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Liar, Liar … Pants On Fire

Trying to bring the Big 3 Project to another level, the last few weeks were huge for our future. Having a group of people working with us to create an iTunes project & becoming part of a new online web-series that will show our 20+ year history through audio & video. Then Perry had a break down and he checked himself into a hospital right in the middle of convincing these investors to get on board with us, but something didn’t quite mesh.

Show Summery

DON’T FORGET THAT MONDAY, OCTOBER 15th The Big 3 will be performing LIVE at THE DING-DONG ROC-TOBER FEST … 10:00 pm at The Comedy Store, West Hollywood, CA.
Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. Want More Big 3 Check Out Both



Show Trailer

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

Show Gallery

This Post Has 39 Comments

  1. Ira Tarded

    Perry is an asshole. There’s no more to be said.


    1. Whoopi Silverstein

      Except that he’s an HIV-riddled gay theiving gypsy.

      That, and… Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Three!!!!

  2. Nicole

    Every fucking time I think I know the answer to “How low can a greasy Italian sink?” I am flabbergasted to find out how wrong I was.

    I love Don. I love Mole. I love Mary Jane. I even love Vince in the booth. But I seriously don’t know if I can listen to the big 3 anymore because Perry makes me vomit.

  3. Rucka's Nucka

    Mole- you fucking rock!
    Don- you’re the fucking man!
    Perry- you fucked a man…

  4. Ed

    very nice pictures

  5. Alex

    Wow, just when you thought Perri couldn’t sink any lower…

    No wonder he has able to Facebook from the nuthouse.

  6. Joeweed

    Perry, you son of a bitch! You were fucking with everyone!

  7. eddie torres

    Whose corpse did Parry rape for that suit?

    He looks like a gay root beer popsicle.

  8. Spooky Sammy

    Hey Pherry you gypsy fuck!!!!
    How am I supposed to sell trash bag jackets and 99 cent fedoras if you stop wearing them?
    Sales of these items on have dropped sharply since the Scarf Master has started wearing shorts and suits instead of his trademark ensemble.
    Do yourself a favor and bring your suit back to the Salvation Army. Ask them for a spare garbage bag and poke some holes in it… then wear it!!!
    Your fans cannot recognize you anymore.

  9. Musgrave322

    I can’t believe that Perry would lie to all of us and this podcast about him being at the hospital thinking he’s suicidal. This behavior is really unforgivable and he needs to suffer severe consequences!!!


  10. Simply Dan

    Perry is not even a human being. He’s a fucking little bitch.

  11. Nick (Seattle)

    Perry isn’t to blame for all of this. You know what is? Space shuttles. This whole lying fiasco was triggered when Perry went to go see the space shuttle. This can’t possibly be a coincidence.

    But like Mole said in the last episode, I’m impressed. Perry made up some pretty convincing stories. If only he put his lying skills to better use, who knows, maybe he could do something like sue the government for millions of dollars.

    1. Patrick

      Maybe we need to let the authorities know about the potential for Percy to get involved with this scheme. I don’t know if anyone else knows about them, but there’s this group called “sovereign citizens” who think they can scam the government out of millions of dollars. The FBI classifies them as domestic terrorists:

      I haven’t found any information about them being connected to Javahos or disability schemes, but they’re certainly big-time scam artists, and we know that Parry is the biggest of them all.

        1. Sandy Gallagher

          This is some seriously crazy bullshit

        2. Big Don Hammers

          according to this lawsuit Perry Caramello is a “community activist”

      1. eddie torres

        I don’t see a big difference between a tax-exempt “church” that worships dogs and gangs of rural rednecks with pit bulls that pay no taxes.

        But I’m pretty damn sure those pit bulls hate Italians.

  12. Jack Payback


    Hey Don

    You’ve mentioned you had T-Shirts left over from the live show. Why don’t you put them on the website so fans who couldn’t get to the show can buy them?

    I live in Australia and I’d happily buy one and start promoting the Big Three down under!!!

    1. MR FISTER

      I would buy one

  13. Sandy Gallagher

    So the whole thing was just a cleverly crafted ruse, a la The Usual Suspects, made up entirely by the king of fright night comedy?! Good show Perry. Good show indeed.

    1. eddie torres

      For a while, I thought Parry was Keyser Soze. Back in May, he said stuff like “I skulled your brain in a fucking fire! And, I burn you like a fucking crisp!” He definitley had Don and Mole fooled.

      But now I think he’s more like Danny DeVito’s character (Martini) in “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.” Short, fat, crazy, Italian, and stupid.

  14. Imbecile

    Ernie Banks’s pants?

  15. Collin

    So glad to see purry’s in it for the long hall. Good job Mr. Karavello



    Perrey lies about everything except the one thing he should have lied about: having gay sex for SAG cards.

    1. Nicole

      things Perry is proud of…

      1. Gay sex for SAG card
      2. Beating his wife
      3. Suing his family
      4. Being disabled
      5. Being a Javaho

      1. Nicole

        I forgot…

        6. Sleeping with prostitutes
        7. Ripping off prostitutes
        8. wearing a fanny pack
        9. stealing from friends

        1. Collin

          One may argue that being a Javaho’s Witch is synonymous with stealing from friends. No birthday presents? cum on parry! You’re better than that!

  17. Alex

    Just a question to you guys.

    WCH is one of the funniest films ever made and it’s pretty much a given that all of us hard core fans have at one point or another given copies of WCH to friends and family to expose them to it’s glory. Whenever I hear how their reaction once they actually watch it’s almost always positive. But there’s that curiosity of how WCH came together and just who is Perry.

    Now that there’s a podcast you try to steer them over to it. But my question is this:

    With everything we know about Perry. Do you find yourself recommending the podcast but adding “If you had sympathy for Perry wait till you listen to blank episode!” know what I mean? Do you try to warn them a bit as to what kind of person Perry is or do you just tell them nothing and let them discover and fall down the rabbit hole?

    Just curious. Because when Nick’s call is played I got a little emotional, not teary-eyed but just sickened by Perry. Perry is literally the scum of the earth at this point. He’s scum that shares a lot of trivia and his personal life but he’s still scum. And at this point it’s difficult just to feel anyone for this person.

    Sorry for essay.


  18. Whoopi Silverstein

    Least surprising reveal of the show: Cookie loves the pianists

    1. simplydon

      This is really GREAT Glenn … Thanks for helping us out with ALL of your videos.

    2. Sandy Gallagher

      Glenn, you are an absolute genius and I love all of the animated clips you’ve created!

      1. Glenn

        Thanks a lot Don and Sandy. Much appreciated.

  19. megadeth

    Kerry Palamalau is truly a great American, and by American I mean a lying, Javaho piece of Italian dogshit. Well, he’s not really an American (he won’t salute the flag and sues the government) nor is he great. I messed up with my opening statement.
    I think a great new segment would be called “Lie Detector”. In the segment, Don would hook Kerry up to a lie detector and then he and Mole would ask him questions. For every time Kerry lies or makes an autistic boy cry, Randy Callahan fucks him in the ass. After all, that IS what happens when Perry gets in trouble.
    Lastly, what kind of religion encourages its members to: promote child pornography, lie regularly, choke/beat your spouse, jerk dudes off, solicit then not pay prostitutes, be a shitty father, scam the government, sue the government, murder people, make autistic people cry, make light of suicide, smoke crack cocaine, rip off Sam Kinison, give Italians a worse name than Jersey Shore, pretend they can skateboard? Well, the answer is the Javahos. I always slam my door in their face when they come by for their religious trick or treating. If I heard them out, they would probably cover all that. Next time…

    1. Alex

      Two things:

      He’s piece of Gypsy dogshit. Not Eyetalian.

      A Lie Detector can easily be defeated by puckering your asshole (look it up, that’s true) and Perry has the utmost of experience with that and thus would render a lie detector worthless.

      1. Spooky Sammy

        Exactly!!! His blood line comes from Transylvania. His family merely squatted on Italian land, traveling from village to village spreading lies, disease and foul language.

  20. megadeth

    An interesting point about this whole ordeal is that Kerry did a pretty good job selling the fact that he was in the looney bin. Who know that gypsy-blooded Javaho-bag had those kind of acting chops. He sure didn’t when he was reading lines in Windy City Heat.

    1. eddie torres

      I hope they write a psych ward scene into WCH II.

      I’m seeing Danny DeVito and Robin Williams as Parry’s co-patients. They could play red syringe / blue syringe with some Thorazine.

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