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The Hospital Aftermath

Perry gets out of the hospital and comes to have dinner with Don, that leads to dropping by the studio at a secret location somewhere in West Hollywood, CA. to chat about his stay at Kaiser Permanente. Mole joins in on the conversation by phone and the discussion centers around if there is a future for The Big 3.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. 

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both


Show Trailer


Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 45 Comments

  1. First Schmirst

    Big 3!!! Parry Karamelloe is back!!! They’ll let anyone out of the loony bin nowadays.

  2. Prince Vince

    Big 3!!!!

    PS. Im glad you didnt off yourself Scaremaster!

  3. Peter

    Perry looks good…..real good!

  4. big 4

    biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiG 3!!!!

  5. Whoopi Silverstein

    Perry’s out? Thank dog they finally found a cure for being a gypsy.

    1. Michael

      Just like AIDS, there is no cure for being an Italian gypsy.

  6. Red.mac

    Big 3

  7. Mazz

    Thanks god!!! I was so worried the podcast was gonna end!! I love you guys and as soon as I win the lottery I will be your financial sponser for life!

  8. Nick (Seattle)

    I literally shook my hands and yelled, “Oh my God!” in the middle of my office when I saw this, like a little girl.

  9. Spooky Sammy

    Pherry’s mental hospital visit was part of his ongoing disability scam. The Stair Master did it in order to bump up his disability rating which pays him more money.

    The Big 3 needs to be recast. Carson Daly is ready to reprise his role as the original Stone Fury since Tim Perpedic is no longer available.

    Scary Pherry is the most unprofessional actor/comedian, yet is most successful government con artist ever. He should focus on his numerous scams and lawsuits against the whole country instead of trying to make it in showbiz.

  10. eddie torres

    Welcome back Parry!

    Also, is this “Kaiser Permanente” some kind of reference to Keyser Soze?

    Baer: “Listen, send me someone who can speak Hungarian. Yeah, he’s awake. He’s talking like a Thai hooker…”


  11. Professor Calculus

    If Perry makes thousands of dollars a month off his full-time fake disability scheme, the limit f(x) (where x is the number of hours worked) as x approaches zero results in y (Perry’s wage) approaching infinity.
    Since he works 0 hours, he literally makes an infinite number of dollars per hour!!! He should be the one paying Dan and Mole!

  12. jpmoneypants

    FUCK PERRYS LAWYER!!! Don you should sue his ass for taking advantage of Perry. This why we need tort reform in this country people. Don can’t even tell a TRUE story without thinking he’ll be sued. The law suit may go no where, but who wants to deal with that? This guy needs to be punished.

    1. Nigel

      We need to get Colonel Machete Bubblicious and General Superman Ghostbusters to take care of that guy.

  13. Alex

    If Perry’s on full disability and doesn’t have money for food, why isn’t he on food stamps?

  14. Alex

    Also: Perry’s attorney Dydzak reminds me of Jame Woods’ hustler character from Casino. Or is it just me?

    1. eddie torres

      Or John Cusack in ‘The Grifters.’ I bet Dydzak wants to nail his own mom too.

    2. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

      He reminds me of Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad

    3. Alarming Andrew

      Perry is very swayed by “oral arguments”.

      1. Lisa C. Jablonsky

        I like you Andrew. You’re ok in my book.

  15. cranker

    “I’m in the process of joining LinkedIn”

    Mole is the best

  16. petri

    Biiiig Three! Im really looking forward to the future of this project, lets all promise to not kill ourselves for atleast a couple of years. We can do it, positive energy!

  17. Dustin Hedberg

    LONG LIVE THE BIG 3!!!!!

  18. Collin

    Glad to hear this was all a joke Parakeet Caravello. Lookin’ good parrotmaster.

  19. OC Maniac

    Damn boys, feel like I just caught my second wind. The Big 3 are back son!

    A few comments to note:

    A) Perry achieved “full disability” but he’s able to man handle security staff at a mental health facility…wow
    B) I need to hear that Terrifying Tim S and M Plumbing and Piping commercial
    C) Demitri Moreland needs to send another letter and start recording his calls with the Scaremaster
    AND Most Importantly…
    D) Perry’s “friend” is obviously a piece of work. I can’t believe that clown ever received a bar card to begin with…wow

    Thanks for your hard work my ol’ pal Dan Barney.

    1. eddie torres

      Plus, is Parry still pissed off at Don for “wear and tear” maintenance costs on his truck when he drives back-and-forth from Reseda to the secret Big 3 podcast recording location?

      Didn’t Parry drive his “attorney” 400 miles each way to San Francisco to file his “lawsuit appeals” against the US government?

      Isn’t that the same US government that pays Parry’s disability checks?

      Why isn’t Parry angry at his “attorney” for all the “wear and tear” maintenance on his 800 mile roundtrips to San Francisco???

      So many questions, so little Thorazine…

      1. Collin

        I can’t wait for his attorney to start suing Planet Earth. He’ll make so much cash.

  20. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    Go Big Three! Whoo hoo!!!!

  21. Spooky Sammy

    I would love to see Perry’s disbarred lawyer as a guest of the podcast. He sounds like a real piece of work. We need to get to the bottom of these lawsuits.

    1. Alex

      Thing is: The guy is a crook but he’s a smart crook. He knows how to use people and who to use and get away with it. So he would stay away from the mastermind Don Barris. Don would probably mentally break him down in 2 seconds.

    2. Whoopi Silverstein

      “We need to get to the bottom of these lawsuits.”

      I’m pretty sure Perry’s at the bottom of these lawsuits. The power bottom.

      1. eddie torres

        Someday, after all these lawsuits pay off, Parry can afford his own bathroom stall at Denny’s.

        He’s movin’ on up!

        1. Spooky Sammy

          For now Perry’s Denny’s is accepting reservations for the infamous middle stall: Stall #2 (aka Perry’s Office Facility).

          All customers are invited to leave reviews of their anonymous encounters, or to schedule a reservation.

  22. Musgrave322

    The podcast still lives on!!! All we need is Terrifying Tim-perpedic and this podcast will be complete.


  23. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Mr. Don Barris,

    Thanks for reminding me how great SCTV was when you were on that jewish chap’s podcast recently.

    All the other talk was great too! Comedy Store Lore, Chubby Marjoe, Gunplay (Maron talks about the Belly-room-bullet-hole too…)

    You should do more shows like that, w/out having to tangle with the craxy P.Carabello. – if you have time.

    So… Perry has been pulling all our legs (& Randy’s__ ) with all that, “I’m quitting'” stuff all along, after all???
    -He altogether amazing!

    Keep up the ever-changing, ever-exciting, great podcast!

    p.s. My friend, Mishima Yukio, wanted to mention:


    :[縄梯子 = ラットライン]
    (He seems rather worked up about something Walter said. -idk…)

    1. eddie torres

      Does this secret Japanese message mean Terrifying Tim has been spotted alive on Monster Island???

      I sure hope so.

      1. megadeth

        Poor Kerry doesn’t have enough money for food. For just 10 cents a day, you can help a starving man, who’s conning the government. If Kerry’s so hungry, how come he never asked for the pie extension?

  24. @toetagteabag

    Well perry when your born with aids you die with aids and you sir will die with aids.

  25. One week shy

    One week countdown!!! 2nd anniversary 10/15/2012!! One week to go!!

    Big THREE!!!!

    1. Nigel

      Also the 100th episode will be on the 19th.

  26. 'What The Huck' delivery driver

    I told that doctor to give Perry stellazine, not thorazine! The last thing that that guido homo needs is more rage-inducing strength! Perry probably had the strength of 5 faggots or a dozen AIDS patients. (which ever comes first) I agree with Supreme Grandmaster Huck when he said that the only thing that will cure Perry from his angry-gayness is if we give him our new sauce in the form of a colonic. (Red Pepper Shogun Fire Glaze)
    BIG THREE ! ! !

  27. Spooky Sammy


    Perry and his disbarred attorney friend are completely out of control. Apart from all of their lawsuits, and scams, they are now harassing and abusing Nick Shadursky’s children in the privacy of their own home!!!!! Below is Nick’s message to his fans and friends. Everybody should drop Nick a friendly word or two. Facebook link at bottom.

    Today I was feeling very ashamed to be an American because I have always been here for my country but when I needed my country to help get justice for 2 Autistic children that were terrorized and scared severely shitless and had death threats made to them in vivid detail of how it will be done and he was screaming hysterically at them . Dakota was waiting for his mom to call because she is in Frisco because Dakota’s Grampa is very ill in the hospital and soon as my son picked up the phone it goes on speaker and before Dakota could say hello this ass face is screaming like Pee Wee Herman in heat at both of them . (This so called friend of my friend is an evil lump of shit and is using and abusing my friend for his own greed ! Couple of days ago I was talking to my friend and told him that guy is nothing but a parasite and he will suck you dry and thats why he called .) I was in the kitchen when when the phone ring and about a minute later I heard a like a screaming muffled moan and then a big thump on the floor . I walked across the house to see what thumped and as I got close I could Here Daniel D Dydzak screaming like a bitch at them .I ran in and grabbed the phone and slammed it down . Dakota’s friend was on the ground in the fetal position sucking on his hand which he does when he is upset but this was the worst he has ever been . I looked to Dakota and he was pale white and he was trembling hard and I think the fright was to much for him to handle because he shut down and passed out and something else happened but it’s hard for me to talk about because it makes me want to go to Cali , stop at the Bail Bondsman pre pay and then go pay him a visit and see if he can scream at me like that in person but either way I would do some things to him that would bring me extreme joy and a record but my friends talked me out of it so I waited til morning so the boys could calm down and I could talk to them about what happened and then I called the sheriff , 4 hours later he showed up and took my statement and the boys statement and asked Do you want to press charges and I replied what could he be charged with ? He said a mister-meaner or they might give him a warning . I was shocked and this cop treated me like I was waisting his time . He says well I can call him ? I said oh that should make the boys feel safe . I said thanks I will wait til after the holiday and see if I can find someone who actually gives a shit about what this Canadian Cow Chip put them through . If I had a 7 yr old and we went to the store and he was getting way out of hand and I gave him a small little smack on the butt I would be hand cuffed and thrown in the police car and end up an the front page as a child abuser but this freak of nature can scare 2 handicap children to the point of going into severe shock and so scared that this child abuser will come and kill both their families and they just want to go have a chat with him . Shit let me go have a chat with him . I decided to go a different route and I think I might get some really good results but either way I am not stopping until this scumbag is gone so he can’t hurt or scare anyone else’s children . I don’t know which was worse for the kids , what Dan D Dydzak put them through or what the Police wouldn’t do for them . They get bullied enough at school so thanks for teaching them that it’s no big deal that this puss bag can bully them to the 10th power and that justice is truly blind for them . What is wrong with this picture ? I think they should change their motto to Serve and Select Who to Protect . Daniel D Dydzak I hope we meet real soon because we are going to have one hell of a party ! Look who this Canadian ( I bet Canada dis owned him and gave him the boot ) disbarred up on line and look who he is suing . In one of his law suits he is suing United States of America . I think things need to change and we need to grow some balls again and protect and keep our children safe from bullies like him . Nothing like getting bullied by the Bazarro Mr. Rogers

    1. Funky Fedora

      Drop Dead.

  28. See Nuckas, Better Duckas

    Rucka’s Nuckas Nation should declare war on Daniel D Dydzak. No one is a champ of the people and friend of the children more than Rucka Rucka.
    Rucka don’t play that, screaming at the mentally handicapped. He makes rap songs making fun of them.
    But never kids. Rucka’s Nuckas unleash!

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