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You MUST Watch Sunday

Perry has made it next to impossible to take the project to another level so he was told that he had to meet with Don to convince him that his unprofessionalism was going to be a thing of the past and he didn’t do it, so there’s no show … However on Sunday the Big 3 are doing their monthly VPN LIVE show at 7:00 pm PST, please let people know to turn in or the project could get cancelled so please tune in to help save us …

Show Summary

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. If you want to see “Classic Big 3” video from the past twenty-some years check out “The Big 3 LIVE” on the Video Podcast Network (VPN).

Big 3 LIVE

Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 52 Comments

  1. Rick Portman

    First! Did anyone draw a pterodactyl with a fanny pack and garbage bag jacket yet?

  2. Nicole

    Please everyone tweet before the show!


  3. simplydon

    Please, not only should people tweet about the show, but fans of the project should really help us out by getting people to tune into the podcast SUNDAY night at 7:00 pm PST so we can keep this show. Taking a step backwards and losing the show could cause us to end the project for good. SO PLEASE HELP US & GET THE WORD OUT!

    1. Ignore Perry

      Please stop working with Perry. Didn’t we already go through this a few moths ago?

  4. Red.mac

    Biiiiiig 3

  5. Spooky Sammy

    Well there goes my Friday. Thanks Perry you fucking steaming pile of gay shit!

    Maybe the fans should crank call the Scam Master to get their podcast’s worth of entertainment. Just be sure to record the call and upload it to Youtube. If Parry doesn’t want to make a Friday podcast, then the fans will make one.

    1. Ignore Perry

      Nope, the best way to get back at Perry is to ignore him. I wonder how long until he fakes another suicide?

      1. Collin

        Update: He’s threatened a shooting spree on twitter.

        Parry f. Caravello ‏@scaryperry818 Protected account 21 Mar
        “@WindyCityHeat, The Scare Master here. KILLIING SPREE??? It’s time for everyone to WAKE UP and DRINK some Bulletproof Coffee!!!”

        He’s also spent the day tweeting girls instead of recording next week’s podcast. He makes some awful decisions.

        On a positive note here’s a tweet he put out today.

        Parry f. Caravello ‏@scaryperry818 Protected account 18 Mar
        “@SenseiSteven, I just came out”

        Congrats to SenseiSteven and Scarry Perry!

        1. Spooky Sammy

          That’s no all. Apparently Perry and Steven Seagal had an affair back in Palm Desert. He also sent this tweet:

          “If you are The Real Steven Seagul, do you remember [censored] me in Palm Springs back in 1979 and we [censored] my Cousin Joe Onesto?”

          Also interesting to note is that Perry’s cousin Joe Onesto has a pink eye infection as a result. Here’s a tweet from Perry’s cousin Joe:

          Joe Onesto ‏@JoeOnesto 9 Sep 09
          “at home with pink eye doing homework”

          This whole time the scaremaster’s been fooling us. Perry’s a gay man!!!

    2. eddie torres

      Or just scream “I didn’t blow him, I jerked him off!” into a mic and play it back over and over and over and over and over and over

  6. Vin Kohl

    I can’t believe Perry is so unprofessional that we wouldn’t even show up to apologize to such a hard worker like Don! This has completely ruined my week, if Perry ruins this I will block him on Facebook AND Twitter! Don’t fuck it up Perry, Don, Mole, Maryjane, and even that walking bore fest Vince have stepped up and did their best to keep this project rolling. Now it us up to us fans, and Perry to show them some fucking gratitude by getting as many people as possible to watch this Sundays Live Big 3 Video Podcast Network Show on YouTube this Sunday night!!! Don’t let this be the final chapter!

  7. Ballistic Maniac

    Don, even if VPN cancels the show, can you video the weekly podcast in its place? I would love if we can have an alternative to VPN

  8. belfont laroy

    fuck!! this podcast is the only thing I look forward to on Fridays. Thanks a lot Perry for being an unprofessional cock sucker!!!

    1. El Bee

      Watch out Belfont Laroy, Big Buck might eat cake from your toes.

  9. yurgi

    Lisa Joblonski has a sizable bush

    1. Lisa C. Jablonsky

      Hi Yurgi. I did the bush thing for awhile cuz it got me some extra cash, but its over now. Sorry to disappoint you.

      1. Lisa C. Jablonsky

        And it actually wasnt sizeable. It was pretty tame. All an illusion!!!!

  10. fuck perry

    Cancel the show. I’m a huge fan but I am bored with Perry. He is a self entitled asshole who doesn’t deserve a show or any money.

    I will support anything else you do, Don.

  11. Sir John Franklin

    I’m getting on the VPN bus, gay flute in hand. Destination Sunday 7pm PST. With Sam the wife-beating Armenian in the headphones.

  12. Collin

    C’mon perri, you wouldn’t do this to Dunebug Daryl and you sure as heck shouldn’t do it to your fans.

    You have the potential to fly really high perie. Higher than any star on earth. You could be the highest!(not on crack)

    Don’t blow it.

  13. VG

    Parry is blowing this chance as if it were a casting director. Why does he insist on being so unprofessional and not admitting that he is 100% wrong as usual. All Don has ever done is work his arse off to help the Scam-master and this is the thanks he gets? With friends like Parry, who needs handjobs? If the VPN show is cancelled I will not only wonder if there is any good and justice left in this world, but also: what did Mole do?!?

  14. Apt102

    Perry, I fucking hate your atttude. Don and Mole rule. FUCK YOU, PERRY

  15. Jeremy

    Are the plans to release classic Big 3 material through iTunes still in the works?

    I’m sorry Perry’s made the current situation untenable, but I understand your frustration, Don — it’s amazing that you and Mole have lasted this long.

    Still, I can’t get enough of the Big 3 and I’d pay to download the old stuff. It might not be a fortune, but there’s money to be made here.

    Of course, with money involved Perry will find a way to fuck it up.

    Either way, if this is the end of the line I appreciate all you guys have done, and I’m grateful for all the hours of awesomeness you’ve produced. I’ve been obsessed with Windy City Heat since the first Comedy Central airing, and I’m glad all of this stuff — podcasts, bonus footage, classic moments, etc. — even exists.

    Thanks, everyone!

  16. El Bee

    Scare-Master should show he’s sorry by hosting a future show at his apartment with a chili dinner, like he was talking about a few weeks ago. I would hope that a contribution to the show like that would go a long way. But knowing Perry he would make some sort of absurd demand, like $10,000,000, to have the show at his Reseda apartment. Perry’s always scamming and taking from people (ie: the government, Don, Mole, Jimmy Kimmel, ect), now he’s taking away the best podcast on the internet. He should be called the Scam-Master.

  17. El Bee

    If the show is finished with this Sunday’s VPN show, will we at least finally get to find out “Who dat lady who go in that movie?”

  18. Randall

    Well that sucks. I sent a 10 dollar shout out from Australia and now I won’t get to hear it. Fingers crossed and ill keep spreading the word here in OZ so we can hopefully get the best Friday podcast back.

  19. Arthur

    Perry has a fucking terrible attitude towards everything, his ego is officially out of control and he seems to get more and more delusional. I really would like to chat with the dummies that raised him, they must have fucked his head at least a little. how else does someone become such an egomaniac? I wonder if they gave him some pointers on how to show off for 16 year old girls too. Pay perry in dog biscuits and put Mole on salary.

    1. eddie torres

      I wonder if Parry would work for Grindr credits AND dog biscuits.

      It could be a major breakthrough.

  20. bzby

    Preaching to the converted πŸ™‚

    See you Sunday. Hope the numbers are big enough.

  21. bzby

    I watch all of the VPN stuff, and all of the shows get similar numbers as The Big 3, at least when it comes to live viewers. I think the most I’ve seen Carolla have is 250.

    1. Nicole

      I was wondering this. Thanks for sharing.

    2. simplydon

      Your numbers are way off … no disrespect, but your numbers are inaccurate … For each show there are TWO numbers, the first number are from the people that watched it LIVE which VPN will keep up for a day or so. The second number of viewers comes from when they set it up on YouTube. Our first VPN show had over 116,000 and then over 1500 since it went up on YouTube.

      1. bzby

        Love you and the podcast, Don. I started listening on VPN after I heard you on Deathsquad, and went back and listened to all of them.

        I understand that the actual video views are the numbers that matter, but as far as people watching live, the numbers are always similar between all the shows (Adam Carolla, 230PST, Comedy Bang Bang). There’s a counter on youtube that shows how many viewers there are. I’ve always expected to see more since Rogan’s podcast usually gets 2-3 thousand.

  22. Glad l'm not any of you.

    That song is bitchin’! The best way to describe it is, it’s a futuristic “robotic disco” being sung by a disgruntled (possibly intoxicated) eastern-european immigrant. But don’t get me wrong, it’s not as good as listening to the…..
    BIG THREE ! ! !

    1. simplydon

      The song that has been left on this website instead of a podcast is called “118” by a band called the Sidecar Bandits. This band is featuring lead vocals by The Armenian Comedian who gained fame on Los Angeles radio station KROQ then went on to be a cast member on Don Barris’ “Ding-Dong Show”.

  23. Alex

    I’m calling it now. Last episode of the Big 3 Podcast:

    Don and Mole become featured players on JKL and get a TV show out of it (a more successful Andy Richter Controls the Universe).

    Don proposes to Mary Jane.

    Vince becomes the owner of the most powerful telescope in the world.

    Perry comes out of the closet with his new boyfriend.

    And they all lived happily ever after.

  24. Tom

    I’ve posted a couple of times now on Facebook and Twitter and told friends about it. I hope everyone else has to… if you haven’t yet, use the movie as a pushing point.

    Windy City Heat is on YouTube in its entirety, so I used that as an excuse to lure in people who don’t know the Big 3. I linked to film (, then urged people to watch the live video podcast tonight at 9e/7p with a link ( Here’s hoping we have big numbers!!

  25. petri

    uuuh, wheres the video then? Please call me a cunt and explain that its my fault. I mean, vpn has a link in its promo video, but its definitely not the right one. And besides, what would be the reason to not have the full video right there on the vpn youtube page, are they worried that youtube couldnt handle all the traffic?

    what a great marketing strategy from VPN, if no one finds it after its broadcasted live, maybe it will get a cult following!

      1. Collin

        It’s up! Thanks Nicole!

  26. T Dot

    The VPN episode was pretty good. Too bad Dominic supports Man U. William Randolph Gavin Hurst Vice cracked me up.

    Lack of a Friday podcast sucks. I had to listen to Mercury Rev’s Boces and Led Zep Cleveland ’77 on the train so far to compensate.Tomorrow I will have to listen to Dr. Dre’s The Chronic….

    I hope the podcast isn’t over for good.

    When is “Transitions…” coming out on bluray?

    1. Nicole

      Don said there WILL be a podcast on Friday. But that gives Perry plenty of time to ruin everything.

  27. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    More pie talk guy talk.

  28. Jisa C Lablonsky

    Loved the live (to tape on youtube for me) show! Dan Barney and Dam Monaghan and the gang were hilarious! Big 3!

    One question, am I the only one who thinks Don was wearing lipstick during the show? Go back and watch it, definitely some lip color enrichment occurring. But hey, it’s cool. Big 3!!

    1. simplydon

      I was not wearing lipstick … I really believe it was the way the cameras were set

  29. Alarming Andrew

    One can only hope that Perry’s Pecker Check (looking for a Bone Fury) turns into a regular bit, complete with a jingle.

    1. Collin

      You have a lot of good ideas.

  30. Collin

    So what the F is going on with VPN Dan? You guys have a falling out?
    I F-ing love watching you guys on video but they were really unprofessional this last show. For God’s sake, they couldn’t keep it down with an A-List Celeb.


  31. Nick (Seattle)

    Anybody else get an email with ??? and what seems to be an advance of this week’s ep?

    1. Nicole

      No πŸ™

      That sounds awesome.

      1. simplydon

        There’s no show up as of yet BUT even though Perry has not apologized for anything as of yet the WILL be a show up on Friday and at least one after that too!

  32. Nick (Seattle)

    I guess it was my lucky day because I was definitely rocking out to some “Hot Stone Windy City” yesterday.

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