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Visit From Lisa Marie

Perry brings in his former Public Access Show co-host from The Comedy Pure Rock Resurrection to try and wedge them self into getting a show on the VPN, while Don has Perry bring up his relationship with the late Nicole Brown Simpson. The guys challenge the listeners to help out the podcast by bombarding the VPN YouTube page by going to ALL the Big 3 videos, “liking” them while making “positive comments” on all the videos.

Show Summary

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. If you want to see “Classic Big 3” video from the past twenty-some years check out “The Big 3 LIVE” on the Video Podcast Network (VPN).

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Show Trailer

Big 3 LIVE

Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Dustin Hedberg

    Thank you Don, Mole, maryjayne , vince………….. and even perry….

  2. Nicole

    It’s up so early!

    Thanks Don, Mole, Maryjane, Vince, Lisa Marie, Nick, and Javaho!

  3. Collin

    Is this the girl that pary said tasted his asshole? He’s amazing with women. and men.

  4. Nicole

    Usually I don’t like guests but Lisa Marie was cool.

    1. megadeth

      Nicole, usually I think your comments are dead-on, but I couldn’t disagree with you more on this one. Lisa Marie clearly came on the show to promote herself and conveniently called the Scaremaster right before he was going to do the podcast. Her appearance reeked of gypsy tricks, and I wouldn’t be shocked if she was on a fake disability scheme. At the end of the day, she’s “friends” with Pierre. Guilty by association.

  5. ToeTagTeaBag

    i wonder what those documents were that perry left in his fanny pack?

    1. eddie torres

      Maps to where all the bodies are buried?

  6. Red.mac

    Biiiiig 3!!!!

  7. Rick Portman

    I’m trying to get perny to donate 100 skateboards to disabled children and he won’t do it. More like the GreedMaster…

  8. Sam Stewart

    Lisa Marie sucks and I hate her.

    1. Nicole

      When she was around Perry acted like a human, she seemed cool.

    2. Ben Franklin's Front Window

      So, Don actually pays attention to this jabbering trash-hulk, and no, ‘mystery goo’ scenario?
      She was even trying to do ‘jokes’ -ffs!
      (anyone named after Johhny Rotten’s testicle, should shaddap & play along.)

      Great ep. anyway…

  9. Kris

    Hate Vince……

  10. Musgrave322

    I’ll see what I can do to get VPN to respect you guys. I have a feeling that the Video Podcast Network doesn’t like you because you keep hanging out with Trashboat Karamellow, The Javahoe Gypsy.

    I will also make a race car for the podcast so everyone will know about Trashboat Karamellow’s gayness. I don’t care if he expects me to pay him one thousand dollars. (I’ll give to Don, Mole, Mary Jane, and Vince if he doesn’t put his foot onto the podcast.

  11. Sir John Franklin

    Great show as always! I’ll be going to VPN and Big Three Youtube stuff and liking and commenting.

  12. Ballistic Maniac

    I love the podcast, but please have on some real guests like Dr. Morris, Frankie Machine, Yurgie, and Andy Dick.

  13. Arthur

    All of Perry’s “girlfriends” have half lasered off tattoos.

  14. Whoopi Silverstein

    Will Perry’s other girlfriend Dolphin come back? She and Don had some great chemistry.

  15. Jack Mehoff

    I love Lisa Marie as a guest. Might be because I love all guests on this show. But if she is whispering things to Perry talking shit about Don and Mole. That shit is NOT cool!!

  16. Perry Caravello

    I am gay.

  17. Perry Caravello

    I am gay.

    1. Nicole

      If you are going to pretend to be Perry at least spell his name right.

  18. Edwin J. Sphincter III

    Pearie, I need that muffler of yours.

  19. T Dot

    “Have you worn chaps before?”

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