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New York State Of Mind

The Big 3 return to the studio after Don & Mole’s New York experience that is talked about in great detail only to find that Perry bought a NEW $300 leather jacket AND gave $2500 to the Red Cross, but that could be a lie. Mr. Adams accuses Perry of stealing Mr. Giant Dog and a some what embarrassed Don talks of his heroism in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Show Trailer

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 38 Comments

  1. Prince Vince

    Glad everyones back safe and sound, well at least Don and Mole, Perry is still fucked.

    1. Musgrave322

      Probably because of the fake lottery ticket he got from you. PERRY’S A GAY MAN!!!

      1. Agent Smith

        You have evidence or are you just taking Perrys word for it?

        1. Musgrave322

          I’m not siding with anyone!!! I just thought that Perry was really unprofessional with Don over this situation.

  2. sam

    long live the big 3 podcast

  3. petri

    oh snap! Please save my friday night dan barnis, its fucking november and im in finland, fuck going outside when you got the podcast, a bottle of wine and a bag of weed.

  4. big 4

    P-Lo dropping $300 on a trash bag



  6. Whoopi Silverstein

    Leave it to the guys who whines about being cut out of $3.33 from a shout out to use taxpayers dollars to buy a $300 garbage coat. Great job, Scaremaster. Oh wait, you don’t have a job.

    1. Musgrave322

      Perry doesn’t need a job, he loves to scam the government with his fake disability scheme and make all of us look like scumbags.

    1. Agent Smith

      Just one suggestion please. No spoilers or behind the scenes info. The Wiki should reflect the narrative presented and not try to expose anything. Besides the supposed “truth” about Mole, JQA, Yurgi and others is just propaganda put out bu the Javahoe Nation to upset TB3. Otherwise i commend your effort and would look forward to adding to the Wiki myself.

      Thanks, Agent Smith (From the Anti-Javahoe Task Force)

    2. Spooky Sammy

      I’ll be honest and say that I do not like the direction your perry-pedia site is going. It looks more and more like a Gypsy scam site every day. For you to regurgitate that old internet rumor about Mole is just plain wrong. Stick to the facts man. Episode recaps are what you need, not bullshit rumors about JQA, Mole or Don.

      All fans need to know about Don, Mole and Mary-Jane is that they are saints and will be know as the best comedic geniuses for generations to come. Perry is a scamming Gypsy. Enough said.

      1. The Blue Bat

        Right now my focus is on the episode recaps. If people could help with small stuff like uploading pictures, or writing some short bios for people like Randy Callahan, that would be awesome.

  7. Imbecile

    The Sharecropper didn’t purchase that jacket; he looted it from a half-torn Staten Island drycleaner on his way to dognapping his best friend’s Great Dane.

    You’re a real piece of work, Mr. Callahan. I don’t mean Randy, I mean you. On a lighter note, congrats on the annulment. I have to admit, “Perry Callahan” does roll off the tongue. (Please don’t get the wrong idea and send personal emails. I’m talkin about your NAME.)

    1. Imbecile

      Annulment? What the hell was I thinking? It’s a brand-new happy marriage!

      Sorry about that brainfart. I’ll blame it on myself instead of an imaginary 30-year-old accident like The Scaretactic. Learn from my mistakes, Pearey.

  8. Musgrave322

    First Perry wants to get rid of Demetri Moreland for writing seducing Ten-dollar shout-outs, now he want’s to get rid of Hugh A Grey III? Perry really hates the fans!!!!

    1. Alarming Andrew

      It’s Hugh A. Cregg, III (google it)

      1. Musgrave322

        How could Perry block this guy? I don’t know if he’s on facebook or even has an account.

  9. Spooky Sammy

    This week’s podcast was a revelation. Thank you Big 3!

    I had never understood that Javahos need to be gay before being accepted into the church. This explains so much.

    Can someone from the Big 3 Podcast tell me if the order for 10,000 Karavello Urine Receptacles will be placed?

  10. al jolson

    perry soinds like the slow kid in class when asked to read aloud. zero comprehension and syntax of a retard

    1. Agent Smith

      Yet you misspell, don’t use capitals, forget punctuation and can’t figure out that your first comment needs to be approved.

      Is that you Perry?

  11. al jolson

    sohe alos sounds like it

  12. al jolson

    i give up

  13. Jack Mehoff

    Thanks to Perry, I now have an extensive list of restaurants whose bathrooms I will never use again.

  14. Dustin Hedberg

    these episodes keep getting more and more entertaining

  15. Sam Stewart

    Almost lost some people close to me in Hurricane Sandwich. Thanks Big Three for bringing awareness!

    1. Alarming Andrew

      I hope Perry’s $2,500 donation makes it their way.

  16. megadeth

    An effeminate man scams the world by claiming to have a disability. In the end, it comes out that he’s been scheming, scamming, and murdering people all along. Sound familiar? Perry IS Keyser Soze!!!!!! Beware of the gypsy Scam-master. He’s sharper than we think. If you don’t believe me, ask Nathaniel, his Javaho friend Eric, and all who believed that he was in the looney bin.

    1. Alarming Andrew

      Perry has a gait similar to Kevin Spacey’s character.

    2. Imbecile

      Another similarity between the two: When Randy blew Perry in the casting room/garage, he wasn’t actually blowing him. It only looked like he was from the angle Randy’s neighbor saw it in.

      But Perry did jerk Randy off, no doubt about that.

    3. eddie torres

      And, Keyser’s right-hand man / devious plot co-conspirator is an evil bastard lawyer named Kobayashi. I bet he’s disbarred too.

      1. Imbecile

        He wrote the first line of Verbal Kint’s alibi for $500.

    1. eddie torres

      Parry DID NOT blow that cane flute! He just whistled Dixie while it sucked his tongue off.

    2. Musgrave322

      He didn’t go to Comic-Con to meet the Bronies? I thought he did.

  17. Mr. Giant Dog

    Roof roof roof, Perry is Mr. Giant Asshole, roof roof roof.

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