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Dominic & The CPRR

Great friend of the show, Dominic Monaghan stops by trying to get his clip played on the show again & Lisa Marie joins Perry in a podcast pilot of their Comedy Pure Rock Resurrection hoping to take the one time public access show make it into a podcast. Perry has not apologized for his unprofessional behavior, so there was not going to a show until I saw Dustin Hedberg, Nicole Perez to name two that worked their asses off to promote our VPN show, so we had to have at least two more shows.

Show Summary

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. If you want to see “Classic Big 3” videos from the past twenty-some years check out “The Big 3 LIVE” on the Video Podcast Network (VPN).

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Show Trailer


Big 3 LIVE

Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 46 Comments

  1. Dustin Hedberg


    1. Nicole

      You always forget to thank Javaho!

      1. Whoopi Silverstein

        I’m confused. Isn’t Javaho the one true name of Dog? Perry?

    2. Aspiron

      And it’s Dan not Don, mama mia! How many fucking times I gotta tell you?

  2. Scared of Perry

    Paul Bernardo Lol he’s a freakin killer

  3. megadeth

    Perry’s Cunty Cock ‘n Rock Erection sucked harder than Perry in a Denny’s bathroom. Anyone else find it ironic that Perry mentioned the Rain-blow Bar and Grille? I wonder if he “works” there as well. For a guy, who’s unable to work because of a disability, he sure has no problem giving out hand and blowjobs for money.

    ps. First guest on Pearly’s shitty show, if it continues, should be Slate. I’d like to see how he’d react when Pervy got lost in Lisa Marie’s eyes, smile, and big fat titties. Maybe a threesome? It’s no Bieber and his mom, but still, Pervy would definitely take them out to that fictional Korean restaurant for some made-up dishes to see where it would go from there.

    1. Sir John Franklin

      Slate would be a great first guest on The CPRR.
      I hope they think its worth giving it a second chance, just so they can play the clip of Perry “talking about the time” ‘Lisa Marie’ “ate his ass”.
      Perry could use the clip to show why he thinks the video has been computer-graphed. It’d be like the last scene in an episode of Columbo.

    2. Demetri

      Did you hear when he told Lisa “I’m just melting in your eyes… your eyeballs are possessing me, like Don’s eyeballs.” Is there any question remaining that Perry has a major crush on Mr. Barris?

  4. Red.mac

    Biiig 3

  5. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Dig the surprise in Don’s voice when he said, “Saginaw! – Why would you say ‘Saw-ginaw’?”
    (like Don was thinking, “What is this guy – stupid?”)

    Dungeons & Dragons nerds: Perry’s stats would be 3s across the board, -right?
    all the lowest possible: all 3s…
    “Wisdom:3” -ha! -too high!

    Jack Soo! (ror-Japanese)

    I see Dominic went to school in Germany…
    Private school?
    Did he wear a uniform at this private school?
    -What color were the shirts?

    What about the 6 million, Dom?
    What about the 6 million?
    lol – just kidding!

    Great Show!

      1. Ben Franklin's Front Window

        Sorry, Drunken,
        that was a bit muddled & unclear.
        Let me put it this way: today’s Tom Sawyer, he gets high on you, IN the space he invades, he gets by on you…
        Wah, na, na, na na, na, Waah, na, na, na na, na, etc.

        -hope that helps 😉


        1. Ben Franklin's Front Window

          too obnoxious got carried away…

          -The 6 million quote is from Gilbert Gottfried & Larry ‘Ratso’ Sloman, Who shouted that at Danny Aiello across a restaurant in NYC in the late 80s…
          The question is… who got the check?

    1. Agent Smith

      Perrys Fedora, Jacket and Fanny Pack are a set.
      He gets +3 CHR when equipped.

    2. Nicole

      His constitution might be higher than a 3. He did break his neck twice and he is still walking.

  6. moon ray handy jay

    the picture of mary jane bending over is so fucking hot. fuck you perry.

    perry knocked over the table

    1. eddie torres

      Every photo with Parry and Mary Jane or Parry and Lisa Marie looks like a hostage situation.

      Don Barris, I demand daily proof-of-life shots of these 2 brave and resilient gals.

  7. Spooky Sammy

    Did Perry kill his Aunt? The convalescent home is accusing Perry of killing her, and injuring five staff members.

    1. Ben Franklin's Front Window

      More to the point: Was that a ‘trail of tears’ blanket you sent?

      1. Spooky Sammy

        First, let me state for the record that there was $10 enclosed in the shoutout package. Obviously Perry stole the money, and once again a fan pays the price for the scam master’s actions.

        The “blanket” is actually an AIDS quilt which used to belong to Harvey Milk. It was then passed down to Freddy Mercury, then Andy Warhol, Sigfried and Roy, and now Perry Karavello.
        It is a well known fact that HIV/AIDS patients are healthier when kept warm. Even though Perry again stole some money, I still wish him well – stay warm Scarry.

  8. Prince Vince

    That Mr. B is a pretty good soundman!
    Maybe he could take over for Vince, he’s way more interesting.

    Biiig 3 !!!

  9. Rick Portman

    So I’m really thinking about becoming a javaho. Apparently all you have to do is ask a Dog for forgiveness of sins, then give it a hand job. Apparently the great K9 was put to sleep for our sins. Dog bless America!

    1. Spooky Sammy

      You also need to be declawed, dewormed, and lastly you need to convert to being a gay man.

  10. al jolson

    the pure cock erection was horrible. please never let that pig have the mike again. also, don wasnt there some ten dollar shout out money missing from the sundance film festival? is there any tape of the incident? the javahoe pig is at the bottom of this. can we get hugh a craig III to do a investigation?

  11. Whoopi Silverstein

    Great to see Perry getting a blanket party in the pictures! After he ate the dog food, I guess he let Mole, Don and Dom help out with the Javaho ritual.
    It reminds me of an episode of The Shield where the buysexual cop beats up a Sheeba. Speaking of which, doesn’t it sound like the Bearblaster was illegally sampled in theme to that show? I smell another lawsuit!

  12. Whoopi Silverstein

    Seeing all these news reports from North Korea coming through the KCNA makes me wonder if Perry’s email domain name (KNAC) is actually an anagram.

    What better way to treat a country whose anthem/flag you don’t honor than to bomb it?

  13. Ana Bananagram

    Perry Caramello = Creamy Rape Roll

  14. Musgrave322

    Looks like Perry has more trouble brewing up for him outside the podcast since Nathaniel’s cousin is out of prison and William Randolph Hurst is preparing for his boxing fight. Is I were you Perry, I start heading to San Diego and jack it off there.

  15. Joeweed

    Props to the “one oat who” guy who cracked up Mole. Also, whoever signed the letter Paul Bernardo, that perked up my ears. Good one.

    1. Sam Stewart

      And let me apologize for the drunk and on drugs wording of that comment.

  16. ToeTagTeaBag

    Can perrys neck be broken to the point were hes bowing his head toward everyone for ever can that be arranged?

  17. Quincy John Adams (absolutely no relation)

    Why, helllooo kiddies! I was just in the middle of the game “Hide the Easter Egg” when I decided to momentarily step out of the bathhouse to tell all of you a little joke: Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?…..Because he heard that Perry was once again giving complimentary blow jobs. Oh dear, that “joke” obviously laid an egg. And it’s definately NOT chocolate!
    Happy Easter !
    BIG THREE ! ! !

  18. dicballs

    So perry “got in trouble” at his aunts nursing home. Did he got out of the trouble the same way he did the last time he got “in trouble”? And if he did, did he get anymore SAG vouchers?

  19. Science & Violence

    You all everybody, You all everybody, You all everybody….fuck you Perry and Vince.

  20. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    I’m Scary.. Perry.. Cara-velloh
    I hail from Chi Town, So you know I’m a good fellow.

    More Pie Talk Guy Talk!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Nicole

      Lisa won’t rest until she gets some Pie Talk/Guy Talk.

      1. Lisa C. Jablonsky

        I need me some so BAD!!!!!

    2. Sandy G

      I got a 10 incher.

  21. Dustin Hedberg

    Hey Big 3 thumbs down troll you suck greasy Italian dick

  22. Arthur

    I’m diggin’ this creative brainchild of Perry and Lisa. My favorite part is when they resurrect comedy AND pure rock during the show.

  23. Cherry Peppers

    Who sings the intro music to the CPRR?

  24. mewmewmint

    MOTHER FUCK!! Pure Rock Resurrection sucks!! I’m late listening to it but Lisa Marie sucks almost as much as Perry… this is like the worst, most annoying thing I have ever heard.

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