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Perry’s Anger Management Exercise

The Big Three Podcast was highlighted by Perry singing once again to the shows new friend and recently rescued Chilean miner, Juan. Don discovered that Dave Dameshek from the “Dave’s Of Thunder” podcast has tried to sabotage the show by putting up photos of Perry receiving oral and anal online. Sol Steinbergowitzgreenbaum’s leg injury from Perry’s attack is worse than everyone thought and has Perry go through an anger management exercise.

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This Post Has 35 Comments

  1. Mumbles Slam

    Keep these babies coming. Sean Hannity gets 3 hours on his radio show, plus an hour on television, so these podcasts need to be at least that long. As far as the Blue Iris photos, those have been on the interweb for some time now, not just recently “on a online website”.(There are websites that aren’t online??) And, sheesh, did Perry do a number on Sol’s leg!!

    1. b3cast

      The wording has been fixed to read just Online so you can sleep well knowing you helped the BIG 3!

  2. Griff Murray

    Perry has a sexy singing voice.



  3. Nelson Mayer

    Another great podcast from the big 3.

  4. Sandy Gallagher

    YES. more please. please. please.

  5. Togabot

    Oh this is just a great idea. This is HUGE. Ace network is on fire right now.

  6. Jimmylegs

    “I think that Stone Fury needs to be more fit.”

  7. Fridge

    Sounds like Dameshek needs to come on the Big 3 Podcast and defend himself.

  8. cheflarz

    All you people who think Perry is ruining the show don’t get it and we have nothing further to discuss. Don Barris has to be related to Kimmel. These guys are dedicated for life to this bit. It’s like a beautiful long con with the fattest pigeon in the world.


      Or maybe you don’t get it…

  9. GT-Zero

    This is some funny shit! I look forward to hearing more podcasts with these bastards! There’s such a humorous, disfunctional chemistry between these guys. Perry needs to come out of the closet and be free. LOL.

    I agree with ‘cheflarz’ – Don Barris sounds and acts just like Jimmy Kimmel. It has to be Jimmy doing a podcast on the Ace Network.

    Great stuff!

  10. Good Gravy

    Keep up the Lord’s good work mentches.

  11. Jack Payback

    When is the merchandise going to come out?

    I gotta get me a Big3 T-shirt with the banner image on it.

  12. Jack Payback

    Hey Perry

    Tell us the stories behind your tattoos.

  13. Luke Perry Karavello

    More John Quincy Adams!

  14. Jimmylegs

    Where’s Yurgi?

  15. Enohead

    Holy shit, this is the best thing ever.

  16. Si

    This show is a rare treat… although i would like a longer show, the current length is perfect for keeping everyone wanting more which is exactly what you want in show.

  17. Luke Perry Karavello

    Perry sounds better with his shirt off!

  18. Luke Perry Karavello

    …when are you guys going to have Yurgi on!

  19. Retsin77

    Adam’s best idea yet. MORE BIG 3! I hope Don and Mole keep this joke going for another ten years.

  20. otto

    we need way more of these! two a week is a start. haven’t laughed this hard in a long time.

  21. GT-Zero

    I love the anger management technique of putting potato chips in Perry’s armpits, while Don and Mole sexually molest and desecrate Perry. Hilarious!

  22. Marc Robert

    Keep it up…I want to see more of the Big 3
    Its a laugh Riot!!!

  23. Griff Murray

    How can I get to be a man welder in one of Yurgi’s pornos?

    (preferably acting opposite Perry)



  24. Smeghed

    Big 3 = 1/2 a Damashek = i/10 of a feeny

  25. Scary Fairy

    I’m not singing!

  26. harry sachs

    Big 3 tonight. Hopefully Perry is a little more prepared for once. Fucking unprofessional slob.

  27. Matt S.

    This is hilarious. Huge fan of this program, please produce more.

  28. Luke Perry Karavello

    Perry really needs more “rage therapy”!

  29. Luke Perry Karavello

    …or an intervention

  30. Tyrone Washington

    first time listening to this podcast. i love these guys though…

  31. ModernAmericanGangster

    JUST started re listening to the old backed up episodes of the BIGGGGGG33333333333

  32. Chrisfit

    Big 3 fans are still out here <3

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