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Justin Bieber’s New Pal

Perry’s goes into great detail about his new pal, Justin Bieber and how their friendship has been growing with a real possibility of marrying his mother so the Scaremaster can give his daughter a new step-brother that she would be proud of. The guys announce a Big 3 contest where some lucky (?) listener can win a cross country trip with podcast soundman, Vince, it seems on the surface that it’s a contest that no one will be interested in winning.

Show Summary

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. If you want to see “Classic Big 3” video from the past twenty-some years check out “The Big 3 LIVE” on the Video Podcast Network (VPN)

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Show Trailer


Big 3 LIVE

Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 47 Comments

  1. Dustin Hedberg

    Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig 3!

  2. Sir John Franklin

    I had to turn off when Vince opened his fucking mouth. That piece of shit didn’t even mention telescopes and he still managed to ruin my day. Not even a dirty javaho gypsy fart could cover how much he stinks.

    1. Prince Vince

      On behalf of Vinces everywhere, I apologize.

  3. Collin

    I really want to hear The Scrotemaster’s Christopher Walken impression. Bet it’s top notch. Like the time he blew that casting director.

  4. Musgrave322

    Trashboat Karamellow has once again reached a new level of fa**otry with not only the podcast, but also the Nucka Nation since he is joining forces with the biggest fa**ot of the United States. Of course, I’m talking about JB. What’s next, trashboat comes into contact with Zayn Malik who was 100% responsible for 9/11.

  5. Prince Vince

    Sounds legit.

  6. ToeTagTeaBag

    To the person who is playing justin bieber i salute you sir

  7. Spooky Sammy

    Perry really is the dumbest fucktard in the world. He actually thinks Justin Bieber is in a relationship with him when the only messages Perry has ever received from him or his mother are the occasional tweets sent out to ALL of his Twitter followers.
    For a good laugh, just read through Perry’s Twitter messages.
    Can’t wait for the episode where Perry receives a restraining order from his new “boyfriend”.

  8. eddie torres

    “Is that Pedlo-bear? Is that by Owen’s Mouth? …yeah, it’s a state of mind.”

    Mole was hilarious all podcast long, but I burst out laughing when he said this at the end. Mole Rocks!!!

  9. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    Vince rocks. Yes, kinda boring and talks about telescopes, but dudes… don’t hate!

    1. Musgrave322

      Nobody want’s to go on a road trip with Vince. I rather listen to OneDirection and Justin Bieber’s Music than listen to that bum talk about telescopes.

  10. Nicole

    Please no more pictures of Perry’s tongue. It is so white and gross looking.

  11. PerrysAGayMan

    Don’s a genius. I wondered how the first video got 115,000 views. Kind of hard to believe, even though I do see it on youtube. Then Don Tells Perry he will be to blame if the next video doesn’t get a lot of views. And their 2nd video has just over 1,000 views. Looking forward to the next episode!

  12. megadeth

    I’ll be honest about this whole Bieber/Perry thing. I don’t like the guy at all, but I hate to see a gullible moron get scammed. I just can’t believe that he would fall for this. How could Justin Bieber be so stupid? Perry told him that he’s skateboarding legend, Tim Perpedic, and Bieber bought it hook, line, and sinker. So sad to see County Fairmaster, aka the Denny’s dicksucker, con that prepubescent Canadian dipshit.

  13. Whoopi Silverstein

    If you’re going to post more car ride introductions, can Perry’s forfeited portion of the $10 shout outs go toward getting Vince a cab?

  14. Justin Bieber

    Perry, you are truly dumber than a bus full of Lady Gaga fans! There I was jetting at 10000 feet, nursing a glass of Dom, signing some autographs while enjoying the latest installment of the Big3pod, when I heard that idiot once again claiming that I’ve been contacting him. Stupid, don’t you understand that someone’s been impersonating me? I have to put up with this crap a million times a day. I guess next week we’ll hear about Perry bragging to Don and Mole that Beyonce is splitting with Jay-Z so she can start dating Romeo Caravello. Get it through your Cro-Magnon skull that the closest that we’ll EVER be related is, is that I already think of you as the gay, retarded uncle that I’ve never wanted!
    Sincerely, The Real Me
    BIG THREE ! ! !

  15. Dr. Jagoff

    It looks to me as if something has been repeatedly rubbed back and forth across Perres tongue so much, that it has lost most all of its pigmentation. Ive only come across this one other time in my long career. It was from a young sailor by the name of Cookie. He claimed it was from the salty sea air and not from releasing all the Seamen. He then offered me a blowjob as payment for his visit, since his government disability check hadn’t arrived yet. That boy had a talent.

  16. OklaHOMO

    I wonder which guy is more gullible…
    Perry or T’eo? I can’t decide. I just wish I could be Perry’s “facial friend”…

    1. Nicole

      At least T’eo talked to his “girlfriend” on the phone. Perry has just talked to Biebs on the internet.

  17. Demetri

    The hits just keep coming. From Perry’s Facebook:

    Josh Coyne
    Perry, a friend of mine was at Bieber’s concert last nite and said that he dedicated a song to you.

    Perry F. Caravello
    Josh Coyne, Justin is such a nice kid. I would be honored to have him as a Step Son!!!

    Perry F. Caravello
    What was the song Justin Bieber Dedicated to me???

    Josh Coyne
    He did a cover of George Michael’s “Father Figure”. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

    Perry F. Caravello
    I would like to Thank Justin for The Song Dedcated to me… I’m watching the Video online and crying myself!!! That is just so nice to hear…

    Perry F. Caravello
    I’ve had some crazy dreams in my life come true. But if this EVER HAPPENS??? WOW!!!

    1. OklaHOMO

      LOL! I think we just figured out the plot for Windy City Heat 2…

  18. megadeth

    Is the Snaremaster going to be in the third Expendables?

    1. Demetri

      The live show today was intense. Perry went berserk on several occasions. He caused Mole to cut his leg, which was bleeding, and he punched Mole at least twice and had to be restrained by MaryJane, who he also threatened.

      1. eddie torres

        It was full-blown Parry insanity! I swear he was seconds away from a murderous rampage, and he totally tried to kill Mole’s knee.

        Also, I think his hacker ex-boyfriend sabotaged the Super Bowl. Parry totally gave it away when he refused to sing the national anthem.

        1. Spooky Sammy

          I too was shocked to see the real Perry reveal himself by the level of violence. He even punched Mary Jane, and Don several times. Mole got the Saul Steinbergowitzgreenbaum treatment and may also face his leg being amputated.
          Perry is in my opinion the modern day (and real) Hannibal Lector. I for one would fee much safer if Perry were strapped onto a hand truck with a face mask/neck brace affixed to his fugly face.

  19. petri

    that video is now private, i feel awful. Whats happening dan barney, as a european listener i feel like im being fucked in the mouth at the moment because im not able to catch the vpn shows live and after the fact the video is either impossible or atleast difficult to find.

    1. Demetri

      Don is looking into the problem. No one knows why VPN set the video to private. There are fans who have already downloaded the video though, so worst case scenario someone will just re-upload it.

    2. Demetri

      It’s back up now. Maryjane said she thinks they were cleaning up the show a little bit (edits), but assured us that they were not censoring it. So that’s good.

  20. simplydon

    The VPN show is up again … They had to remove things from Rucka Rucka Ali’s video before it go go up on YouTube … Sorry if it fucked with anyone’s day.

  21. Demetri

    Here’s the link to the edited version:

    The original uncut stream is still up though at the old link. I haven’t watched all of the edited version, but it looks like they just made a few minor changes. They put VPN bumpers at the beginning and end of the video, and they cut the part where the intro video started playing again and Don made a comment on it. Also at the end of the original version you could hear Mole make a comment after the show was over which was cut. They put up an edited version of episode 2 also, where they did similar stuff, and also fixed the audio on the last video clip.

    1. Spooky Sammy

      What the fuck is up with this Javaho censorship crap? Perry wants it done his way so he just pulls the video and chops it up?
      Fucking unprofessional!!!

  22. Paul Heck

    I love you Big 3. Thanks for continuing to bring us awesome podcast comedy.

  23. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Science Comes To Italy in 1946:

    Looks like Perry with a haircut.

  24. Wait, so what?

    Just getting around to the Super Bowl youtube show. What’s Don’s deal? Jumping ship from VPN already? He said they were gonna trim down to video once a month, than proceeded to insult the whole operation for 5 minutes. That’s in the first 10 minutes. Probably not the way to go if he was actually sincere about staying there 1/4 time.
    If it’s too much work to produce 2 hours of content or drive out there, or they won’t accommodate the studio Don already built, then it makes sense to just quit, I guess. No need to be pissy about it.
    Just curious what the behind-the-scenes goings on are?

    1. Ape

      It is free you fucking idiot, he do this on his spare time. Don does the Kimmel show, the Ding dong show and its podcast and 2 shows with the big 3. JQA also travels a lot and it is probably hard to get him to call the show.

      I can´t get enough of the big 3 but if the situation is that they only can do one Video podcast a month i am happy with that.

      Big 3 love from Sweden.

      1. simplydon

        Thank-You for understanding … There’s even more reason than what you said but I really appreciate you taking my side Ape.

    2. Nicole

      Stop being an ungrateful fuck.

        1. Nicole

          To Ape but the posting order makes it look weird.

          1. Nicole

            Fuck! I didn’t mean Ape I meant “Wait. so what?”

    3. Sir John Franklin

      It seems like Don had a legit list of complaints that had to be addressed in order to make a quality show. Lets not forget that the show is about pop-culture and their own personal lives.

      Thanks to Don, Mole, Mary Jane, the Scare Master, and even that piece of shit Vince for the hard work that goes into making such a great set of podcasts.

      PS. The latest Ding-Dong show upload was unbelievably good. Schizo Surfer’s confession was amazing beyond words. I can’t wait to hear about how he and Tuxedo got on at the sex party.

  25. Musgrave322

    Vince is still terrible on the podcast!!! If I hear that bum bragging about telescopes again, I’m gonna pull my hair and scream really loud.

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