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Getting Ready For VPN

The guys talk about their big trip to Park City, Utah where they will be streaming the NEW Big 3 LIVE webcast show on Saturday night, the 19th at “Cisero’s”, 8:45 MST while the Sundance Film Festival is going on all around town. Perry then surprises everyone by saying that he has become friends with Justin Bieber and talks about his plans of becoming his step father by marrying his mother.

Show Summary

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Show Trailer


Big 3 LIVE

Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 65 Comments

  1. Dustin Hedberg

    DON YOUR THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Musgrave322

      Dan Barney is the man, Mole is f*cking hilarious and the crown jewel of the podcast, and Trashboat Karamellow is the gay man!!!

  2. Ira Tarded

    DON YOU’RE THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Aspiron

    It’s Dan not Don.

  4. Joeweed

    DAN YOUR THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Whoopi Silverstein

    Baby Guy! Baby Guy! Baby Guy!

    1. Prince Vince

      Like most things in Perrys life, this is another rip off. Just like he stole his look and scream from Sam Kinison, he stole the baby character straight from Bruce Baum.

  6. Nicole

    UGH, Perry’s tongue is covered in plaque. Does the scaremaster brush his teeth?

    1. Musgrave322

      I thought that Trashboat Karamellow got his teeth whitened.

  7. ToeTagTeaBag

    With this episode confirming that you will all be staying together at sundance, i would like to see the techniques used of how someone who is so heartless and greasy sleeps at night also misplacement and theft of perry property would be welcome.

  8. MoleFan

    What the hell is happening to the Stairmaster’s hat? Every week it gets more and more misshapen. Maybe he should use some of his endless stream of disability money to buy a new one. Maybe he could get a yachting cap to help advertise his sexuality.

    1. Musgrave322

      It looks like Trashboat might place his crappy Toyota truck at an intersection of a highway while he skateboards. He has done it before with his mom’s Oldsmobile.

  9. Michael

    BIG 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are going to kick ass at Sundance. Only big things to come for the Big3. The only thing that would make 2013 even better would be a ten year special addition blue ray addition of WCH.

  10. HarperLee

    Somebody showed this to me recently, and I immediately thought of Perry. Posting this video to keep Perry’s attitude positive and hopefully prevent him from screwing up Sundance.

    I suspect mole would easily see that play on words in the chorus coming from miles away

  11. Musgrave322

    I would love to see the BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG THREE on the Video Podcast Network. Good luck guys.

  12. Musgrave322

    I have a way to keep the podcast going and to keep Perry on his best behavior. Perry Karamellow will lose a ten-dollar shout-out every time that Perry Karamellow threatens to quit the podcast. He really has a bad habit of doing that every time and nobody is giving out Ten-dollar shout-outs because of the Gypsy F*ck!!!

  13. Alex

    This Saturday is going to be an amazing event. I only wonder if there’s going to be a Live Chat that the Big 3 can respond to?

    1. Alarming Andrew

      We can just post real-time to Perry’s Facebook wall.

    2. Nigel

      If it’s like the Carolla webcast that was on VPN a few days ago, it will be on the Youtube channel and you’ll be able to respond to it live. Also, and this is even more important, the show will stay on the Youtube channel so you can still watch it at a later date.

    3. Soggy Vegetable

      Pretty exciting.. the show was basically done a few months ago and now the show is back, getting it’s highest download count recently, and progressing to video podcasts. Wish I could be there, but I’ll definitely be watching live.

  14. Spooky Sammy

    The VPN video was AWESOME!!!!!
    Love it, love it, love it.
    But I still hate you Perry! Fuck your gypsy ass!
    Don and Mole are going to be the biggest stars in showbiz.

  15. Jack Mehoff

    I believe that Perry’s Sexcapades are a hoax. Can anyone locate these ladies that Perry talks about having sex with and verify if these women even exist? I smell a Manti Te’o type of situation going on with Perry Caramello’s past girlfriends and lovers.

    1. eddie torres

      We’d probably need some grave diggers and a forensic pathologist to get to the bottom of that black hole. Somewhere east of Big Bear…

  16. Sam Stewart

    Perry keeps advertising the HN diet on Twitter. I hope he’s giving you a cut of his endorsement deal.

  17. Prince Vince

    I just noticed in the pics that the Elvis light wasnt turned on, does that mean this podcast doesnt count?

  18. GayOrNot?

    Did Perry blow Randy Callahan or was it the other way around? Does he admit that he’s gay or not? This is all so confusing.

  19. Justin Bieber

    Perry, I happen to know that all of my zillions of fans agree with me that you are a pile of shit on toast! I’m happy to announce that my mother isn’t even remotely interested in dating a scumbag such as yourself. How do you feel knowing that the kid who delivers the morning newspaper in my chef’s neighborhood, makes more coinage than you? Scummaster, you truly are the quintessential proletariat. But enough about you. I was planning on tying the knot with Selena, but after looking at that pic of Mary Jane, I think I’ve found the future Mrs. B!
    M J, your only “problem” is, is that you are just too damn sexy! However, I’m not sure if you want to marry me because I do have a serious flaw- I refuse to drink Dom Perignon if it’s NOT between 43.7 and 49.2 degrees. So, please think it over. Sincerely, J Biebs
    BIG THREE ! ! !

    1. Musgrave322

      And if you thought that Trashboat Karamellow was the least of your problems, wait until you hear from Rucka Rucka Ali and all his Nuckas. You’re still not off the hook yet pal.

  20. Imbecile

    The Big 3 probably aren’t in Utah yet. Perry has been faking food poisoning so he can visit all the rest stops.

    1. eddie torres

      There’s lots of toilets on the LAX-SLC flight too. A disbarred attorney once told me “actors” can get a special SAG card personally delivered by Travolta, but I don’t know if that works anymore.

  21. Ira Tarded

    DAN, YOU’RE THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    MOLE, I THINK YOU’RE COOL TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Hey, good luck at that VPN thing, whatever the fuck that is.


  22. HarperLee

    Perry seems very unprofessionally unprepared. How long has he known about Sundance and hasn’t even bothered to look up what state it’s in? Maybe it’s just something that isn’t as important to him as some other things. Fans of the show may remember that on the 4/20/12 episode “Perry’s Girl Visits” he revealed that he used google to find out which city had the most homosexuals. I bet if they were doing their live podcast from a gay club Perry would know exactly where it was, the bartender’s name, and which bathroom stalls had waist-high holes drilled through the walls.

  23. MrDinosaur

    If Perry needs a diaper to play the baby guy, why doesn’t he just borrow one from Terry Anne Floozo?

    1. Collin

      Her walker may also help parry to stand up in a timely fashion.

  24. Simply Dan

    “You mean to tell me it’s all fake??”- Perry “Baby Guy” Beiber


  25. Scared of Perry

    Wonder if Perry has read Beiber’s mom’s book, she said she was a crack whore, sounds like this would make a good episode of Perry’s sexcapades

  26. petri

    still no info on where you can find that stream?

    1. Nicole

      On youtube subscribe to “VideoPodcastNetwork”

      When it is time to watch the podcast go to the channel and it will connect you to the live feed.

  27. KindaGamey

    honestly i thought the whole Sundance thing was a joke they were playing on the Bear Fister. i assumed he would drag his ass to Utah and they’d tell him they couldn’t make it or something. as soon as i saw Dan’s pictures on the plane i knew it was a reality. how exciting!

  28. J-Rock

    That thing that Perry is doing with his tongue looks like some Javaho ritual.

  29. Alex

    Big 3 kinda’ bombed on stage. No fault of their own. Just had a shit head drunk hipster audience. Plus no Mole Play at the end.

    The next show in the studio should be way better!

    1. eddie torres

      Mole clocked it: “That was awesome… about 8 minutes in, there was a stream of all the girls for the exits!”

    2. Demetri

      Combination of a weak audience and the guys not preparing for a crowd that had no idea who they were. It’s fine though. The Big 3 are moving up and getting more exposure which is the important thing. Overall, everything surrounding the Big 3 is very positive. Let’s keep this thing growing.

      1. mr fister

        I kind of enjoyed the chaos created by the audience of strangers. I mean the first ever human pyramid on a podcast, thats historic.

  30. randddyyyyy

    yeah i love the big three but that was hard to watch. It’s funny the only time where the crowd was about to get involved was when they were talking about the RANDY BJ…, but of course once again Perry finds a way to sabotage everything.

    1. Demetri

      The biggest reaction out of the audience the whole night was when Perry said “Who here thinks I’m gay?”.

  31. Demetri

    The classic Big 3 clips were amazing.

    *Spoiler Alert!*

    We found out that Sheba was actually a tranny! How big is that? Also Mole had a really funny stand up act back in 1992.

    1. Collin

      I can’t believe they have video of Sheba. It’s incredible work she does too. She looked incredible, delicate almost. AIDS. She didn’t look like she had AIDS at all. Perry’s meal ticket for sure!

  32. Imbecile

    There won’t be an audience each week, right? I want the episodes to be like the show trailers on Youtube, not with a live crowd reaction.

  33. Alex

    at 22:29 Perry explicitly say’s he had sex with Sheeba. Now the question is this: was Sheeba pre or post-op?

    1. Alex

      It’s kind of shocking to see that the first Big 3 vid on VPN has of now 85,000 views and counting. Whereas Adam Carolla got almost 7,000.

      1. Alex

        Correction: The Carolla podcast was hosted on two channels. One has 7,000 views and another one (I think on the VPN channel) has 25,000. Still really fucking shocked that the Big 3 have 85,000 and their video isn’t even listed!

  34. Nicole

    I think the guys just expected there to be some people familiar with the big 3 in the audience. If the crowd would of been 1/2 full of big 3 fans the show would of gone off fine because the energy would of been there. But when you are unfamiliar with the concept and you see someone like Perry on stage you just think it is a bunch of amateur fucks. When you are a fan of the big 3 and Perry gets into one of his long winded stories it is hilarious. But to a newcomer listening to some guy tell a boring story about skiing being the reason he is named Scary Perry you think WTF.

    I think they should of made a 10 min version of WCH to show at the beginning of the podcast to give the audience some background.

    But as a Big 3 fan I loved seeing Sheeba and I loved seeing vintage Mole. Thank you Don, Mole, and Mary Jane for working hard to put this together even if it didn’t go off like planned. And Perry thank you for showing up and not pretending to be in a mental ward.

    1. Demetri

      People at Sundance are there to see independent films, so it would actually make sense to just show WCH in full and then do a Q&A or something like that afterward. It doesn’t really fit in with what VPN is about, but it would have gone over a lot better with the crowd.

  35. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    They did it again!
    A whole roomful of actors flown in, totally committed to pretending they’d never even heard of The Big Three… Perry didn’t know what to think!

    (was one of those chicks Kimmel in disguise?)

  36. Spooky Sammy

    We all agree the crowd was full of javaho pieces of shit, but I think the crowd would have been more receptive had the Scaremaster started off with the spaghetti joke.

    1. Michael

      I totally agree. The crowd also had the unfortunate experiences of being close enough to smell Perry. No amount of alcohol can blunt the offensive combination of garlic, semen, sweat and soiled underpants that emanates from the smell master.

    2. Alarming Andrew

      The Big Three should do another podcast from a coffee shop… This time, the Reseda Denny’s.

  37. Glenn

    Spaghetti joke! Spaghetti joke! Spaghetti joke! Spaghetti joke!

  38. T Dot

    “Terrifying Tim best represents the spirit of the Big 3…”

  39. Science & Violence

    So I log onto my twitter only to receive this disgusting direct message from Perry Caravello himself… “Ass play ass play, lets play ass play”

    Get a life you weird transgendered Italian thing you.

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