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Brownie Bites

Perry starts the podcast by trying to straighten Don & Mole out about his Javahoe Religion then tells tales of a typical shopping day with the Scaremaster at his favorite store, Costco. Don stands up for Perry letting the audience know that they should stop the juvenile games they are playing by giving out his address & then a masterful job was done using a “Brownie Bite Extension” to make it one of the BEST “Perry’s Sexcapades” ever.

Show Summary

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. If you want to see “Classic Big 3” videos from the past twenty-some years check out “The Big 3 LIVE” on the Video Podcast Network (VPN).

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Show Trailer

Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. simply Dan

    Dog bless Don, Mole, Mary JAne, and the Javahoe.

  2. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    I heart you Big 3.

  3. Pasta Paul

    I had to throw up earlier and now I get to listen to the big 3, god bless

  4. Rucka's Nucka

    You stink like shit,
    You’re a fucking idiot,
    And you jerked a guy off,
    But goddamn-it,
    You are the king of fright-night comedy.

  5. KindaGamey

    No MaryJane Pictures this time. 🙁

  6. Collin

    I’ve been listening to “Impression That I Get” by the Might Mighty Bosstones a lot. Does Perry F. Caravello read these posts? Just wondering…

    Guys let’s plan a secret surprise half birthday party for Perrt F Carvello. We could do it at his apartment. I’m having a hard time finding his birthday on google, and therefore can’t do the math for a half birthday.

    Went back and listened to the episode entitled “Birthday Show” again. It’s still awesome. I’m putting his birthday around 11/26/53. That makes his half birthday ~5/26.

    So excited to celebrate!

  7. Dustin Hedberg

    Hey someone Said Dog bless before me!! LOL!! well i 2nd that statement! THANK YOU GUYS!!!

  8. Trey F.

    Try to steal the Scaremasters show?

    1. Collin

      Yeah dude, it’d be great. Dan has INCREDIBLE chemistry with Lisa. More than the SkaMaster anyways.

  9. Red.mac

    Biiiiig 3

  10. al jolson

    the sound of that gurgling pigs voice makes me ill

  11. al jolson

    ok folks. time to inundate trudeaus website or e mail with reports of how a bigoted homophobic racist who screams faggot over the airwaves is claiming to be in league with him. ill be back with a link. fly my pretties fly!

  12. al jolson

    oh shit!!! go to kevin trudeaus wikipedia!!!! hes a fuckin fraud and thief!!! dan you must stop that gurgling pig from uttering this frauds name on the podcast. ill be back.

    1. Nick (Seattle)

      Oh yeah, that guy. I remember him from a while back when he used to be on every infomercial. Yeah it came out he was a total crook and a scam artist. I wonder how Pair E. could fall for something like that? Maybe this will be a learning experience from him being that he has never been involved with any scam artists in his past.

    2. Spooky Sammy

      Sure it is, but I am not about to object to Parry’s diet of 4500 calories per day – half of which is pure fat!!! I just can’t wait to see the results.
      The stupid fuck even puts butter in his coffee now! LOL Whatever happened to being lactose intolerant?

  13. Lisa C. Jablonsky

    The Cake Talk segment with the brownies was pretty good, but it’s no Pie Talk. I like it when Perry eats something bigger than his head. It’s pure entertainment.

    1. Prince Vince

      I gotta agree. Cake, Panatonne, Brownies, whatever – nothing compares to a Marie Callenders.

  14. Nick (Seattle)

    This is by far the most professional Pear E. has been in quite some time. Use some positive reinforcement to keep that going by giving him a Javaho dog treat, please.

  15. Spooky Sammy

    I’m still confused at why Parry wants to keep his OLD address a secret. He moved from Villa La Paloma, 7722 Reseda Blvd Apt 102, after getting married to Randy Callahan several months ago. They both moved to a secret PO box in Canoga Park – that’s the address which is not to be mentioned!

    We can lay a trail of fake bread crumbs which will lead all of the dangerous perverts away from Parry and Randy’s love nest.

    I tried calling Perry at Skary Parry Sc8bords 818-390-2953 but he just likes to yell and act unprofessional.
    I even tried calling his public line at 818-578-5614, but I guess he and Randy are busy making passionate love.

  16. Musgrave322

    Come on Guys!!! We need to show more support for the Big Three. I already sent them a musical idea for Windy City Heat the Musical.

  17. Scary Jerry

    After my agent informed me that you were calling yourself “The King of Gay Night Comedy” I had to listen…clearly you stole my Sandy Gallagher show-stopper, story…For you to say that blowing Sandy Gallagher got YOU into “the biz” is crazy…quit stealing my stories and trying to muscle-in on the gay comedy circuit…I don’t care how strong ur legs are or how hairy your back is…you will never take my crown…if you don’t quit doing my routine I will get you blacklisted at all LGBT clubs…and the only way I would undo that will cost you at least a footjob.

  18. NOT Perry's Manager Nick !!

    Hey could you talk more about Perry’s Manager Nick on the Podcast ? I love hearing my name in lights !! … errrr I mean I love hearing about him !

  19. eddie torres

    Too many unanswered questions from this episode:

    Why is Parry so intolerant of lactose? Is it gay?

    Why did Parry kill Jonathan Winters? Was he gay?

    Why does Parry love brownies? Are they gay?

  20. eric

    why isnt perry in jail yet for his involement in the whole dimebag darrell incident

  21. megadeth

    Frairie shops at Whole Foods? Must be nice to live high on the hog and suck it, all the while scamming the government. I don’t scam the government and have to cut out coupons and grocery shop in a basement in Chinatown.

  22. megadeth

    Also, I’m not sure if Hugh A. Craig III reads this or not, but I think he should look into Porry’s involvement with white supremacists. Porry’s always bragging that he’s the king of white night comedy. Hugh, please look into Porry’s racist sect of Javaho worship. Thanks!

  23. Judo n Slade

    Will biting be allowed at the Bums in the Slums slugfest between Scurvy Purvy and William Randolph Hearst? The only other venue where biting occurs are play pens of neglected babies craving attention. Perry must agree to wear a Hannibal Lecter face guard before entering the ring.

  24. T Dot

    “I guess it’s true, Stone loves a whole lot of du-uu-uu-udes…”

    Fucking hilarious.

    Thanks guys (and Mary Jane) for another awesome podcast!

  25. mewmewmint

    Perry’s religion must be like reverse karma. The bigger asshole you are, the more you deserve. Which is why he buys into anything good anybody tells him.

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