You are currently viewing 25 Or 6 To 4

25 Or 6 To 4

Perry claims that he became smarter by taking a new drug seen in a movie called 25 Or 6 To 4 and then proves it by beating Mole in a trivia competition sent in by a fan. The guys talk about their upcoming appearance at the Sundance Film Festival and gave the wrong information on the starting time for their LIVE podcast which has been changed from midnight to 9:00 pm on the Video Podcast Network on January 19th at “Cisero’s”, 306 Main Street, Park City Utah

Show Summary

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Show Trailer

Big 3 LIVE

Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 41 Comments

  1. Nicole

    I love you Mole!

  2. Simply Dan

    Can’t wait to see how Perry fucks up Sundance.

  3. Alarming Andrew

    Why does Perry keep on saying “I’m happy, gay”?

    1. Michael

      You misheard him. What he actually said was, “I’m happy being gay”.

      1. Ape

        I hear her say “I´m happily gay”

  4. Joeweed

    The Big 3 are on fire, right in time for Sundance. A lot of classic gags today, not counting the one on Randy. I can’t believe Perry gave out Dan’s address.

  5. Prince Vince

    R.I.P. Perry’s Movie Time Theme.

  6. Nicole

    Hmmm.. NZT sounds a lot like AZT the AIDS medicine.

    1. Michael

      Perry has a particularly virulent strain of AIDS found only in lower primates like chimps and bonobos. NZT is specifically designed to treat this strain.

      1. Michael

        It is worth noting that humans share roughly 96% of our DNA with Chimpanzees. However, Italians share approximately 99.9% of their DNA with Chimpanzees, hence how easily this strain of AIDS was so easily transmitted to the Perry.

    2. eddie torres

      The website for Parry’s new drug is The fine print reads:

      “©2010 FluerColeYoko. All Rights Reserved. This site is intended for U.S. residents only. Various design elements are trademarks of FluerColeYoko. We are not responsible if you die.”

      How long before Parry’s rogue crackpot lawyer sues “FluerColeYoko”? How many more people have to die for Parry’s sick twisted pleasure?

      And why the Hell is Parry doing business with Yoko Ono? She’s the b**** that broke up The Beatles! I swear to Dog, if Parry lets Yoko break up the Big 3 I’m gonna take a giant dump in the hot tub at 7722 Reseda Blvd.

      1. Matthew

        But that address is his business office. Why would a business office have a hot tub?

        Unless…it was a brothel and after the hairy italian gypsies expunge his noodle they soak and marinate in each others greasy fragrant oils from Perry’s bath and that’s why all Italian/Gypsies smell like Perry because his odour is like catnip to them.

        It’s the simplest explanation.

  7. Red.mac

    Biiiiiig 3

  8. Musgrave322

    There are some things that are not right in this world. They are pigs flying, Humans floating on air, Cats and Dogs making peace with each other, and of course: Perry Karamellow being smart throughout the podcast and having Perry’s Movie Time always on the air.

    If Perry’s Movie Time is cancelled, can we listen to the theme song? It sounds so catchy!!!!!!!

  9. KindaGamey

    I hope the Hair Shyster can control himself this episode. I don’t want to have to sue the podcast for damage to the gondolas in my ear canal.

  10. Nick (Seattle)

    That’s 2 times within the past couple of weeks that Pairie has helped somebody move. First it was the lawyer guy who he later had killed, now he helped his computer guy with his storage locker (and probably also killed). Aside from the murders, I think an important thing we need to find out is when will Parrie get a job doing manual labor? He needs money, and apparently now has the ability to do that kind of work.

  11. yurgi

    Lisa Jablonski has a sizeable bush

    1. Lisa C. Jablonsky

      Not anymore. I shaved it!

      1. Nicole

        Did Perry teach you about shaving? Were you inspired by his shaved genitals when he answered the door naked?

      2. Musgrave322

        You must be really nice for serving the Big 3 Podcast a whole lot of money with Perry not having squat. Is it a way to pay him back for being really disrespectful to you?

  12. megadeth

    I can’t believe that Parry talked about the time he fucked Lyndon Johnson during Parry’s Sexcapades. It must have been at a naval ceremony to honor Cookie.
    I think I know what Jash stands for. Well, I have it narrowed down to two:
    Javahos Are Shitty Humans
    Javahos Are Stupid Homos

    1. Spooky Sammy

      Who do you think told Lyndon Johnson to kill JFK?

      Now you can see how far the trail of blood and cum goes. Dog bless Dan and Mole for risking their lives with this depraved animal.

      1. Musgrave322

        Is it really too late for Carson Daily or to wake up at Don’s Crack?

    2. Kara

      Javahoes Are Satanic Homosexuals

  13. Nicole

    Just curious, how many times did the scaremaster say he was “proud” in this episode? What does that even mean?

    1. Spooky Sammy

      Perry’s just excited about Homoha and the other upcoming gay PRIDE parades. His gloryhole business really picks up during the festivities.

      1. Musgrave322

        Perry Karamellow will be even twice as Excited when he is seated next to the King of the Homoha parade. It is of course Randy Callahan or Demetri Moreland.

  14. Glad l'm not any of you

    If that’s the level of “intelligence” that those drugs can give to Perry, then that retard better get a full refund ASAP. What Karamello needs is that new drug that cures gayness (from the makers of NyQuil), comes NoQueerz. I have a hunch that one bottle isn’t gonna be enough for Perry.
    BIG THREE ! ! !

  15. mr fister


    1. Musgrave322

      You mean, S.H.I.T.(Satan’s Helpers of International Terror)?

  16. Science & Violence

    Perry is sick…really sick and quite cunning. He gave out his address many times before now he pretends to get upset when it’s mentioned by Walter or Don. Perry allowed his address to be known on purpose so male listeners could visit and he would try to seduce them. Perry is very fond of Arab and Nordic men, just ask a couple of young men named Tahir and Berg.

    Oh and Vince, go fuck yourself you scumbag.

  17. Alarming Andrew

    The 10 year anniversary of WCH is October 12. What if there was a big show at the Comedy Store with the Big 3, Terrifying Tim (if still alive), Yurgi, Dr. Tommy Morris, Frankie Machine, Rucka, and Demetri Moreland (perhaps others).

    1. Alarming Andrew

      Also, there could a be a live scene recreation from the movie. I’m thinking the “milkshake scene” (both the Disney take and the regular take).

  18. Musgrave322

    I found another way of saying J.A.S.H.


    1. Spooky Sammy

      Oh my Dog! Scaremaster joined a terrorist organization!!!!! He’s leaving the Javahoes in order to fight infidels with the Kurds. See below. The Donkey’s Foal must be his new arab name.

      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Jash (Kurdish: Caş or Cahş, literally meaning “donkey’s foal”), or fursan[1] is a type of collaborator,[1] usually a military unit composed of people of Kurdish descent that cooperates with enemy combatants against the Kurdish army, Kurdish rebels, or the Kurdish civilian population.[1][2][3] The term is considered derogatory[1] in a cultural sense in much the same way as quisling is.

      In 624 AD (one of the earliest known appearances of this term), during a military campaign of extermination and looting taking place within the Battle of Badr, a commander’s orders informed jash units that taking cattle, sheep, goats, money, weapons and even Kurdish women was legal.[4]
      The term “Jash Police” was used by the Kurds towards the Iraq’s local Kurdish police militias in 1944.[5]
      In the latter half of the 20th century, Kurds who became collaborators with the Iraqi government have been referred to as jash.[3] The number of jash increased to “as many as 150,000 by 1986” as a method of avoiding military participation in the Iran–Iraq War. These jash then realigned with the rest of the Kurdish people during the 1991 Kurdish uprising. It has been stated by a number of Kurds that “the jash had been completely forgiven”.[6]

  19. mewmewmint

    Why’s the ding dong show podcast on deathsquad and not here? This website has said “ding dong show -coming soon” on the front page since it began and there’s already 3 ding dong podcasts on deathsquad. Is it due to Perry’s rampant unprofessionalism? If Perry can sell his crappy skateboards made out of discarded Canadian popsicle sticks, then Don should at least have a link to the Ding Dong Show podcasts on the Simply Don Podcast Network.

  20. Nigel

    Big 3 live stream will be at on Saturday at 08:30P Pacific time

    1. Nigel

      Actually, the time will be 08:15P. And if you’re in the area, you can see them in person at Cisero’s on Main St.

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