. dollars for years on his FAKE disability scam
      he’s embarrassed professional skateboarders by claiming to be friends with them
      he’s been in love with Don and his pretty eyes for years
      he’s cheated on Demetri Moreland with countless men
      he’s been unprofessional
      he refuses to salute the flag and hates America
      he’s used his neighborhood Denny’s as a place to fuck men/shit
      he was born with a last name that’s impossible to remember. it’s karmello, right?
      he’s made countless bigoted and homophobic comments

      Moral of the story is: Perry is the biggest piece of shit on the planet. Fuck you, Perry!

      1. Chris Chase

        Don’t forget about pictures of people of a certain age he has so proudly shown. I don’t know if Moles friend Mr. Langley is still on that case

  41. Too lil, too late

    Hey, listening through the back catalog, and I have a question. Don seems to have dropped the recurring “Relief or Discomfort, which I next apply is up to you…Is it safe?” bit from Marathon Man.

    Why did he start? Why did he stop? It was funny but was there an overall point I missed? Just curious.

    Big Thr3e!!!!!

  42. eddie torres

    Wow, I was just over at Don’s facebook page and Parry has pretty much burned all the bridges he has left in his showbiz life. Don sounds pretty adamant: this could really be the end of the Big 3.

    Anyone passing by the Reseda Denny’s can catch Parry’s next career act. Tips are always welcome, but please don’t drop a lot of toilet paper on wet spots on the men’s room floor. So difficult to sweep up.

    1. Demetri

      Yes, I think tonight was the final straw. Don is tired of wrangling Perry, and Perry proved tonight that he’s never going to change. It’s just the same cycle of bullshit over and over again.

      The irony is that it started out as an apology to Don, and then about 50 posts in, he starts talking shit, demanding money again, and telling Don to wash his truck and scrub his bathroom.

      I’d get pissed off at him, but it’s really just sad more than anything else, especially how he’s getting used by his lawyer “friend” Daniel. That’s what got him upset tonight, is they had another setback in court. Daniel had him convinced that they were going to make big money by suing judges. The thing is, even if they won these absurd cases, Perry wouldn’t see a penny, because Daniel is a proven thief who has been sued by his own clients for stealing from them. That’s why he was disbarred.

  43. Fo Serious?

    For once, I think Parry may actually have a firmer grasp on the situation than Don.
    Don is angry because Parry reneged on an agreement to do something at the Comedy Store, and Parry’s retort was the entertainment in the big 3 is from Don being angry at Parry and Parry screwing up.
    Do we want a sane, rational, dependable, hard-working Parry? Would a Parry that could be counted on to show up with bits he’s worked on be a Parry we like?
    Not at all.
    He’s not funny or clever on purpose, he’s funny because he’s screwed up and not at all self-aware. If he actually tried and understood reality, our voyeuristic glee at watching his wreck of a life would be ruined.
    So why this anger at Parry being Parry? What else are we supposed to expect?

    1. Demetri

      You’re right in that Perry’s stupidity is what makes the show interesting, and that’s the same thing that is making things so difficult now. The problem is that behind the scenes, it has been hell for Don and Nick just to get Perry to do the show every week, and they’re just sick of dealing with him. If the show was pulling in some real money, things would be different, but it’s not.

      Also, there are plenty of things for Don to be mad at Perry for without the money situation being one of them. The constant whining about money is just getting really tiresome. You’d think Perry could at least understand that out of everyone involved with the show, he’s the only one making any money at all.

      1. Fo Sho

        I completely understand Don being fed up for a thousand reasons: the complaining, the noncooperation, the money grubbing, the thievery, the lawsuit risk, the derangement, the lack of funds, the lying, the threats, the constant quitting, the gay come-ons.

        The real problem is Don’s little bit of compassion, I guess. If Parry the ingrate begs for a chance to be onstage, Don admitted his default answer is always NO but then he thought of a reason to be nice, and Parry spit it back in Don’s face, enraging Don. But that’s exactly what he always does.

        It just seems odd that all of a sudden Parry is expected to be a grateful, respectful, productive, reasonable team player. If he was those things, Don would have lost interest in him in 1992.

        Oh well, it was great while it lasted. Maybe Mole can get back to producing Shark Weed. Screw Shark Week.

    2. eddie torres

      Sorry, Fo Serious, but sane people like Don can only deal with insane people like Parry for so long before the insanity gets contagious.

      I’m amazed Don managed to stay out of an asylum this long.

      Enough is enough, and remember all the countless hours Don (and Mary Jane) have logged with websites and recording equipment and computers and mp3/iTunes etc etc etc. Parry just shows up for an hour a week and craps all over the place.

      Sayonara to the ScareMaster. Good luck mopping the crap off the men’s room floor, wherever that may be.

  44. Ira Tarded

    Perry, I was just reading the mess over on Facebook.

    You really are a piece of shit jagoff.


  45. Dustrin Hedberg

    just wanted to say, to all my fellow big 3 fans……. ITS BEEN FUN!!!! BIG 3 FANS ARE THE BEST!!! I know it will be hard living without the big 3….. but we WILL heal, and things will get better….. hang in there guys

    1. Imbecile

      Time heals all wounds, Dustbin.

  46. Alex

    Link to the comments on Don’s page? I rarely use facebook, even screencaps of the comments would be nice. Thanks.

    1. Demetri

      The thread has over 270 posts, but here are the key posts. If you can access it, try this link for the whole thread:

      Perry F. Caravello
      I don’t know what to do?… I think I REALLY messedup this time. Don won’t call me back and Nick is really mad at me!… I feel so bad but Don Barris knows how I am and I have my Mgr Nick Shadursky to get me straight again when I mess up. Don and Nick are friends and Nick is trying to get The Big 3 backtogether so we can make Windy City Heat 2 Movie so I hope that we can get on a 3 way and work this out. Please Don forgive me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will try so hard to do better… I know you work hard at Jimmy Kimmel and the Ding Dong Show Don and Nick brought Jimmy back to where I was sitting before my Anniversary Show and I appologized to Jimmy Kimmel for what hapened before. WE CAN”T QUIT NOW!!!!!!!

      Walter Molinski
      Hey Scaremaster. Do you know who it is? It’s Mole. Why is Dan so upset? You should probably make him a spaghetti dinner. that always cheers him up.

      Perry F. Caravello

      Perry F. Caravello
      Dustin, I AM A SAG/AFTRA ACTOR… now working for Don is like being a SLAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don better CLEAN MY BATHROOM! And then DETAIL MY TRUCK after I drive back from Catalina Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Don Barris
      Perry might be the stupidest person on earth.

      Perry F. Caravello
      Yeah right… I’m gonnna bigger than ever!!! I don’t need you!!!

      Don Barris
      Perry must have lost in court today so he goes online to fuckin’ start shit with the only thing that he ever had in his life … This right here is why I can NEVER work with this fool ever again.

      Don Barris
      I just want everyone to understand that the reason the Big 3 Podcast is over is because Perry’s stupidity NEVER stops and I put too much time and too much of my own money into something that Perry continues to destroy … Look at what this guy has written in this thread, I’m really sorry to all of the fans that liked our podcast but I can’t take it anymore.

      Nick Shadursky
      I can’t take Perry’s bullshit anymore. I resign as his Manager.

      Don Barris
      I’d like everyone to thank Nick for the hard work that he put into the project. He had a tough trying to bring Perry into the real world and keep the podcast going.

      Perry F. Caravello
      I’ll ONLY WORK a SAG/AFTRA project!!!

      Nick Shadursky
      You all want to know what kind of person Perry is . I lost my best friend this week Tom Sims and I needed a friend to talk to so I called Perry bout an hour ago and he tells me . What do you want ? I said I’m just feeling really down and Perry cuts me off on the phone and tells me – Nick I don’t have time for you and your crap I’m way to busy with my court business to talk to you and hung up on me . I’m done .

      Nick Shadursky
      Perry does not care about anybody but himself and he showed me that tonight. I tried to help Perry so much and I was there every time he needed me . I put my own family aside to help this ungrateful prick . Last year Perry was so upset because his daughter wanted nothing to do with him so I reached out to her via emails and I got Perry and her talking again . Don has done everything he can and then some to give Perry a career and he just spits in our faces . Perry you have told me many times ” I hope I am never like my Mother was, she was the meanest most angry negative person!!!!!! Well Perry you are not only EXACTLY like your mother , you are 10 times worse .

      Perry F. Caravello
      Tony White, Hey you white trash peace of shit. I ruined nothing! I’m not a SLAVE. Im an out of work Union Employee. But Dn Barris thinks of working around that union to fuck people like me. I WON’T DO IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Nick Shadursky
      Don it would be my pleasure to hang out with you bro ! At least you appreciate what I did for the Podcast. Perry never paid me in fact you could say I paid Perry. I came to stay with Perry for 5 days after his 2nd neck surgery . I bought him groceries and took him out to eat everyday . I spent close to 500 bucks that trip on Perry. Then at the BIG 3 Show in June I spent close to 600 bucks on Perry plus I gave him money to stay at his place and gave him money for gas and such . The only money I made from the Podcast was from you Don when you paid me for helping out at the BIG 3 Show at the Comedy Store. Thank you for that Don . The only thing good about being Perry’s Manager was becoming friends with you. Don if you EVER need a good Manager or Personal Security, I am there for you Don anytime you need me !!

      Perry F. Caravello
      It’s imbarissing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its insalting… Oh… But that is part of the show??? You disrespect me Don Barris, by treating me like shit and DON’T PAY ME…. IT’S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. Alex

        Thanks Demetri. I tried clicking that link and it didn’t work for me.

        I completely understand where Don is coming from. If it were me I would’ve severed ties with Perry the first time he steals from me. That is a huge violation of trust in it self. Not to mention all the other shit he’s had to deal with.

        It’s sad that WCH couldn’t have a happy ending but my hat’s off to Don and co. for trying.

        Perry: Go eat shit and die.

      2. Imbecile

        These messages prove that Scaremaster is bipolar.

        When questioned on this, Perry replied, “Yeah, I am bipolar. I ‘buy’ all my ‘poles’ in West Hollywood!” Then he did the Kinison rip-off howl.

      3. Ben Franklin's Front Window


        You rule!
        Thanks for your efforts.
        If you wanna paste more of the FB Perry gibberish, I (& others – I reckon) would dig it.

        Btw, your passionate Perry epistles are delightful – fan-participation very rarely helps the funny – but you & other Big3-ers frequently DO…

        (don’t disappoint me blog-readers, thumb-down this extremely indirect compliment to yourselves)

        1. Demetri

          Thanks! There may still be a glimmer of hope. Perry is back in apology mode. He’s blaming his outburst the other day on a switch in medication. I think he’s going to have to do another spaghetti dinner at his apartment if the show is going to continue; right now he’s making excuses at to why he can’t.

          Perry F. Caravello
          Mole WE HAVE TO GET THE BIG 3 Back TOGETHER!… I have been on a new medication and I had a bad rection from it and it made me angy and I messed up!!!!!! PLEASE call Don Barris and let him know for me because he won’t answear my calls. We NEED to do a Podcast THIS WEEKEND so we dion’t lose any FANS!!! PLEASE Walter Molinski HELP GET THE PODCAST BACK I BEG OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Walter Molinski
          Did you offer him Spaghetti dinner, scaremaster? Hey, Dan! Wazzup, Dude?

          Ben Velazquez
          I always said Perry was a shit-eating, Italian pile of shit. I guess it came true!

          Perry F. Caravello
          Ben Velazquez, You Used Car selling Mexican crook. With No Education. No Green Card and. Reason to live… You AIDS LAIDING SICK PIG.

          Perry F. Caravello
          Lexa-Pro… I’m nit taking what is not the right drug. See I got into my Doctors face this morning about what I’ve been on for years. Y did they change the drug? Fuckin’ stupid!!!

          Perry F. Caravello
          RJ, They want me to cook Pasta at my place again. I don’t have the room!!!

          Perry F. Caravello
          That is why the meal will be at The Tia Restaurant down the street. I have no more room inside my place. It’s getting to tight for myself even.

          Perry F. Caravello

          Ben Velazquez
          Because you would have a podcast, and a steady sex life!

          Perry F. Caravello
          First off, I’d be affraid he would give me AIDS… JUST BY BREATHING ON ME.

          1. Alex

            Too tight at his place? That 1 bedroom apartment that had a few boxes? Man, sad to see the Stairmaster become a hoarder. Maybe he can send a tape into A&E and get on Hoarders.

      4. Frick Sake

        Perry believes JQA is a real person, believes Tim Perpedic was real and is now dead, can be talked into anything if you yell at him loud enough, and has the mental capacity of a squirrel.

        That’s what we love about the Big 3! He’s a brainless, thieving rage-aholic constantly manipulated and lied to by two comedic geniuses.

        The question we should ask ourselves is what Don honestly, truly believed would come of this delightful comedy experiment? A stable, healthy, lucrative business and entertainment partnership? Perry to be a demented, gullible buffoon on-air and hardworking, sane guy off? Really?

        I love the Big 3 Podcast as much as anyone, but I am genuinely baffled that Don expected anything in the first place, and now seems to have had enough. Bizarre.

  47. Martin Balsam

    best photo gallery ever anywhere ever.

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