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Ruined By Perry Again

After last weeks disruptive behavior by Perry, Don had told everyone that he was finished with the podcast and was not at the show when it began so it became a podcast with just the Scaremaster & Mole. Then with over half the show finished, a very surprised Don stumbles into the studio to find that a podcast was going on and even though he finished up the show vowed to never come back unless Perry would talk to him and convince him that he would be unprofessional any more.

Show Summary

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. If you want to see “Classic Big 3” video from the past twenty-some years check out “The Big 3 LIVE” on the Video Podcast Network (VPN).

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Show Trailer


Latest Big 3 Cartoon


Big 3 LIVE

Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 64 Comments

  1. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    BIIIGGG 3!!! Am I first??? Or did Dustin beat me?

  2. Sandy G

    Where’s the Beef?

    1. Sir John Franklin

      Check your bible.

  3. Dustin Hedberg

    you beat me lisa! Thank you Big 3!!!!!

  4. Dustin Hedberg

    wait until the big 3 thumbs down troll gets to us! hes gotta enter 10 different names in , in order to do all the thumbs down clicking he does… alot of energy dedicated to being a dickhead for no reason…. i will never understand ppl like that… must have been touched as a kid or something

  5. Sir John Franklin

    Sad to hear that The Big 3 is done, unless Perry overcomes his dago nature and apologizes. Still, it is good to hear The Ding-Dong Show is still going, and a secret project is in the works.
    I’ll miss Mole though. What did he do? If Boon is too high-class to flog fake maple popsicles, maybe swap Perry out for the Armenian guy that also beat his wife?

  6. Dean Cherry

    Can’t Wait to Listen…The best part of Friday is spending time with the Big Three!

  7. Tim-D

    The Interaction between Mole and Perry is fucking amazing. Perry’s frustration with Mole is so endearing. This show is one of the best.

    1. mr fister

      ONE OF the best???!?! HOW DARE YOU

  8. John Winston Quarrymen

    THANK DOG Don showed up!!!!!! What the fuck was that between Perry and Mole? That sucked HARD!!!! Made me wish Vince was talking about telescopes!!!!!

  9. bzby

    I like Dan’s shirt.

  10. Nicole

    March 24 between 6-7 pm PST we will be tweeting to promote the VPN show.

    Use #big3VPN

    1. rocco rocco ali

      stop it nicole

      1. Nicole

        Don’t worry I plan on stopping on March 25.

  11. charles

    Its so funny when its just Perry and Mole. You can tell that they’re best friends!

  12. Josh Pollock

    My name isn’t John. I know you thought of the name John because you’re out blowing “Johns” every night on the corner of 7722 Reseda Blvd

    1. mr fister

      man if Perry deleted me from all his pages I don’t know what I’d do, probably suicide myself. stay strong bro

    2. Judo n Slade

      Looks like you’re safe for now

  13. Prince Vince


    But unfortunately the Elvis light wasn’t on, so it doesn’t count.
    Maybe next time!

    Biiiiiiiiggggg 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    I love Big 3 Fans and Pie Talk Guy Talk.

  15. rocco rocco ali

    great show, mole usually doesn’t get the spotlight which is too bad because he’s my favorite member of the big 3.

  16. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    (On a lower dose today, folks)

    I suppose Perry never said he intercoursed Bollock.
    But he Strongly Implied it…

    From Carolla era podcast #110, A Very Big 3 Christmas

    about the 29th minute…


    Perry sez:”…A tongue like Lisa… Lisa Marie Bollock..”

    Don asks, “Is she good at eatin’ ass?”

    Perry: “Oh, dude, she’s good at EVERYTHING! …She’ll go down on you and eat your ass -All at The Same Time!”

    Don: “Has she ever done that to You?”

    Perry: “uh-huh.” [tone means ‘YES’]

    Don: “She eats your ass?”

    Perry: (makes creepy, sexual, rolling ‘r’ noise – clearly an answer in the affirmative)

    Don: (laugh/groan of delight/disgust)

    (Edited for length)

    I think the ‘good at everything’ quote includes copulation, idk….

    But the simultaneous fellatio/analingus claim is unequivocal.
    If it is true, she must’ve looked like a Basil Wolverton character*(see below) -just less interesting.

    Why would a dame work with a ‘man’ who’d said such unflattering things about her?

    Has the bovine skank no dignity?

    * This kinda thing…

    1. Nicole

      I want to click the link but I’m too scared. Some things can’t not be unseen. I still have nightmares from seeing Perry’s dick in a mousetrap.

      1. Ben Franklin's Front Window

        N, It’s just b/w Wolverton drawings – like in very early Mad Magazine…

        (btw, that mousetrap MUST have been rigged to be weakened!)

  17. Edwin J. Sphincter III

    Chili cook-off invites for all posters in this thread?

    I can handle some overflow chili judging in my apartment (#103), OR we could convince Pearie to just knock the wall down that separates us from being roommates.

  18. Pope Francis I

    I don’t see why everyone is making such a big deal about Don’s shirt. I mean, for many years I’ve been wearing a “I fingered Mother Teresa and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.” BTW- I don’t know if it’s because of my latino ethnicity, but I’m tempted to change the “Pope Mobile” into a low-rider.
    BIG THREE ! ! !

  19. Juni HP

    Fantastic job Mole, Perry??? Not so much. Is Carson Daily still available?

  20. eddie torres

    I’m totally sick of Parry’s bragging. Time for another vacation on Thorazine Beach.

    “Javahos never ask for money” and “I’ve got legal s*** I’m doing” and “I make chili” and “I eat Jack in the crack” and “I’ll let them f*** me on this show” and “Italians want to nail Dan in the trunk” and “I rape men and scam the government and drive a Toyota” and blah blah blah.

    Bring in Dominic Monaghan. He’s got cool snakes and lizards and stuff. New Big 3 Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan!!!

    1. Nicole

      What about his brand new North Face fanny pack?

      Funny how someone always crying about lack of money can buy deluxe fanny packs, pleather jackets, and fedoras.

      1. Alarming Andrew

        And rap songs.

  21. Musgrave322

    I’m pretty sure that this can’t be the last podcast. Trashboat may do something really crazy like pretending to be in a mental institute in order to receive some sympathy. This Javahoe Gypsy better do something to keep this podcast going.

  22. Nicole

    I think that is a completely normal reaction to that Javaho gypsy.

  23. kornytimmy

    i propose…the biggest big 3 fan contest. i’m willing to go as far as a big 3 tattoo…but there’s no way i’d blow a dude and let him jerk me off for a prize pack or a commercial. i’m straight.

    how can someone that’s “disabled” do their own stunts? er…MOST of them?

    1. eddie torres

      Great job! A masterful taste of Psycho set to Re-Animator music!

      1. Glenn

        Thanks Eddie.

    2. Musgrave322

      I saw the video, really hilarious and showed how much Trashboat’s love for old hags.

      1. Glenn

        Thank you Musgrave322. Glad you liked it.

  24. Sam Stewart

    Sad to here that Perry has ruined the show once and for all. The only bright side is that I won’t have to listen to that cow Lisa Marie trying to entertain us with Perry.

  25. jkaskjaskjas

    Fuck you, Perry, Dirtbag loser.

  26. ASM

    Seriously, it was funny, but now I just want Perry to die.

    He has proven himself to be a true low life capable of anything.

  27. DJ

    Hey, Don:

    If you end the BIG 3 for good – can you PLEASE consider podcasting the ding dong show?

    I am a super fan of your work and can’t see TDS cause I’m in Phoenix.

    Even if the big 3 ends – please consider doing SOMETHING on a podcast, Don.

    You and Mole are amazing comedians.

    Perry – go fuck yourself.

    1. simplydon

      Check out #DEATHSQUAD, vimeo/brianredban for current Ding-Dong Shows but stay on Simply Don – The Podcast Network for future podcasts the will be produced here at a studio at a secret location located somewhere in West Hollywood

      1. Ben Franklin's Front Window

        “Secret Location”?

        Don, anyone familiar with Office of Strategic Services
        Iconographic Method can easily figger it out. -cause of all those Twit pics you post…
        [plus, you let the # slip on an early pod]

    2. Lisa C. Jablonsky

      I’ll bet a million dollars this is who I think it is.

      1. DJ

        Amazing. Thank you

  28. Dustin Hedberg

    yeah i cant see going without mole =( if the big 3 ends how will we hear his funny jokes anymore? i can live without perry … but we need mole and dan

    1. Lisa C. Jablonsky

      I adore Dan and Mole. Perry’s just sort of there.

  29. DJ

    It’s not just you. I wouldn’t mind whipping him with a horsewhip or pushing him down a hill.

  30. T Dot

    Another great podcast. Thanks so much for causing me to fall apart during my daily commute. I can rarely hold it together on the train and the other passengers think I’m schizo!

    I busted out the Frankie Machine episode last week and had a meltdown!

    Don and Mole are comic GENIUSES!!

    “…Everyone gets in on this one. Come to the front of the stage, jazz hands-big smiles. Here we go…”


    1. Ben Franklin's Front Window

      YES!!! “THE CHANCE” Thank-you!

      There was no promise of $$$ -never.

  31. Apt102

    I’m Scary Perry Caravello
    I hail from Chi Town, so you know I’m a good fellow


  32. Prince Vince

    Glad to see im not the only one who reuses their Super Big Gulp cups for ice water.

    1. simplydon

      Yes Prince Vince, I’m glad that you saw that … There are some that think that was filled with vodka!!!

  33. T Dot

    …Guys that make Pairie go “skeet-skeet skeet skeet!”….

  34. Rick Portman

    Some one please draw a fat perrodactyl with a fanny pack, garbage bag and hat… For the love of dog!

  35. Edwin J. Sphincter III

    New live show scheduled for the 24th @ 7PM pacific with Pearie’s favorite guest Dominick Monaghan!

    Dog Bless You Pearie.

  36. Alex

    So, is it over? Are they still doing VPN? I don’t use facebook so I have no idea what’s going on.

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