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Don Takes Over CPRR

Perry blows off the original podcast shoot without giving a reason why because he claims it’s PRIVATE family matter, so Don takes the opportunity to tape a TEST podcast of The Comedy Pure-Rock Resurrection and the chemistry that he has with co-host Lisa Marie is off the hook. Perry’s manager, Nick was in town and encouraged Perry to try and do the right thing by helping Don finish up the podcast, The Scaremaster becomes upset after hearing the TEST podcast that Pure-Rocker, Dicky Barrett is the announcer on.

Show Summary

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. If you want to see “Classic Big 3” videos from the past twenty-some years check out “The Big 3 LIVE” on the Video Podcast Network (VPN).

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Show Trailer


Big 3 LIVE


Vine Video

What The Huck


Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 41 Comments

  1. Nicole

    Wow, not what I expected.

  2. Whoopi Silverstein

    Don’s really breathing new life into the CPRR! Biiiiiig Three!!!

  3. Juni HP

    WOW!!!!! Sooooo hot! Don and Lisa Marie have such chemistry together. By the way, Perry is a big fat liar.

  4. Jesus Jones

    The chemistry between Don and Lisa is so real. You could really sense the connection, especially when he was caressing her breast with his mouth.

  5. bababooey

    i dont know if its just me or not but Lisa Marie is really annoying… not a good addition to the show~

    1. Lisa J ( tranny)

      I have been saying that since forevah…hurry-up and bang her so we can get back to more talk about Perry blowing dudes

  6. Judo n Slade

    Perry was late because his plane he was taking back from a “vacation ” in Bristol Connecticut was delayed.Supposedly he was visiting his “friend Aaron Hernandez”. Any connection with the murder. Perry? For once in your life come clean Perry.

  7. Prince Vince

    Holy fuck, Perrys freak out was EPIC!

  8. Jay Sheck

    Perry’s reaction to CPRR was EPIC. I never heard Mary Jane get soo pissed, I think it moved a little when she yelled at Perry.

  9. Lisa J (tranny)

    Once again Don is showing his true “Mick” colors. I am on your side Perry. See you at the Rainbow.

  10. Juni HP

    Mary Jane shuts a bitch up when the Scammaster starts freaking out! Tame that wild beast, Girl!

    1. MJG Fan

      “You Don’t Tell ME Shit”…great line Lady…Eat it Penny, way to waste her valuable time. Of course, Penny doesn’t value anybody else’s time. He is a selfish, greasy, whop, javahoe who blew a dude to get a SAG Voucher. Ponce

  11. Juni HP

    I think Don should remove Perry from the Big Three until he gets the truth about why Pukey blew off the podcast without a phone call. Hugh A. Craig III needs to step in and probe that javaho hard.

    1. Missing Perry's Friend

      and where in the hell is Dimitri Moreland? He should get in on any probing of Pervy.

  12. Musgrave322

    BEST CPRR SHOW EVER!!!!! Well done Don and Lisa Marie, you guys nailed that show good. You can keep going while Perry can rot in federal prison for the rest of his moronic days.

    1. Judo n Slade

      Even LMs tatas get annoying after awhilr

  13. Benson

    To summarize:

    1) The Comedy Pure Rock Resurrection under the direction of Don Barris is genius! It’s WAY BETTER than anything the ScamMaster could ever conceive! Don and Lisa Marie have such, dare I say, hot n steamy chemistry.

    2) Sponsors hate Perry and want nothing to do with that greaseball.

    3) On top of William Randolph Hearst, Perry now has to fight the 92 year old Charles Bronson who will still beat his ass.

    4) Perry is a lying piece of shit. He’s ruined the Big 3 for all the fans for the last time!


    5) Mary Jane is a bad ass. Standing up to that crazy baboon was awe inspiring!

  14. JP

    the last time perry got that mad was when he knocked over the table.
    why is the red bat even here?

  15. Spooky Sammy

    Mary Jane laid down the law on that fat queer bag gypsy turd!!! Way to go MJ!
    I guess Perry won’t be able to beat you up if you forget to add enough oregano to your mushrooms like he did to his ex-wife (which did not occur at 7722 Reseda Blvd).

  16. derrick

    Perry is a proud gay Italian man.

  17. Lisa C.

    FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC! Way to go MJ for putting him in line.

    Guys, in all honesty, you rock for putting up with him all these years.

  18. knucklesoup

    Surely the scaremuster has some kind of proof that he was on a flight. A baggage claim ticket, boarding pass, itinerary. I totally believe the king of fiday night comedy’s story but to put Dan’s mind at ease maybe Perrie could bring one of those in.

  19. T Dot

    Lisa Marie is a twit…Biiiiiig Threeee!!!!

    1. T Dot

      and she definitely ate Scarmaster’s ass…

  20. Larry Bird

    Fuck Vince!

  21. Musgrave322

    Since Perry is gonna get laid off from the Big 3 Podcast being cancelled, he will have no other choice but to give handies and have sex with Vince Freeman and other gay men at the Reseda Denny’s since he will turn from a celebrity to a worthless greasy pile of dig sh*t.

  22. HarperLee

    Wow, huge change from the usual “hello” and “thank you” that we usually hear from Mary Jane, and it was awesome! “You don’t fuckin’ tell me shit, sit the fuck down!” It’s just too bad that she’s also the photographer (I think?) so we aren’t able to see any pics of the hell that broke loose.

  23. derrick

    It’s hard to get a read on Perry’s manager Nick. What’s his allegiance to Perry? Is he really in on the joke? Why does Perry respect him?

    1. Nicole

      Nick is an all around great guy. Yes, he truly does care for Perry. But at the same time he knows when Perry is being a dick. He does his best to help Perry act professional. He does a LOT for the podcast behind the scenes with managing Perry. Perry respects Nick because he really does look out for him and tries to be a friend.

      1. eddie torres

        Somebody from LA once told me Nick was the stand-in for Ted Levine in “Silence of the Lambs.”

        Don, next time Nick is on the podcast ask him to say this out loud: “It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again. Yes, it will, Precious, won’t it? It will get the hose!”

  24. stefanie

    More Mary Jane!!! no need for annoying Lisa Marie… she ruins the show

  25. Quincy John Adams (absolutely no relation)

    WARNING: Do NOT read this post. It contains the world’s worst “joke.” I realize that some of you silly geese might be curious as to what the world’s worst joke might be, but it’s NOT worth it. This “joke” is so terrible that it will probably burn your eyes after reading it. Please, I implore you to just go to the next commenter before it’s too late…..Q: What is the favorite ingredient that most frogs love to put into their salads?…..A: A toadmato…..Quick! Run to the nearest sink and splash cool water into your eyes to stop the burning after you subjected them to that God-awful joke!
    toodles + toodles =
    BIG THREE ! ! !

  26. Science & Violence

    How sexy was it to hear Mary Jane get loud and aggressive like that? Grrrr hubba hubba…what a woman!

  27. Big 3 Noob

    Was watching the special features on my new WCH movie…awesome…except when the ‘scammaster’ stole Don’s $ from the wallet. Pure Evil.

  28. Red.mac

    So i’m guessing the big 3 has already been dropped by VPN?

    1. simplydon

      Not dropped … Making a decision if we want to go back that does very little for our project … It’s very hard for us to do Sunday nights at 7:00 pm & VPN has been somewhat unreasonable with us.

      1. Lisa C.

        It seems ridiculous they can’t work something out with you guys. The amount of work you all put into the project with outside jobs (certain greaseballs excluded) is commendable. They should be more flexible with you.

  29. T Dot

    Holy f%^$!!!!!

    JQ Adams citing “Bronski Beat” as one of his favorite “rock” bands had me in tears.

    The Big 3 podcast is golden.

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