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The Javahoes Want YOU!

The guys celebrate Perry’s 49th birthday and the Scaremaster uses the day trying to recruit Don & Mole telling them he can save the both of them by joining his Jehovah Witness’ club. Perry sneaks into the Design Center to see a S.A.G. movie preview of the latest Bond film and later gives his review of the picture.

Show Summery

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Show Trailer

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 40 Comments

  1. Ed

    biiiiig threeeeeee

  2. Gozer

    ay! make video podcasts.

  3. Alarming Andrew

    More Bond films:
    – Licence to Kill Boners
    – Moonraper
    – The Skateboarder Who Loved Me
    – For Randy’s Eyes Only
    – Zeropussy
    – The Man with the Golden Fannypack
    – From Randy with Love
    – Casino Roy, Al

    1. Whoopi Silverstein

      SAG Cards Are Forever

      1. Musgrave322

        That is, until Perry is married to Randy Callahan.

    2. Whoopi Silverstein

      On His Javahoe’s Secret Service

    3. Imbecile

      – Dr. No Cannolis on My Couch
      – From Randy with Love
      – Old, Fingered
      – Under Balls
      – You Only Live Once (Nathaniel, Eric and Terrifying Tim)
      – On His Knees Secretly Servicing
      – Disability Checks Are Forever
      – Live and Let Scam
      – The Man with the Golden Closet
      – The P.I. Who Loved Meat
      – Goon Faker
      – For Cookie’s New Eyes Only
      – Cock, No Pussy
      – A View to Callahan
      – The Living Gay Whites
      – License to Kill Sperm
      – Gold Don’s Eyes
      – The Story Never Dies
      – The Settlement Is Not Enough
      – Bi Another Gay
      – Bad Scene, Oh I Shall
      – Quarter of Sales
      – Guyballs

      1. Alarming Andrew

        From 7722 Reseda Blvd With Love

    4. Whoopi Silverstein

      You Only Like Guys

  4. big 4


  5. Whoopi Silverstein

    It sounded like Perry said he never turns down rich FOODs, but I think we all know what he meant. With the exception of JQA, of course.

  6. jp

    Justin bieber broke up with selena gomez so Justin and perry can blow each other. perry loves Justin bieber

  7. KindaGamey

    I can’t believe the Chair Blaster actually tries to talk to Mr. Adams! Ha ha. I mean, everyone knows Mr. Adams is tone deaf to high register squeaky gypsy voices.

  8. Musgrave322

    The Javahoes only want more dogs to pray to. Especially when Perry “Gypsy-Man” Karamellow stole Mr. Giant Dog from Mole.


  9. Whoopi Silverstein

    Had to actually look it up to believe RuPaul, Perry and Rock Hudson were born the same day

    Also on 11/17:
    1947: SAG implements anti-communist oath – I guess it’s not technically communism if you’re leeching off a capitalist system
    1973: Nixon said “I am not a crook” – Obviously a great day for liars
    2012: 50 innocent children killed in train accident – Even though they don’t celebrate, I guess Javahoe birthday wishes come true

  10. Professor Calculus

    If Perry said he gave $2,500 when he only meant $25, by that mathematical relation I’ve determined he’s actually blown 100 casting directors not just the 1.

    1. Julio

      Actually he said 25,000 last podcast.

  11. Musgrave322

    GRAHHH, I’M SO BORED!!!! When will The Bosses Upstairs cancel Perry’s Movie Time?

  12. Pic tures

    Where’s executive producer Mary Jane’s pictorial record os this podcasting event? I seem to recall last week’s podcasting extravanganza as well. I know she is completely professional and works hard, but whats the deal?

  13. BIRD33

    Perry Killed Mr. Giant dog!!!

    1. eddie torres

      …and then Parry turned Mr Giant Dog’s skin into his brand new “$300 leather jacket.” He even called Don’s cell phone using his “I Am The Master” voice to taunt Don, and Parry wears the jacket in the studio at the secret recording location in West Hollywood to rub it under Mole’s nose.


    2. Musgrave322

      How could Perry Karamellow kill Mr. Giant Dog? The Javahoes don’t kill dogs, they pray to them.

    1. Alarming Andrew

      Hugh A. Cregg III

  14. Nicole

    So when Perry say he gave $2500 to Red Cross he actually meant $25.00.

    So when he says his hat is a $100 he means $1.00 and his $300 jacket is really a $3.00 jacket. Seems about right.

    1. Imbecile

      The Dalmation of Adam

    2. Spooky Sammy

      Everyone be sure to call Perry to reserve your seat.
      First 1000 fans get in free.

  15. megadeth

    The other day I went to Denny’s to work off a hangover. As I was eating my Moon Over My Hammy, my stomach really started a-rumbling. I rushed into the bathroom and guess who I saw? I saw Hairy Perry down on his knees deep in Javaho gypsy prayer. He was in a bathroom stall bowing down to what appeared to be a hole in the side of the stall separator. I heard loud moaning and sucking noises and shrugged, saying, “Hmmm, interesting Javaho prayer technique.”

  16. Simply Dan

    Is there a part 2 to this show? It cut off after Perry lied about the money.

    1. Nigel

      It’s a full episode. Try downloading it again.

    1. Spooky Sammy

      I am amazed at this video. She is as bad as Perry! Who in their right mind puts their home phone and fax numbers at the end of a music video?
      Now any person can call her up to get first hand details about her relationship with Perry.
      Even the one comment in youtube has an idiot putting up their home phone numbers!!!
      Maybe she posts her social security number in her other videos?
      Lastly, the clip was filmed 5 years ago at an event for 65+ year old widows. That means that she is no younger than 70. What kind of sick fuck tries to hook it up with a 70 year old bird? Does Perry have an Oedipus Complex? Wait a minute, I’ll call Terry Anfuso and find out!!

      1. megadeth

        BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! I just heard that the bosses upstairs have changed the name from Perry’s Sexcapades with whores of the valley and Orange County to Perry’s Sexcapades with senior citizens of the valley and Orange County. Perry likes them underage or over 65. Happy medium, Repairmaster.

    1. Collin

      It’s a gay thing.

    2. Spooky Sammy

      Be very careful about viewing the Scarf Master’s photos!

      He may have accidentally mixed in some child pornography, being the stupid fucking gypsy moron that he is.

  17. mewmewmint

    What? The scroogiest M.F. in the world didn’t give 2500 dollars to charity? The same guy who uses his religion as an excuse not to buy anybody anything ever while fucking hookers? The same guy who shits himself over 10 dollars? I’m sooooo shocked. Seriously, I’d be BLOWN away if he even gave the $25.

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